Interlude In Connecticut – 7

"The Trials of Tony Harris - Part 7"

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She reached up, put her arms around me and pulled me in for a kiss. She really knew how to kiss and this one was taking my breath away. I pulled her to me and took her soft, naked, beautiful derrière in my hands. She leapt back.

“No. This is how it starts. If I let this carry on we’ll be back in that bed in less than five minutes. But thank you for remembering, it’s a good idea.”

She smiled at me as she pulled the skirt on then looked at me.

“Shit. Now I’m all wet again,” but she kissed me as she ran, laughing, to the bathroom having grabbed a handful of underwear from her bag. I shrugged and finished dressing, conscious of how aroused I felt.

We arrived at the restaurant and were shown to a table near a corner. It was quite a small room, it was busy and not too loud. Some generic Muzak played softly in the background and we liked it immediately.

A waitress came over, gave us menus and asked if we’d like a cocktail. We read through the cocktail menu and ordered a Gimlet for Jenn and an Espresso Martini for me.

“This is nice,” I said, “old, nosey cow, at reception didn’t steer us wrong.”

“Old, retired nun, did well,” she said.

“But old, dried up old spinster, comes here once a month.”

“I can’t think of another one.”

“Ah, that’s because of the impending arrival of a Gimlet. However, it says here that the Gimlet is made using vodka, when the entire Gimlet drinking world knows that it’s made with gin.”

“I don’t care,” she said, “I have my man beside me and we’re sharing our first meal together.”

Her eyes shone as she leaned her head slightly forward to look in my eyes. I took her chin in my hand and kissed her lips as they appeared to dance in the candlelight.

“You’re beautiful, Jenn.”

She took my hand and squeezed it.

“Tell me about that phone call today,” she said. “I know it’s none of my business, but there seemed to be a bit of intrigue there. Or am I reading too much into it?”

“Probably not. You got the gist of the idea behind the deal. Doug’s solicitor obviously didn’t like it, so he may have been arguing against it,” I said.

“Why? Surely it’s better to have something turn over an income, than leave it sitting there empty?”

“There could be any amount of answers, love. While solicitors are supposed to look after a clients interests, they also keep their eye on the half chance to screw you.”

“They have ethics, you know,” she said.

“Not all of them are completely ethical, but I felt I handled him adequately enough.”

“Tell me about the apartment.”

“There are four in the portfolio. One of them is currently going through some renovations, that’s the one Doug wants to give me.”

“Will you take it?”

“I’m not sure, yet. It’s a big place, nice layout and, when Sam and Brady stop bickering over colours, it might be quite nice.”

“Does Brady not have to use what Sam says? She’s the designer.”

“Ostensibly. But the colours are gank, Jenn.”


“Yes. Shit. I don’t know what she was thinking of.”

“What’s wrong with them?”

“They’re colours that only appeal to a narrow demographic. You know that shouldn’t be the case, Jenn. They need to have a broader appeal to make it easier to rent.”

“But if you’re getting the apartment, can you not choose your own colours?”

“I suppose I could, but I don’t have a lot of time to spare of late. I was actually thinking of bringing in an outsider.”

“I know a few interiors people. What’s their name?”

“She’s Jules’ partner. Her name is Imogen, I don’t know her surname.”

“I could take a look at it for you.”

“You’re more than welcome. You’ll get paid.”

“No. I’m not looking for that, Tony. I’d just like to help and be around to see you at work. We know very little about each other and it’s a chance for us both to expand that knowledge.”

“True, I’m looking forward to that, Jenn.”

“This weekend was a great idea too, although I.”

She stopped suddenly.

“Although what, love?”

“Oh, nothing, really.”

She smiled and breathed in the aromas of the kitchen as she held my hand in both of hers. The waitress was heading our way so we made our mind up quickly.

“What do you fancy?” I asked her.

“You,” she whispered in my ear.

“You already have me.”

“Us,” she whispered again.

I don’t know why, but I choked up. I tried to cover it up but it was accompanied by tears. I turned away, wiped my eyes and cleared my through.

“Sorry, love. I forgot I don’t care for cocktails. I thought an Espresso Martini was one of those fancy European things.”

She was watching me intently, as though gauging my words against my actions and demeanour. She brushed something from the front of my shirt with the flat of her hand.

“Talk to me, Tony. What just happened?”

The waitress appeared and we ordered food that we needed but probably didn’t want. She left us after five minutes.

“That woman is gonna think we’re very rude,” I said, “I’ll leave her a big tip. As in money.”

She slapped my arm.


“You’re a master of deflection,” she said.

“Yeah. Sorry. I don’t know why that is,” I said and kissed her. “However, I’ve noticed something about you, too.”


“Earlier, you were saying something about this weekend being a great idea for to get to know each other.”

“Yes. It is.”

“I’m with you on that, but you then said “although I” and stopped. Also today there was something similar while we made love. You stopped short there too. I don’t want you to have doubts about us.”

“I have no doubts,” she said, “I simply don’t want to put my foot in something.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, I don’t know what I mean,” she said. “This is all coming out wrong, Tony. I’ve never been in this position before and I fear I’m making a total mess of it.”

“Well if it were me, I’d just jump right in and make the mess. Sometimes we blow things up out of all proportion.”

“I promise I will finish my thought this evening, but this is not the time nor the place. But you’re going to have to tell me what just happened.”

“I promise. I will, but don’t hold it against me.”

“I won’t. Now kiss me, you beautiful man.”

Our food arrived and we really enjoyed it. We were ravenously hungry. I had a steak and Jenn had linguine with clam sauce while we shared a starter of stuffed mushrooms and a piece of ‘Nancy’s Mother’s Coconut Torte’, whoever Nancy is, with a sour cream coconut underlay. We discussed many things pertaining to our lives and she told me her dreams for her career. We finished our meal, left the waitress a decent tip and strolled to the car.

“I’m owed several of these,” she said as she reached up to kiss me.

She opened her lips to join with mine and she whispered into my mouth.

