“You okay?” was the first thing Rob asked as I got in the door. He then turned and looked at me and said, “You’re okay. We’ve lost our best support and motivation then?”
Grinning I replied, “Support, no, she’ll be coming to our game on Saturday and before you ask, I’ll be at training tomorrow. We’re going out Friday night. Yes, I know, I’ll be a good boy.”
“How about Tina? Is she coming on Saturday too?”
This threw me for a second and it obviously showed as Rob laughed, “Okay then, is Diane coming on Saturday? If I’m losing my best bud, I need a replacement. You think she’ll hold my cock?”
“Oh, fuck me, don’t say it’s true, he’s going to stop moping?” This was Andy standing at the kitchen door. To the sound of laughter, I gave them both the ‘V’ sign and went to my room.
Thursday came and went. I must admit I wasn’t one hundred per cent with it. It wasn’t just being in a bit of a daydream, but also thinking about where we would go Friday night. It was a university town, so there were several options for dancing, but dinner was more limited, outside of chain restaurants. Training that evening was on fitness so it was easier to focus with no technical skills to apply and it cleared out my head.
Friday morning, I went out of my way to be about the first year maths lectures and managed to spot Tina with some of her friends or course mates. When I approached and asked to borrow her for a minute, her eyes lit up and a smile split her face in two. The reaction around was mixed, most smiled, a couple just about acknowledged me and one looked downright hostile. We took a few steps away and when we stopped and I turned to her, Tina went up on tiptoes putting her arms around my neck and pulled me down into a quick kiss.
I noticed as she stood back again and took my hand, she had a look around and I would swear she puffed out her chest. She had a look of defiance on her face almost daring people to try and take me away from her. Dual thoughts ran through my head, ‘Yeah, just try!’ and ‘Bunny boiler?’ I knew I was already in love with her, so someone trying to take me off of her or vice versa would have a fight, but all I knew about Tina’s feelings. She was keen to keep seeing me, for the time being.
“I just wanted to check what food you like, often Friday is pasta night at our house, but there’s any number of places we can go to.”
After a brief chat, we decided on Italian. I had a particular bar in mind for after so suggested how she should dress. This time I initiated the kiss and got a little hug in return. It was then I really noticed for the first time and it was probably the start of my obsession with her bum in jeans. I stood mesmerised as she walked back to her friends, feeling some action in my own jeans.
Her hips didn’t sway from side to side her whole bum appeared to roll, with her legs it was like a flywheel and piston rods. Mind you, if all flywheels looked like that, the world would never be short of mechanics. When I came back to myself, I saw a couple of her crowd were grinning at me and leaning in to whisper in Tina’s ear.
After lectures on Friday, I rushed back to halls and started to get ready, I showered then dried my hair. I was in my towel when Diane walked in and gave me a huge hug.
“Tonight’s the night!” She said, it was a statement, not a question.
“We’ll see,” I knew exactly what she meant.
“If he’s half as good in bed as Rob…” she left it hanging with a filthy smirk on her face.
“Oh? Oh! You and… oh, that was fast.”
“He’s a lovely guy and rather well… well, you’ve seen. We were chatting about you two on Wednesday while you were out having a chat and one thing led to another.”
“You two are an item?”
“Yes and no. If we’re available, then yes why not, but if we meet someone else, no hard feelings. Like I said, lovely guy, great in bed and no hang-ups.”
She then looked at the bed and the clothes I had laid out.
“You’re wearing these? Don’t you want him after all?”
“For starters, it’s what he suggested. No, I don’t know what he’s got planned, but if he thinks I’m better off in these than a little dress and heels, who am I to argue? I’d hate to ruin the night because I wore something that would make it difficult to join in. Second, after I spoke with him this morning, Jane said that I had hypnotised him with my bum, so there’s no harm in a little hypnosis to help the evening flow.”
We both started laughing. She then sat down on the bed, we chatted about the latest gossip and men, and boys, while I finished getting ready. We concluded that all the males in our year that we had had the misfortune of spending time outside of lectures with, were boys. At seven thirty sharp my door buzzer went. Diane gave me another hug and wished me good luck.
