In the Neighbour’s Bedroom

"He's already slept with one neighbour, will he sleep with another?"

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I watched with an odd sadness and remorse as Mrs Burr from next door packed the last of her boxes into the car, shutting the trunk behind her. The removal men had been by earlier and packed up all the larger furniture and household items, driving them to the new house in Ohio. At that point in time, I resented her husband Malcolm for making her move. Little Malcolm Burr with his pot belly and short, stubby little fingers, as well as the ego of a man who was over seven ft. His mood swings and petulant tantrums were the talk of the street. The talk of the area, even. How Cath put up with him and his monstrous attitude I didn’t know. Except I kind of did know. She and I had been banging for the past four years.

It happened sort of by accident the first time. Malcolm had been out of town on one of his many business trips so I had invited Cath and her two teenagers over for dinner. At that stage, they had been in the small area for less than six months and I hadn’t had much to do with the family. Being the polite neighbor I was, I invited her over for dinner and drinks to give her something to do and cure the boredom. Her two teenage children Erica and Robbie deemed it not cool to have dinner with the middle aged neighbor next door, so that left just Cath and I.

As is usually the case, it started with a bottle of wine, which was followed by another bottle of wine, and then another. I then had the brilliant idea of breaking out some scotch and drinking that. By the time midnight rolled around we were both very drunk, sitting on the sofa telling each other stories from our college days and adolescence. Cath then leaned in to kiss me, which I was surprised at first but welcome the attention, despite her being married. Perhaps it was the drink? Or perhaps she was lonely? Whatever it was, we ended up having great drunk sex that night.

Cath was pretty, I could admit that, but up until that point, I had never viewed her as more than the wife of my neighbor. I admired her from a distance but it never went into full blown attraction. She wasn’t really my type. Like most men my age, I liked younger women, and not just by a few years. Some of these girls were more than ten years younger. Cath being the same age as me, she had never caught my eye in that way, up until that night. It was very awkward in the morning when we inevitably met out by the letter boxes, but apparently, our drunken escapades had triggered something in her, and whenever she could manage to sneak away, we had a quickie.

But now she was being taken away from me, the woman who had been a steady source of sex for me for the past four years. I didn’t love her, that didn’t enter into the equation and it wasn’t part of our arrangement, it was merely a sex thing between us, but still, I would miss her and the wild times we shared. I watched as they got ready to leave, and then Cath said something to Malcolm. I saw her walking towards my house, knocking gently on the front door and pushing it open, not waiting for me to answer. She came and stood next to me at the large living room window that looked directly into their property. I could see their front yard and out onto the street a little, as well as their kitchen, some of the living room and parts of the upstairs bedroom, which I loved because sometimes Cath put on shows for me when no one else was around.

“This is it,” Cath sighed.

“It is,” I answered, not turning to face her.

“I don’t think we should keep in contact once I get to Ohio. It will be too dangerous. I’ll ring you when I have time, but that’s it. No more emails or sneaky nude photographs for each other.”

“Fair enough,” I said. She stood next to me and placed her head on my shoulder. We moved out of the way of the viewing window and kissed before I walked her to the door, where we kissed one last time before she had to get back to her family. “The people moving in,” I said. “Are they at least decent neighbors?”

An odd look washed over Cath’s face and she smiled smugly and secretively. “Goodbye,” she said, not answering my question. I went back to the viewing window and saw Cath get in the car, but not before taking one last look at my house. She’s gone, I thought as Cath, Malcolm, Erica and Robbie drove off into the distance, away to Ohio. As I watched the family drive off, I mentally wished them good luck being stuck in a car with Malcolm for thirty five hours, driving from California to Ohio. Being the miser that he was, Malcolm didn’t want to fork out the money for plane tickets. How Cath would survive from now on, I didn’t know.

I was in a melancholy state for the rest of the evening, not feeling like doing anything. It would have been easier for me if feelings hadn’t been there, but Cath and I had been conducting an affair for the past four years, I’d be lying to myself if I said that I didn’t feel for her or miss her. The Burr’s were the first decent neighbors I’d had in a long time, the few people before them who had lived in that house were assholes. I had a bad run when it came to neighbors.

