Initiation Into Submission – Part 2

"A much-anticipated first meeting after months of online play"

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“A little.” Callie giggled into the phone. She felt high on a cocktail of emotions — nervousness, anticipation, excitement, and a giddy feeling that she was reluctant to try and name.

Don’t expect too much, she reminded herself. People can be very different in person.

“Understandable. But nothing will happen that you aren’t comfortable with, Callie. If all we do is get coffee and chat, that’s fine.”

The fine hairs on her arms stood on end at the deep timbre of Ben’s voice. It had been a month since they’d decided to meet. Due to various commitments they hadn’t been able to settle on a date until last week, and they’d chosen this coming weekend. Tonight they’d finalized plans, and tomorrow Callie would be on her way, doing something she’d never imagined herself doing, but couldn’t now imagine not doing. The distance between them was about three hours, so they’d elected to meet midway.

Their relationship had intensified over the last several weeks. They Skyped and spoke on the phone often. Callie felt herself falling deeper and deeper for Ben, though she kept it to herself. She couldn’t assume he felt the same. Perhaps all he was interested in was meeting now and then as Dom and sub. She wasn’t even certain he was looking for exclusivity. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

“I know. I appreciate that, Sir.”

“Mmm, Callie. You know you don’t need to call me that unless we are playing. But it does get my cock hard to hear it, especially like this.”

She giggled. “I’m glad, Sir.”

“Mmhmm… I could take it as teasing, and punish you for your impudence, slut.”

Callie’s belly coiled with desire mixed with a tinge of apprehension. “Y-yes, Sir.”

“Not now, though. You think about that tonight, and we’ll talk tomorrow. Enjoy your evening, Callie.”

“Thank you, Sir. You as well.”

She absently rubbed the goosebumps that covered her arms as she got into bed and shut the bedside light. Sleep would not come easy tonight.

If Ben could induce such reactions with mere words across a phone line, her heart raced at the thought of what might happen this weekend.

Callie was up much earlier than she needed to be the next morning. She knew it was no use trying to go back to sleep — her entire body was on alert, prickling with anticipation. She wondered if Ben was as worked up as she was, or if he still slumbered peacefully in his bed. Maybe he’d done this before, maybe it was no big deal to him.

Callie shook her head. She was letting her anxiety get the best of her. Ben had given her no reason to distrust him. She busied herself double-checking her bag, making sure she had everything she might need. Unless things took an unforeseen turn, Callie had every expectation that she would be spending the weekend with Ben as his sub. He loved seeing her in lingerie and heels, and she’d bought some new things with this weekend in mind. She yearned to please him, to see in person the look of satisfaction on his face as she carried out his commands.

At last it was time to leave. She’d double and triple checked everything. She was freshly waxed, save for a small triangle of hair, as Ben had requested. She’d painted her fingernails and toenails a deep crimson, and kept her makeup light and natural.

She loaded her bag into the car and took a deep breath. She’d left all her travel info with Jill, just to be safe. Without her encouragement — well, pushiness — Callie never would have met Ben. Still, she hadn’t told her friend quite everything, just that she was meeting a man she’d been chatting with online. The nature of the relationship seemed too personal to share, at least until she knew whether it not it was going to work out.

Please, let it work out, Callie thought as she backed out of her driveway, at the start of a journey in more ways than one.

Throughout the drive Callie had relaxed, listening to music and thinking back over her many conversations and Skype sessions with Ben. When they were chatting casually, their roles as Master and sub set aside, he was charming and quick-witted with a sharp sense of humor. He’d once told her that he loved that she could keep up with him, and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind.

He didn’t find many women who held his interest, even fewer that he could imagine taking as subs. She felt intense pride in knowing that he held her in such high esteem; it made her strive even harder to please him.

She was jolted back to the present by the exit sign looming up ahead. Her stomach flipped as she realized that this was it. In a few minutes she’d be walking into the restaurant where they’d agreed to meet, meeting Ben — her Dom — in person for the first time.

She pulled off the exit and followed the directions to a small, elegant Italian restaurant. After parking, she sat in the car for a moment, breathing deeply before getting out and striding into Cafe Baci. An attractive young hostess greeted her, and Callie followed her to a booth in a far corner of the restaurant. Ben was already seated, and as the hostess turned to walk away, he stood with a smile.

“Callie. God, it’s so good to finally meet face to face.”

He enveloped her in his arms, his firm body against hers feeling like the most natural thing in the world. A small whimper escaped her as she returned the embrace.

Ben pulled back, leaving his hands lightly on her shoulders as he bent to kiss her cheek. “You’re even more beautiful in person. Sit, please. I hope you’re hungry. I’m starving, and this place is supposed to have excellent homemade pasta.”

