Chapter One Hundred-Seven
As the weeks passed, Grace made several strategic moves to prepare for the birth of the daughter she and Mac so eagerly awaited. Having decided to take some extended time away from most of her duties as COO, she wanted to have certain things arranged ahead of time to ensure things continued to run smoothly.
It was no surprise to Mac that Grace had planned for just about any scenario. His wife had a keen business mind and was more organized than anyone he’d ever met. He had no issue with her taking as much time as she wanted, but it pleased him that all her preparations would allow her to do so without feeling guilty.
After an investigation showed that the fire in the L.A. office was started by faulty wiring, the insurance company paid Stewart Enterprises’ total loss claim. The recommendation was made that the building be razed, and a new one be constructed in its place. Brendan agreed to stay in Los Angeles to oversee the construction of the new building so Daniella could concentrate on running the day-to-day operations.
The European offices were all running smoothly, thanks to Grace’s suggestion that Ian temporarily step into Brendan’s traveling consultant role. While he lacked the experience Brendan brought to the position, Ian had developed an impressive work ethic since Grace had set him straight when she’d made it clear it was step up or move along. He was determined to show her that her trust in him was not misplaced. This was a huge opportunity, and he did not intend to blow it.
On the home front, Grace hired a contractor to divide the large nursery into two smaller rooms. One would remain a nursery for their new baby, and the other would be a lovely little bedroom for DJ, complete with a race car toddler bed.
The only thing that wasn’t going smoothly was their love life. It wasn’t as though they weren’t having sex. But the frequency had declined, and the vibe had become much more vanilla than either of them had grown accustomed to in their time together. Neither of them complained, but the underlying tone was one of building frustration. Mac assumed Grace would ask for more if she wanted it and was disappointed when she didn’t. Grace assumed Mac wasn’t as interested in her body, as she grew larger with this pregnancy than with the first. Both felt grateful that sex was still on the table, so they didn’t talk about what felt lacking.
But the closer it got to the arrival of their daughter, the farther apart they both felt. Grace’s usual spark had grown dim, and Mac knew he needed to do something to reignite it.
One evening, close to Grace’s due date, Mac arranged for Claudette to stay with DJ so he could take Grace out to dinner.
“Where are we going?” she asked that afternoon.
“It’s a surprise,” he answered with a grin.
“Mac, I need to know what to wear!” she argued. “Is it formal? Casual? Somewhere in between? I don’t have anything…”
“Check your closet,” was all he said before he headed into a phone meeting.
Annoyed but curious, Grace took the elevator up to their suite on the sixth floor. She opened the closet and spied a sparkly, cobalt-colored, tea-length maternity dress. Giddy that he’d thought to buy her something so pretty, she stripped off her work attire and slipped the dress on. Like a prom queen, she twirled in front of the full-length mirror and sighed. She felt beautiful and sexy for the first time in quite a while.
Mac stood in the doorway and watched his beautiful wife beam from ear to ear. He’d wanted to take her out for a special night, and she’d put him off several times, saying she had nothing to wear that fit her or didn’t make her feel frumpy. Feeling proud of himself for having hit this one out of the park, he was about to slink away so Grace could enjoy this private moment when their eyes met in the mirror.
She turned and smiled. “You are the most amazing man in the world. I won’t even ask how you managed to find a dress that not only fits perfectly but makes me feel like a goddess as well.”
Mac grinned. “You’re not the only Stewart in the family who can perform small miracles. If you look inside your top drawer, you’ll also find a lacy bra and panty set that I think will look spectacular when I take this dress off later.”
Feeling a little choked up, Grace looked at her husband with misty eyes. “I shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve been selecting my clothes and underwear since the moment I met you. But this?” She stopped, trying not to ruin the moment by crying. “This is one of the sweetest things you’ve ever done, Mac.”
Moving to her, he pulled Grace into his arms and kissed her softly. Inhaling the scent of her subtle perfume, he felt his cock stir. Would he ever stop wanting her this way? Like a man desperately trying to satisfy this unquenchable hunger and thirst for her?
