Identical Twins III – After the Graduation

"The completion of a trilogy covering our lives together."

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This third publication completes my life story so far, thus completing an exciting and soul searching trilogy. In the first story you read how Hunter (my twin brother) and me grew up together, culminating in vaginal sex while on a camping trip before starting university. The second story covered the four years spent together at university, and up to our graduation at the end of 1999. In this period, our sexual activities flourished; to the extent we were inseparable. This story will focus on our lives from our graduation up until the present time.

1999 came and went in no time. I had successfully graduated from the Southern Cross University and completed a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Law with honours. Hunter successfully completed his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with honours. Now was the time for each of us to start job searching and find a decent and well paid job.

After looking through all the job search places on the Internet and in the Victorian newspapers, Hunter finally secured an interview with John Holland Constructions, one of Australia ’s largest engineering companies. With his academic record, personal confidence and flair, it was no surprise to see Hunter win the job as a junior engineer. I was so happy for him, but the biggest disappointment for me was that the job was located in Melbourne and the project was to build a high-rise building in Melbourne . This meant that we were separated for the first time in our lives.

I continued looking for work locally some 90 miles away in Moe, a country town of some 20,000 people. I eventually secured a job as a junior solicitor, gaining experience on a daily basis by attending court hearings and representing clients on secondary matters. Hunter came home every weekend so we saw each other for 2 nights each week, but could only manage sex at opportunistic times. Just to feel, hug and kiss Hunter made me feel so secure and happy. Throughout the week, Hunter rented a 2 bedroom apartment in the inner Melbourne suburb of South Yarra .

I can remember one spring weekend in September, 2000. Mum and dad had gone on holidays for a couple of weeks as they were now retired and I was minding the house for them. We had been out fishing at Billy’s Creek for the day, bringing back many happy memories of our college days and where we often had sex after finishing university for the day. After having fresh trout for dinner that night, we settled in the lounge to watch a movie together. I was sitting on the couch wearing tight yellow shorts and a top and Hunter was on the floor in front of me. On turning around to talk to me, Hunter exclaimed “Mmmhhhhhhh, what a perfect camel toe, can I detect a wet spot in your panties?” “Just the perfect position to eat you out,” he added.

“Promises, promises,” I replied, goading him on. Hunter then started to run his finger over my shorts, along the line of my vulva. As I was getting hornier, I started to moisten and a wet spot soon began to form and spread.

“Lick me out Hunter,” I replied. “I would like nothing better than to be eaten before having hot ravishing sex with you.”

‘Take off your shorts and panties so we can get started’” Hunter replied. With that I stood up and pulled down my shorts and removed my panties, revealing a very moist and bushy pussy. I edged my butt to the edge of the couch, spread my legs and pulled my knees back into the couch. I lay back and closed my eyes as Hunter soon got his silver tongue to work. Opening my pussy lips, Hunter started to flick his tongue around my hooded clitty. As the intensity grew, my clit saw the time of day and became highly aroused. Licking down the entire length of my pussy lips and up the other side, felt like I was being teased and fucked by an aardvark. My juices started to flow and as the fluid oozed towards my butt-hole, Hunter masterfully licked it up. Concentrating around my butt hole, he circumnavigated it so many times; he must have thought he was Ferdinand Magellan or Christopher Columbus.

Burying his tongue and cheeks inside and around my pussy, his cheeks were wet with my love juice. When Hunter surfaced to kiss me on my lips, I could taste myself and smell that musky odour that I have when my panties are wet. I was rapidly approaching orgasm and I called out to Hunter “I’m nearly there Hunter, lick my clit and finger fuck me as hard as you can.” He did that for another 2-3 minutes. I could feel my body tense up and my legs started to go weak as a numbing sensation filled every part of my body. The numbing turned to a twitch, and then a shudder, then my body uncontrollably shook for the next 30 seconds. My body fluids poured out, down Hunters cheeks, and onto the floor.

“Time to go to my bedroom Hunter, time to fuck me hard and fill me with your wonderful cum,” I said. Hunter picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to my room. He took off my top and I took off his clothes. Hunter was already hard and needed no help in getting up. I briefly ran my tongue around the head of his reddening engorged cock, whilst stroking up and down his shaft.

