Ida and Jon Chapter 4

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Jon entered the spare bedroom. It was cold not only in temperature but in appearance. A shudder ran through his body. He knew by this time that he should not have walked away from her but pride stopped him from going back. If he went back he would need to apologize and he wasn’t ready for that so he shed his clothes and climbed under the blankets.

He had given his wife freedoms that very few men ever did for their spouses but she seemed so unappreciative. Didn’t she understand what he had been through waiting for her to come back to him? It hurt. It really did hurt and yet she didn’t even ask how he was. She cried but why. She wasn’t the one sitting around at home knowing that his wife may not come back to him. Then when she did come back it was all about her and her shame. “What fucking shame,” he called out. “I’m the one that should feel ashamed. After all, she is my wife that some huge cock was fucking and she won’t even tell me what it was like.”

Then there was that other thing that she did. She referred to her and Josh as “making love,” but then, when he wanted to make love to her it suddenly become, “having sex.” What was that about? That tells a story all by itself. She didn’t care about my feelings. It was only about her. No man should have to put up with that from his wife. That was belittling!

The thought of belittling made him think of what she told him about him being smaller than Josh. He lifted up the blankets and looked down at his crotch. He was still hard. Despite all the anger, the angst, the disappointment and the feeling of being deceived his cock was still at full mast. It was then he saw the little light that there was glistening as it reflected off the sperm that had coated his cock when he had plunged it into Ida. He was coated in Josh’s sperm.

He placed his hand around his rod and slipped it up and then back. My God, it felt good! He sometimes used lube the few times that he masturbated and it felt good but this felt better, much better.  He reached over the side of the bed and picked up his underpants off the floor. It was then that he thought of Ida’s undies. They would be drenched in Josh’s sperm. Could he perhaps…, maybe…, yes, of course, he could. He’d need to be quiet though.

Jon got up from the bed and slipped his undies on then his shirt. He tiptoed back to the master bedroom. The door was closed. He quietly pulled the handle down cracking the door open about an inch to listen. He could tell by the rhythm of Ida’s breathing that she was asleep. He carefully opened the door then on his hands and knees, he searched the floor. He felt the wetness on his hand which told him he had found her panties. He left just as quietly as he had entered.

Back in the bedroom, he climbed under the blankets. He then took her panties and wrapped them around his shaft. In the low light in the corridor, he had identified the slick but thick, drying sperm on the inside of her panties. All he had to do was spit on the mess and he had the perfect lubricant. His orgasm didn’t take long thinking of how Ida’s panties ended up in such a mess. He didn’t know the details but it was not difficult to imagine what could have happened.

Now spent, he threw the panties on the floor, turned over and was asleep in minutes. It had been a long emotional day for Jon. He felt thoroughly exhausted.

It was around three o’clock in the morning that something woke Jon. Initially, he didn’t know what it was. He lifted his head and saw the time. In his half-asleep mode, all types of questions ran through his head. Had he locked the front door when he went to bed? Perhaps it was an intruder. Was it a storm that woke him perhaps? Then he realised that there was a warm body pressed up against his back. How could that be? He was in the spare bedroom by himself.

He turned his head to look behind him but to do so he had to lift his body. When he tried an arm wrapped around him to hold him tightly back against that warm, soft body.

“I’m sorry for being such a bitch,” she said. “You’re good to me but I sometimes get moody and can’t be civil. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that I was so worn out.”

Jon thought for a moment before he said, “No, I’m sorry. I should have been more patient with you but I had been under pressure all night so I cracked. I really wanted to enjoy you but I guess I came across as being too demanding.”

“You had every right to be demanding. I just wasn’t handling things emotionally but I’m okay now. That’s the first time that I’ve had two men in one night and I guess my mind couldn’t cope with the idea of it all but I’m yours now if you want me.”  

“I’d rather hold you for a while. I’ve been asleep and I need to wake up first before I can feel like sex.” Jon didn’t see the contradiction in what he had just said. He had gotten upset with Ida because she referred to them having sex while she had said that it was making love with Josh. Now he had confirmed her statement to him, the statement that had upset him. He had now told her it was about having sex with her not making love.

“Okay,” she said as she released her grip on him so that he could roll over. As he settled back down after facing her she continued, “I saw you take my panties.”

“Did you?” he responded not knowing what to say knowing he had been caught out.

“Did you like looking at them?” she asked.

“They were messy.”

“Yes and so am I. Do you want to feel me?”

“Do you mind?”

“No, I wouldn’t offer if I minded.”

His hand reached down and he felt that she was still wet but he also noticed how open she still was. “He made a mess of you.” Jon was referring more to her gape than the amount of sperm.

“Yes, he came a lot the first time but not so much the second time.”

“You had sex twice?”

“Not really. It was only once but when he cum he didn’t stop and kept going until he cum a second time.”

“Did you have an orgasm?”


“Was it the first time he came or the second?”

“It was the first time and the second time.”

“He made you cum twice?”

“He made me cum several times. Or rather it was just two great big orgasms. It probably would have been just one great big orgasm if I had realised that he was going to continue as he did.”

“I see.” The information made Jon feel inadequate.

“Don’t be upset, Jon, please. It was new and different. That made it good. You made it good for me by letting me have this experience so I owe it all to you. I thought about it lying in bed earlier and decided that I owe you big time for what you gave me.” She kissed him before she continued. “I don’t want to upset you but I have to tell you that it was very special, even unique but you need to understand that it takes nothing away from you because you’re the one who gave me the opportunity and you’re the one that I love. I’m nothing without you.”