Sensing his arousal, she pressed her body against his. Looking up at him with feigned innocence, she said, “You could always practice taking the dress off now.”
“Grace Remy Stewart! Are you propositioning me in the middle of a workday?” Mac teased.
She was about to laugh it off and say no. She felt beautiful in the dress but was hesitant about being naked with her extra body weight. But her pussy ached to be fucked.
“You bet your firmly toned ass, I am.”
The burgeoning fire in his loins won over the sensibility of finishing the paperwork he’d left on his desk. Only a foolish man would pass up an opportunity to bed his sexy wife in favor of work. Mac was not a fool; the forms and contracts would all still be there later—or even tomorrow. But this spontaneous moment of love and intimacy was a treasure not to be squandered.
He slowly slipped the straps down, kissing her bare shoulders as her eyes fluttered. He moved his lips along the curve of her neck as his hands grasped the hem of the dress and shimmied it up her body, which was so sexy with all its curves and soft skin. Nibbling her ear, he whispered, “Once I get this dress off, your body belongs to me, and I will do whatever I want with you.”
“My body has always belonged to you and always will,” she answered seductively.
As soon as the dress was removed and laid carefully across the chair, Mac released her full breasts from the confines of the bra. They were heavy and luscious as he grasped them with his hands, capturing their hardening nipples between each thumb and forefinger. “You’re so fuckin’ sexy, Gracie. You make me want you.”
She moaned as her body began to hum with intense need. “God, yes! Take me and use me, Mac. I need…”
His fervent kiss interrupted her pleas as two greedy fingers made their way into her panties and rubbed along the velvety, wet slit between her legs. He teased her for a moment, then added a third finger as he moved inside her already-dripping sex.
“You naughty little minx! Already so wet and ready for me, aren’t you, my little, pregnant slut?”
She nodded as she moved her body to grind against his hand as it impaled her. His mouth found her left breast, while his other hand continued its erotic torture of her right nipple. She came instantly, spraying her juices as she cried out.
Moving to the bed, he opened her legs and grinned. There were none of the usual tantalizingly teasing kisses on her inner thighs. Instead, he wasted no time, feasting upon her needy cunt without delay. His tongue probed and swirled, causing her hips to rock as she moaned like a bitch in heat. He nibbled and sucked, and soon, her back arched, and she cried out, “Oh, fuck! Yes! Yes! Now fuck me, McKinley!”
He looked up at her, his mouth frosted with her sweet honey, and chuckled, “Yes, ma’am!”
Releasing his cock from his trousers, he held each of her legs in the air as he thrust into her like a horny frat boy. The pace was fast and furious, both panting, whimpering, and growling as their animalistic lust took over.
“Fuck me, Mac! Fuck your pregnant slut!”
“I’m fucking you, baby! I’m gonna keep fucking you like the slutty little whore you are! God, your pussy is so fucking tight!”
Knowing he was close and wanting to send her over the edge one more time before he allowed his own climax, he reached between their bodies and rubbed her engorged clit. Within seconds, her body quaked as she screamed, “Oh, fuck! I’m cumming!”
“That’s right, baby. Cum on my cock! Oh, fuck! I’m gonna fill your slutty cunt with my hot seed!”
Mac’s balls tightened and let go as they came hard together. Pulling out, he wiped his cock on her tits, watching her eyes glaze over. He had forgotten that sometimes his sophisticated wife needed to be treated like a whore.
Chapter One Hundred-Eight
Moments later, when they’d caught their breath, Mac sat on the bed and pulled Grace into his arms. “We’ve been too busy lately to do this often enough, and I’ve been too careful with you on those occasions. I’m sorry I haven’t made you realize how sexy and beautiful you are, my love. I’m glad you like the dress. I’ve arranged for you to have your hair, nails, and makeup done in our massage room on the lower level. Although you look incredibly hot with my cum on your tits and running down your leg, you might wish to shower before you head down. I’ve left a fluffy robe for you in the bathroom.”