“Get on top Tammy,” Hunter whispered into my ear as he rolled over on his back. I straddled him and guided his cock deep inside me, slowly at first, then working up a rhythm. My pussy was still so moist, his cock slid easily into me, totally engulfed by my weight. Hunter loves this position best as he can play with my breasts and watch the whole show. I am also in full control as well and can regulate the speed at which we fuck and also the pressure I can apply to his cock, simply by tightening my vaginal muscles. I was tired and I was spent, so I tightened my pelvic and vaginal muscles and within moments he cried out “I’m cumming Tammy, I’m cumming.” Hot white lava spewed out his cock against the walls of my vagina. One squirt after another erupted until he was spent. Collapsing with exhaustion, he lay on top of me and kissed my lips fully. “Thank you sis, that was our best ever sex yet,” he said.

I could soon feel his cock starting to soften. It was still inside me acting as a plug, stopping the flow of semen due to gravity from taking over. Once fully soft, I sat up on my knees and let his cum drip out onto my cupped hand, then transferring it into my mouth and swallowing it. We should have showered and freshened up, but instead we curled up together and drifted into a blissful sleep. On waking up in the morning, we had sex again before showering and having some breakfast.

I knew there and then that I needed Hunter with me on a constant basis. Seeing him on a weekly basis was not satisfying my needs. I looked daily in the Melbourne papers at the Classified Advertisements for jobs. It was early in February that there was a job position vacant in the heart of Melbourne, Collins Street of all places; here the big businesses and money is. I applied for the job and was short listed for an interview. I was the lucky winner from 6 other interviewees and I had the job. I could now be with Hunter every day. We were back together again, inseparable twins once again.

It was 2 weeks from the time I got the job to the time I started work there. It was a well known and large company and I was looking forward to making a contribution there. As Hunter lived alone in a 2 bedroom flat, it was only natural that I should move in there with him, as the flat was very handy to both our places of work. Over that 2 week period, I moved all my personal belongings down there and settled in.

Hunter thought it very wise to buy a single bed and some furniture for the spare room, so when we had visitors or our parents called around, people would be led to believe that we had our own rooms.

All my clothes, makeup and other personal stuff were always kept in the spare room to keep up the charade. Mum and dad called around about once a month and often stayed the night with us. They would sleep in our double bed, I would sleep in my single bed, and Hunter would sleep on the couch. Mum was always asking me if I had any boy friends or who I had been out with since living in Melbourne . I just told her that I had made some friends at work and had been to a few parties and made friends with a lot of people. Mum was always looking for a grandchild and always hinted at such. Dad was a bit that way too.

Over the next year, both of us worked hard and we both saved a lot of money. We took our holidays together and went interstate to South Australia and went to the Barossa Valley ; famous for its wine making. The area is famous for its Shiraz and Riesling varieties of white wine and is home to Jacob’s Creek, Penfold’s and Cooper’s cellars. We spent a week touring and sampling the wines before going to Adelaide for a couple of days. On our way back we travelled through the Grampian mountain ranges and also through Mount Gambier .

It was the summer of 2002 and it gets very hot in South Australia at that time of the year. There was one night in particular where it was still around 100 deg F (38 deg C) at 10 pm at night. The motel we were staying at had a large swimming pool which Hunter and I spent a lot of time in together. This night was particularly hot and I was wearing a bikini and Hunter had his Speedo’s on in the pool. After having a bottle of wine for dinner I was in gay abandon (nothing to do with sexually gay) and a little light headed. We swam together and I kept grabbing at Hunters crotch all the time as there was nobody else around. I pulled back his elastic and exposed a huge hard-on. Hunter was getting highly aroused and started touching me and we drew close and started kissing in the water. I wanted Hunter there and then as I was in need of sex.

“Let’s go down the deep end Hunter and make love in the pool,” I said.

“We can’t do it here Tammy, everyone will see us,” replied Hunter.

“It’s dark Hunter and nobody can see us, especially under the water.”

