In Wonderland, Pt. 3

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‘Tilly’ spent the night at Chris Smith’s house, waking to find it impossible to avoid Leila Smith, a friend, peer and beauty queen. She was not best pleased about the situation, but helped to protect Tilly’s true identity in lending out a girls uniform, one purposefully as feminine as she owned. Chris was just about to give them a lift to school…

I shuffled down the stairs, surprised I could move at all with the weight in my stomach. Leila was bouncy and excited as she followed her brother out to his marine blue convertible. We sat in the back, on the leather seats, exposed for all to see. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

I didn’t say anything as Chris started driving, since him and Leila were chatting away. The wind whipped my ponytail all over, but I didn’t notice, as I was considering what to do. I clearly couldn’t go into school, but if one of the teachers was at the gate I might have to simply make a run for it. I’d have to avoid all the students who knew me too. I couldn’t go home, as my mum worked nights, so she would be there. Conversely, my sister and my dad worked through the day, and would be home at night.

Unless I were to sneak in after midnight I would have to find some male clothes. Mine were still at Karen’s, and she would be in school. I could try to call her.

“Tilly?” Leila said.

“Huh? Sorry, I zoned out,” I told her.

“God you’re so dopey! I was just telling Chris how you’re my plus one to our auntie’s wedding, and was wondering if you wanted to sleep over after?” I literally could’ve killed her for the excitement in her face. I did want to see Chris again, but Leila was deathly against it less than half an hour ago! And as for meeting her entire family dressed as a girl, that was ridiculous.

“I-I-I,” I just stammered.

She leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I took a picture of you in your bra and panties this morning, and Karen slyly got plenty at the party last night. You wouldn’t want everyone to see them, would you?” My heart sank. I was really tied into it now.

I gulped and dug my own grave, “Yeah, I’d love to.”

“Great! We’ll have a proper girly night for all that love in the air!” In honesty, that did sound appealing to me… what was happening?

We were rapidly nearing school, and I needed a way out. “Oh Chris! Can you drop me off at the shop, the one a few blocks from school?” Ingenious.

“There’s one just down the road, I’ll drop you there so you have less of a walk,” he replied. Ever the gent it seemed, damn him.

I had to think quick, “No no! Erm, that shop won’t serve me, I need some smokes.”

“Okay, fair enough,” he replied, making a quick detour, “you want us to wait for you?” He asked kindly.

“No thanks!” Phew, avoid school, complete.

He pulled up by the shop and I thanked him for the ride and told Leila I’d see her later. I stalled for a second by pulling my tights up, but they did not leave so I walked into the shop. It was actually one I did go in to get served, so I darted into the magazine aisle so that the shopkeeper didn’t see me and recognise me.

“Tilly!” Chris’ voice called me, he had come into the shop too. He met my eyes and walked up to me, placing his hands on my lower back. “I just wanted to tell you I had a really great time with you last night. And this morning,” he leaned in to whisper “hands down, the best blow I’ve ever had.”

My cheeks reddened with embarrassment, and he winked at me, not looking sleazy, just incredibly charming. He kissed me on the lips, several times, as if he was worried it would be his last ever kiss and slid his hand up my skirt for a brief squeeze of my bum. He left and I was slightly stunned. He made me feel so cared for, and wanted.

I spent a minute pretending to browse and left the shop, heading towards Karen’s house. I called her to see if she was in and thankfully she was, with a crippling hangover. Half of me thought, ‘serves her right.’ I felt incredibly vulnerable walking past all of the people in the street with my skirt blowing around in the Autumn wind. I was freezing in just Leila’s tight blouse, I was sure it wouldn’t have been too much trouble for her to lend me some kind of jacket as well.

A few people looked me up and down, an end of ‘checking out’ that I had never been at before.

When I arrived at Karens she laughed when she opened the door, and greeted me with “Hello sexy.” I pushed my way inside the house and demanded my clothes back.

“Yeah… about that…”My heart sank. “Well, my mum found them and had them in the washing basket in the kitchen when your mum came over. It’s kind of funny actually,” she chuckled “So, your mum recognised that they were yours and took them home. And then she came back and left this for when you came to get your clothes,” Karen reached for a package and I started to get really nervous. “I’m not sure, but if I were you I’d go to the bathroom to open it. I’ll wait for you in my room,” she chuckled.

I went into Karen’s bathroom and opened the package. It was fabric, with a sticky note stuck to it confirming my suspicions.

‘Tilly,’ myself and Karen’s mother overhead her on the phone telling someone everything about last night. I figured you would come back for your clothes so left you this – rather than appearing home looking like a slut, you can at least be a respectable girl. Mum.

I couldn’t work out the tone – was she angry? I looked at the clothes she had left me; a high waisted blue skirt and a white Disney tee with a picture of Alice from the film printed on it; bet she thought that was funny. I took off my uniform, leaving on the tights and bra, then put on the tee, it was very tight and made me look like I had huge breasts. I pulled the skirt right up to my waist and zipped it up with some trouble, it seems she thought I was skinnier than I was, it gave me trouble breathing.

I walked to Karen’s room, with the uniform bundled in my arm. She gasped when I walked in, “Beautiful!” She exclaimed. “So Leila told me everything! I can’t believe it! Did you do anything, I won’t tell?”

I could feel myself going a deep cherry red with embarrassment. “…We just kissed,” I told her.

She beamed at me and beckoned me over. “Right, before you go home, every pretty girl who wants to attract a boy needs one thing,” she told me.

“Hey, I never said-”

“Don’t bother I’ve known you all my life!” Karen interrupted me. I guess it was true, I did strangely want to attract Chris. “Now, earrings!” I tried to protest, flustered, but she promptly put a cork behind my right ear and made a hole with a pin. “It’ll only hurt for a minute, and now you need the other one doing or you’ll look like an idiot!” She shouted, as if I didn’t already feel one sat with my oldest friend fully in women’s clothes and makeup. She quickly did the other one and put two stud earrings in, pink stars.

“Fantastic, now they’re just for when you go home, next time you see him feel free to borrow another pair!” She said happily.

As if she had already decided I would see him again!

We had a quick chat and Karen gave me a bag for my uniform, before I left for the walk home, which wasn’t far. On the way I felt like a model, my legs looked so long in this skirt and so smooth because of my tights. I was very conscious however that lots of the neighbours who knew me may well have seen.

I had forgot about putting my phone in my bra last night until it vibrated just as I reached the door. Saved by the bell from having to enter straight away dressed as a girl. It was from an unknown number, and I read it.

Hey beautiful, it’s Chris, got your number off Leila. I had a great time last night…guess you noticed how hard I was for you this morning lol. Anyway was wondering if you wanted to go out together one night this week? If you don’t have fun you don’t even have to deepthroat again 😛 Haha, you have my number now so text me back. Take care xx

For the first time in my life I felt what I’m pretty sure they call butterflies. How sweet and charming and horribly irresistible could he be ?! I had to see him again. But I wasn’t sure what to say yet, and first I had to deal with going in the house..

Published 14 years ago

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