Grace smiled. “That’s sweet, but none of my robes fit right now.”
“This one will; trust me.”
Grace stood in the shower and reveled in the afterglow of hot, nasty sex while the water rained down on her, washing away the evidence. She’d been momentarily disappointed when Mac didn’t join her in the shower, but she could hardly complain. He’d given her exactly what she needed, with the promise of more.
And wasn’t that just so like him? She marveled at how lucky she was to have found a man who totally understood her varied needs—one who knew when to spoil her like a princess, when to fuck her like a whore, and everything else in between.
She thought back to the day they’d met. It was downstairs, in his office, with his bitch of an admin, Alice, trying hard to spoil things. But McKinley Stewart looked at her, and she felt all her defenses crumble. Best of all, she knew the man she wanted was there, inside him, waiting to come out and be hers. Her Mac. God, she was so fucking lucky!
After toweling off, she picked up the robe, eying it suspiciously; she’d never seen it before. It was an ultra-soft terrycloth in pale pink. As she slipped it on, she felt joy wash over her. It fit perfectly. Of course, it did; Mac promised it would. She put a protective hand on her belly and whispered to her unborn daughter, “Someday, you’ll find a man who loves and understands you as your father does me. Don’t you dare ever settle for less.”
Noticing that the dress was no longer draped over the chair, she smiled. Of course, Mac had it taken to the lower level, where her mini-spa time awaited her so that she could change down there.
When the elevator doors opened, she was greeted by three cheerful women who would spend the next couple of hours rediscovering the sophisticated wife of a wealthy man that she was, instead of the pregnant country bumpkin that she’d felt like in recent days.
When Grace’s transformation was complete, she looked in the mirror. She sighed, pleased to see the resemblance of the elegant escort she’d been in her early days with Mac, albeit with a basketball under her dress where her once-flat abdomen had previously existed.
For the second time today, she met Mac’s eyes in the mirror and was overwhelmed by the mix of love and lust in his expression.
“You’re so beautiful!” he said once he’d been caught staring at her.
She turned and rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Mac! I feel beautiful. This is exactly what I needed. We can go to McDonald’s for all I care.”
Mac pressed his mouth to her ear and said, “You look so fucking hot; I can’t wait to take this dress off you later and have my way with you.”
Grace felt the lacy panties that her horny husband had selected for her earlier go damp with arousal.
Mac took Grace’s arm and escorted her onto the elevator. Randall waited out front for them in the limousine and helped her get into the car.
As they drove to the restaurant, Mac teased the swell of his wife’s larger-than-normal breasts and enjoyed listening to her moan as her arousal grew stronger.
“Touch me, Mac,” she begged in a desperate whisper.
“This is all you get until after we’ve had our dinner. But after that? I make no promises of being able to maintain my gentlemanly demeanor.”
Grace shivered at the thought of what after dinner would bring and looked lovingly into her husband’s eyes.
Mac felt his heart hitch. There it was—that sparkle in her blue eyes that had grown dull as of late. He felt a moment of shame, knowing that he’d been neglecting the part of their marriage that he’d sworn he never would. Rather than beat himself up over it, he vowed to make up for lost time.
Chapter One Hundred-Nine
Dinner was delicious, and their playful banter was reminiscent of their early days together. Her flirtatious nature came alive, and any sense of something lacking slipped away.
When the waiter asked if they’d like to look at the dessert menu, Grace quickly declined, saying, “Thank you, but the dessert we have in mind isn’t on your menu.”
Mac laughed inwardly as the waiter blushed. God, it felt good to be back in sync with Grace. He made sure to leave a generous tip that considered what the bill might have been if they had enjoyed a Crème Brûlée or Tiramisu. Then he took Grace’s hand and led her to the limo, waiting for them.
“This isn’t our limo,” Grace said, frowning.
“It is tonight,” Mac replied.