“Remember the ‘Although I’ thing earlier,”


“The end of that was. “Although I love you, Tony, with all my heart.”

Relief flooded through me. I kissed her.

“That’s a relief. I didn’t know what to make of it.”

“Well?” She said.

“Well what?”

“You have something to clarify too, I believe.”

“Ah yes. That. Remember you said you fancied us.”


“My throat constricted and I had to turn away to stem my tears because I love you too, Jennifer, with all my heart and soul. Is tú mo chroí agus anam.”

“Oh God, Tony. I’m almost afraid to ask what that means.”


“Tell me what it means, please.”

“It means, you are my heart and soul.”

“Oh my God. I love you so much.”

We kissed then, in that little car park, not feeling the cold, not seeing the vastness of the universe or the majestic array of stars and constellations twinkling and spinning in the black sky above us. As we stood entwined I noticed some of the other diners making for their cars. All of the females looked over and smiled at us.

“They all think we’re crazy,” Jenn said, happily.

“Maybe we are, but what does sane look like?”

“It’s all relative, but they’re smiling at us at least.”

She looked at me with shining eyes and kissed me.

“Let’s go get warm, love,” I said.

“Mmm. I like that.”

We were shattered as we crawled into bed, naked. The celebration of our love was just us together, in a moonlit room, cradled in each others arms, sharing thoughts and memories of a whirlwind week.

“Why did you cry after that phone call in the car today, Tony?” Jenn asked.

I laid my head on the pillow and looked straight into her eyes as they bore into mine. It was as though we could see into each other’s soul. I tried to marshal my thoughts before speaking.

“Lots of reasons, all hitting me at once, Jenn. I felt vindicated, in one way, as though I had been embraced in a new world. Appreciated by deed and not by meaningless words. I felt a tenable connection to people who respect me as an individual and a colleague. I felt I belonged somewhere that valued my abilities. But most of all, I treasured the love and peace that I felt in my heart every time I looked and saw you there beside me. The very fact that you were there at that moment meant more to me than anything I could ever expect or want.”

She kissed me then, deep, heartfelt and meaningful.

“Make love to me. I’m ready. Make it last ‘til morning.”

I lifted her on top of me and she guided me inside her. We kissed and made slow, soft, gentle love, wallowing in our zone of togetherness. No screams, no thrashing about, just gentle movements, hushed promises and whispered echoes of fulfilment and ecstasy.

I woke the next morning to the sun shining through our bedroom window. Speckled patterns of light cast pictures on the walls. Jenn was still asleep and I watched her as she breathed in and out, an aura of peacefulness surrounded her as she snuggled under the covers. I checked the time. 10:30. We’d slept well.

I got out of bed to use the bathroom, on my way back I picked up the hotel directory and checked the room service breakfast. I hadn’t a clue what to order. I read it twice and still hesitated.

“Bacon, poached eggs, pancakes, maple syrup and coffee,” Miss Sleepy Head said, her eyes still closed.

I ordered what she asked for with some coffee and toast for me

“Are you just getting toast?” she asked as she sat up in bed.

“Coffee too. I’ll get something at lunchtime. The breakfast over here doesn’t do it for me.”

“Come here and wake me up properly, Tony.”

I slipped under the covers and took her in my arms. She sighed contentedly.

“If I took this apartment, Jennifer, would you come live with me?”


“You heard me.”


“Can I ask you something?”

“Ask me anything.”

“The other day on the phone you appeared to be complaining about something that you couldn’t divulge because you were surrounded by people who think you’re a nymphomaniac.”

She slapped my arm and sat up.

“They don’t think I’m a nymphomaniac. I said they would think it if they overheard me.”

“Yes. Heard you saying what?”

“When you spoke in French and Irish there was, eh, how shall I put it in a ladylike fashion? Leakage, for the want of a better word.”

“I think that’s healthy.”

“You would, and it doesn’t end there, my beautiful man,” she leaped out of bed and opened her case, reached in and pulled out a pile of clothing.

“See this?”


“It’s all underwear. Panties. To change into about every ten minutes. In that restaurant last night I wore three different pairs of panties. That’s not normal, Tony.”

“I’m sorry, love”

“I’m not. It’s a small price to pay. I love you. I love every little thing about you and I know you’ll build me a warehouse, specially to keep my underwear in.”

“I wish you’d said panties again.”


“You’re getting me all wet.”

“We can’t have that, now, can we?”

She took charge and straddled me. She kissed me, reached down and brought me inside her.

“See what I mean?” she whispered in my ear, “I’ve been like that since yesterday morning. Oh my God. What are you doing? Yes. Don’t stop.”

“I love you, Jennifer. I’ve found your angle. Hold still and let me love you.”

I used an ultra slow, soft motion with the head of my penis. Directly on her G Spot. She was breathing rapidly. I whispered in her ear.

“I’ll hold it steady, you just move against it.”

She rolled her hips against me and quickly hit a large orgasm which caused her to straighten up for a short time. She laid her head on my chest and sighed. I kissed her and rolled her on her back. I was still inside her. She pulled me down and our lips met. We kissed deeply as I thrusted slowly and deliberately, before suddenly feeling an increased awareness that our climaxes were on their way. The knock on the door couldn’t stop us. Breakfast wasn’t important any longer, we rode through it and she screamed as we broke through the barrier of ecstasy. When we returned to earth we were still connected so I said,

“I must tell Brady to get a bit of soundproofing for the apartment.”

I thought it might get a laugh. It didn’t.

We lingered over a lukewarm breakfast. I had ordered two pots of coffee and she leaned her back against me as I sat leaned against the headboard. It was absolute bliss. The sun was shining on a cold day but we were warm and cosy.

My left hand played with her hair, unkempt and wild from the night. She touched my hand, almost to verify that it was real and not a dream.

“A penny for your thoughts,” I said.

“I honestly have no thoughts,” she said, “I’m wallowing in this moment. I feel safe and secure. I feel happy. I feel love. No thoughts. just being here with you.”

