Despite the efforts of the two freshman students entering the residence hall to keep quiet, it seemed like every motion they made resounded with its own reverberating echo. They opened the door as slowly as possible, but it creaked loudly with every movement. The effortless removal of the key produced a click that sounded to them like the shot of a starting pistol. As they made their way to the elevator, Beth stumbled into a chair in the commons, yelping as she banged her shin against the back of the classroom style chair.
Misty laughed at Beth’s predicament, and Beth laughed back. In the back of her head, she had attempted to make a mental note that even things that shouldn’t be funny at all were hilarious, but even that attempt ended in an eruption of laughter.
“Shhhhh,” Beth tried to quiet both herself and her roommate. “If anyone finds us, we’re dead,” she warned. Misty’s gales of laughter turned to muted giggles as she covered her mouth with her hand, and the two of them proceeded up the stairwell to the third floor. This time, the door cooperated, not making a sound as Beth cautiously opened it. She looked down the hall. The coast was clear. Why wouldn’t it be clear at three o’clock in the morning, though? Who in their right mind would be up at this hour?
As if they were in a James Bond movie, the two of them tried to stealthily tiptoe through the hallway, but Beth stumbled again, this time nearly tripping over a metal wastebasket that was sitting outside one of the rooms. Normally, Misty could have remained composed, but with the two of them both quite inebriated, this was no normal situation. She burst out laughing again.
“Goddammit, Misty!” Beth said in an angry whisper. “If you don’t shut up, you’re going to get us both up the creek!” Misty subdued herself again, and the two of them continued towards their room at the end of the hall. But just then, the door of another room opened, and peering out of it was Eric, their resident advisor, still half-asleep, but dutifully investigating the source of the sound.
“What the hell?” he asked, angry that his sleep was disturbed, worried that something was wrong, relieved that it was just two girls in the hallway.
Misty stumbled right into Eric, and he immediately could tell from the odor on her breath that she had consumed a significant amount of alcohol. “Have you two been drinking?” he asked.
“Just a little,” Misty lied, and then giggled again. Beth just stood there, unable to speak, unable to believe that her best friend had just betrayed her. No one was supposed to find out. How was she going to explain this to her parents? What if her scholarships weren’t renewed? What if she got kicked out of college? Her mind raced with the endless possible consequences of this stupid thing she had done.
“I’m going to have to write you up for this,” Eric said.
“Oh, you don’t need to do that, Eric,” Misty said, moving closer to him. She gave him a deep, deliberate, seductive look.
“I’m afraid I do, Misty,” he replied. God, if she only knew what she was doing to him! Her charms were working on him, and in fact, they had been for most of the school year. Eric wouldn’t usually be interested in freshmen, but Misty Donegan, with her long blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect figure, knew just how to dress to accentuate her features, and she caught the eye of freshmen, upperclassmen, and faculty alike. When he had found out that Misty was living on his floor, he considered it both a blessing and a curse. He hadn’t had to write her up in four months, since that stunt where she had three guys in her room after hours, and he had thought that she might have steered clear of any further trouble after that, but apparently, that wasn’t the case. Damn, he thought to himself. I’ll never have a chance with this girl if I have to keep writing her up.
“But if you write me up, that’ll be the third one this semester!” she exclaimed. Apparently she hadn’t been good the entire four months,
Eric thought to himself. He genuinely felt sorry for Misty. The third write-up in one semester meant dismissal from the college. He was about to write an insignificant piece of paper that would alter this beautiful girl’s future forever. He started to feel guilty, but then reminded himself that he had not chosen the course of action which led to these consequences. “May I see your ID’s please, ladies?”
Beth was already in tears as she handed hers over to Eric, who copied the ID numbers down onto the pink incident form. Misty was still pleading as she then handed hers to Eric as well. “Please, Eric, they’ll kick me out! I don’t know what I’m going to do,” she sobbed.
Eric stood there looking at Misty, his heart disagreeing with his head on what should happen next. Misty, the goddess of the freshman class, was going to be leaving the college if this in fact, was her third write-up for the semester. He knew what he wanted to do, and he knew what he had to do. His mind wrestled with this paradox, and as he started to think about the possible consequences, he immediately put them out of his mind, deciding that he would risk his own college career to save hers.
“Ok, here’s the deal. I don’t have a choice. I have to write you up,” he began, as Misty went crestfallen and Beth began openly sobbing. “But, I’d hate to see you get kicked out, Misty, and so I’m going to make you an alternative offer.”
