Imagining you imagining me

"How I spend my time on Lush"

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I’m alone. I will have the house to myself for ages. It is hard not to begin as soon as I find myself alone. It’s been like this since my teens. Maybe it is just what we do when we are on our own, it’s always my first thought even in my 30’s and in a long term relationship.

The internet is always my first port of call. Surfing through various naughty sites, some known to me already, some new. ‘Masturbation’ is the first search, then maybe ‘sex stories’, which is how I found Lush. How I found you.

Can there really be another woman out there who thinks just like me? Who fantasises about sex with another girl, gets aroused at naked women, is kind of obsessed with other girls masturbating? I’m straight and I have never had a same sex experience, yet these are the things that thrill me sexually the most. There are other things too, but these are the ones I masturbate to most.

I log on to Lush. I’m already wet from the pictures, the videos, and the naughty stories I have read tonight. Lush offers something else. Direct contact with others in a similar state. Women in a similar state in particular. The thought of all you Lushies out there, with your wet, swollen pussies! (And the guys with your throbbing hard dicks!) You are all here because you want to cum. And that makes me want to cum even more.

I read the stories and surf the chat rooms, squeezing my nipples, rolling them between my fingers. I can feel the thrill run right through me and my clit throbs as I get wetter. When I can stand it no more, I slip my hand in my knickers, maybe slipping them right off. I am so wet. I start to stoke around my clit, rubbing it in little circles while my other hand continues to caress my tits.

Then I speak with you. You are so hot and your fantasies, your filthiest perversions, match my own. I have learned very quickly to type one handed! I am so thrilled and excited that miles away, you are doing as I am, you too are rubbing your clit and imagining me rubbing mine.

It doesn’t matter what you look like, this is just two hot women getting off at the same time, talking dirty and loving it. I imagine kissing your breasts, licking your wet pussy, grinding on your face. I am masturbating frantically now, so close. And you are too and that is the thrill. We make ourselves, each other, cum at the same time. It’s magical as well as filthy.

And this is what I think and what I do. I cum here often now, sometimes together with strangers, sometimes alone. We are all here, in our private, dark and dirty sexual world, getting turned on together, orgasming together. Even as I write this, I am touching myself. Thinking of you – horny lady, horny guy – doing the same. And imagining it’s your hand, not mine, between my legs.

When I am in bed with my boyfriend, I tell him some of my rudest fantasies, but not all of them. He knows about the girl-girl dreams, but not that I have made another girl cum through words alone. He knows about the threesome fantasies, but not about the dreams of seducing a younger man, or that sometimes when he is going down on me I close my eyes and imagine it’s someone else, a stranger, maybe a hot guy I saw I the pub that night or someone I have always fancied. Sometimes colleagues at work who I don’t fancy at all flash inappropriately to mind. Often other women do.

Why am I telling you all this? It’s not a story, it’s like a sexual confession! This is what I do. There are loads of other things I could tell you, these are just the ones that are uppermost in my dirty, dirty mind tonight.

Would you like to fuck me? Would you like to watch me cum? You never will, but the thought of you dreaming of it is enough to make me wetter still. The thought of people reading this, getting all hot and bothered, rubbing themselves off. It makes me want to do the same. And I am….

Published 14 years ago

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