“Tell me something. A story about something in your life. Something that made you think or laugh or cry. Something that you think altered your course.”

“Oh, that’s so easy,” she said, as she shifted positions and snuggled into me, her arm across my body.

“I was in The Tigín Bar one night, and this Irishman told me stories of Ireland. He stole my heart, protected it and gave it back to me covered in an indestructible coating of love.”

“He sounds like a good man.”

“He is. He is my man now, and I’m his woman,” she said, and kissed me. “Now you tell me a story.”

I thought for a second.

“A wise and practical woman, once took a wayward boy under her wing. She left him to make his mistakes and his successes and was there to help him repair his errors and celebrate his wins.

Her advice was always available to him and he was never too proud to ask for it when life threw little dummies his way. Her word was always true, always wise and always insightful.

At a crucial juncture in his life, the boy faced a fork in the road. He asked her which path he should choose, but she demurred. The boy cried in a pain of despair, but the wise woman told him to focus on love and goodness to guide his path.

The boy thought it was impossible, until the woman told him that whichever path he chose, it would lead him to the one to whom his heart was assigned on the day he was conceived, the one who would protect his heart and who could protect his heart. The one who would heal his pain when he didn’t have pain.

A dark haired woman with eyes of cobalt. Filled with joy and effervescence and love that shone only for him. A woman of ethereal beauty and iridescence of skin. A woman of profound sensitivity and intelligence.

This woman would become his kindred spirit, his soul partner. She would become his princess, and he her prince. They would inhabit a golden palace of love and light, where shadows of doubt are banished by decree and she would have the name, Blessed Spirit.”

She knelt before me and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

“Did you just make that story up right now?”

“What story?”

“You’ve been talking for twenty minutes. Twenty minutes of the most beautiful words and images which are now imprinted on my mind. Look at me! I’m a total mess and you are a beautiful soul.”

“Yes, but it got us both wet, didn’t it?”

“Are you capable of keeping this, this, talking thing you do, going for a lifetime?”

“I’m looking forward to trying, and I think I deserve a kiss.”

“My lips are yours, Tony.”

“Which ones?

“All of them.”

“I’m going to kiss all of them.”

“Lucky me, but I hold the high ground.”

“You’ll have to disable my sword first.”

“How is this for disablement,” she said, as she took my lips prisoner while reaching for my stiffening penis before taking it in her mouth, as I found her other lips and together we brought each other to heaven again.

The day had gotten away from us. It was 5:15 and we decided that it might be wise to feed ourselves. I had planned a fancy dinner in New Haven but I wasn’t of a mind to drive so we ordered a delivery of Chinese food to eat in the room and take some air in the grounds of the hotel. Jennifer disappeared into the bathroom, she was fixated by the huge tub and was dying to use it. I heard her humming to herself and then the sound of water filling the bath.

My phone rang. It was James Cadden.

“Hello, Tony. I hope you’re having a lovely weekend.”

“Hello, Mr. Cadden, how are you?”

“Oh, pulling the devil by the tale, as usual.”

“Be careful you don’t get burned.”

“I’m made of asbestos, Tony.”

“What can I do for you, sir?”

“I’m just checking in with a potential update. We’re still on track to get you home, I thought you might be interested in that. Keep your spirits up, so to speak.”

“Thanks for that, sir. Can you be a bit more specific?”

“Not at this juncture. It’s a bit of a moving parts situation, if you know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t, actually.”

“I don’t want to say too much over the phone, Tony.”

“You never do.”

“I beg your pardon? What does that mean?”

“We speak occasionally, and I’m none the wiser when the call ends. You know I have the greatest of respect for you, but I can’t live my life in a median type of existence, where I feel like a zombie all the time.”

“Have you forgotten what you did?”

“Now that you’ve brought that up, sir, what the fuck did I actually do to deserve this?”

“You know exactly what you did, young man.”

“I’m nearly thirty years old, sir. I’m not young.”

“I … that’s not relevant, don’t come on here and deny all knowledge,” he was angry.

He never got angry. I decided to push him a little.

“You know something? I told the story, as it was told to me, to someone here. It was the first time I have ever verbalised it. The rest of the time it has been circling in my head and shrinking my view of the facts. The more I spoke, the more ridiculous it sounded. Now, it doesn’t make one whit of sense to me at all. So again, James, what the fuck did I actually do, that you felt the need to exile me to Elba?”

“Who did you tell? You’re to keep everything under wraps.”

“I felt the need to let some air in.”

“You know very well that you received several warnings of the ramifications of operating outside the framework from Ruth and Lillian, but you chose to ignore them.”

“How do you know about Ruth and Lillian?”

“I, I,” he stammered, and the penny dropped.

“Are you seriously intimating that you were behind all of this Ruth business?”

“Tony, no, I wasn’t.”

“I’m going to hang up now, James. We will talk on Thursday and I want a full and frank conversation. You owe me that at the very least. Do you agree?”

“Tony, this is bigger than you or I.”

“James, my mother is severely unwell at the moment and I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks. But if anything happens to her, I intend to come home and look after my sister. So you need to come clean before I put two and two together and come up with an answer other than four.”

“But, Tony,”

“I’ll call you on Thursday and I want the truth. I don’t want to hear any of your Emily Farrell nonsense, because I believe that to be a lie. I’m hanging up, James, goodbye.”

Jenn came out of the bathroom to get a bag of magic salts, lotions and unctions. She had an impishness about her as she hurried across the room.

“I’m taking a bath and this is my bath stuff.”

She made me smile.

“Do you want company? I’m lonely.”

“You don’t like shared bathing.”

“I like shared bathing, I don’t like having sex while bathing.”

“Why not?”

“I’ll tell you in the bath.”

“It’ll be ready in five minutes.”

I watched her as she climbed into the bath. She looked so happy. Like a little girl around Christmas time, she splashed about agitating the water to get the bubbles to grow bigger. There was froth splashed in her hair and her face. Her breasts were hidden form view. When she was happy she put her arms out to me and wiggled her fingers in encouragement.

