Interracial Matters – Jan’s Story – Part VIII

"Jan's interracial pregnancy reaches its climax and conclusion"

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Jan awoke late next morning. She found herself with her head resting on Ben’s chest; his arm was around her shoulders. She glanced up at him. He was awake and smiling at her. He shifted his body slightly and she felt his penis was pressing into her thigh. It was hard again.

“Morning,” he said.

She smiled. “Morning,” she replied before kissing his chest. “Sleep well?”

“Once the stiffness went down, yes,” he told her.

She giggled. Ben had fucked her six times last night. It was well into the early hours when he finally kissed her goodnight. She was sore and she ached but she had never felt so sexually fulfilled.

There was a knock on the door and Richard’s voice called out, “Can I get you guys some tea and coffee?”

He must have been listening outside the door.

“Please,” Jan said.

A few minutes later he returned with a tea tray. They were still lying in the same position but Ben’s hand was now cupping a breast. It caught Richard’s eye.

“Everything okay?” Richard asked.

Jan smiled. Ben gave her breast a gentle squeeze. It was the sort of question that men like Ben just loved a cuckold to ask when seeing them lying with his contented, naked, wife next morning. It was a question that really never needed answering. But Ben answered him all the same.

“Everything okay with you honey?” he said with a smile.

Jan smiled back as she slipped her hand down the bedclothes. “I think so,” she replied as she squeezed his erection.

Richard’s jaw dropped. He could see the shape of her hand between Ben’s thighs.

“That’s a yes from me as well Richard,” Ben said. “And you, Richard, how are you this morning?”

Richard opened his mouth to speak.

“Did you hear us making love last night?” Ben asked.

He nodded.

“I hope we didn’t keep you awake,” Ben told him. “I know that Jan can be quite noisy when she’s cumming.”

“N… no,” he replied.

Jan glanced down and saw the bulge forming in his pants. Richard saw her looking and turned away. “I… I’ll leave you guys to it then.”

As the door closed behind him Jan gave Ben a playful slap on the chest. “That was cruel,” she said with laughter.

Ben suddenly turned and rolled her over onto her back. Jan automatically opened her legs for him to settle down between.

“A fuck before coffee?” he asked.

It was too late to object anyway. His cock was already forcing its way in between her cunt lips. Jan wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Take me why don’t you?” she said.

Ben smiled. “I thought I was already,” he told her as pushed all the way inside her.

Jan groaned loudly as he began another round of lovemaking.

Afterwards they drank their tea and coffee and then showered. Ben was quickly hard again but he resisted the temptation to fuck her. “Let’s allow the little sperms to be replenished properly,” he told her as he rubbed her naked tummy.

Jan smiled and reached down and cupped his testicles. “I agree,” she replied. “By tonight they should be raring to go.”

Jan started to dress as Richard returned to collect the tea tray. Ben allowed him to enter. He looked at their state of undress nervously. Jan turned her back to him and, with her hands around her back clasping her bra fastenings, called to him and asked him to help. With fumbling fingers he managed to fasten it properly. She then leaned over and lifted out a suspender belt from her underwear drawer and handed it to him.

Ben was smiling. He had watched Richard dress her before and he always found it highly erotic. His cock reacted accordingly. As Richard fastened it behind her Jan reached forward and touched Ben’s manhood. She knew how excited he was finding all this. Once Richard had finished she pulled out a fresh pair of tan stockings and handed them to him before sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs parted.

Richard knelt in front of her. His hands fumbled with the stockings and he dropped one on the floor. Ben quickly knelt at his side, “Here, let me give you a hand Richard,” he told him.

Ben’s hands were firm and assured. He pushed the silk material over her foot and then proceeded to move up her leg. Richard followed suit but his hands were a little shaky. Jan looked down at the two men; her husband and her lover dressing her made her wetness return. When she stood up to allow them to fasten her stockings to the suspender straps she felt their hands touching her soft inner thighs; it was one those erotic moments that she knew she would keep forever.

Jan closed her underwear drawers and moved over to the wardrobe and took out a floral patterned dress. The two men stood and watched as she slipped it over her head and down her body. As it settled around her shoulders she turned to Richard again. He was already reaching out to her zipper.

“Y… you… you’re not wearing panties then?” Richard said.

Jan smiled. “You know that I rarely wear panties when Ben’s around,” she replied as she grabbed Ben’s arm. “He can be a rough in his eagerness to get them off and I don’t want them torn do I?”

Ben smiled as he ran a hand down her side to the hem of her dress. Richard looked aghast as his hand slipped under it and moved up her body, lifting up the hem in the process. Though his hand was well covered by the dress Richard could see it moving between her thighs. It was obvious that he was touching her and it was also obvious from the look on Jan’s face that she was enjoying the penetration of his fingers.