When I first moved in an elderly couple lived next door. They were not very nice people. Both of them were cantankerous, mean spirited old people, very nosy and getting into everyone’s business. They really disliked me. Probably because they saw the women leaving my house each weekend. The number wasn’t excessive, it was mostly the same girls each time, it was the age thing I guess they had issue with. I had the last laugh, though, when their adult children came to take them away to a nursing home, I slept with their daughter Clara.

The next people to move in were a young power couple, yuppies as they would have been known. Man did she have him on a tight leash with all her rules and regulations. She had a timetable for everything, I bet even their sex life was on a schedule. She even tried to impose schedules and timetables with me, asking me to have my living room lights off by a certain time otherwise it interrupted her sleep pattern because the light shone out of the viewing window. Then there was the noise rule. No loud TV or music after ten pm and no power tools after dark. She then asked me if I could only have parties or get-togethers on certain days and certain times of the year.

“No,” I told her, with a few expletives thrown in there. When she insisted and threatened me, I started doing everything she had asked me not to do. I wasn’t breaking any rules because I was never excessively loud, just loud enough to annoy her. They moved out soon after, which means that I won that battle.

Then the Burr’s moved in, the best neighbors I ever had. But now they were gone and I was certain that the cycle of rotten next door neighbors would start up again. Two days later I saw a new removal truck pull up and start unloading furniture that belonged to the new neighbors. An hour later a dark blue hatchback pulled into the driveway and a young girl stepped out and stood in the driveway, staring at her new house. At least I have something to look at, I considered. For the rest of the day I watched her walk back and forth between her car and the house, loading and unloading boxes and bags of her belongings. I didn’t see anyone else arrive so I deemed that she was all alone in her new house.

I decided I would wait a day or two before going over and introducing myself. Moving can be very hectic and stressful, and the last thing anyone needs is a random stranger at their front door. I spent most of my time at the viewing window that weekend, watching the attractive dark haired girl. I couldn’t see her face overly well but she had a great body. Even if she turned out to be a complete bitch, I still had something to look at through my viewing window.

I headed over there the next day with a small bunch of flowers to break the ice and set things in motion. As I walked up the path to her house I could music from within. I knocked on the door and waited. The music was turned off and the door was opened. I got my first proper glimpse of my new next door neighbor. She was very pretty, in an everyday sort of way, as my mother would say. She was no supermodel, but what girl was in these parts? It was her eyes though, that drew me in. They were of the palest, lightest blue. So pale that one could mistake them for being closer to white than blue.

It was very nearly unnerving to look at her, her eyes were so pale and icy blue. That coupled with her long dark hair made for a very intense look. Some people may have found it intimidating or too much, I found it very bewitching and was attracted to this young girl straight away.

“Hello,” she said, smiling at me. She wasn’t from around these parts. Her voice had a very distinct Southern twang to it, but it wasn’t so strong that it dominated her speech.

“Hi,” I said. “I live next door, I’m Renard Cassidy. Welcome to the neighborhood.” I handed over the flowers which she graciously accepted, beaming at me in response.

“I’m Therese Hicks. Pleasure to meet you Mr Cassidy,” she said. “Thank you for the flowers.”

“No problem, and please, call me Renard,” I smiled. From the look of her, Therese seemed to me to be in her early to mid-twenties, no older than twenty seven. I started to wonder how she had been able to afford a house like this, given that it was a decent sized house built for a family, and she was just one girl.

“I hope you don’t think me rude, but I have a lot of unpacking to do.”

“Not at all,” I replied.

“Thanks. We can talk again soon, when I am not so busy. Bye for now Fox.” And then she shut the door before I had time to properly say goodbye. Wait, I thought as I started to walk away, did she just call me Fox? I think she did. Little tease, I thought with a smile.

I didn’t see Therese much over the next week or so. If I bumped into her we always greeted each other cordially, but it never extended beyond conciliatory. I don’t know if she could see more or not, or she knew I was watching, but sometimes at night, after I had eaten dinner and was sitting down with a glass of wine, I would see her in her bedroom, sometimes wrapped in a towel fresh from the shower, other times topless, and sometimes in just her bra and panties. I would sit by what I called the viewing window and take a few sneaky peaks.