“Where do you want me?”


“That’ll take years, but I’m up for it.”

She kissed me, I picked some bubble fluff from her hair.

“You take this end,” she indicated the left end of the bath.

I obeyed.

“And I’ll lean against you.”

And she did. When she was comfortable she said,

“You can wash me now,” and handed me some soap.

“What is the filthiest part of your body.”

“I’m completely filthy.”

“Nobody is completely filthy. I’ll need to check everywhere.”

“I have no secrets.”

“We all have secrets.”

“Tell me yours.”

“Then they wouldn’t be secrets, would they?”

“They’d be our secrets.”

I began to soap up my hands and spread it along her shoulders.

“You tell me one of yours and I’ll tell you one of mine.”

My hands soaped her breasts, it was delicious.

She let out a soft moan.

“I love how your breasts feel in my hands.”


“Your breasts like it too, I think.”

I tweaked her nipples. She shook ever so slightly. Her hand had reached behind her and she held my penis.

“Your nipples are spectacular, they love attention, affection.”


“We are not going to have sex in this bath.”

“I don’t care, because I’m close to coming.”

She took my hand and led me to her vagina. I placed my index finger near her clitoris and slowly made an approach. When it made contact she immediately screamed and water splashed out of the bath, nearly flooding the room. Her eyes closed and she lay still against me. I felt her hand beginning to move along my penis.

“Don’t, please”

She sat up and then kneeled in the bath before me.

“Are you mad at me?”

“I can’t be mad at you, Jenn. You’re my star. I love you.”

“Why did you tell me to stop?”

“I didn’t.”

“Yes, you said, ‘don’t’.”

“That’s not stop.”

“I’m confused.”

I got out of the bath and took her hand, leading to the bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed and she straddled my hips.

“I don’t like sex in a shower or bath for one simple reason.”

“What’s that?”

“The water washes away the fluid we excrete. The scent changes from a beautiful love generated musk, to a fake, lab-grown, chemical scent that I can’t taste anymore. The water also washes away the natural lubricants in those fluids. I love how we just fit together, I love your taste and your aroma. Your aroma tells me you love me, your taste keeps me nurtured.”

She looked at me with wide eyes. She shed some silent tears. She kissed me then.

“Why are you crying?”

“I’m just so happy and I love you so much.”

“Speaking of natural taste and lubricants ……”

We made love for a solid thirty minutes before returning to the bathroom. She took a bath and I took a shower. I then dried her off with a soft white towel and she dried me.

We ate in the room and experienced the moonlit darkness. I put some music in the hotel CD player and she fell asleep sitting between my legs. I just had a myriad of thoughts swirling around my head after speaking to Cadden. I needed something from somebody and I knew exactly who I should talk to. I set the alarm for 5:00 and attempted to get some sleep. I got none.

At 4:50 I was still awake. Jenn was sound asleep beside me. I switched off the alarm so as not to disturb her and called, Peter Smith, from the reception area at 6:00, having drank a pint of coffee to get my brain in gear.

“This is Peter.”

“I know who it is.”



“How the fuck are you? Where the fuck are you?”

“That doesn’t matter now. I need answers to a few questions.”


“I’m in a bit of bother and my head is working overtime. How do you get away with doing nothing all day and not get fired?”

“I’m good.”

“You’re not. Come on, tell me.”

“I can’t.”

“Ok. If what I tell you is correct, just hang up.”


“I think you were chosen by Cadden to work with Ruth James and Lillian. Am I correct?”

He hung up. I was getting somewhere. I skipped along the corridor to the room. Jenn was sitting up with her arms folded.

“Hey, love. You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

“Where were you?”

“I had to make a call to Ireland, I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Is everything ok? Who were you calling?”

I climbed in beside her and cuddled up with her.

“Everything is good. I called a chap named, Peter Smith, we call him Smithser. We used work together in Dublin.”

“It’s very early.”

“We’re five hours behind. I wanted to catch him before he went to the pub.”

“On a Sunday morning?”

“Yes, what’s wrong with that?”

“Did you go drinking every Sunday morning?”

“Pretty much.”

“I’m shocked.”


“I don’t know.”

I burst out laughing.

“You sound like my mother.”

“Tell me about him.”

“Peter’s great. Best friend I ever had. He’s thirty three and still living with his mother, Ellen. He’s a fantastic architect, more degrees than a thermometer and more letters after his name than there is in the alphabet, but he’s stuck in this rut of laziness and I’m trying to find out why.”

“But why now? Why this minute?”

“I got a call from Cadden last night and I pissed him off.”

“When last night?”

“You were in the bathroom.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“There was nothing to tell. He was shining me on and I called him on it. I couldn’t sleep and something clicked in my head this morning so I reacted immediately.”

“What’s the purpose of this?”

“I have selfish reasons, Jenn, but I’m worried about Peter. I’d love to get his motor running again because he’s just wasting his life away.”


“Wine, women and song. Without the song, because he hasn’t got a note in his head.”

She laughed.

“Tell me about him.”

“We don’t come off very well in it, love.”

“I don’t care.”

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

“More that life itself.”

“Kiss me.”

I kissed her.

“I love you, now tell me.”

“Ok, Peter and I basically hung out together quite a lot. I spent, probably, three nights a week at his house. I had a better relationship with his mother than with my own.”

“What would you do?”

“Peter is a bit of a ladies man. Everyone knows him. He’s a great laugh and a social animal, has all these strategies for shifting women that haven’t changed in fifteen years. I could tell you the exact words he was about to say, before he even said them.”

“Shifting women?”

“Eh, yes. It’s a Dublin term for clicking with women on a night out.”

“So he has as many lines as you?”

“Probably more, but I’ve never used one of his because I used to be lactose intolerant”


“They were too cheesy.”

She screamed with laughter and took a fit of coughing before saying, “enough, already.”

It took until lunchtime, but she got the whole sordid story out of me eventually.

“Will I ever get to meet this guy?”

