I Would, On a Boat

"A couple begins there nudist cruise in the most natural way."

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I open the door to the cabin and you burst in.

“Oh Luther, it’s wonderful! We have our own balcony! I’m just going to sit here and watch the ocean the entire time.” You giggle and jump to the sliding doors, flinging them open and standing at the railing.

As you enjoy the view, I quickly park our luggage against the wall and shed all my clothing. I join you at the rail.

“Well, to be fair it’s not the best view at the moment,” you observe, since we’re still in port and we’re looking at the business side of the dock. “But there’s still water and seagulls, so I’ll enjoy it.”

You turn and finally notice my attire, or lack thereof. “Oh! You’re not wasting any time are you?”

I shrug, standing at the rail, comfortably naked. “It is a nudist cruise boat. I know we’re supposed to keep clothing on until we set sail, but that certainly doesn’t apply in the cabin, and I’m going to interpret that to include the balcony. Quite a few others were already bending the rules before they even reached the cabin, I saw a lot more skin than I’ve ever seen before on the way through the ship’s halls.” I turn to face you, and gaze up and down your body. “So, no excuses. Off with the clothes.”

You strut slowly back into the cabin, then turn, posing. You’re wearing a summer dress, shear enough to give hints of what’s underneath, and clingy enough to leave no doubt. Just over five feet, your petit body is perfectly proportioned, both curvaceous and trim, and athletic enough to complete any bedroom gymnastics we can dream up.

“I don’t think so. You kept telling me the service here would spoil me. Why should I have to take off my own clothes?” You raise your arms in an exaggerated shrug, and I quickly swoop in, smiling at your cheek. I can’t resist wrapping you in a deep hug and bending down for a kiss.

But then I step back and into character. “Yes, madam, right away.”

I kneel and deftly grab the bottom of you dress and pull it up your body, slowly. My hands slide against your skin a little more than is polite, and my gaze is nothing short of leering. I drink in your long legs, thick thighs, and my breath catches as my hands slide of your wide hips just as my eyes are treated to your bare pussy coming in to view. “Oops, I forgot to put on panties this morning!” you exclaim in a sweet singsong voice. I swallow hard, and continue my journey up your body. 

After the ample curves of your ass, I marvel at the slim waistline you maintain and can’t resist kissing your navel as I pass by. “My, the service here certainly is personal,” you murmur. “We are here to serve your every pleasure and desire,” I immediately respond, and your friendly grin gives way to a lusty lick of the lips as I raise up to a standing position and our eyes meet. 

I complete the removal of your dress, and you are left in just your bra. I control my urges, and leisurely trace a finger along the edge of your bra over your ample cleavage. Nipples harden and poke out against the fabric containing them. “Is this part of the turn-down service I’ve heard about?” you ask, voice low and lusty. 

I just smile and lock eyes as I reach behind you and unclasp your bra, continuing to stare into your eyes as the bra drops to the floor and you stand before me completely naked. I know how beautiful those breasts are, perfectly shaped and full, but I resist them and turn away to the bathroom. “One moment, madam.”

I quickly return with two towels, and then lead you to the balcony. Laying one towel on the deck chair, I seat you there, facing back in toward the room. The other towel I keep folded, and place on the floor before the chair. I kneel before you, a slight smirk on my face. Your face begins to radiate with glee as you realize what I have in mind. “Oh, I am going to love this holiday,” you whisper as you move your hips forward to the edge of the chair and spread your legs as wide as you possibly can.

I give you one last look in the eyes, “At your service madam,” and then turn my attention solely to pleasuring your pussy. I being with a light lick, softly getting the attention of your already swelling lips. I trace longer arcs with my tongue, up one side, down the other, then a long leisurely lick down the center. My lips get involved, nibbling and kissing around your folds. I add my saliva and your body responds with its own wetness. My tongue now slips inside, and your body begins to squirm. My fingers join in the fun, stroking along the outsides, then spreading your pussy lips for my plunging tongue, then massaging you while my tongue flicks against your clit.

Before long, the pleasure overwhelms you and your entire body begins clenching, your hands grabbing the back of my head, pressing my mouth harder between your legs. I find the spot, the rhythm, and continue servicing your pussy exactly as you like it, riding the thrusts of your orgasm as wave after wave washes over you. You cum so hard you squirt against my face but I press on, expecting it, and keep licking you until the last wave passes.