“I am not so sure about that Tammy. Maybe if we went in the corner facing away from the motel, nobody will notice.” We edged along to the corner of the pool where the ladder was situated. I took off Hunter’s Speedo’s and he removed my bikini bottoms. Facing each other and kissing, I stroked his cock until he was hard and ready for sex. I was already turned on and my wetness would enable satisfactory entry to my pussy.

Putting my arms around his neck, I raised my legs until they conveniently rested on one of the rungs of the ladder. The buoyancy of the water supported my weight perfectly as he entered me and slowly started pumping his piston-like cock inside me. The cool water against the humid night air was very refreshing. We took our time fucking in the water and we must have been going for about 20 minutes before he cum deep inside me.

On arriving back at work after our holiday, we led our usual routine. I can still vividly remember one Thursday night when we went out to dinner together at a superb Restaurant in Queen’s Street, Melbourne . We were having dinner and halfway through the meal, I began to feel nauseous and raced to the women’s room where I abruptly threw up. Not feeling well, we left the restaurant and went home. The following night after having dinner, I was ill again.

“Tammy, are you okay, is there something wrong with you?” Hunter asked.

“I will be fine Hunter, it must be some virus I have got,” I replied.

“You aren’t pregnant at all are you?” were Hunters ringing words to my ears.

I stopped and thought about if for a minute and said to myself, maybe I am? When we went on holidays, I had meticulously packed everything we needed before departing; all except my birth control pills. Thinking as I had taken then every day, I would be safe for at least the period while we were away.   I also recalled how I missed my period 2 weeks ago and checked with my calendar.

Horrified, I looked at Hunter and said, “I might be pregnant Hunter; it’s a possibility. I will see a doctor tomorrow night after work and have it checked out. The following night I visited a doctor and she confirmed that I was indeed pregnant. Oh shit! I went home and told Hunter the bad news.

On entering the flat, I put my arms around Hunter, kissed him, held him tight, and I suddenly burst into tears. “Honey, I am pregnant. I am about 6 weeks gone. What can we do?”

“Don’t worry sweetie, we will think of something,” said Hunter.

“But mum and dad will find out and all hell will break loose,” I replied.

“They don’t need to know who the father is Tammy.”

Hunter then described to me what we had to tell mum and dad. I had to tell mum and dad next weekend when we visited them that I was pregnant. They would obviously be shocked, but would also want to know who the father was. I would tell them that I had been to a few parties with friends and had slept with some of the guys after having a few too many drinks. I had to tell them that it was totally my fault as I wasn’t on the pill and that I had no idea who the father was.

That weekend was hard for both of us, especially me. Mum in particular was upset at first and then thought about it for a while.

“Are you going to have an abortion Tammy?” asked mum.

“No mum, it’s not the baby’s fault. What happened has happened” I replied.

“I want to keep it and as a single parent, will give it all the comfort and love it deserves.”

“It’s your choice, and your’s alone Tammy. Whatever you decide, we will support you.” said mum.

The next morning, after the initial shock, mum said to me “At least we will have a grandchild now from one of you. One day we will get one from Hunter as well.” Little did she know she would be getting one from both of us.

The next few months took a lot of careful planning. Hunter and I upgraded our flat to a 3 bedroom flat for obvious reason. As I grew and my bump became noticeable, I told my boss at work that I would work up to about the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy and then take a leave of absence, or resign. I told my boss that I needed to look after my child until he/she reached school age.

On the 19 th November 2002 , I gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby girl, weight 3.4Kg. We chose the name Amber for our daughter. She is now nearly six years old and has started school. I resumed work again for the same company I worked for, prior to having our child. Hunter is now on an excellent salary and has his own company car to drive around in. With the money we are earning we have recently purchased a new house in Melbourne where we will live together and bring up our child with all the love and care she deserves.

Mum is over the world at having a grandchild but wants more. I can’t get pregnant again to Hunter without the world finding out about our secret relationship, so I have had my tubes tied as a permanent solution. I have always loved my twin brother and always will. We have always had that special bonding between us and nothing can ever take that from us. Thank you for letting us tell our full story.


Published 17 years ago

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