“I intend to bring you to Ireland to meet everyone in my life, Jenn.”

“Oh, Tony. What if they don’t like me?”

“They don’t like me very much, so who cares what they think?”

We had a booking at Zinc Restaurant in New Haven so we took off at 6:00 to get there in time. It was a nice place, trendy, modern, confused. It came recommended by Jules and we were starving so we just ordered what we fancied form the page and shared the lot. It was fantastic. We got three starters, a salad, a small plate dish, a main and two desserts and asked for the whole lot together. Jenn watched me intently as I negotiated with the waiter.

We ordered starters of Hummus, Beer Battered Mushrooms and Japanese Popcorn Chicken, a Spicy Pomello Salad, PEI Mussels from Canada, Singapore Noodles, Passion Fruit and Berry Mousse Cake and White Peach and Honey Flan. The waiter had to speak with the manager, he consulted the kitchen and the chef came out, looked over at us and gave us the thumbs up.

“Obviously a man of culture,” I said, as I took her hand and held it to my lips.

“The chef?”

“No. Me, of course.”

I excused myself to visit the bathroom, when I came back, Jenn was giggling into my phone,

“Here’s Tony now. Lovely speaking to you,” she said, and handed me the phone.

I looked at the Caller ID. Private.

“Tony Harris. How may I direct your call?”

“Hey, arsehole. Who’s the babe?”

“Smithser. What the fuck?”

“Thought I’d give you a bell. Who’s the babe?”

“That’s, Jennifer.”

“She sounds cool.”

“She’s very cool and smoking hot.”

“You sound happy, man.”

“I’m getting there. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“My Mam told me I should bell you. We need to talk about earlier today.”

“Should we be talking about this using your phone.”

“I’m not a complete bell end you know.”

“You can be.”

“Look who’s calling the pot black.”

“Let’s not bring race into this.”

“No, my Mam gave me her phone to use. She’s capable of saying anything, so nobody minds her.”

“Put her on.”

“Hello? Tony? It’s Ellen here.”

“Hey Ellen. I’m choking up. I miss you.”

“Ah, go on with yourself. You have a steady girlfriend?”

“Hang on, I’ll ask her, you nosey cow.”

“Jenn, Ellen wants to know if you’re my steady girlfriend? Should I tell her how unsteady you get after, say, the fourth orgasm?”

She went bright red.

“Tony Harris, you put that girl on the phone right now.”

I handed it off. Jenn spoke to Ellen for some time. She smiled throughout until the end when tears ran down her face. She handed the phone back to me

“Thanks, Ellen, killing the mood as usual. What did you say to her?”

“Something she needed to hear. She sounds like a lovely girl, Tony. Don’t let her get away. Here’s Peter back. Look after yourself, love.”

“Hey, Arsehole. I’m gonna hang up. Poor Ellen forgets to change her diapers …. sorry, charge her battery. I’ll give you a bell around this time tomorrow. Open a Gmail and text the address to this number. I’ll send you some stuff. I’d like to bury this bastard.”

“Thanks, Peter. I’ve a proposition to put to you during the week. Treat it with an open mind.”

“Ok. Now, fuck off. Enjoy the night. Jenn’s a good kid.”

“I know.”

Jenn was still wiping the tears away when I hung up.

“Why the tears, love?”

“That lady adores you. I can’t tell you why I’m crying, she swore me to secrecy.”

“Ah no,” I said, “is she on the way out?”

“Yes, she told me you might take it hard. She’s only a few weeks left. Peter knows, but nobody else.”

“Except you and now, me. Shit, poor Ellen.”

Tears stung my eyes but I bit them back and wiped them away with the back of my hand. The food was delivered just then, by four waiters. I don’t know why we found it funny, but we just doubled over laughing.

On the drive back to the hotel, my sadness over Ellen turned to grief, which was compounded by concern about Peter. The sum total of these emotions manifested itself into a fuming anger at my absence from their sides caused by Cadden.

We held each other in bed and I spoke for an hour without reply, remembrances of happier times and the huge hole that Ellen’s loss would leave in our lives. We made beautiful love that was of the angels and slept deeply as my subconscious churned out images and words of what I needed to do.

We left early next morning and I dropped Jenn at her apartment at 7:00, in plenty of time for her interview. I kissed her before she got out and she touched my face with a look of concern on her face,

“Good luck today, love. You’re gonna smoke them. Call me when you’re done please.”

“I will. I know you’ve a lot on your mind today but remember at all times, I love you.”

“It’s engraved on my heart. I love you.”

“Oh Jesus. It’s only 7:00 and you’re making me wet already.”

“Don’t forget it was me,” I said, as I kissed her.

I arrived at the office, following a detour to Brady and Angie’s, at 8:00. Sam and Jeff were preparing for our departure to Hartford. Jules was reading something on her computer. I sneaked up on her,

“How did your sojourn go, Jules?” I whispered in her ear.

“Tony! You absolutely horrible man. You scared me shitless.”

“Yes, I know. Answer the question.”

“It was fabulous. Dreamy.”

“I’m thrilled. I have to go to Hartford now, I’ll be on my cell if you need me.”

“Will do. By the way, keep an eye on Samantha and Jeff, she’s being a bit of a bitch with him.”

“I’m not surprised. While I have you …”

“You already had me,” she said to her screen.

“We had each other, my darling but, taking your mind out of the bedroom for a second, I need to set up a Gmail account to securely get some documents from Ireland.”

“Oh don’t use Gmail then, use WhatsApp. It’s encrypted. I’ll do it for you when you get back. Whoever is sending you anything private or secure should download WhatsApp, get them to do that first.”

“Great. I’ll text him.”

I went to my room to collect some papers for the meeting and texted Smithser.

“I’ll have WhatsApp later. Download it to your phone and I’ll hook up with you then.”

“Some of us have had that forever, dickhead,” was the reply I got.

“Excuse me. I forgot you were related to Stephen Hawking.”

“I’ll be out of this wheelchair one of these days, and when I do.”