The viewing window was for me, placed in a rather serendipitous place. If I stood right in the middle and stared out, I could see into parts of the kitchen and living room next door. If I looked up and to the right, I could see partially into the bedroom, and if I looked further to the right, I could see into the upstairs bathroom a bit, but the glass was frosted on the small windows so there was no point in even trying to look.

Cath Burr knew that I watched her, and she sometimes even used to put on shows for me in the rooms I could see into, when nobody else was home. One of the many perks of being a bachelor was that I was home alone all the time and didn’t have to worry about anyone catching me, Cath did so the shows were few and far between, but I appreciated it all the same.

I don’t think Therese knew that I was watching, but if she did then maybe she liked it seen as she used to walk around half naked nearly every single night. It wasn’t until she had lived in the house for little more than a month that we had a proper interaction and a decent chat.

It was a hot day, it was the beginning of summer after all, and she was lounging outside on the patio wearing a skimpy dark gray bikini with a thin white single thrown over top, covering her chest. Her dark hair was in two long French plaits on the side of her head. I grew up in a family of girls, so I know all about the different types of plaits, hair and makeup which doesn’t do a lot for my masculinity.

I was outside in the garden doing yard work and I peeked over the fence and saw Therese relaxing on the lounger, listening to music and painting her nails. Next to her on the small round table was a pitcher of what looked like icy cold mojito with rounds of lime and chunks of ice suspended in the liquid with a few mint leaves for garnish. Some of the liquid was already in a tall glass next to the pitcher, a black straw peeking over the edge. In that heat, the pitcher of mojitos looked very appealing, almost as appealing as the young girl in the skimpy bikini, wearing aviator shades and painting her nails.

“Hi Fox,” she said to me, not looking up from what she was doing, flexing her knuckles towards her and gently blowing on her freshly painted nails.

“Kentucky,” I greeted her, hoping that my guess was right. I did have a somewhat good ear for accents but Therese’s still baffled me slightly.

Not quite Southern enough to be considered ‘fully Southern’ but still not quite Northern enough to be considered Northern or Midwestern. She was from somewhere in between, some of the states that were 50/50.

“Good guess,” she said, neither confirming nor denying that she was from Kentucky.

“Beautiful day isn’t it?” I asked.

“The best.”

“Have you settled into your new house?” I asked her.

“I have, thank you.”

“If you ever need any help with maintenance or need any repairs done, please feel free to drop by, I am quite the handy man,” I told her, putting emphasis on the last two words.

Therese giggled. “I’ll keep that in mind. Mojito?” she asked, holding up her glass before taking a sip.

“Please,” I said. Therese stood up and went into the house to retrieve another glass, returning a few moments later. I got a good view of her toned legs while she was up. Therese was quite tall, and so had a good set of pins on her. She also had a little butterfly tattoo on her ankle, I noticed.

“You don’t have to stand on the other side of the fence, you can join me on this side,” she said as she sat back down and poured the cold alcoholic liquid into the glass for me. I didn’t need any more encouraging. Like a flash I was there, joining Therese on her patio.

“If you don’t mind my asking,” I said. “How can someone as young as you afford a house like this?”

“My grandparents were loaded, and so set up a trust-fund for their three grandchildren. My dad was an only child, so his parents could afford to set aside large sums of money for the family. My grandma died five years ago and my grandpa passed away last year,” she explained.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said. Therese just shrugged, as if she were indifferent to the whole matter. “So what do you do for a living?” I asked after a lengthy and slightly awkward pause.

“I work in administration,” she said. She didn’t tell me what company she worked for or which office but I didn’t press her on the matter. I was quickly learning that Therese could be rather vague, I just hoped that she would open up more over time.

“Oh, so you work in an office?” I asked. “Most people in the area do, you’ll fit right in.”

“What about you? Where do you work?”

“I’m a computers man. I work in software development,” I answered.

Therese laughed a little. “That sounds… incredibly boring,” she concluded.

“It has its moments,” I told her, laughing also. Over the next hour we asked each other questions, learning more about each other, with some gentle flirting thrown in the mix. Therese was very receptive to my flirting and playful banter and she reciprocated it. She was a little tease I found out, just as I had suspected, which I loved. As we drank our mojitos and flirted away, I happened to glance down at her chest. I saw the two unmistakable points of stiff nipples against the thin fabric of her bikini and the singlet over top.