There was no response to my buzz, I was about to try again when she appeared in the lobby. Her outfit was so simple, but it worked perfectly. The same white plimsols she had on for our first date, a pair of light blue jeans and a slightly darker blue blouse tucked in tight. Her blouse was pulled taut over her chest. She didn’t have much up front at all, but she was a girl. She didn’t have much on in the way of makeup, light lipstick and a little eyeliner seemed to be about it and her hair hung loosely around her face and over her shoulders.
When she saw me, a grin spread across her face and she trotted to the door. I felt a grin spreading over my face too. When she came out, I pushed our grins together. That silly thought occurred to me and I started to laugh as we broke away. Tina looked at me quizzically and started laughing too when I explained.
We passed the usual niceties on the drive to the restaurant. I know I was nervous as hell and it felt like Tina was too. Her hand had been sweaty when I walked her to my car and it still was now that we were walking across the car park or was it mine. On the flip side, she was happy to take my hand as we walked along.
“Good evening madam, sir,” we were greeted by the restaurant manager.
“Hi, table for two in the name of Evans,” I replied.
“Please follow me.”
As we were taken to our table Tina tugged on my arm a little, “Is your family Welsh too?”
I shrugged, “Not that I am aware. Maybe somewhere in the dim and distant.” Then to the manager, as we were given our menus, “Please can I get two small glasses of lime and soda?”
“Certainly, sir.”
That was a surprise, I hadn’t even thought of Luke’s surname or his heritage and to think he might have similar roots to my family was just one more thing in his favour. Though it turned out he didn’t know. I did wonder why my brain was ticking boxes as if trying to find excuses to go out with him.
When we got to our table, he was the perfect gentleman, taking my jacket and holding my chair for me. I’m not sure why we still do that because even when the chair is pushed in a little, it’s never quite right and I end up adjusting it myself. It was nice to see that he had at least an idea of proper manners, that would please mummy and daddy.
He ordered two drinks before we had a chance to look at the menu at all. When I asked him about this he said, “We are both obviously nervous and given the level of conversation in the car, I’m going to hazard a guess and say your mouth is as dry as mine. I hate soda water, but that is a great palette cleanser.”
He was right. When the waiter brought the drinks we ordered some more, a beer for me this time and a lemonade for Luke. We both had garlic bread for our starters, I ordered a risotto con pollo (chicken risotto) and Luke a penne Toscana for mains. He told the waiter to only bring me a half portion.
“It’s okay, I can pay for my own,” I said, with a smile but realising I may have put my foot in my mouth.
I was about to apologise when he smiled back (that damned smile, so calm, so warm, so reassuring, making me feel safe) and said, “Even so, I would hate to see you waste your money. The portions here are massive. When we want to eat out and have a carb blow out, we come here.”
“Oh, that’s a point. You’ve got a game tomorrow, do you want to be eating a heavy meal?”
“Part of the reason I chose here is because of it. It’s also why Friday is often pasta night at the house. Loads of carbs ready to be used tomorrow.” He waggled his eyebrows.
He was right, the portions were huge. Even with half, I still could not eat it all. Luke, on the other hand, cleaned his plate and said, “If we knew each other better, I’d clean yours too.” Though he did put his hand up when I offered it to him.
When he asked for the bill, he didn’t suggest I pay anything, but did not turn down my offer to cover half. It’s a subtle thing, but this said to me that he was happy to pay but also saw me as an equal. Some boys I went out with had been quite condescending when it came to paying, either expecting me to pay half or turning me down if I offered in such a way it felt like a put-down.
The bar we were going to was just down the road from the restaurant and it was a dry evening, so we decided to walk. Having broken the ice over dinner, conversation flowed a lot easier and I think we both felt a lot more comfortable in each other’s company from earlier. I held his hand again but also this time tucked my other across me and through his, I got that safe feeling again, especially when he gave my hand a little squeeze. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me already with a smile on his face, tonight was a good night.
Well, it was a good night. I was mortified when we walked in the bar, it was decked out like an old western tavern. There was a large dance floor in the centre and tables around three sides with a bar along the wall on one. On the fourth side, there was a stage that had had a band playing, but who looked to be on a break now.
“This isn’t country dancing, is it?” Tina asked, looking petrified.
“I hope so or I got the wrong place. Well line and square dancing”
“But…” I stopped her.
“Tonight, it is novice Friday. They do it once a month and it’s where everyone can come and make fools of themselves.”
“I’ve never done this before.”