“Ok. Fuck off now. I’ll text you later. On WhatsApp. Sniff.”

I picked up my office phone and buzzed Jules.


“Did you ask Imogen about doing some work for us?”

“Yes. She’s interested.”

“I’ll leave the design file for Doug’s apartment on my desk. When we leave will you come in and take it to Imogen and ask her to come up with something quick?”

“When do you need it?”

“Let’s see. It’s 8:40 now.”


“Love ya, Jules.”

I drove us to Hartford. Sam sat in the front and Jeff settled in to the back seat. Sam chattered on about what she and her fiancée did on the weekend. I remained quiet. I looked in the mirror and caught Jeff’s eye.

“Jeff, any thoughts on what we talked about on Friday?”

“Yes, I spoke with my parents.”


“My mother thought it might be a good idea to try it for a year, my dad not so much.”

“Pity. It was worth a try.”

“Would you talk to him, Tony?”

“I can. Why, are you interested?”

“Yes. I like how you operate.”

“Why don’t we do this, Jeff? We leave you as an intern in name only, but you’ll be performing the role of an AT, to see how you like it.”

“Yes, thanks, Tony.”

I could sense Sam’s approbation, I ignored it.

“Is Brady starting the decoration this week, Tony?” Sam asked.

“Yes, he started on Saturday.”

“I should go over and make sure they’re sticking to the plan.”

“No need, Sam. We need you working on the Waterbury file. It has to be done by Friday.”

“What if they don’t follow the plan?”

“I’ll keep an eye on it with Jeff.”

We drove into the site and met Brady. I pulled him aside and told him to say nothing about Doug’s job to Sam. Brady and Jeff walked the job with me with Sam trying hard to keep up. I had the Program in my file and had a quick glance at it. Jeff came and stood beside me and I gave him a quick overview on the details. He got it in a flash.

“So, Jeff, you’ve walked around the site with us. You’ve got the Program in your hand. I’ll give you thirty seconds to read the Program and tell me where we are on progress.”

He looked at me and then ran his finger along the page. He took a few peeks at the site and checked something on the page.

“We’re two weeks ahead,” he said.

“Thirteen days,” I said, “two and a half work weeks.”

“This is cool, Tony.”

“Ok, so now, let me ask you. How can we make that twenty two days by this time next week?”

“We program other trades into the schedule earlier.”

“Good. So, can you itemise that on paper before the meeting starts? You only have twenty minutes.”

“I’m on it. Which trades would you look at, Tony?”

“Roofing, house wrap and windows to start tomorrow. Electrical and plumbing next Monday, insulation on Wednesday and drywall Friday.”

“Jesus, that’s some pace, Tony.”

“I know. Leave the talking to me at the meeting. Once Brady shows signs of agreement, we stick it in the minutes and it becomes record. We’ll give him a nuanced program to cover it.”

“Ok. I’ll get this done first.”

I climbed up on the roof to check the workmanship and the materials. Brady looked up at me.

“What are you doing up there?”

“Enjoying the view.”

Susan and her husband walked into the house hand in hand and watched the interaction.

“Do you actually know anything about roofing, Tony?”

“Brady, I forgot more about roofing than you’ll ever fucking know.”

Susan’s husband roared with laughter. I looked down through the rafters and waved to them.

“Sorry about that, folks. I didn’t see you there. I’ll be with you in a minute, Sam will look after you until I get down.”

I swung down through the open joists and dropped to the floor about ten feet from them. I walked over and kissed Susan on the cheek and shook her husband, Brad’s, hand. Susan made all the introductions.

“So, Tony, are you happy with progress?”

“I never answer leading questions like that, Brad, especially when the contractor is present.”

He laughed again. Jeff caught my eye and gave me the thumbs up. I got Sam to call the meeting. Brad went to show Brady something and Susan came to stand beside me.

“Hey, beautiful, how are things?”

“They’re great, handsome.”

“It’s good to see happiness in your eyes. They’re shining.”

“I’ll never forget what you did for us, Tony. If you ever need anything, let me know.”

“Thanks, Susan. I appreciate that.”

“Maybe I can set you up with a few of my friends. Some of them are quite foxy.”

“Foxy? I’d be afraid they might badger me.”

“What’s different about you?”

“Well, I haven’t told anyone this yet. I met someone and I’m going to marry her. She doesn’t know yet, so keep it quiet.”

“Tony. I’m so happy for you. When are you going to propose?”

“As soon as I have a few things in place.”

She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. When I escaped, I saw Brady, Sam, Jeff and Brad looking on.

We got the meeting underway on time. I put the recorder on the table and switched it on.

“Ok. This won’t take long. We’re happy with the progress so far in, but there’s a lot of lost opportunity to copper fasten things.”

Brady looked at me, bemused. Jeff slid his updated list over to me.

“Thanks, Jeff. We feel that the program can be squeezed a bit from now on. The walls and roof are at the stage when it can accommodate a rescheduling of a few trades and services. We’ll issue a more detailed schedule to accommodate daily activity over the next two weeks. In the meantime, Brady, we can get the roof covered, the house wrap started and the windows on site and installed starting today. Once the house is covered, the electrical and plumbing first fix can be done.”

“They won’t work together,” Brady said.

“Who won’t?

“The electricians and the plumbers.”


“It’s just a thing.”

“Send me their numbers. They don’t run this job, they’re employed by this job and they’ll do what they’re told to do, when they’re told to do it. You need to grow a pair of balls, Brady.”

“I’ll tell them.”

“Good. Apart from that, do you have any issues with the rest of it?”

“No, it looks good the way you laid it out. I need that detail though.”

“Will we have that today, Jeff?”

“I’ll have a roughed out one before we leave, Tony.”

“Excellent. Any other business?”

Susan and Brad had a few questions but appeared happy with the answers so I closed the meeting. She offered us coffee and sandwiches but I begged off as I needed to get back to the office.