Callie squeezed her thighs together as she looked him over. Dressed in dark-wash jeans and a forest green cashmere sweater, he was incredibly handsome.

He handed her a menu and kept the conversation going, with Callie’s shyness fading until they were laughing and chatting like old friends as they ate their meal.

As the server was clearing their plates, Ben leaned back and smiled. “So, how are you feeling about everything, Callie? Questions, concerns?”

She twisted her napkin, pushing back the wave of apprehension that bubbled up. “Well… I’m glad we decided to meet. I’d like to continue the weekend as your sub.”

Ben grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that, Callie. I’ve never felt this kind of immediate connection. But, as your Dom, I will tell you that we’ll be taking it slow, and if at any time you’re uncomfortable you must use your safeword. At the end of the weekend we’ll talk about how to move forward.”

Under the heat of Ben’s gaze, Callie could only nod. When he reached over to cup her chin, her pussy tingled as she answered.

“Yes, Sir.”

Ben had reserved a suite at an upscale hotel. Looking around the tastefully furnished sitting room, Callie spied the door that must lead to the bedroom. Her mind raced with all the things that might happen in there this weekend until Ben lightly touched her arm.

“This weekend will be a test of sorts to see how you feel about submitting to me in real life. It will be quite different than what we’ve done online, and it may not work for you. Or for me, for that matter.”

Callie couldn’t imagine it not working for her, but she appreciated Ben’s honesty. “And if it does work?”

“If it does work then we’ll have to discuss logistics. We’ll meet as often as possible given the distance between us, and we’ll continue to use Skype when we can’t meet in person. I will work with you to get you where I want you as my submissive. I will push your limits, and you will do things you never imagined yourself doing — and you’ll want to do them. Eventually, if all goes well, we would talk about living together, or at least moving to be closer to one another.”

It had barely sunk in before she felt his breath on her neck.

“Now, let me see that you’ve followed my instructions as to how you were to be dressed and groomed.”

Callie’s eyes widened, and she paused for just a moment.

“Is there a problem?”

“N-no, Sir.” Her fingers were already working on the buttons of her blouse.


Ben watched hungrily as Callie discarded her clothes until she stood before him in a black lace shelf bra and thong, stockings and heels. Her nipples stiffened as Ben raked his eyes over her body.

“Very nice. But is that how you should present yourself to me, toy?”

Damn it, Callie thought.

Get with it.

She dropped to her knees and lowered her head.

“Good toy. I approve of what you’ve chosen to wear for me, but I did also ask to see how you were groomed, did I not?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Show me.”

Callie rose and slipped the thong down her thighs, letting it drop to the floor so she could step out of it.

Ben stood so they were almost chest to chest. Callie gasped as he glanced down and swiped two fingers through the glistening, swollen lips of her pussy.

“Mm… your cunt is very wet, Callie. Tell me, who makes it that way? Who owns this pussy?”

She heard herself whimper as she replied shakily, “You do, Sir.”

“Good girl. That’s right, I do.”

With that, he pushed two fingers in and began a fast, rough fucking. Callie gasped and moaned as he expertly worked her. The room was filled with the smell of her and the squelching sounds of her dripping cunt as Ben drove his fingers into her over and over again. Just as her muscles began to clench, he swiftly pulled them out.

She groaned, but knew better than to complain. Ben grinned wickedly as he held his fingers up to Callie’s lips. She opened obediently, licking her juices off of them.

“I did say we’d be taking things slow, didn’t I, toy? You’ll have to earn your orgasms with me.”

Despite her frustration at not being allowed to come, Ben’s words only made her hotter and more desperate to please him. Not necessarily for the possibility of an orgasm; his praise was its own reward. She loved feeling that she was truly his, truly owned. It wasn’t just something she wanted now, but something she needed.

Ben led Callie into the suite’s spacious bedroom. He disappeared into the bathroom, and Callie heard the faucet running. He returned with his sleeves pushed up and a sly smile on his handsome face.

“I feel a bit tired after my drive and that meal. I think I’m going to lie down.” With that, he sprawled out on the bed, legs wide open, arms crossed behind his head. He regarded her with a raised eyebrow.

“You are here for my pleasure, isn’t that right?”

Callie nodded.

“That’s right, you are. Come over here and suck my cock, toy.”

Callie swallowed hard. Ben had been right, this was very different than the Skype sessions they’d had. Everything seemed magnified: her arousal at the dehumanizing names he called her, the gruffness with which he gave her her orders. But what really turned her into a shameless slut who was ready to beg to be used were the physical sensations, something which of course they hadn’t had before now. His breath on her neck; his large, warm hands on her body, in her body. She was eager for the taste and feel of his cock in her mouth.

She crawled onto the bed and curled up between Ben’s legs. Slowly, she lowered his zipper and popped the button on his jeans.

“Look at me while you pleasure me, slut.”

