If It’s Meant To Be

"This is how my life could turn out for the better."

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Sometimes in life, there are those moments in time that some things will eventually come true and when they do, you will jump at the chance of happiness. These are the times in life that if something is going to happen it will happen. So, if it does, it is just meant to be.

There has always been this one thing in my life that I always truly believed in, a belief that has followed me throughout my entire adult life. This belief started when I turned sixteen and continued throughout my time at college. This is the one thing that I truly believe in and, hopefully, it will lead me to the happiness that I crave. I have a firm belief that, eventually, one day I will be led toward my fate in life.

This belief is, hopefully, helping to lead me into the arms of the one that I am destined to be with. She will be my soulmate, the love of my life. The one that I am going to spending the rest of my life with. This belief in my fate, helps when letting myself off the hook when I am unlucky in love.

In the past, I have been so very unlucky in love. This has been due to shyness that I have in approaching the opposite sex. I lack a lot of confidence in myself. This is due to events in my younger years that took their toll. But it doesn’t mean that I haven’t kissed a girl or even French kissed her. I have gotten to first base and kissed a girl, but due to confidence issues, I haven’t gone any further. But I have decided, that I am going to save myself for when that special someone eventually comes into my life.

When in college, I had a very big crush on one girl. Throughout the three years in college, I secretly hoped that we would be together. But, being me, I couldn’t pick up the courage to talk with her and ask her out on a date. Looking back, there’s a part of me wishing that I had just grown a pair of balls and asked her out. I realize that if I had taken a chance at the time, I may have had a chance of being with her. Things could have been rather different if I had been more forward. 

Over the years, I tried to chance my luck with a spot of internet dating but to no avail. I also tried the occasional singles night but still wasn’t able to meet Miss Right or anyone that I was able to relate to, for that matter. 

I decided that I would stop dwelling on my uneventful love life and simply see where life would lead me. What I didn’t expect was that  special moment in my life was just about to happen. The love of my life was just around the corner – but  I just didn’t see her coming. Something was about to change my life from bad to good. The moment I had dreamed of was about to become reality. It was the moment when I got struck down by love’s lightning bolt, or was it one of Cupid’s arrows? I didn’t care, I could suddenly see light at the end of the tunnel.

As I walked along the pavement, I saw a girl trip and fall. I went to her aid and helped her back to her feet. I looked into her eyes. Could it have been a dream? I pinched myself, but it was real. She stood right there: the girl from college. I asked if she was hurt from the fall, but she said she was fine. I offered to buy her coffee and we went to the nearest coffee shop.

We caught up on old times over a cup of coffee. I became more confident as we chatted and realised I couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. I decided I had to ask her out on a date. To my relief, she said “Yes”. So, a chance encounter took me into the arms of my one and only.

Finally, I found to my delight, I was falling deeply in love with the girl of my dreams. She was just so perfect in every way. From her perfectly beautiful smile which I couldn’t wait to kiss, to her very infectious laugh. I couldn’t help but laugh with her. She had big beautiful blue eyes and silky soft blonde hair, much longer than I remembered. She wore a little stud in her cute nose and she had small but pert boobs, which were just fine by me. This girl was just so absolutely amazingly beautiful and, to me, she was perfect.

We were a match made in heaven. It was like an angel from above had decided that we were meant to be. We were just so perfect together, we had so much in common it was so unbelievable. We were so deeply in love with each other and were inseparable, nothing could tear us apart. We were soulmates, nothing could change how much we loved and felt about each other.

After we had been going out for several months, I knew deep down in my heart there was something I needed to ask her. So I set about planning a surprise romantic getaway for the two of us during which I planned to ask her to marry me. I went to the nearest jewellers, purchasing the perfect diamond encrusted engagement ring I could find, thus setting my plan into motion. 

The following weekend, we travelled by Eurostar to Paris, France. We checked into our hotel and then set off to explore Paris. As we took in all the sights, we looked lustfully into each other’s eyes. With the Eiffel tower in the background, we kissed each other passionately without any care in the world. That evening, we went for a romantic candlelit dinner with violinists playing in the background. As the evening drew to close, we walked hand-in-hand back to our hotel. Back in our room, we made love into the wee hours of the night.

The next day, we went to the Eiffel tower, going up to the observation deck and taking in all the views. Whilst she was looking out over Paris, I got down on one knee. I was taking the ring box from my pocket just as she turned around. She put her hands to her mouth — she knew what was about to happen. I told her just how much she meant to me and I asked , “Will you marry me?”

To my delight, she said “Yes”. Getting up, I put the ring on her finger, and kissed her as we heard cheers from the watching crowd.

Several months later, we got married in a beautiful village church. My heart was racing as I watched my bride walk down the aisle. We said our vows and were wed. After the church ceremony and photos outside, we headed back to the farm for the reception in a beautifully decorated marquee overlooking stunning views of the Cotswolds. Then it came to the first dance as man and wife. We had I don’t want to miss a thing by Aerosmith as the song we danced to.

As the evening drew to a close, we headed back to the hotel we had booked. There we consummated our marriage, unaware that the next chapter of our lives was only nine months away. But that is another story for another day.

This girl will forever be the one that I will love for the rest of my life. I will never forget the day she came back into my life to become my lover and my wife. From that day forward, I knew I would love her forever. She is the love of my life, my soulmate.

Love will always find a way when it’s meant to be. So, just let your life take its course and let it be.



Published 7 years ago

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