“Anything!” she exclaimed.
“It’s not quite that simple. You both have to agree to it,” Eric explained. “If you both agree to what I’m about to present, I will tear up this incident report and no one will ever know it was here. If either of you does not agree to what I’m going to suggest as an alternative, that’s fine, and I’ll just turn the report in as written, and let the Residential Life Office deal with it the way they see fit.
By now, Beth was listening intently. She was fairly certain of what Eric had in mind. And it won’t be so bad, she thought to herself. Several times throughout the year she had fantasized about what it would be like to make love to Eric. So this is what it would come down to. She would fuck Eric and he would make the problem go away.
Maybe she could just go down on him, she reasoned with herself, and perhaps if that were good enough, it would be sufficient.
“Well,” Eric began, “I think that you both know how serious this college is about drinking on campus and being drunk on campus.” The two girls nodded penitently as he continued, “So I think it’s fitting that there be some kind of punishment for your infraction, whether it’s from the Residential Life Office or from me. So, if you will both agree to a spanking, administered by me, then I will tear up this incident report.”
Beth couldn’t believe her ears. This certainly wasn’t what she had expected. This was the kind of thing that other people did. She had never been spanked by anyone other than her daddy, and the last time that happened was when she was twelve years old. She wasn’t about to let Eric, or anyone else on earth, give her a spanking at age nineteen. She felt her face flush with embarrassment and anger all at the same time.
“I’m not agreeing to that!” she snapped, and ran into her room, slamming the door behind her.
Misty said, “I’ll talk to her.”
“You’ve got twenty-four hours, Misty,” Eric informed her. “After that, I’m turning it in,” he smiled and went back into his room and shut the door. Misty stood outside, a million thoughts going in and out of her head. As she considered what might actually happen, she felt simultaneously frightened and exhilarated. How would she convince her roommate that this was the best course of action?
After what seemed like an eternity, but was in reality only about twenty seconds after Beth had slammed the door, she heard it open, and in walked Misty. Neither roommate spoke for a long time, but they each sat on their beds, looking at one other, then looking away, then looking at each other again.
She began, “Beth, I –”
“No!” Beth cut her off. “I am absolutely not going to do that. I’ve got half a mind to go report him to the RLO.
“You can’t do that,” her roommate replied, almost pleading. You and I are going to be in so much trouble. We can’t let him turn that incident report in.”
Beth’s thoughts turned back to the consequences of their actions. True, she wouldn’t get kicked out like Misty would, but there would still be consequences. Her parents would know that she had let them down. And word would travel through the student body that she had been caught drinking. It was one thing to go out and get drunk. It was quite another thing to get caught on campus drunk.
Her thoughts wandered back to the last time she had gotten a spanking. She didn’t even remember what it was for, but she very much remembered her daddy throwing her effortlessly over his lap, saying that he hoped this would be the last spanking she would ever need. Up until tonight, she had thought that it would be.
She knew that she had it in her power to save both Misty’s school career and to protect her own. The compassionate nature of Beth forced her to say something that shocked even her as the words came out of her mouth.
“OK, I’ll do it,” she muttered.
Misty almost pounced on Beth with a big hug of gratitude. “Thank you!” she exclaimed, genuinely relieved that she was still going to be enrolled in school the next day. She started out the door. “Are you coming?” she asked her roommate?
“Now?” Beth asked.
“We may as well get it over with, don’t you think?” Misty reasoned with her.
Beth shrugged. “I guess so,” she replied, and in the dead of night the two of them started down the hallway to the Resident Advisor’s Apartment. They nervously exchanged glances and then Misty knocked timidly on the door. Almost immediately, Eric opened it and ushered them in.
“I guess you’ve made your decision then?” he asked.
They nodded.
“And you’re going to take the spanking from me?”
“We are,” Misty answered. Beth just stood there, staring at her feet, not really believing what was transpiring.
“I think that’s a very reasonable decision,” Eric said, as he sat down on his overstuffed sofa. “Who’s going to be first?”
Beth’s heart was pounding hard. She managed to glance at Misty who was looking back at her. Immediately, almost instinctively, Misty said, “I am,” looking at Eric for direction, wondering what to do next.
