Tommy exhaled as he approached his boss’ limousine. The boss’ daughter wanted to go shopping, again, and it was his turn to provide security for her during her little outing. No one who worked for Mr. Sanchez wanted to get stuck babysitting his eighteen-year-old daughter, Violet. Violet was a prissy little bitch who enjoyed torturing her father’s staff, particularly the security staff assigned to protect her when she left her family’s luxury condo. There was no task more dreaded that Mr. Sanchez’s staff hated more than serving his spoiled brat of a daughter.
It wasn’t just her shitty personality, she was also pretty ditsy and constantly embarrassed her father, Tommy’s boss. Whenever he would punish her for her ridiculous, foolish behavior, be it getting drunk in public, punching a maitre d’ in the face for taking too long to get her a table, or even having sex in a public bathroom with some up-and-coming TV star, she would always double-down on his punishments with even worse behavior. If he tried to take away one of her credit cards, she would do something like streak in Central Park to embarrass him until he gave it back.
Being stuck on her protective detail was considered to be a death sentence for one’s career. Whenever Violet pulled one of her half-assed stunts to piss off her father, Mr. Sanchez blamed whoever was guarding her for letting it happen, no matter how hard they may have tried to stop her. One time, a fellow bodyguard tried to get her to leave a swanky restaurant after she got drunk and started dancing on one of the tables. When he grabbed her arm to pull her off of the table and try to get her to leave, she kneed him in the groin, then kneed him in the face, and he still got fired!
Tommy knew it was only a matter of time until it was his turn, and all he could really hope for was that if he did get fired, it wouldn’t be preceded by him getting kicked in the junk.
Violet strode quickly out of the lobby of her dad’s building toward the limousine. Tommy had to swallow as she walked toward him. Violet may have been a brat, but she was sexy as hell, that was for sure. The eighteen-year-old was almost six feet tall with long legs, long black hair, olive skin, and a face that looked like something out of a modeling magazine. Her breasts and ass were a bit on the lean side, but given her height and slim build, they looked pretty good on her, and with an ass that size, Tommy was sure that it was one of the tightest he has ever seen on an eighteen-year-old, not that he spent a lot of time staring at the asses of eighteen-year-old girls.
Always one for fashion, Violet was wearing a thousand dollar snakeskin print dress, with gold stiletto heels, silver hoop earrings, and a pair of sunglasses that Tommy was sure cost more than he made in a month. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t getting a bit of a stiffy as he eyed the boss’ daughter.
“Hello, Ms. …” Tommy started to greet the teen, but she shouldered past him and got into the open limo door. Tommy closed the door behind her, exhaled one more time, walked around to the other side of the limo, and got inside. Violet barked a location to the driver and they were on their way.
As they were driving, Tommy did his best to look forward and not say or do anything that might piss Violet off. Thankfully, the teen seemed completely invested in texting with someone on her phone and didn’t pay Tommy any mind, leading him to believe that if the rest of the outing was this straightforward, he might just get out of it unscathed, or so he thought, until he looked over towards the teen.
Looking next to him, Tommy was able to see down Violet’s dress and into her cleavage. The view was not only good in that regard, but he also noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples were poking through the thin material of her dress. The A/C was on, as outside was a blistering August day in New York, so the cold inside of the limo undoubtedly helped lead to the stiff nips on the sexy teen next to Tommy.
Tommy must have been extremely mesmerized by the girl’s impressive tits, because he didn’t notice that he had sprung a large tent in his pants, one large enough for Violet to notice as she glanced away from her phone momentarily.
“OH MY GOD! You have a boner!” Violet loudly exclaimed with a disgusted look on her face.
Tommy instantly snapped back to reality and looked back and forth between Violet’s face, her breasts, his crotch, and the wide-open eyes of the driver looking back at them through the rear-view mirror in shock.
“Uh, uh, I, uh,” Tommy stammered as he tried desperately to come up with some excuse as to why he had a boner that wouldn’t involve Violet, but he was sure that the source of his erection wouldn’t matter to her anyway.
“You are in SOOO much trouble.” Violet laughed. “Daddy is going to fire you for sure!”
“Look, Ms. Sanchez, Violet. I can’t afford to get in any trouble with your father. This was simply a small reaction to a fleeting thought, and I did not mean to offend you in any way. Please, don’t tell your father about this.”
Violet looked away from his face back to his cock, which was still semi-erect, and still rather large. The disgusted look on Violet’s face turned into a mischievous smile.
“It doesn’t look like such a…” She paused. “Small, mistake to me.”
‘Oh no, what is she thinking?’
“You know,” Violet began rubbing his arm. “You’re pretty hot, and you must work out a lot to get muscles like this.”