His words made her shiver. A sudden sense of warmth enveloped her body. Her fingers brushed against soft cotton; snug black boxer briefs that clearly showed the outline of Ben’s rigid cock and balls. With a light tug, she signaled for him to lift his hips so she could undress him. Ben pulled his sweater over his head as Callie folded his pants and boxers neatly and set them aside.

She moved into place, grasping his cock in one hand as she leaned in to run her tongue around the head. She whimpered at the clean, musky smell of him.

As she licked and suckled the head, Ben wound his hand into her hair, pulling her down further on his cock as he thrust his hips up. With her lips in a tight ‘O’, she slid down until she felt the coarse hairs at his base. While she used her mouth on his cock, she gently squeezed and fondled his balls, causing him to curse under his breath.

“Fuck…oh, that’s so good. You’re such a good girl, Callie.”

She moaned at the praise and redoubled her efforts, moving faster and taking him deep. Watching him grip the bedclothes, the taut muscles as he leaned back into the pillows, Callie had never felt so turned on in her life. Sucking cock had never been something she loved doing, but now she wanted nothing more than to watch Ben in the throes of orgasm as he filled her mouth with spurt after spurt of warm cum and know that she was the one who had done that for him.

It wasn’t long before she got her wish. With a guttural “Fuck,” Ben held her head in place as he shot long streams of ejaculate into her mouth. She moaned around him, swallowing rapidly until he finished, spent. She released him, watching as he lay there, covered in a fine sheen of sweat, panting. After a few minutes, he reached out and stroked the side of her face.

“Good girl. You’re fucking amazing, Callie.”

Pride welled up inside her. Those six words were better than any orgasm.

“Thank you, Sir.”

In response Ben gently pulled her down beside him, curling his body against hers and stroking her hair. Within minutes, his breathing had evened out and she realized he was sleeping.

What do you know, Callie thought as she basked in the warmth of his embrace. He’s a cuddler.

Later that evening as they ate dinner, Ben asked how Callie had felt during their scene.

“I loved it. Honestly, I couldn’t have imagined how different — how much more intense — it would be playing in person than on Skype.”

Ben smiled. “Yes. I felt it, too. I’ve had subs before, but with you it’s different. It’s not often that I have this kind of chemistry with a woman.”

Callie felt as though she’d been holding her breath all day, and just now could let it out. “I feel the same.”

“And do you know what I do with women with whom I have this kind of chemistry?” Ben leaned forward, watching Callie’s reaction as he spoke.

All kinds of scenarios raced through Callie’s mind as she pondered the question. “What do you do with them?”

“I date them.” Ben grinned. “I want to spend time getting to know you, Callie. Not just as my sub, but as a person. I want to see where this goes.”

“I want that, too, Ben.” Giddy with relief, Callie smiled and lowered her eyes, a sudden rush of emotion overwhelming her.

“Good. I’m glad. I want to know how you felt about specific aspects of what we did today. How did it feel to be called a toy, treated as an instrument of pleasure but denied any yourself?”

“It made me want to submit to you even more. I didn’t care about coming… I only cared about serving you. Pleasing you was all I could think about.”

“You did please me, pet. Very much.”

Callie squirmed under Ben’s intense gaze as he went on.

“I knew you enjoyed a little name calling from our Skype sessions. How would you feel about exploring humiliation and objectification further? Being called pet, for example. Wearing a collar and leash. Being led around on all fours. Does that excite you?”

“Mmm, yes. I don’t know why, but yes.” She could feel herself blushing as she pictured herself crawling after Ben.

“Well, there’s a lot more in that area to explore if it’s something you truly desire. Personally, I love breaking a sub down until she’s ready to beg to be used like a whore, in any way I see fit.”

“But,” he added, “That is something that we’ll take our time with. I will push you, but your safety and well-being are my responsibility as your Dom. Honesty and trust are the most important things in a Dom/ sub relationship. You must always let me know if something is truly too much for you.”

“I will.”

“Good girl.”

Callie loved the way Ben’s eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, as he was now. She found the dark shadow that was visible along his jawline incredibly sexy. She smiled back, a mischievous look in her eyes.

“Will we playing more tonight?”

“I think I’ve given you a lot to think about, Callie. Why don’t we open a bottle of wine and watch a movie, discuss things a little more… whatever you like.”

Callie nodded agreeably.

Ben grasped her hand across the table, a wicked gleam in his eye. “Besides, I plan on putting you through your paces tomorrow, so you’ll want to get plenty of rest tonight.”

A shiver of anticipation ran down Callie’s spine. She was discovering things about herself she’d never thought possible. How had she never known about this part of herself? It didn’t matter. She had Ben now, and looked forward to continuing this journey that they’d started all those months ago with nothing more than words on a screen.

Published 9 years ago

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