As she stepped inside, her eyes flew open wide. On the seat were ropes, a ring gag, and a blindfold. She turned to look at Mac and saw pure lust on his face.
“Get in the car, slut,” he said gruffly. “It’s time for me to remind you that you are mine—my slut to play with and use however I want. You’re right; this isn’t our limo. This is the one I hired so I could do decadent things with you and not have you worry about what Randall would think. This driver is used to all kinds of sex and kink going on in the back of his car. That’s what his company specializes in. He will drive around the city while I take advantage of you, then drop us home when we’re done.”
Grace felt her instant arousal drenching her new lacy panties. Looking at Mac, she said, “I’m yours, sir. Treat me like you own me.”
“I intend to, my sexy little escort. You’ve been teasing me all night with those innocent blue eyes and that gorgeous red hair. We’ll get started in a moment.”
Mac pressed the call button and said, “You can start driving. I’ll let you know when I’m finished enjoying my slut.”
Grace blushed but found herself exceptionally turned on. “So, the driver knows what we’re doing back here?”
“Perhaps not every detail, but enough,” Mac said, picking up the blindfold. “Are you ready to begin?”
“But he can’t see us, right?”
“No, darling. The only one who gets the pleasure of seeing your sexy, naked body is me,” he said as he slipped the eye mask into place. Then he added, “I don’t like to share my toys with anyone.”
Grace felt shivers run down her spine. “I’m lucky, then, to belong to you and only you.”
“Only me,” he acknowledged. “Anything else you wish to say before I put the ring gag in place?”
“Use me, sir.”
“Oh, I intend to, my sweet slut.”
Once the ring gag was securely fastened, Mac ran a teasing finger along the curve of her face. “You look so fuckin’ sexy. Now it’s time to see what’s under this dress.”
Mac removed her dress slowly and carefully placed it on the side bench seat. She looked fantastic wearing only the bra and panties he’d bought for her, the thigh-highs she added, and the come-fuck-me pumps that completed the seductive ensemble.
“Your body is so luscious and ripe,” he murmured as he let his fingers glide down her belly until he found her soaking wet treasure. “Mmm, and ready for use.”
Using those fingers to bring her to a quick orgasm, he brought the nectar-drenched digits to her mouth, letting her taste them through the gag’s ring.
“Delicious, don’t you think?” he asked as he positioned her so that her arms and legs were spread wide. Taking the rope, he secured her wrists and ankles, so she was splayed out before him like a prize.
Pushing her panties aside again, he lapped the delectable honey that had pooled at the bottom of the swollen slit. He teased her labia mercilessly, caressing every tender, pink fold. Her hips rocked as she silently willed his tongue to find her hard little nub. When he finally did so, her back arched, and her juices sprayed as her orgasm shook her entire body.
“Again,” Mac said in a low growl. He repeated his tongue maneuver several times until she whimpered and shook her head.
“Had enough of my oral assault, slut? Need a big, hard cock in that greedy pussy?”
She nodded and whimpered something that sounded like please.
He unzipped the fly of his trousers, knelt before her, and rubbed the head of his dick between her slick, swollen labia. He grinned as he watched her writhing, trying desperately to get his shaft to penetrate her.
“Such a needy little cunt!” he declared as he thrust into her, impaling her with his rod.
“Uhhhnnn,” was all she could say with her mouth held open. He had initially thought he’d be able to fuck her mouth through the ring of the gag, but it was clearly made with a smaller man in mind. Still, Grace looked so fuckin’ hot with it on, especially combined with the blindfold and the ropes that held her helplessly captive for him.
He moved in and out of her slowly, driving her crazy with need. The feel of her soft, wet walls squeezing his prick was the epitome of pleasure. He reached between them and played with her clitoral area as he began thrusting faster. His reward was another gushing climax from her that caused his balls to constrict.
“I’m gonna fuck you hard and fast, my pregnant whore!” he hissed through gritted teeth. Then he pounded into her, sending her over again. As she came, he felt his sac let go, and he filled her with the seed from his pulsating cock.