I leant and whispered in her ear, “Nor have I. I’m shit at dancing generally. I took a chance you hadn’t done this, that way we can look shit together and hopefully laugh about it together too.” Tina smiled at this.
“The way I understand it works, before the square dances there is a caller who will give the ideas of the basic moves and then call them through the dance. You know, dozy doe, swing your partner by their tits and all that. For the line dancing there are a few people up front and to the sides that do the steps but half a beat ahead so everyone can follow.”
Tina smiled and shrugged, “I think it’s dosey doe, not dozy and for swinging your partner, sorry,” she waved at her front. Oh, crap! Foot in mouth! I thought.
Then she smiled and her eyes lit up, calling me into them and said, “Just so long as we all look fools together.”
We did, but it was a blast. Everyone there had a great time and I learnt something else that night. It was wonderful watching Tina move when she was dancing and even better when she came back around the square and was moving with me again. Everyone was having a great time and seemed genuinely upset when they called the last dance. I was happy though because they called a slow couples dance and I got to hold this perfect young lady in my arms, tonight was a good night.
As we walked back to the car I said, “You know, now we’ve danced together, you’ll have to dance with me tomorrow.”
I heard a little gasp and sniggered. That was the first time Tina hit me. I let go of her hand and put my arm around her shoulder and she reciprocated by putting hers around my waist. With her now spare hand, she held mine that was around her shoulder. It felt like she was comfortable with me as I was with her.
“You’re good,” I continued, “tomorrow’s an away game. The home team lead the frivolities after. They may be similar; they may be totally different. I can’t remember what they are like.”
“Do you fancy a coffee?” She asked.
“It’ll have to be at mine, I’m not allowed in halls after midnight. Only because I’m not a resident this year, Rob’s the one that’s supposed to be banned.” She looked at me expectantly, “Long story and it’s fine I’m happy to run you back after.”
“I’d love that then. It’ll be nice to see where you live.”
“Be warned there may be the smell of burnt water. They had to fend for themselves tonight.”
It felt right snuggling into him with his arm around me. It felt right going back to his for a coffee. It felt right just having my hand on his knee. We chatted freely as he drove back to his.
It didn’t look the biggest house for four men, none of whom were small. It was a three-bed terrace with one of the downstairs rooms converted into a bedroom to make a fourth. When Luke opened the door, he stepped back as he pushed it to allow me to go in first. I jumped back a little at the sight that greeted me.
These three men (I use the term loosely), were on their knees pleading with Luke not to leave them again and with me not to take him away. As they got up laughing, Matt offered to make us coffee while Rob showed me to the living room.
Rob told me that they had agreed to do the cooking on a Friday in turns, but Luke was the best of them making pasta dishes so did twice as many as the others. He would even help out when it wasn’t his turn. Also, I was barred from the kitchen when they had been cooking, to ease their shame.
After the first coffee, the others said their goodnights reminding Luke of the match the next day, which I misunderstood. We had a second cup and sat, cuddling and kissing with a little bit of touching. After our second cup he apologised saying, “Sorry, I’d best get you back now. I need to get a few hours in.”
I studied his face before biting the bullet, “What if I wanted another coffee?”
I could see the cogs whirring, “You’d have a long walk,” then with a smirk, “or you could crash out here.”
“I’d like another coffee but hold the coffee please.”
“On only our second date? Miss Croft, you are a brazen woman!” he laughed as he pulled me up and into his arms. The kiss was hard and passionate, his tongue darting out along my lips, then it was over. He led me to his room and closed the door.
As I turned, he was leaning against it. “I have a spare toothbrush, just bought this week, in the top drawer of the chest of drawers. Third drawer down are t-shirts and sweatshirts, feel free to grab one. And there’s a towel in the cupboard. Actually, this will save me coming over to pick you up tomorrow.”
I walked up and lay against him, putting my arms around his neck. “I’ll need to go back for a change of underwear.” Kissing his lips, taking advantage of his mouth opening to respond and running my tongue over the tip of his.
“No, you don’t,” he looked at me dead straight faced and kissed me back.
“You do think I’m a brazen woman! You can’t expect me to go commando.”
“I will if you will.”
“Deal.” He put his hands around me reaching down and around my bum. He grasped me firmly but gently and lifted me, so our faces were level. He kissed me softly this time, running his lips over mine, letting his tongue out, but not pushing. As we toyed with each other he walked me to his bed and somehow without pause lay me down on it.