As I stand, I collect some of your juices in my head and begin leisurely stroking my cock, getting myself both stiff and slick for you. I stand above you, enjoying the view of both your body and the sunny scene past you, giving you time to recover. Your eyes blink open. “Did I pass out?” You look up at my hard, slim body, then down at my hand slowly stroking the stiff cock. “Oh my, looks like I may be in for another overwhelming orgasm, yes?”

Too full of lust to even speak, I offer my hand in a very gentlemanly manner and pull you up out of the chair. Then in a very ungentlemanly manner, I spin you away from me and bend you over the railing. Recognizing my deep need, you obediently arc your back and spread your legs a step. You put one hand on the rail, and then reach back with the other to pull your ass a bit wider, exposing your dripping pussy. Letting your own lust shine unbridled, you stare deep into me. “Fuck me, Luther.”

My desire surges to new heights and my dick surges along with it to the stiffness of steel. I grab your hips with both hands, barely taking enough time to line up my thrust and roughly plunge the full length inside. Your head snaps back with a satisfied moan, and the tempo of my strokes quickly builds to a frenzied pitch. 

As I fall into a trance of slaking my needs with thrust after thrust, you transcend into a state of taking in every aspect of the scene. Tall, chiseled male, fully aroused and using your body for his primal needs behind you. Ship’s railing under your hands as you lean out over the side of the ship. Dock workers far below, just above the water. Birds riding the salty air out in front of you. Cabins of happy vacationers stretching above, below, to the sides. You sense that some are like you, reveling in sexual pleasure with their partners, and you feel joy to share this experience with them. But no one else is on the balcony as far as you can tell,  just you to drink in the sun, sea and wind as you share the sensual joy of joined bodies with your lover.

Until you notice, off to your right, the bridge of the boat juts out beyond the side so that the crew can have a good view of the ship. And more importantly, the junior officer keeping watch there. Not very close to you, but close enough to make eye contact. His polite nod to you in greeting gives way to curiosity at your strange behavior. Why are you bent over in that odd posture, and why are you bobbing back and forth like that? Curiosity gives way to comprehension, and you know he knows exactly what your are doing.

You have reached the point of no return, and can’t bother about anything but the paradoxically comforting and electric feeling spreading from your pussy through your body to the tips of your toes on the deck, the hands gripping the railing, and up through your torso, past your swaying breasts, to shine forth in the expression of ecstasy on your face. My thrusts have reached a crescendo and you feel me strain to press as deeply as I can reach, then hold, and you feel my cum bursting inside you. I gather for another thrust and more cum flows into you. You shudder, maybe in orgasm, maybe just in ecstasy, it’s hard to keep track any more. I hold my cock inside you, my hands now roaming your body, reveling in the pleasure you can bring me, we can bring each other. 

We both lean forward, you resting on the railing, me resting on your back. I gently kiss your shoulders. My spent cock falls out of you, and I join you in a chuckle at the satisfied sloppiness of it all. We hold the pose for a time, languishing in the moment, and then I release you and step back into the cabin.

I’m wiping myself off with a towel, looking out at your lovely form against the backdrop of the coastal scene. You’re looking off to your right for a time, and then you blow a kiss in that direction. Beaming, you step in off the balcony and I give you a puzzled look.

“I think I made a friend. Did you know the ship’s bridge juts out over the side, and they have a very good view of the ship, and anyone who happens to be leaning over the balcony?”

A chagrined look spreads over my face. “I was aware.” I hold up my hands. “In my defense, I was a bit distracted and it really did slip my mind. Hmm, this could be awkward if we get invited to dinner at the captain’s table.”

“Oh, no need for concern,” you assure me as you wrap yourself around me in a hug. “This is a nude cruise, I’m sure the crew is expecting such behavior. Besides,” you bat your doe eyes at me, and pull back in a perfect pose to reveal your stunning breasts, “I would wager I can convince him not to be too cross with me.”

I laugh and pull you into the shower for a proper rinse. “This is going to be a great week!”

Published 3 years ago

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