Chapter One Hundred-Ten
For a few moments, neither of them could move. When he finally caught his breath, Mac said, “Shame on your husband for not giving you more attention like this.”
He removed the gag and the blindfold and unfastened her restraints. Then he sat on the seat and pulled her into his arms.
“I love you, Gracie. You’re my entire world. I’m sorry if I’ve neglected you.”
Grace shook her head. “We both let ourselves get caught up in preparing for this baby and have been too tired to give our sex life the proper attention. Plus, my body isn’t exactly as attractive anymore.”
Mac frowned. “You’re wrong. You’re so fuckin’ sexy—every inch and curve of your luscious body.”
Grace rolled her eyes. “Thanks for loving me no matter what I look like,” she sighed. “I’ve gained a little more weight with this baby than the last, but I didn’t expect my ass to look pregnant.”
Mac laughed. “You don’t see yourself through my eyes. You’re so beautiful! Pregnancy looks good on you, even your pregnant ass.”
“Help me get my dress back on,” she said, ignoring his compliment instead of arguing.
“What do you mean, nope?”
“I mean, the driver is going to pull up in front of our house, and you’re going to walk from the car to the door without clothes on. Then, we will head upstairs, where you’ll suck my cock like a good girl.”
“But I’m naked! What if someone sees?”
“A, you’re not naked; you have a bra and panties on, and B, it’s dark out. But tell you what? We can sneak into the lower-level entrance and take the elevator up to our suite from there if you’d like.”
Before she could answer, Mac pushed the button to call the driver. “Please take us to the address I indicated earlier. I’m taking this slutty whore home with me.”
“Yes, sir,” the driver said.
Grace’s eyes flew open wide. “That’s Randall’s voice!”
Mac grinned. “As if I’d trust our privacy to anyone else? He knows we have fooled around in the back of the limo before, but he doesn’t know any details. What he does know is how generous I am at bonus time for his loyalty and discretion.”
“But this isn’t our limo.”
“It is as of yesterday. I bought it. It’s more spacious than the old one.”
“More room to fuck your very round wife in?” she asked, her voice dripping with self-deprecation.
“Well, originally, I decided we needed more room for our growing family. But the spaciousness does allow more room to fuck my spectacular wife, who really needs to stop putting herself down.”
“I just…” she stopped. He’d gone to a lot of trouble to make her feel cherished, loved, and beautiful. “Thanks, Mac, for making me feel pretty and desirable.”
“I love you. You are the most desirable woman in the world, Grace. You’re growing us another little person, so cut yourself some slack, okay?”
Grace nodded as a tear slipped down the side of her face. “I just feel fat and frumpy lately.”
“Then, as I said before, shame on your husband for not making you feel like the goddess you are every single day.”
Grace wiped the tear away and said, “He’s pretty amazing, that husband of mine. He thought he was doing me a favor by allowing me to rest more and take it easy.”
“Good thing he figured out what you really needed was a night like this, huh?”
“I love you, Mac. Thank you for tonight. But must I truly walk to the house half-naked?”
Mac raised an eyebrow. “Does it make you feel decadent to do so?”
Grace nodded.
“Then, yes,” he said, keeping the blanket he’d brought along just in case tucked away in the under-seat compartment. Then he pressed the call button again. “Randall? Stay in the car when we arrive in front of the house, please.”
“Of course,” Randall replied. “Everything okay, sir?”
“Yes, never better.”
Randall smiled. He’d sensed some tension between the Stewarts in recent days and was delighted that this little outing had remedied that.
Before pulling away from the curb, Randall texted his wife.
I’ll be home soon. Any chance I could interest you in a ride, dear?
Her answer was quick.
In the limo?
No, on my cock.
Oh, yes! Hurry home, Randy.
He smiled and set the GPS on the fastest route to his home, already picturing the sight of his wife’s tits bouncing up and down as she rode him.