“Uh, yeah, I enjoy working out,” Tommy croaked out, as Violet’s hand moved from his arm to his right leg.
“And, judging by this,” she said as her hand moved to Tommy’s crotch and started rubbing it through his pants. “I think I could have a little fun with this.”
Tommy’s mind was racing faster than he could keep up with it. On one hand, there was a sexy as Hell Latino teenager rubbing his cock and assuredly planning to do something sexual with it, which was causing him to reach full stiffness once again. On the other hand, though, this was his boss’ daughter, and if he wouldn’t already be pissed at him for pitching a tent in front of his daughter, doing anything sexual with her, in front of his driver, no less, would be a guarantee that he would never be able to get a job even as menial as a mall security guard in the entire Eastern United States.
“Uh, look, Violet,” Tommy tried to explain. “You’re my boss’ daughter, and I’m sure that he would not be happy about this. Can’t we just forget that any of this happened and you can get on with your plans for the rest of the day?”
Violet’s smile quickly vanished and was replaced by a look of anger as her hand left his crotch and she grabbed his face with her left hand.
“Look, I’m horny as fuck, my dad hasn’t let me go out with anybody in over a week, and I want him to pay for that, so you’re going to do something for me, or else you’re going to be in even more trouble than you think you are already.”
“Yeah, and what’s that?” Tommy asked, pulling Violet’s hand from his face and suddenly shifting from feeling nervous to hostile.
“You’re going to fuck me on top of this limo while we drive around the city. Daddy will do whatever it takes to get me to stop acting so ridiculous after that happens, he’ll let me fuck whoever I want as long as I don’t do it in public.”
Tommy was expecting something crazy, but not something so stupid and downright dangerous. ‘Having sex on top of a moving vehicle, in broad daylight, in front of hundreds, potentially thousands of people in the middle of New York City?!’
Tommy scoffed at the teen’s suggestion.
“You really are fucking crazy, Violet. Of all the stupid stunts you’ve pulled to drive your father crazy and get your way, that takes the cake. I know you’re used to getting the other guys from security to do what you want, but I’m not going to do anything that fucking asinine.”
“Oh, I think you will, Tommy boy.”
“Oh,” he replied mockingly. “And why’s that?”
“You’re going to fuck me on the roof of this limo, or I’m going to tell daddy that you got me drunk and fucked me at the Christmas party last year.”
Tommy just scoffed at her threat.
“As if he would believe that.”
She smiled.
“You know the kind of dumb shit I do all the time, he’ll believe it, and even if he doubts it, I’m sure he’ll fire you just to be safe.” She pouted at him. “He wouldn’t want such a horrible, horrible man in charge of keeping his little girl safe, and I’m sure he’ll want to have the police look into anything you might have forced me to do after you got me drunk.”
Tommy’s fists clenched so tight his knuckles turned white. He would do that, probably.
“At least if you fuck me on the roof of the limo, everyone will see that what we did was consensual. Besides…” She hiked up her dress and revealed a shaved pussy with a razor-thin landing strip of hair just above her clit. “Isn’t this worth losing your job?”
There was a reason Mr. Sanchez went through so many security staff, and it wasn’t just because they failed to prevent Violet from acting like an idiot. Indeed, almost half of the fired staff had had sex with Violet shortly after she turned sixteen. The slender, tanned teen wasn’t just known for her beauty and sexual appetite; she was known for being wild during sex. It’s like the saying goes about sticking your dick in crazy…
Tommy sighed in defeat.
“Fine, I’ll do it. If I’m going to lose my job and probably get arrested, better it be for public indecency than what you threatened to have done.”
“YAY!” Violet practically yelled as she began to undress, followed by Tommy doing the same.
Violet removed her dress and glasses and was left in only her heels, while Tommy went all the way and was left with nothing on, not even his socks. Violet instructed the driver to keep going, but keep the speed at a reasonable level before opening up the sunroof and climbing out of the limo, followed by Tommy shortly after. As he expected the gasps, screams, and perverse delighted ‘Heys’ from the more easily aroused citizens, had started.
“Lie down,” Violet ordered.
Tommy did as he was told and laid down on the roof of the limo, the warm metal heating his skin after being cooled by the limo’s A/C. Violet climbed on top of him, and grabbed his cock, preparing to slide it into her pussy when she noticed that the limo was starting to slow down.
“Keep driving, Eduardo,” she ordered harshly. “I want as many people to see us as possible.” She smiled. “Daddy will be so embarrassed.”
“Uh, yes, ma’am,” the driver sheepishly agreed.
As the limo sped up slightly, Violet proceeded to stick Tommy’s cock into her cunt. As the mushroom-shaped head of his cock made it fully into her pussy, Tommy could feel Violet’s pussy grip it firmly. ‘For all the guys she’s been with, this girl is still pretty damn tight!’
