Dropping her coat and bag on the sofa, she hurried over to her desk and opened her laptop. Impatiently, she waited as it started up, typed in her password and opened the site that had been consuming her thoughts all day. Her heart sped up as she clicked on the lone message in her inbox.
Strip and get on your knees. Think about what we talked about. When you have your answer, message me.
She thought for a moment about dinner, but her stomach was in knots. She picked up the laptop and moved into the bedroom, where she shed her skirt and blouse. She hadn’t worn a bra or panties. That was one of his rules.
She clicked ‘reply’ and typed a terse response.
I have my answer, Sir.
She hit send, then clasped her hands in front of her as she’d been taught. Head bowed, she waited for the ping that would indicate that he was online, and she thought about how this had all started.
6 months earlier…
“You’ve got nothing to lose, Callie. Try it. It’s anonymous; you don’t even have to use your real name. Get off, for Christ’s sake. Trust me, it’s more fun than you might think.”
Jill was a good friend. Callie’s best friend, in fact. They met for drinks every Friday after work, and tonight Jill was telling her about some site that she’d joined. A sex site. Callie knew Jill had her best interests at heart, but she really wasn’t sure about what she was proposing. They were so different. Jill was outgoing, a complete extrovert, and game for anything, while Callie was a textbook introvert.
“Listen…try it. It’s free; if you hate it just delete your account. But hon, I love you and I wouldn’t steer you wrong. You need to get laid, even if it’s just a virtual lay.” Jill grinned over the rim of her margarita.
“Okay, okay. I’ll check it out. No promises. I know you mean well, but I don’t know.”
Jill nodded. “That’s just it—you don’t know. Try it, and you will. And I bet you’ll be thanking me.”
They chatted a little more, then Jill glanced at her phone. “Oh! It’s almost 7:20. I’m heading out. Rob is coming over at 8.”
Callie smiled in understanding. Jill seemed to have a new fuck-buddy every week, and she appeared to like it that way. It wasn’t Callie’s thing. She dated, but she hadn’t met anyone that she really clicked with yet. Casual fucks just weren’t appealing to her, so when she was horny she spent some quality time with her favorite vibrator.
As they hugged good-bye, Jill whispered, “Promise you’ll give it a try.”
Callie rolled her eyes and laughed. “Okay, okay. Promise.”
As she watched her friend head out she thought, It can’t hurt to check it out…
A little while later, Callie slipped into bed naked. She reached into her nightstand and pulled out the pink vibrator. Opening her laptop, she found a porn site that she liked and selected a video. She lay back, spread her legs, and began lightly touching herself to the soundtrack of moans and groans from the video. A few minutes in, and it still wasn’t doing anything for her. She remembered her promise to Jill.
She typed in the web address and looked the site over. It was surprisingly inviting, not the sleazy, badly designed kind of thing she associated with most porn sites. Technically, it wasn’t really a porn site, but it wasn’t a dating site, either. It was an “adult erotic website”, where one could read erotica, watch videos, or engage in chat with other members. It was this feature that Jill had been urging her to try.
She filled out the minimum information needed to open an account. In the “About You” section, she thought for a moment, then typed:
A book worm, an introvert…I prefer being behind the scenes to being in the spotlight. Just looking for a little fun and hoping to meet someone who can bring out my wild side:)
She smiled, pleased with herself for doing something so out of character. She completed the profile, hit enter and sat back to see what happened.
Within a few minutes the first request came in, then another. Soon there were several chat requests on her screen. She looked at each of the mens’ profiles, closing the ones that had no information whatsoever, and one or two that sounded decidedly creepy. That left just one.
His profile showed that he was 32, five years older than Callie. Like all of the other profiles, there was no personal photo, just an avatar of a lunar eclipse. Callie thought that must be common on sites like this. You had to be careful about what you shared online. He was a writer, enjoyed reading, quiet nights at home. With a thrill of anticipation, she clicked “Accept chat request.”
He was articulate and polite.
Hello. How are you? Thanks for accepting my request. I enjoyed perusing your profile, and would love to get to know you a little better. I’m Ben, btw.
She typed in her response.
Hi, I’m Callie. Nice to meet you, Ben.
She wondered what was expected of her, but she needn’t have worried. Ben was skilled at keeping the conversation moving without getting too personal or intrusive. Callie soon found herself completely at ease, something she rarely was in face-to-face conversation. They talked about work, hobbies, current events. Eventually the conversation turned to the reason they were both there in the first place.
So Callie…what brings you here? What’s your idea of a little fun? Cyber, roleplay…? A little dirty talk? Does exchanging pictures get you off? Or are you looking for something more?
She thought for a moment.
A friend told me about it. I’m not really sure what I’m looking for, tbh. I’ve never done this before.
She cringed at her own indecisiveness, but Ben didn’t seem put off.