Richard realised that it was time to leave them alone and he turned away and picked up the tea-tray. Jan watched the door close behind him and turned to Ben.

His erection jutted out in front of him. Jan took it in her hand and gently squeezed it. It was rock hard. Clinging to his cock she began to step slowly backwards in the direction of the bed. Ben moved with her. Stepping forward in step with her as she slowly moved back.

It was only a few short steps but it seemed ages before she felt the edge of the bed against the back of her legs. She let go of Ben’s cock and gripped the hem of her dress before falling backwards on the bed. With her dress pulled right back and her legs splayed wide she looked up at Ben. His wide eyes glared at her pussy. His wild, almost menacing, look frightened her momentarily. Then he stepped forward, reached under her knees and scooped them up. Jan reached down and grabbed his erection. That wild, menacing look became a smile as the tip of his cock touched her opening.

“Fill your cunt!” she whispered.

The wild, menacing look quickly returned as he thrust forward. Jan, however, was no longer scared as he began to thrusts hard and fast into her. It was her cunt that was controlling the situation; it was her cunt that was gripping the flesh of his hard cock and it was her cunt that would be extracting his potent seed that would be producing a life inside her body.


It was eight weeks later that her doctor told her that she was about six weeks pregnant. It only confirmed what she already knew. She had already missed two periods and she had noticed cravings for foods that she normally didn’t care for. She had also noticed that her body just didn’t feel the same. She couldn’t put her finger on it but she just knew something was different. But it was mother who had actually told her first.

She had gone to her parents with Richard for Sunday lunch a couple of weeks earlier. Her mum and dad were in the kitchen talking and then her dad came out to join them. Her mum came out behind him and called her in to join her. Her mum stood there looking at her oddly.

“You’re dad maybe right you know,” she told her. “He thinks you’re pregnant,”


“He says there’s a glow about you. He recognized it as the same glow he saw about me when I was pregnant with you. He knew before I did,”

“Well…I had better get it checked out then,” Jan told her.

“I didn’t know…well, that you were trying for a baby,” she laughed

Jan laughed as well. “Well it’s not something you announce in advance is it!” Jan said with a smile.

As the weeks went by the swelling increased. Jan looked at herself daily in the wardrobe mirror, stroking her swelling as it grew in size. She was excited but she was also nervous. She knew that sooner or later she would have to tell people close to her that the baby wasn’t Richard’s. Her closest neighbours had long seen Ben’s visits and she had told her next door neighbour that Ben was a lodger. Her mum had also been round when he was there. She couldn’t understand why they needed a lodger but she accepted that he was a friend of Richard’s who was doing some contractual work in the area and needed somewhere to stay. The scenario was already in place and all that was left to do now was to tell those who needed to know that she had been having an affair. It was just a case of timing now.

That came at the six month stage of her pregnancy. One night she was standing naked in front of the bedroom mirror with Ben at her side. He was also naked and he was stoking her bulge.

“Just three months to go now,” she told him.

“I know,” he replied.

There was a tone in his voice that made her look up at him.

“You know,” she told him, “we have always talked about you getting me pregnant but we have never discussed the future; after the baby is born and beyond.”

He looked at her but avoided eye contact.

“Was it just your ambition to get a get a white woman pregnant?”

Ben nodded silently.

Jan looked away. “Make her pregnant and then withdraw from the relationship?” she said softly.

Ben nodded.

Jan held back the tears. “W… when will you be leaving?”

“I… I was going to leave last weekend but we never really had the time to sit down and talk.” He told her, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she told him. “It was always going to end one day.”

“It was never going to be a forever thing,” he told her, “you know, me, you, Richard and baby all living together.”

He was right, she knew that.

“If you don’t mind I’ll sleep with Richard tonight,” she told him.

Ben slept alone that night and got up very early, packed his belongings and left. Richard consoled her that night and over the course of the next few weeks. She told her mum and Richard’s mum about her affair and also told their close friends. Apart from Richard’s mum they all took it well; if not surprised, they understood that these things happen in modern relationships.

Their baby, Melissa, is almost a year old now. They still get odd looks now and again when meeting people for the first time and introducing her as their daughter. They can hear the wheels turning in people’s minds and smile about it afterwards. They are genuinely happy and deeply in love and plan to have a baby of their own sometime in the following year.

Ben still keeps in touch but they don’t meet up.

Jan still hankers after sex with a black male and she and Richard relive old times with excitement. She’s not sure when, but she knows that sometime soon she will go back, as they say, but this time there will be no chasing after the ultimate cuckolding experience; they have achieved it anyway.

Richard is looking forward to it happening again as well. He is a natural cuckold. Only the other night as he shaved her mound he was telling her how he missed doing this for another man to enjoy. Jan kissed him as she realised that he had needs too. She was neglecting her duties of being a good Cuckoldress; it was time to put matters right.

Published 10 years ago

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