“I’ve spent years having guys talk to my tits, but that’s the first time anyone’s used them as an airbag!” Josie said to Mick, as they chatted in the cafe.
Mick had felt embarrassed when his loss of balance on the train had sent his head into Josie’s cleavage, but Josie had been more concerned with the muttering and rolling of eyes of others who had witnessed Mick’s fall on the train.
After Mick’s mishap, Josie invited him to have coffee and a chat with her. She explained to him that her friends had been forced to cancel their plans to join her at home to celebrate her birthday due to incidents on the railway that were a little different from their own.
“It’s my birthday, so perhaps you’d like to help me with my bottle of wine after our coffee,” Josie said, realising an evening at home alone would sound worse to others than it often did to her.
Mick was more than a little surprised by Josie’s invitation, although he explained he only drank perhaps once or twice a year simply because he had lost the taste for it.
“Don’t worry, I’m not one of those do-as-I-say merchants; I’m just not much of a drinker, that’s all,” Mick said, drawing a smile of understanding from Josie.
Josie decided she and Mick would take a taxi to complete their journey. When Mick said that he’d better sit in the front in case the driver braked suddenly. Josie had a fit of the giggles, and she realised Mick had just the type of light-hearted approach to everything she needed at this time.
As soon as the taxi had moved off, Josie began telling Mick a potted history of her life. It wasn’t something she had planned to do at all, but she explained that as Mick had already become acquainted with her tits, he might as well find out a little about what else made her who she was.
When Josie told Mick it was his turn to paint a speedy picture of himself, Mick explained he felt he had done so in the way he had introduced himself. Josie wanted to find out more about Mick, although he felt his response already showed her he had a character that was very well-matched with her own.
“A virtual toast to going with the flow and seeing where you end up!” Josie said as she and Mick raised imaginary glasses in the back of the taxi and giggled in a way those who took themselves too seriously would have hated.
Once Josie had led Mick into her flat, she closed the door and looked at him with a playful expression. When she asked him where her birthday kiss was, Mick felt it rude not to respond, so he eased his lips onto Josie’s, and they shared a slow and lingering first moment.
Josie sensed Mick was a little bewildered by everything, so she explained that, as a gentleman, he would approve of her next task.
“I’m going to message my friends to tell them I’ve secured some entertainment for the night. I hope the news will cheer them up while they’re stuck on the train,” Josie said with a smile.
Mick told Josie that although he rarely took life seriously, what she had said about keeping herself safe had made his plans to suggest that she should do so redundant. Josie smiled at Mick’s response, as he did once Josie had passed him her phone to show him how she had broken the news to those who hadn’t been able to celebrate with her.
‘Hi, I’ve got a lovely man here to help me celebrate my birthday. I’ll update you once I’ve kicked him out in the morning. Any issues, let me know, but make it quick. I’ll be too busy soon. Jx.’
Mick laughed long and loudly after reading Josie’s message, although Josie was already eager to discuss how Mick saw the evening’s itinerary. It was no surprise to Mick whatsoever that Josie asked him to spell it out.
“Sharing lots of giggles. Having plenty of fun and letting me help out with both in the ways I feel I can do justice to the evening. I’m a lips-and-hands man, so if that’s not what you were expecting, you can swap me for a youthful contortionist; there’s still time,” Mick said, happy to have been as honest about what he was bringing to the party as he felt was possible.
“I can’t hear myself telling you to get your coat and leave, so that must mean you’ve got the gig, Mick,” Josie said, telling him she hoped he’d let her get undressed before sticking his face in her tits this time.
Once Mick had poured Josie a glass of wine from her birthday bottle, he passed it over and sat beside her on the sofa. After taking a sip, Josie put her drink down and explained she needed to tip the waiter. Seconds later, Josie and Mick’s lips were locked in a slow kiss that was interrupted only by the giggles and laughter that had instantly become their trademark.
“You’ll earn very handsome tips if you keep your customer this happy,” Josie said, telling Mick she felt overdressed and was seeking his help to correct this.
Josie was very happy to enjoy the combined pleasure of kisses and having her upper body undressed. She knew it wouldn’t excite some in the same way it did her, but the only person who mattered to her certainly seemed to grasp this. Josie smiled as she realised Mick understood her need to enjoy this phase as much as any other, and the giggles prompted by the occasional mishap of clumsiness were a cause for celebration rather than regret.
In the interests of fair play, Josie unhooked her bra before leaving it to Mick to slip it from her breasts.
“We meet again!” Josie said, explaining she was speaking for her waiting breasts and that they hoped Mick would offer them the same kiss of greeting her lips had already enjoyed.
“Talking tits? I should have guessed, really,” Mick replied, his joke reassuring Josie he wasn’t intimidated by her and making her eager to feel Mick’s hands and lips work the magic she was convinced they would.
As Josie felt a slow movement swim over her breasts and kisses drift onto her nipples, she realised Mick would discover quickly that she liked voicing her approval whenever she felt it was due. He had heard her giggles and laughter in other circumstances, although her sighs and moans of delight were something Mick was more than happy to become acquainted with, too.