He motioned for her to come over and stand by him. He looked at her for a moment. She looked stunning with her long blonde hair, as it fell against the back of her tank top. As he reached up and placed his hand on her back, he gently guided her across his lap. He lifted the hem of her skirt and tucked it inside itself, revealing a pair of pink panties. He stuck two fingers inside the elastic waistband and was about to tug when Misty stood up and backed away from him.
“You can’t take those off!” she exclaimed as she untucked her skirt hem and let it fall back into its original position.
“A good spanking is always delivered to a bare bottom,” Eric replied. “Of course, we can end this right now and go through the RLO if you’d like.”
Misty looked at Beth, who still seemed to be staring into space as if she were oblivious to what was happening before her. Then she looked back at Eric. A calm came over her as she resigned herself to her fate. Without a word, she unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Eric noticed that her panties were quite soaked in the front, and was somewhat relieved to see that this excited her as much as it did him. Misty timidly stepped out of her panties and walked back over to Eric. Unassisted, she bent over his lap, and returned to the position she had been in moments ago.
“This,” said Eric, “is for being drunk on campus.” He raised his arm.
Misty braced for the blow, but as it fell she shrieked, both from the surprise and the sting of it. She tried to stand up, but Eric’s hand against the small of her back held her in place. Almost instinctively, Misty threw her hands behind her in an effort to both protect her backside from further swats, and to rub the skin where it had been stung by Eric’s hand.
“You must keep your arms in front of you at all times, Misty,” admonished Eric. Misty threw her arms forward of her and grabbed the armrest of the sofa. Eric’s hand came down a second time, and even Beth jumped as the impact of flesh against flesh resounded along with Misty’s yelp. A third time, Eric’s hand swiftly met its target, and a faint pink impression was left where the contact was made. Misty began to sob as Eric struck her a fourth and a fifth time. After the fifth swat, she stopped counting, tears rolling from her eyes to the rhythm of Eric’s hand as it hit her. She jumped once when he missed her cheek and instead struck her upper left thigh. She couldn’t tell if he had done that by accident or on purpose.
Beth watched in horror, knowing that she was next. She wanted to run back to her dorm room and lock the door, but she wasn’t able to move her feet, nor was she able to tear her eyes away from the spectacle before her.
As Misty’s spanking continued, she noticed that the sharp stings were no longer as sharp as they were in the beginning. In fact, they were now more like dull thuds. Her whole backside was on fire now, and a warm tingling sensation began to creep through her, making her even wetter than she had been before. She couldn’t believe it, but now the spanking was giving her pleasure rather than pain. She dared not give any indication of this, though, because she was supposed to be being punished, and she did not want to let on to Eric for a moment that it was anything but painful. Yet each continued blow from Eric made her writhe, not only from pain, but from ecstasy as well.
And then, without warning, Eric stopped, the rhythm of his right hand striking Misty suddenly suspended. Eric removed his hold on her and allowed her to stand up, and immediately her hands went behind her to rub her spanked bottom.
“And now, Beth, I believe you’re next,” Eric began.
Beth could take it no longer. She shook her head furiously, and sputtered out, “I’m sorry. I can’t do it.” She spun around and ran out of the room.
Eric turned again and looked at Misty, who was already re-buttoning her skirt. “I’ll talk to her,” she said in a simple reply. She opened his door and stepping out into the hallway, closed it just as quickly and silently as she had opened it. She walked down to the end of the hall, to the last door on the right. Inside, she found Beth sitting on the edge of her bed, sobbing.
“I j-j-just can’t do it,” she stammered in between sobs. Her roommate sat down on the bed opposite her, staring at the floor. Silently, each of their thoughts consumed them as they pondered their predicament.
Finally, Misty spoke. “If you don’t go through with this, then I did all that for nothing.”
“That’s not true,” Beth retorted. “You took your punishment.”
“It’s not that simple,” Misty explained. “We made the agreement that we would both go through with it. If we don’t both finish, it’s as if none of it ever happened, and we’ll both wind up in the Residential Life Office tomorrow.”
Beth stared at Misty as if she had just delivered news of a death in the family. “Oh, my God!” she exclaimed in disbelief. While she had resigned herself to the fate of the RLO and possibly even being suspended or expelled, her sense of duty and friendship wrested at her, obliging her to do the only sensible thing, the one thing she hated and feared. She wasn’t about to let her friend, who by now was practically her sister, get kicked out of college because of her fear and cowardice.
She gulped, and then whispered a question, her voice so soft as it quivered that Misty didn’t hear her the first time.
