What is she doing and will she share it with me today
Or must we wait again, and pass another empty day
Thinking of the past we shared of a different kind.
Once we entwined in a fantastic vision of lust
That happened as we shared our online passion
The kind that is now the very height of fashion
For those who never meet face to face in trust
But only allow themselves to touch in untruths
Passing for reality, playing with their bodies alone
With their hands, cumming as they emit a lonely moan
While the other repeats it as if in separate booths.
She became the reason to return each night
As we met in rooms of words and fake feeling
At home our fingers were sending our minds reeling
with a passionate, heart-felt sense this was right.
But there were reasons to change, to become more
As we felt the truth of our real values and trust
Become the reason to talk and with love entrust
Our souls to each other as mates evermore.
So now, each day, across the world we try
To send out with words what our bodies can’t
The reality of eternal love and respect that shan’t
Be the end, but a chance for love to soar and fly.