Violet made it down as far as she could go on Tommy’s cock, with about a half an inch to spare, before she began sliding herself up and down the bodyguard’s stiff shaft. The sensation of Tommy’s dick hitting the back of her pussy was incredible, causing Violet to rub her clit furiously as she fucked him. For a girl like Violet, the idea of having sex in public, in such a ridiculous and reckless fashion, only served to excite her further. Public embarrassment was not a concern for her, and apparently not for Tommy either, as he managed to stay fully erect while in view of dozens of people on top of a moving vehicle.
People were either frozen in shock at the sight of two people fucking on top of a moving limo, or were running full blast to try and keep up with the action for as long as they could. While Tommy was initially fully aware of the ‘fanfare,’ that was occurring because of his and Violet’s little stunt, he eventually managed to block everyone else out and just enjoy what was happening. His inner peace though was about to be interrupted.
“It’s time you take a turn and do the fucking, Tommy boy.”
Violet’s voice jolted Tommy out of his deep pleasure and made him aware once again of exactly what was going on. Just as he was about to start going limp from the fear and embarrassment of what was going on, Violet took control of the situation.
“Ugh, you fucking weakling. Here.” Violet got off of Tommy, laid down on the limo’s roof, and spread her pussy lips open. “Focus on me, and stick that cock of yours into my pussy while it’s still hard.”
Tommy knew the best way to maintain his erection, and Violet’s happiness was to try and focus on her as much as possible. He quickly knelt in front of the teen and aimed his cock at her pussy.
“Hurry up!” Violet ordered.
With a hard thrust, Tommy forced himself back into Violet and started thrusting in and out of her as fast as he could. After a few seconds, Tommy once again managed to forget about the crowd of people staring at him and focus on the tight little cunt that he was fucking.
“Oh, God, yes! Fuck me as hard as you can!” Violet yelled at the top of her lungs.
Tommy was so lost in the act of fucking Violet to the point that he didn’t even notice the people gasping, laughing, or even filming them. The teen was so wild, so insatiable to the point of ludicrousness that he found fucking her on the roof of a moving vehicle to be the most exhilarating thing he had ever experienced in his life. Not to mention, he was fucking a teenager with an extremely tight cunt, something he hadn’t done since he was eighteen himself.
As he approached his limit and was on the verge of cumming, he exclaimed this out loud, which caused Violet to remove him from her and instead kneel between his legs and start sucking him off with a ferocity equal to as hard she had been fucking him. ‘Even this girl’s mouth feels incredibly tight!’
After only five seconds of slurping, Tommy grunted and shot three hot streams of cum into Violet’s mouth. She kept her mouth over his cock, still sucking, trying to extract every last drop of semen that she could get from his cock. As soon as he was sure she had gotten all of it, Violet raised her head and opened her mouth to show off all of the cum she had managed to collect before swallowing it and smiling at the crowd, which had begun cheering and clapping at their little public performance.
Just as he was beginning to snap back to reality and recover from his massive orgasm, Tommy noticed that they had come to a stop in front of Mr. Sanchez’s building, who also happened to be standing in front of it with six guards standing behind him. He shook his head with a look of disappointment on his face, not unlike if an ordinary parent were disappointed in their child getting a bad grade.
“Mr. Monroe, I expected far greater from you. I thought you just might be able to rein in my daughter’s foolish behavior. You’re fired, effective immediately!” He suddenly yelled at him. “Violet, let’s talk upstairs.”
“Coming, daddy.”
Tommy turned to look at Violet. She smiled, clearly content with how mad she had made her dad.
“That was fun.” Violet hopped off of the limo. “Thanks for helping me make daddy angry. Well, adios!”
Violet gathered up her clothes from the limo and quickly shuffled off to the lobby of the building, turning around and blowing a kiss at him before disappearing inside of the building as Tommy hopped off of the limo.
“Wait, you can’t just leave me…” Tommy started to say as she did just that and left him standing naked in the street, his clothes all still inside the limo that apparently had driven off as soon as he had gotten off of it.
Just as Mr. Sanchez turned around to follow his daughter, he turned back to Tommy and said, “Oh, and naturally, my lawyers will be in touch.”
After watching his ex-boss disappear into his building flanked by his other guards, Tommy became fully aware of all the people laughing at him as he looked around and tried to figure out what to do.
“Hey, you! Freeze!” he heard and turned to see two police officers pushing their way through the crowd towards him.
Oh, shit! He thought to himself as he instinctively started running away.
Fired, soon to be arrested, likely never to hold a job ever again. What do I tell my wife when I get home?!