He then kissed my chin and neck, trailing his tongue down and around, before coming back to my mouth. I felt hands at the buttons of my blouse, one then two, he was undoing it. I hadn’t said it was okay, he hadn’t asked, we both just knew. I already knew he was going to be a better lover than that idiot in the summer.
With that flash of anger, at the idiot and myself for letting him taint the moment, I hadn’t noticed my blouse was all the way open and had been tugged out a little. I went to undo his shirt, but my hands were slapped away. I tried my jeans but again I was stopped.
Silently Luke kissed along my left shoulder pushing my blouse back, repeating on my right. He lifted me to sitting and kneeling in front of me pushed it back off my shoulders and arms. I suddenly felt very self-conscious sitting there in my tiny bra that was little more than a modesty item as I had nothing to support. I brought my hands across my front as he reached behind and with some fiddling, which made me smile, he undid it. As he lay me back down, kissing me and teasing my tongue, darting in and out he brought his hands along my arms. Only when I felt my straps around my wrists did I realise.
He looked me in the eye and seemed aware of my nerves because for the next five minutes he did not break that contact. He lifted one hand then the other, kissing each, taking the strap off before lifting my bra away. In a flood of self-consciousness, I snatched my hands back and covered myself, but Luke took them and gently lifted them away.
Again, he ran his fingers along my arms, this time he reversed the motion all the way to my shoulders, I could feel the goosebumps rising. After the third time doing this, I couldn’t help but shudder, causing Luke to smile a little. He also changed direction, instead of trailing back down my arms he stroked straight down my front.
His fingers went straight over my boobs and nipples almost as if they weren’t there, well I could barely claim my boobs were. Then he surprised me, he took a finger on each hand and ran it along the bottom and sides of my boob, not just a circle around, but the very edge of the more sensitive flesh that marked the difference. I wondered how he could tell without looking. He circled smaller the second time and again the third on the fourth he just missed my nipples and paused. He gave them a light flick and bent down and kissed my lips.
Still keeping eye contact, he moved down my neck to my shoulder and following the path of his fingers, down my front. His right hand was playing with my left nipple and as he ran his tongue over my right nipple, he gave it a matching downward brush with his finger. He then sucked it into his mouth and teased the top with this tongue, with his finger he flicked back and forth over my other one.
In the meantime, his other hand was playing around my belly, tickling my belly button and tracing along the top of my jeans. In a very co-ordinated move, as he sucked my nipple in the first time, he also popped the button on my jeans. After a pause, he slid the zip down. He later told me that the various pauses he did were to allow me to stop him.
As he changed sides with his mouth his right hand went down to my belly and jeans. Pushing them apart both hands went inside and around my back. I lifted my hips a little and he slid them off my bum and along my legs to my knees.
He had switched sides. His left hand was now playing with my nipple while his right was down around my belly. I suddenly had a flash of self-consciousness. Diane had talked about tidying myself up for Luke, but I had not really considered it. I was regretting that now. Once more, I put my hand on his, he stopped everything he was doing, his hands freezing in place, then he studied my face.
“We only go as far as you want,” he said.
“I want to, it’s just that, I, well, I meant to trim myself,” I could feel my cheeks burning.
“Au naturel? Wonderful!” That damned smile again, that safe feeling again. “Then when you’ve done some topiary, I’ll have images of before and after.”
Chuckling, he kissed me on the lips, looked at me again and gave my nipple a little tweak. This made me jump a little and as I did, he slipped his other hand past the waistband of my knickers. Another pause and then he just twirled his fingers in my pubic hair, not pulling, almost stroking. I felt another shudder, stronger this time.
He must have felt it as his ministrations on my nipples increased and he lowered his mouth over the free one again. I could feel a familiar tingling building between my legs, but it was somehow totally different. Putting my hands on the back of his head, encouraging him to carry on, I waited for his hand to move between my legs.
As the pressure was building, he took his hand out and ran it along my thigh, on the outside, then the inside. I pushed my hips up in expectation of meeting his hand, but he pulled away and ran up the other thigh. This time when I lifted my hips it was involuntary, my thighs tensed, my legs tried to close but Luke’s body was between them.