“What?” she asked?
“Will it hurt?” Beth repeated.
Full of compassion for her roommate, Misty jumped up and walked over to the other side of the room, and sat down on Beth’s bed next to her. She put her arms around her, embracing her with a hug. Then she sat up and looked directly into Beth’s eyes. “Yes, it does hurt,” she said, “in the beginning. But after a while, it gets numb and then it tingles, and it’s even kind of exciting.”
“Oh, my God!” Beth exclaimed. “You can’t be serious. Are you telling me that a spanking turns you on?”
“‘Fraid so,” she said and managed a wink at her roommate.
“I don’t know,” Beth told Misty. “I don’t know if I could ever get into it like that. But I’ll go through with it if that’s what it takes to keep you from getting kicked out.”
Misty smiled at her roommate. “Thank you, Beth. And I really mean that.” She picked up the phone and dialed the four digits that connected her to the RA’s apartment. After a pause, she began talking. Beth could only hear the end of the conversation which originated in her room.
“Hi, Eric, it’s Misty. Yes, I talked to her. Yes, she is ok. Yes….ok, I’ll tell her.” She hung up the phone.
“What?” Beth asked.
“He said tomorrow night after the basketball game. He wants us to meet him outside the gym.”
“You’re going to be there, too?”
“If you want me to, yes.”
This time it was Beth who embraced Misty. “Thank you,” she said.
All through English Literature and World History class, Beth could not concentrate on her studies. Her mind kept racing ahead to what would transpire after the basketball game. Would he do the same thing he did with Misty? Would she bend over his knees while he sat on his sofa? How badly would it hurt? Would it really be numb? Was there a chance she might find it arousing like her roommate did?
After dinner, Beth went up to her room. She decided to put on a pair of denim jeans and a black T-shirt. She donned her Kansas City Chiefs jacket and headed over to the Gymnasium. She nearly decided to turn around and go back to her room, but she saw Misty waiting for her at the entrance to the Gymnasium. Beth smiled weakly at her roommate and the two of them went inside. The game was riveting. Their school was playing their archrivals, and it was anyone’s game up until the middle of the second half, when the school’s star power forward fouled out. The other team pulled away, leaving the home team behind with never a chance to catch up. When the final buzzer rang, the score was 60-54. Beth sat in her spot in the bleachers, as if she was frozen and unable to move, lost in thought. Then a familiar voice jolted her back into reality.
“Good evening, ladies,” their RA greeted them. “Are we ready to go?”
Beth couldn’t make any sound with her voice, but she nodded, and Misty took her hand and the three of them walked outside. Eric unlocked the back door of his 1994 Olds Cutlass and the two of them slid in.
“Where are we going?” Beth asked. Eric just smiled, and got into the drivers’ seat, turning on the ignition and driving out of the parking lot and into the street. He drove several blocks down to the main road that went through town. Beth’s heart was pounding as Eric made a right-hand turn and headed out of town. None of the three of them said a word for the next three miles, and then they made another left hand turn onto a gravel road that wound through some fields of corn. After they had wound around several turns, Eric pulled the car over and turned off the ignition.
In an instant, Beth understood. They had come out here so that she couldn’t run away. There was nowhere to run to in this maze of cornfields. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she realized the impending reality of what was about to happen. In her mind, she had rationalized that this was going to happen, but as her senses drank in the fact that it was actually happening now, the adrenaline began to flow.
Eric got out of the car and placed the keys in his jacket pocket. He walked around the front of the car over to the passenger side, and opened the right back door. He didn’t say a word, but somehow the two passengers in the backseat knew they were supposed to get out. Misty climbed out of the car while Beth hesitated for a moment before following her roommate.
Eric opened the front passenger door and sat down on the front seat. He motioned for Beth to come over to him. She didn’t think she could move, but somehow her subconscious picked up one foot, and then the other, and as if in a dream, she slowly moved over towards him. “I think you should probably take off your jacket,” he admonished. “We don’t want it to get in the way.” Again, as if being controlled by an external force, she slowly undid each snap on her Kansas City Chiefs jacket. When the last one had been undone, she slid it off and tossed it in the back seat.
“Good girl,” Eric said. “Now, take down your jeans and lay yourself across my lap.”