I called Doug on the way to remind him about lunch. It took a little less than an hour to reach the office. I threw my phone to Jules and ran to meet Doug at the deli. I think everyone was looking at me as though I had gone crazy, but I was on a mission. Doug had a seat at the window where we could talk privately. He handed me a soup and a Lumberjack sandwich.

“Thanks, Doug.”

“I notice you’re in a hurry today.’

“Yes, there’s the potential for a lot of shit to slide down the mountain if I don’t play my cards right. However, if I can get it right we might be able to solve quite a few issues in the practice.”

“I’m hooked and intrigued. Lead on.”

“We have a couple of things to clarify in order to get this started, it all hinges on this.”


“Have you thought any further about our conversation on Friday?”

“Yes, I’ve thought of nothing else. Tony. Here’s what I came up with. I’m thinking about semi retirement. I’ll still come in a few days a week, and my phone will always be on in emergencies.”

“Ok,” I said, thrown a bit by this.

“I’d like you to come in as Number One with a 49% holding in the company and full decision making powers of the day-to-day running and expansion of the company. You start on a salary of $140,000 PA with two-yearly dividends of a minimum 5% of nett profits to start with. You’ll also take a 20% share of nett profits made from any work that is brought in once I step down. You also take the apartment on a year’s free approval with an option to purchase it at the price I paid for it. Anything that needs to be done to it is your responsibility.”

“What if I want to bring in another architect or anyone I think we need?”

“What part of being Number One do you not understand?”

“Touche, Doug.” I looked straight at him. “I’m excited.”


“That all sounds fantastic, Doug. You do realise I’ll be making a few changes with staff?”

“Not my business, Tony.”

“Ok. Carte blanche?”


“Ok, you’ve sold me a dummy there, Doug. I wasn’t expecting that.”

He smiled.

“I’ve never seen you stuck for words, Tony.”

“I just need to redraw the picture in my head.”

“Take your time. Do you need a few days?”

“I haven’t got that luxury.”

I shook it all around for a few minutes and said,

“It’ll have to be 50% with a 200K salary. Dividends will be shared equally and annually. I’d need 50% of nett profits from all work, not just what we bring in. I’ll also need a definite date that you plan to step away entirely, at which stage I assume 100% ownership of the business. We’ll negotiate a generous honorarium for you in perpetuity that will transfer to your wife if you predecease her and you get a new car every three years.”

“That didn’t take long,” he laughed.

“I’m not finished. I’d rather pay you a proper rental on the apartment, the market rate. I’d be planning on purchasing a house somewhere out of the city in the future, but I would appreciate the break on the purchase price in twelve months if I choose to buy it.”

“Market rate is $800 per month. I’d be giving the government half of it in tax and there are service fees etc. If we agreed $500 per month and you look after every other expense, would you be happy?”

“I’d be happier at $400 straight cash.”

“Ok. Done. The 50% share is good, my salary is 160K so you can match that. Dividends and share of nett profits can only be 30% to both of us, we share it all or we share none. I plan on giving this two years and I’ll be out. You’ll need to buy me out. The current value of the business is $100k, we’ll reevaluate it at the time. I can’t take an honorarium for personal taxation reasons but a new car every two years would be nice.”

“Done. The business is only worth $38k. I’ll buy in now for $19k.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m an AT. It’s my job to know.”

“Make it an even $20k.”

“I’ll need a 52% share.”


I looked down in thought as I shook my head. I stuck out my hand.

“Thanks, Doug. I really appreciate this. Draw up the papers and I’ll sign them tomorrow.”

We shook hands.

“I believe the new Nissan Micra that’s coming out in two years is the best car in its class.”

He looked at me.

“What class is that?”

“The $5K to $10K price range class. I wouldn’t drive one myself, but I’d hate to see you hurt yourself at your advanced age.”

We chatted away for a while as we finished our lunch and we walked back to the office together.

“Can I ask you a question?” he said.

“You just did.”

“No. Seriously.”

“Yes, go on.”

“What staff changes?”

“The less you know, Doug.”

We entered the office to some quizzical looks from everyone there. Doug smiled at everyone and he looked at me.

“Have we nothing else to do except stand around gawping? Have none of you ever seen a Doug before?”

He gave me a friendly shove and walked away. Jules was beside me.

“I got your WhatsApp done. I’ll show you the basics if you like. You have to share your number with whoever you’re messaging. Want me to add a number or several?”

“Are you being helpful or nosey?”

“Both. By the way, someone called, Jennifer, called. I told her you were in the shower and you’ll call her back.”


“So. Who is Jennifer?”

“Her friends call her Jenn, but you just carry on calling her Jennifer.”

“Imogen is on her way over.”

“Great, can you come into my room for a second?”

She followed me and closed the door behind us. She had a look of concern on her face until I told her the news. She as overjoyed. I then told her everything about the Cadden and Smithser calls on the weekend. I filled her in on my planned agenda and added her to my team because she has a devious mind.

“I’ll WhatsApp Peter on your phone and add him on mine. We can form a WhatsApp group and bury this, James, guy.”

“Yes, but don’t go off half cocked. We need to tread carefully until Thursday. I’ll drop the bomb on him then.”

She scurried back to her desk. I called Jenn.

“Hi, handsome.”

“Good afternoon, macushla. I missed your call.”

“I was checking in to see if you were really in that woman’s shower.”

“It’s a kindergarten here today.”

“I just wanted to tell you I love you and I miss you.”

“Can you meet us at the apartment in an hour?”

“Yes. Please.”

“Excellent. I’ll text you the address.”

“You’ll have to tell me what ‘macushla’ is.”


“Ooh. A mystery.”

I went to Jules’ desk.


“This, Peter, guy is worse than you.”

“I’ll tell him you said I was better than him.”

“It depends what we’re talking about.”

“You’re such a tease.”

“He’s sent a lot of stuff. I’ll read it later, I added myself to the group so I’ll see everything.”

“You already saw everything.”

“And very impressed, I was too. I’ll be better prepared next time.”

“Will you ask Imogen to meet Jennifer and me at the apartment in an hour?”

“Can I come too?”

