Let me feel its feathery touch.
Let me wallow in its truthfulness.
Let me run in its openness.
Let me feast in its vibrancy.
If this is your grace;
Let me postulate at its purity.
Let me inhale its truth.
Let me embrace its virginity.
Let me wash in its shroud.
If this is your passion;
Let me embrace its ferocity.
Let me suck in its maelstrom.
Let me breathe its power.
Let me dance in its rage.
If this is your calm;
Let me savour its serenity.
Let me lay in its beauty.
Let me sleep in its solace.
Let me cry in its peacefulness.
If this is your body;
Let me drink from its depths.
Let me thrust in its crevasses.
Let me kiss all of its scars.
Let me lap up its moistness.
If this is our fate;
Let us love in the sunlight.
Let us fornicate in the candlelight.
Let us sleep in each others arms.
Let the truth be our sanctuary.