In the impenetrable blackness, a patch of the night sky is growing light.
There, above the mountain peak, topped with its tangled trees.
(The place where once you and your Goddess fucked me, in full view.)
We await her arrival, our Goddess Luna.
Our few garments now hang from the branch of an ancient oak.
Our bodies, nude and gleaming white, are in full view.
When La Luna reveals her whole self, our bodies will welcome her.
In the distance, a dog fox barks.
Something brushes my shoulder.
Our Goddess’s pale face is now fully revealed.
We step from the shadows of our sacred tree into Luna’s clear white light.
We are in full view, our bodies, our souls.
We hold each other’s hands and kneel. The dew has prepared our altar.
Moon-clad, we are spread wide upon the grass.
Exposed, glistening, wetly open, in full view as Luna takes us both in turn.