“I think you’ve proved that already.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Great. Now give me my phone back.”

“Yes. Boss. This is a great day.”

I went back to my room and flicked through the WhatsApp messages from Smithser. Nothing more than I expected, except for two emails concerning me. I texted him immediately.

“Two emails on 24/11 from Susie Orr.”

“Ah Susie. An absolute ball of sex, God love her. Was she any good?”

“Can I speak to Peter and not his tool please?”

“I took a big risk getting those. There’s a couple from her husband, Denis, also. Interesting. Says you cuckolded him.”

“Is that a wrestling move?”

“Fuck knows.”

“Anyway, I read through them, I think you have him by the mebules with those.”

“This WhatsApp is great.”

“Who’s the babe at reception? I think she wants me, must have heard about my weaponry. I might send her a picture of them.”

“You’ll need a stronger magnification lens.”

“Fuck off.”

“Love you too.”

I drove to the apartment. Jules was outside with a tall, thin, red haired woman. They were kissing.

“C’mon you two, get a room. We’re still in work, for God’s sake.” I said, with as little humour as I could manage.

They disconnected with mortification etched on their faces. Jules introduced me to Imogen, who couldn’t meet my gaze. At that very moment Jenn comes along looking like a catwalk model. She sidled up to me and burrowed herself into my arms. I took her in happily,

“Hey, Angel. I’ve missed you today.”

I leaned in and took her lips with mine and we drew each other away from the street, off on a breeze to our own world. It was romantic, loving and sweet. It was soft and gentle. Hypnotic.

“What the fuck?” Jules screamed. “WE should get a room? You two need a hazard warning!”

We all fell around the place with laughter.

“Everyone, this is Jennifer, coimeádaí mo chroí.”

“Stop doing that, Tony.”


“Saying Irish stuff.”

“It’s true, though.”

“What is?”

“Coimeádaí mo chroí.”

“What does it mean?”

I placed my forehead against hers and placed her hands on my heart.

“Keeper of my heart.”

“Oh. I love you.”

We kissed again but Jules pulled us apart.

“We’re still in work, for God’s sake. It’s really lovely to meet you, Jennifer. I’m Jules and this is my partner, Imogen.”

I let them in, showed them around and told them what I’d like. I then stepped outside to make a call. I finished the call and Jules was standing behind me.

“Jennifer’s so great. You do realise that she is head over heels in love with you?”

“That’s about half of what I feel for her, Jules.”

“Don’t fuck this up, Tony.”

“We’re moving in here, that’s why I told her to come down. Leave her and Imogen alone and let them find common ground. I want her to have some ownership in the process.”

The two girls came out. I put my arms around Imogen.

“I’m sorry about earlier, it was a a joke because I knew Jenn was coming. It’s really lovely to meet you, Imogen. You make Jules happy.”

“I love her, Tony, and thank you for your help.”

I squeezed her hand.

“So, you two exchange numbers, I’ll be back when it’s finished. Just tell Brady what you need done. We have to go somewhere now, thanks for coming and you can email the design schedule tomorrow morning.”

I was about to get into the car when my phone rang. Cadden.

“Fuck.” I said, Jenn paused and stood beside me.


“Good evening, Tony. Peter Smith tells me that he sent you some papers.”


“Alright. Where’s your mind at regarding it?”

“Where’s Peter now?”

“He’s on leave. His mother is very ill.”

“Ok. To be honest, James, I had a long and involved speech ready to give you but, with Ellen being so close to her time, it puts things in perspective.”

“You were always a good boy, Tony.”

Jenn took my hand and squeezed it as my tears began.

“Be that as it may, you fucked me, James, and you did it cold heartedly and without remorse. I’ve decided that I won’t be back in your employment but you’re gonna have to come up with a remuneration package along with compensation of some kind for twelve years of fuckery. Otherwise I’ll mail those documents to every fucker in Ireland.”

“Do you have a number in mind?”

“Yes. €350k.”

“That’s too high, Tony. Essentially, you’re only a grunt.”

“Essentially, James, I’m the one who is gonna fuck you and I just have to push a button to do it. Let’s see how you explain all that to the Orrs.”

“You’re talking rubbish, I ….”

“I have the emails, James. I’ll send them out. Do you want to try again? I’m open to a fair counter.”





“Ok, €300k it is.”

“In my account in 24 hours. I’m putting a timer on the email.”

“I’ll never be able to …..”

“Enough lies, James. You made over three million Euro out of your little scam and laid the blame on me. 10% of that is a small price to pay. I’d imagine it would be substantially higher if I took it into court.”

“Ok, 24 hours.”

I hung up. Jenn was nervously watching my face. I smiled and put my arm around her.

“I won. Let’s go for a walk, I have loads to tell you.”

I texted Peter as we walked,

“It’s over. We won, Cadden capitulated. Fancy working in America?”

“Mam’s not gonna last long. Wouldn’t mind thinking about it. I’m bored here.”

My phone rang.


“I hate fucking texting, unless it’s someone looking for an assignation. Tell me about this job.”

I laid it out for him. He was excited. We discussed a way for him to get out of working for Cadden and leave with a package like mine.

“You’re a box of foxes today, Tony.”

“You look after Ellen, dickhead. I’m just a phone call away no matter the hour.”

“Thanks, pal. I’ll be in touch.”

“Sorry about that, love.”

She kissed me.

“Let’s go home,” she said.

“Before we do. When we’re married, we’re gonna need a proper house to live in.”

“True. What? Married? Are you asking?”


She threw her arms around me.

“Yes, I will marry you, but I want a proper proposal first.”

“What? No ring.”

“We’ll get a ring, I just want you.”

“We can shop for it together.”

“Ooh, when?”

“Right now?” I pointed at the window of the jewellery store we were standing in front of.

“I don’t need a fancy proposal, love. This,” she wagged her finger above her head. “This is the most ingenious proposal I’ve ever heard of.”

“When you’re good, you’re good,” I said as we went inside.


Published 5 months ago

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