The flirting and playful banter was having the desired effect on the young woman, though how old she was we hadn’t discussed. Ages had never come up in the conversation. I thought back to the day that Cath Burr moved out, when she came over to say goodbye to me. I had asked her about the new neighbors and she had smiled oddly, avoiding the question. Had she known that I would find Therese attractive, considering my susceptibility to younger women? I had to wager that yes, Cath perhaps had a slight idea.

The flirtation continued as the amount of liquid in the pitcher decreased and the afternoon sun started to slowly set in the sky. “So,” Therese said, leaning back in her lounger, pushing her tits forward, a flirtatious grin on her face. “Just how much of a handy man are you?”

“Oh I’m very handy,” I answered.

“I like a man who knows what he’s doing,” she said, smiling at me coyly.

“Well, I don’t like to brag sweetheart but I know what I’m doing, to a more than satisfactory level.”

Therese looked at me oddly out of the corner of her eyes, a flirtatious and also slightly bemused grin on her face. She stood up from the lounger, placing her empty glass back on the table next to the now empty pitcher. She went to the large bi-folding doors that led back inside. I wondered if I had said something wrong, and then deemed that I hadn’t, I had been more than polite, either that or the invitation was now over and it was time for me to leave.

Therese stopped when she got to the doorway. “Are you coming with?” she asked. I had a feeling that I knew what she meant, but I didn’t want to be presumptuous, and my face must have mirrored my slight lack of understanding. “For a man named after a fox, you’re certainly not cunning like one,” she said. “This is the part where you do me.”

My sexy suspicions had been confirmed as I stood up and followed Therese through her house and into her bedroom. She had certainly transformed the main bedroom from middle aged marriage bed to a clean, girly and feminine retreat with lots of whites, pinks and light pastel colors everywhere. As soon as I had shut the door behind me, we were all over each other, kissing passionately and feeling each other up as if there were no tomorrow.

She stood back for a second and removed the singlet that was covering her torso. Her nipples were much more prominent through the thin and skimpy material of her string bikini. She was an athletic girl, with toned arms and legs and a great ass that was slightly too large for her toned but curvy frame. Same with her breasts which stuck out a little further. Her tits, which I deemed to be upper end of C cup were fantastic, and her ass? Well, I had always been an ass man.

We started kissing again, running our hands all over each other’s bodies. She pulled my t-shirt up over my head and ran her fingers over my chest. “You have an amazing body,” she told me, breaking the kiss.

“I try,” I mumbled, untying the strings of her bikini top. I tended to spend a lot of time indoors because of my job, so it was nice to go out and be active whenever I could, and I had always taken pride in my physique, even more so now as I approached the later end of the forties. Going to the gym and going for a run wasn’t a constant part of my lifestyle but still, I liked to keep active and fit.

“How old are you?” she asked as I removed her itty bitty bikini top and grabbed a handful of her boob, making her moan.

“Forty-five,” I answered, now working on untying the strings of her bikini bottoms. “Why?” I asked. “How old are you? I supposed forty-five is too old?” I asked, my heart sinking slightly, despite what we were doing.

“I’m twenty-four. I’m a big girl, I can make my own decisions,” she said as she started to pull my shorts down, trying to free my erection from its confines. “Does it seem to you that I’m bothered?”

“Not at all,” I answered, gently nibbling her ear and kissing her neck. I pulled the string of her bikini and the skimpy gray material fell away from her body, just as she managed to wrestle me from my shorts.

She knelt down in front of me and looked up at me with her beautiful if not slightly unnerving glacial blue gaze. “And besides,” she said seductively. “I happen to think men in their forties are incredibly sexy.” She then engulfed the head of my cock in her warm mouth, working wonders with her tongue. I almost lost my footing she was that good, but I managed to hold onto the back of her dark head for support.

She pulled me out of her mouth, licking all around the shaft and base before placing me back into her warm mouth, taking me deeper this time. I moaned loudly and thrust gently into her mouth as she bobbed her head back and forth on me. This was not her first time doing this, and I gathered that perhaps she even enjoyed the task as she had taken to it with zeal and enthusiasm.