“I felt that you left me out. That is why I had to walk away from you last night.”

“Yes, I realise now but I need you to understand that I didn’t want to leave you out but I wasn’t coping with what had happened. I needed time to think it through. When you walked away it just about killed me but it gave me the time I needed to come to terms with all that has happened.” 

“Okay. We’ve sorted it now so let’s put it behind us and move on.”

“What do you mean by move on?”

“You’ve had the experience and you enjoyed it. It was not what I expected. My desire was for you to come home to me all excited and we would have sex for hours like in some of the stories that I’ve read. It wasn’t like that at all.”

“It could be.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not over. Josh wants me to go out with him next weekend. Now that I’ve come to terms with it all, it can be like in the stories.”


“I thought that it was just going to be the one time and then we would go back to our everyday life.”

“I don’t want that. I want to experience it some more, maybe even until the excitement of the newness of it dies out. I didn’t do this to just move on and forget that it happened. There is also Josh. He wants it to continue as well. We can’t just use a man and then drop him as if he is nothing.”

“I see. I don’t know if I can cope with sitting around at home while he fucks the living daylights out of my wife. I struggled, I really did. After what you told me I probably will struggle even more if it happens again.”

“Well, we will need to find a solution. I’ll talk to Josh about you being there with us.”

“You want me there to watch you?”

“If you can’t survive being home by yourself then you will have to come with us unless you have a different solution?”

“No, I don’t have a solution.”

“Okay, now Jon, I want you to make love to me. Your fingering is turning me on.” He felt a sudden unusual affection for her when she used the words, “make love,” but it wasn’t sexual.

“I haven’t got a full erection, yet.”

“It feels hard enough to me. Come here.”

Ida pulled on him and he moved over on top of her. She guided him to her wet, stretched vagina. She placed him at her entrance. He pushed forward and slid all the way inside her. He lay still feeling the juices being pushed out of her, knowing that they would most likely be the remnants of Josh’s sperm. He felt the juices but her pussy walls were too stretched for him to feel much else.

“Push him all the way inside me, honey,” she told him. Jon knew she didn’t feel him either because he was already fully inside her.

“This is not working, Ida. Roll over on your side away from me.” He lifted off her and she rolled over as he asked. He felt with his fingers where her pussy was then guided his shaft into her from behind. It was wet and slippery but now he could feel her pussy walls.

“Oh, that feels nice.” She said.

“Yes, it does,” he replied. Feeling excited by her statement that it felt nice for her.

Despite having masturbated a couple of hours before, Jon came rather quickly. He knew that the feeling of Josh’s sperm inside her and the thought of being her second man in the last few hours was the reason he could not hold back. They lay there silently until as his erection declined Jon slipped out of her. Jon continued to hold her tightly against his body as he gradually entered the land of nod.

Before sleep took him over totally he told her, “I love you, Ida.”

He expected her to reply similarly as she always did but her reply wasn’t what he expected, “Yes, I know. You’re a good husband,” she told him. He dearly wanted to hear her say that she still loved him but despite his anguish sleep captured him.


Work, attention to family and the things necessary to keep a house kept them busy for the next few days. Their experience with Josh could well have never happened as far as Jon was concerned. Life was as it always had been. Besides he was too busy to think much about anything much other than his family, his friends and his work and the necessities of life.

 Jon was reminded of Josh on Wednesday night when they made love. It was very obvious that she was still quite loose for him but he didn’t mind and she had recovered adequately to have a small orgasm with him. Despite being reminded of the previous weekend’s events he felt much better knowing that she still appeared to enjoy sex with him just as much as before she had been with Josh.

Ida was also aware that Jon felt small to her during sex, something that she had never ever noticed before. She had inspected herself earlier in the week so she was aware that she had not recovered to the same extent as she had expected or hoped. Jon didn’t mention it so she thought that maybe he had not noticed but she had.

As they made love she thought back to that feeling of fullness that she had felt with Josh and amazingly, almost immediately she had a small orgasm. The power of the mind, she had thought at the time. She then thought of the stories they had read and she then understood how the women in the stories remained so attached to their husbands despite how exciting the women in the stories claimed it was like being with their bigger, younger and fitter sexual partners.

Ida thought of Josh regularly during the week. She wished he would call her but no call came so on Thursday evening while Jon was having his shower after work she dialled his number.

“Josh speaking,” came the reply.

“Josh, it’s Ida.”

“Hello, Ida. I’m glad you called because somehow I misplaced your number and I haven’t been able to find it. I thought of coming around to see you but I was not sure how Jon would react if I did.”

“Yes, I think it is good that you didn’t because I think he is having a few issues accepting that we made love the other night.”

“Made love? I thought you said it was only sex and that love was out of the question.”

“I did, didn’t I? Maybe that is why Jon was so upset with me. I have to go, Jon has finished his shower. I’ll see you on Saturday night.”

“I was wondering if…“ Before he had time to ask her if he could see her before Saturday night she had hung up on him.

When Jon entered the room he saw Ida putting her phone back in her bag. He had heard her talking but could not make out what she had been saying. He was tempted to ask her who she was talking to but he didn’t want to make her feel that he was monitoring everything she was doing so he decided not to ask. Besides, he knew if the chance arose he could always check her phone to find out. He knew that she often checked his phone so why shouldn’t he do the same to hers?

Published 2 years ago

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