Beth turned and looked at Misty, as if her roommate could somehow say or do something to stop this from happening. Misty bit her lip and nodded, and Beth slowly reached down and unbuttoned her black Levis, sliding them over her hips and letting them fall down around her ankles. Throwing her arms out in front of her, she leaned over across his lap. No sooner had she finished positioning herself, that she felt herself gasp as he tugged at her panties, pulling them down to her ankles alongside her jeans. She felt embarrassed, humiliated in front of Eric and Misty.
Eric bent down and whispered into Beth’s ear, “Don’t worry, we’ll be done with this before you know it.” He straightened back up and said, “This is for being drunk on campus,” he announced, just as he had the day before to her roommate.
Without warning the first blow struck. Beth shrieked as the sting of flesh hitting flesh registered in her brain. Instinctively, she threw her hands back and covered herself, trying in vain to protect herself from the next smack. Eric laughed gently, not in ridicule, but more in a reassuring, understanding way. “That won’t work at all, Beth,” he admonished. “You’ll have to keep your hands above your head until we finish. Otherwise, we have to start all over.”
As if fighting an internal war, Beth struggled to place her hands back up above her head on the driver’s seat. Misty sensed her roommate’s struggles and walked around to the driver’s side of the car. She placed her hands on Beth’s wrists, to hold her arms in place so she would be spared having to start over again.
His hand came down and made contact with her again. She gasped, but this time she was able to suppress her shriek. The sting once again seared through her like an electric shock. Again he struck her. And again. And again. Each time it stung, but with each time, it also seemed less of a shock. She began to feel numb from her waist down to her thigh, and instead of stinging, the swats made her tingle. She began to understand. She couldn’t put it into words, but she understood why Misty found this to be a turn-on. She could feel herself getting wet between her legs as Eric continued to spank her.
Just as with her roommate before her, the sharp stings turned into dull thuds, but each time contact was made between his hand and her ass, her pink and purple skin sent electric chills straight to her brain. It definitely hurt when he struck her, and yet a part of her prayed that this erotic experience would never stop. Beth’s emotions ran away with her, and she began to uncontrollably cry, and she didn’t even know why. Beth wasn’t even aware that Eric had stopped spanking her until about 30 seconds afterwards. She had completely forgotten the shame and humiliation of being naked from the waist down, and could only think about the ecstasy of simultaneous pain and pleasure that she had experienced. She had crossed over a threshold. She wasn’t sure what she had crossed into, but she was aware that she had passed a milestone in the journey of life.
Remembering the conversations she had with her roommate, she scooted back as Misty let go of her wrists. She became acutely aware of the bulge in Eric’s pants. She crossed her right arm over his lap and tugged at his zipper. She looked up and simply asked, “May I?” He nodded. She pulled down his zipper, but then tried in vain to unbutton his jeans.
After several attempts, without saying a word, he reached down and undid them for her, then she moved the flaps of his jeans so that she could also tug at his boxers. At that, she had freed his cock from its confines, and licked it from top to bottom before taking it into her mouth. What she lacked in experience she made up for in enthusiasm, and before long she felt the hot stream of his load shooting into her mouth. It was a unique taste, not bad, but not describable with any other word either.
She stood up and wiped her mouth off, then without a word, pulled up her panties and her jeans, although gingerly, as it hurt when the denim touched the part of her skin that was so sensitive. Misty came around to her side of the car and opened the back door, retrieving Beth’s Kansas City Chiefs jacket and handing it to her. She slid it on, but didn’t bother to snap it closed. Beth carefully climbed into the seat, still in a silent daze, and Misty followed. Eric drove them back to the residence hall where they each walked inside to the elevator. They got to their room, closed the door, and fell on their beds. A few minutes later, both were asleep, exhausted from the ordeal which had just transpired.
The next day, Beth was reminded of her experience every time she tried to sit in class. At lunchtime, she went to the campus post office and opened her box. Inside was an RLO discipline referral form with her name on it, torn in two. She smiled as she ripped both pieces into little shreds and threw them away.
Later that evening, in their room, the two roommates both heaved a sigh of relief that this was over. “We’ve got to make sure we never get into that predicament again,” Beth said.
“Yeah,” replied Misty, “In fact, if I ever try to come back drunk again, you should just spank me yourself and get it over with right away,” she said as she rolled over to go to sleep.
Beth didn’t say a word, but she didn’t fall asleep for hours, as she churned her roommate’s last comment around in her head over and over again. And as she drifted off to sleep, Misty hoped that her roommate knew that she was only half kidding.