As much as I was enjoying having Therese on her knees and working on my cock, I wanted to be inside her. I placed my hands on her shoulders and brought her back up to eye level. I saw that she had a playful and mischievous glint in her icy eyes, which I loved. I leaned down and placed one arm behind her knees, the other behind her back for support, lifting her up and taking her to the bed. I threw her down in the middle of the mattress where she landed with a bounce, smiling at me coquettishly.

I switched her position slightly so she was fully on her back, her legs spread. I got down on my knees, kneeling on the carpet, and started planting kisses up the inside of her thighs. She was free of hair down there, completely smooth and wet. I kissed all over her womanhood, gently pushing the folds of skin back to reveal her pink, soft wetness. I planted a kiss on her little clitoris and then flicked with my tongue, making Therese moan.

With the tip of my tongue, I ran circles around her clit, teasing her before running my tongue over it, flicking it from side to side and up and down also. Apart from the fact that I loved performing oral on women, it was also to prepare her. I took her clit into my mouth and sucked, feeling her fingers running through my hair, which was starting to thin ever so slightly. I flicked my tongue down and found her little hole, probing at it with my tongue. It was tight on my tongue, which made my cock jump in anticipation of what it would soon feel. Therese moaned and bucked her hips as I alternated between licking her clitoris and licking her tiny little hole. I took her right to the edge. When I heard her breathing deepen I stopped and stood back, examining her whole body hungrily.

“On all fours,” I commanded. Therese gladly complied and I shuffled in behind her, locking my knees in behind hers. I held her hips and positioned myself at her entrance. With one hand around my cock and the other holding her hips, I gently pressed the head into her feeling how tight she was. I pressed into further until the whole head was inside her. I then removed myself and pressed it in again, this time getting it in one go.

I very slowly worked myself back and forth, gently forcing myself deeper and also letting her get used to it. It took a while, but after some gentle thrusting and slowly working myself in and out, I had my whole length buried inside her. She gasped when she felt that I had my whole cock in her and I had to stop myself from finishing right then and there she was so tight. Grabbing onto her hips, I pushed her back and forth on me, starting out slow and then increasing the speed over time.

Soon I was slamming into her, the only sound in the room was the sound of her ass coming into contact with my hips and thighs. “Play with your clit,” I told her before letting out a loud groan. I saw her move her right hand and place it on her clit, rubbing it in circular motions. This movement caused her to lose balance and fall forward, her head in the pillows, but I did not relent as I continued to slam into her.

She moaned loudly, but these were muffled by the fact that her head was buried in her bedding. Very soon she would cum, I could tell. She was getting louder, her breathing was deepening again and her body was starting to shudder. I picked up the pace and slammed into her with renewed vigor at her impending orgasm. I felt as if I could almost time it, counting down in my head, five, four, three, two one until I felt and heard her climax.

For someone as quiet and vague in real life, she was very loud in the bedroom, which I loved. If I had been next door at my house, I definitely would have been able to hear her with some clarity. I felt my own orgasm approaching so I grabbed her two little French plaits and pulled them, taking her with them until her whole body was pressed up against mine and she was essentially sitting on my lap as I had her. “Get ready,” I whispered in her ear, warning her.

“Do it,” she said to me, pressing herself further onto my lap. “Do it.”

“Fuck yes!” I said as I came deep inside her. I tilted my head and tried to watch her expression as I did it. Apparently, she liked it as she sighed and moaned. I stayed within her, both of us catching our breath and coming down from our climaxes. When we had both relaxed and calmed down I gently lifted her off me and she fell down to the pillows below. I joined her, drawing her into me, catching the smell of her hair and the scent of our sex.

“There is a reason,” she said. “That I like older men.”

“Sleep with them often do you?” I asked curiously.

“No,” she admitted. “You’re the first older man I’ve slept with.”

“I’m honored,” I told her, playing with one of her long dark plaits.

“I don’t intend for this to be a once off. I hope you can keep up with me,” smiled Therese.

“Oh sweetheart, I could say the same thing to you,” I said happily.

Author’s Note: I intend to write the tale from the point of view of Therese, so keep your eye out for that.

Published 9 years ago

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