I bit my lip and heard someone whimpering, then realised it was me. He put his hand flat across my vagina, outside my knickers. Starting with a gentle but even pressure, the focus gradually changed until he was grinding against my clitoris with the heel of his hand. At the same time, he increased the pressure on my nipples with his fingers and teeth. I had started to relax but felt myself start to tense again and a massive shudder ran through my body starting at the tips of my toes.
Luke sat back on his haunches and looked at me with a smile, I just lay panting. He lifted first one foot, then the other, pulling my jeans and socks off. With each, he kissed the top of my foot almost as if he were worshipping me.
I started to protest, but he calmed me with “Shh, relax. Trust me?”
I gave a little nod, barely moving my head. He then proceeded to kiss along my leg, matching the movement of his mouth with his hand along the other side. The opposite hand seemed to be randomly stroking my other leg. When he was close to the top, I took hold of his head to pull him up.
He was too strong and I wasn’t really trying, he just carried on past my knickers and down my other leg. When he reached my foot again, both hands started to caress the backs of my legs, he kissed each alternately. I did not notice until I was fully exposed to him that as he had worked his way higher, he had been moving my legs apart.
His hands came under my thighs opening me fully, before coming over the top and running his fingers in a straight line from where my knickers clung to the last of my modesty. Luke was looking me in the eye again, I knew I was safe, I knew I could stop him any time. I didn’t and I felt his hands go inside my knickers. He ran both through my pubic hair without touching anything sensitive.
I say that, it was as if every nerve on my body had been exposed, wherever he touched was sensitive. Without touching what would normally be sensitive, my legs gripped him again and my hips lifted as my head fell back and another orgasm rolled through me.
I found out that night that Luke can be quite sneaky. As my hips had lifted and while I rode out my orgasm, he slipped my knickers over my bum. He leant back a little so he could close my knees to take them off fully.
Without letting me settle like before, I was aware of a pressure on my vagina again, I was surprised when I looked down. Unlike today, the prevalence of porn was still limited to magazines, videos and cinemas in certain areas, so we were all a lot more naïve about what to do and not do. Of course, I had heard of oral sex, but I had listened to the idiot and others at school and the way they talked about it only sluts and sissy boys performed it. One thing I knew was that was no sissy boy between my legs, though he did seem very unsure of what he was doing.
At first, he was tentative, just pushing his tongue against me and looking at me. When I smiled it felt like he was just poking his tongue about, it was a series of fleeting almost test probes. Gradually he became bolder, he licked along the length of my vagina, getting faster and faster. He was like a cat at a saucer of milk, lapping away. It didn’t feel bad, but I knew there had to be something missing.
“Slower, sweetie, I’m not going anywhere and I’m not going to melt,” I whispered to him while stroking his hair.
This made him laugh, that felt good, damn good! I let out a little moan. He had slowed his lapping to long licks and every time he reached the end, my clitoris, he blew what felt like a little raspberry on it, making it vibrate and sending little shocks through me. Luke started to explore with his fingers while he did this, tentatively he pushed the tip of one finger into me.
The next time he touched my clitoris my orgasm that had been building all this time hit me. Again, I thrust up and threw my head back, my legs clenching and wrapping around his back, pulling him in. Another wave hit me, I had not realised but as I reacted to the first, it had forced his finger all the way in, triggering a second peak.
Before I had properly come down, I grasped his head pulling him up to me, “I want you in me, Luke, please.” To my utter dismay, he shook his head, then put his hand on my cheek, kissing me so tenderly, I relaxed knowing everything was fine.
“Not tonight. This was all about you.” Such a warm smile spread across his face.
“But you haven’t, you know.”
“I know,” he said, “I don’t need to. It was beautiful watching you.”
He sat back on his haunches and rested his chin on his hands which were clasped over my belly, “You are more than welcome to stay if you still want to, or I can take you back to yours.”
“I’ll stay if you don’t mind.” I think it may have been Christmas by the look on his face.
“I usually sleep naked. I can keep my boxers on and if you want a t-shirt…”
“Naked’s good,” I said stopping him and I stood, pulled the duvet back and slipped into the bed.
“If you want to be pedantic,” I said, as I pulled it back over me, “this is our fourth date, remember two trips to the coffee shop without Diane?”
Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading and suggestions.
Thanks to the mods for their patience with me.
And thanks to everyone that reads the story. All feedback is welcome.