That’s okay. I’m up for most anything. But more specifically, I enjoy playing with submissive women. I’m a Dom. From your profile and chatting a bit with you, I wonder if you identify as submissive, Callie?
That had surprised her.
Callie? Have I lost you?
She quickly typed back.
Sorry, no. Was just thinking. I’m not sure really. I’ve never tried anything like that.
A pause, then:
Would you like to?
The word was on the screen before she even realized she’d typed it. Yes. She wanted to see where this went.
That first time Ben had talked her through masturbating, telling her when and how to touch herself and making her beg for her orgasm. She’d cum so hard she was drenched in perspiration and shaking. She knew by the time they’d added one another as “friends” and said good night that she wanted this, and she wanted it with Ben.
After that they’d had online sessions several nights a week. Callie found herself becoming more and more attracted to Ben, even though they hadn’t yet exchanged photos. She had a rough idea of what he looked like—tall, lean, dark hair, a beard—but at this point, it really didn’t matter to her. He was sweet and flirtatious one moment and controlling and intense the next. No man had ever turned her on like he did.
As Ben guided her deeper into discovering her submissive side, Callie was surprised at how eager she was to obey and serve him. She’d never felt like that with any man she’d been with before; in fact, if any of them had ordered her to get on her knees and suck their cock or beg for an orgasm she’d have told them off in no uncertain terms. With Ben, it was different. She loved following his commands, even if it was only online. Nothing made her pussy wetter than being told she was his good girl.
As Callie got more comfortable, Ben became stricter, less likely to overlook a slow response or infraction. They’d discussed limits and rules. Callie knew what was expected of her, and the consequences of not meeting those expectations. Slip-ups were rare, though, because she hated to disappoint Ben.
One night he’d had asked for a photo showing that her pussy was cleanly shaven, as had been agreed upon. They had exchanged photos of this nature before. Only faces were off limits at this point.
Callie’s stomach dropped. She’d been in a rush this morning and hadn’t shaved. As she wavered, a message popped up.
Did you forget the grooming requirements we agreed on, slut?
At the word slut, Callie whimpered. To her surprise she’d discovered that she loved being called a slut or a whore almost as much as a good girl. Hastily she typed back.
Yes. I apologize, Ben. It won’t happen again.
His next message sent a thrill coursing down her spine.
Come on, Callie. You’re a smart woman. Do better. I think it’s time for you to start using a term of respect when we are talking as Dom and sub. It will help you remember your place. And where is your place, slut?
She didn’t hesitate before typing back.
At your feet, Sir.
His reply left her entire body humming with arousal. She didn’t even mind that he’d forbidden her to cum as punishment for forgetting to shave.
Mmm … that’s my good girl.
That night she’d lain in bed, desperate for release but accepting of her punishment. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, but for the first time he wasn’t just Ben. He was Sir. He was her Master.
The next night they’d chatted easily, not as Dom and sub but as Ben and Callie, laughing and telling one another about their respective days. Their chemistry was intense and undeniable, even in such relaxed circumstances. When Ben casually mentioned that he’d like to see a photo of her, all of her, she barely hesitated before agreeing.
She snapped a quick photo of herself with her phone and sent it. Within minutes she had a message in her inbox from Ben.
He was indeed tall, 6’2 if she had to guess. He was lean but not thin with just enough muscle showing under a fitted t-shirt. His dark brown hair was tousled, and his brown eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled at the camera. A neatly trimmed beard didn’t hide high cheekbones and a sharp jawline.
He’d seemed equally impressed by her photos.
You’re gorgeous, Callie.
Thank you. Not so bad yourself;)
They’d chatted a bit more before Ben said good night, citing an early meeting the next day. As Callie got ready for bed she couldn’t get his image out of her mind. He was so much more than she’d ever expected to find.
Weeks turned into months. Beyond the attraction she felt for Ben, Callie trusted him and valued his friendship. They’d become familiar with one another’s lives, sharing details of family, work, what they did for fun. It turned out that they lived within a few hours’ drive of one another. As they delved deeper into their relationship as Dom and sub, Callie realized that she wanted more. By now they’d exchanged numbers and spoken on the phone a few times, but it still wasn’t enough.
So she wasn’t surprised when Ben had asked her if she was ready to take the next step in their relationship and meet face to face. Part of her immediately thought yes, but still, it was a big decision. This was all new to her. Was she ready to meet Ben and see if they clicked in person as well as online?
He hadn’t rushed her or tried to push her into anything. In fact, he’d told her he wanted her to take a week and think about it. Not only about meeting, but about whether she was ready to consider being his submissive in real life.
And she had thought about it. They’d spoken little during that week, because Ben didn’t want to influence her decision. As she imagined serving him…obeying him…belonging to him, not only online but for real, she knew what her answer would be. And now, she typed it out with trembling fingers.
Yes, Sir.