“That’s a very sexy noise,” Mick said, lifting his kisses briefly to pass comment.
“You’re helping to make me feel very sexy, so that’s exactly how it should be,” Josie replied honestly.
The belief that Mick would have kissed and stroked her in the same fashion until morning was exactly why Josie had no intention of him doing so. Josie’s entire body was alive with anticipation, and she had no wish to let any part of it down.
Josie wriggled and giggled at the deepening intensity of the kisses on her nipples and the slow descent of the touch of Mick’s fingertips down her body. When Josie unbuttoned her jeans, Mick needed no prompting to ease them from her body, although he felt a clear instruction would be needed for him to slip Josie out of her knickers in a similar fashion.
“Just let me know if you feel overdressed,” Mick whispered.
Josie found Mick’s explanation that he took nothing for granted endearing rather than a demonstration of insecurity, and she advised him that she would certainly do as he had asked.
A loud shout of ‘knickers off, now!’ was how Josie kept her word, and Mick lifted his kisses briefly to carry out his assigned duties. Josie was extremely pleased with Mick’s work, and his touch and kisses received a loud shout of encouragement once they had returned to Josie’s impatient body.
“A nice slow trip to somewhere you really need to visit is next on our itinerary. It’s due south, and I’m certain I’ll be delighted to have you check in!” Josie said, brimming with excitement.
“I’ll meet you there, Josie,” Mick replied, sharing Josie’s anticipation and vision of a leisurely journey.
Although concentrating on the joys that awaited, Josie briefly considered how what was being shared might be dismissed by some who needed more extreme pleasures or expertise to excite them. What was right for her might have made much of what others found satisfying out of reach, but she felt no wish to trade places with anyone, which was far more meaningful to her.
Josie’s dreamy excitement grew as she felt Mick’s kisses and touches slip further down her body. The rising tide of pleasure was one Josie relished, and it reminded her of how her desires and what Mick had felt he had to offer had been matched so perfectly.
“It’s getting deliciously chaotic here,” Josie remarked. in response to a wave of erotic energy pulsating from within. Mick responded with a sound of acknowledgment and slipped his kisses and touches to within inches of their intended destination.
When Mick’s fingertips eased gently to part Josie’s wet lips, the combination of touch and the breeze of his breath brought a gasp, a giggle, and an update from Josie.
“Get me over the line, Mick,” Josie said, her voice breaking as she spoke.
The feeling of Mick’s tongue flicking inside her and his pursed lips that followed saw Josie’s back arch and laughter bellow loudly from her mouth. Mick intensified his work, planting intense, long kisses inside Josie’s body, as he sensed her trembling beneath him. Josie’s mind careered into beautiful chaos as she writhed powerfully, and a wild scream of deliverance spilled forth as her climax hit and took hold.
Shrieks, laughter, sighs, and moans rang out as Josie announced her climax in a way that truly captured its joy. Mick was inspired by all he heard, and he steadied Josie’s body with firm hands before his lips delivered another spectacularly effective kiss inside Josie’s body.
Josie writhed wildly to the visions and sounds stirred in her mind by her climax. Her body was out of control, but in the sweetest way possible, and the attention that had ignited everything showed no sign of easing off.
Each time Josie felt the pleasure beginning to fade, another wave of erotic energy replaced it and took her into bliss once again. Some of the cries of joy she made were loud, while others carried no sound whatsoever.
Josie rode every wave of the climax released from her body. Its aftershocks were enjoyed in Mick’s arms, and Josie’s smile and reddened cheeks were a sight of perfection as Mick gazed at her with an expression of pure joy.
Once they had enjoyed a slow descent from the heights they had enjoyed, Josie and Mick did their best to sum up the experience they had shared. It was Josie who chose to speak first.
“A triumph for the uncomplicated is what I’d call that…as well as bloody lovely,” Josie said with a smile.
“It will be even better once I polish up my bra work,” Mick replied, as Josie’s glow returned on hearing Mick suggesting a repeat performance was on his radar already too.
When Mick asked Josie if she wanted him to refresh her wine glass, he shook her head with a smile.
“No, Mick, the waiter’s been given the rest of my birthday night off, but the lovely man who’s made it special has got a long night of squeezy cuddles and kisses to serve up, so he might as well start now,” Josie replied, feeling anything else could wait until morning, at the earliest.
Josie’s description of the night she and Mick spent in a dream-filled embrace as ‘a different kind of special’ was one Mick knew he couldn’t better and didn’t try to. Knowing where they stood and being able to find creative ways around issues beyond their control was an understanding they felt lucky to have established from the very beginning.
When Josie contacted her friends to give them the gossip about her birthday surprise, Mick was ordered to shout a hello down the phone before excusing himself to let Josie tell her tale.
“When will you two be seeing each other again?” was a question Josie had been waiting for, so when it arrived, her answer was immediate.
“I’d have to let him leave for there to be an answer, and I’m sure neither of us want that.”
She didn’t, and she was right; they didn’t.