Sabra was twenty-eight and filled with a quiet panic every day. She was convinced that if she weren’t married by the time she was thirty she would be single for the rest of her life. It wasn’t that she hadn’t had suitors in the past, but that none of them had met her high standards.
She was sure that her looks would fade and her body would thicken and sag and she would end up looking like her mother. That thought depressed her more as each week passed.
She got a job as a secretary at a company which produced coaxial cable and provided it to cable companies nationwide. She’d been there for only three weeks when a man came into the office and caught her attention. He was tall and svelte, good-looking, and dressed in a three-piece suit.
She kept her eye on him until he became aware he was being watched. He glanced her way and she smiled. He returned the smile. She asked another secretary who he was and was told his name was Meshulam and he was the supervisor of the company’s warehouse.
Three days later she contrived an excuse to go to the loading dock of the warehouse. She spied him but didn’t look at him directly. She walked past him swaying her hips in what she was sure was just enough to show off her curves.
She turned and sashayed past him again so that he got a good look at her ample buttocks. As she reached the doorway back into the office complex she looked over her shoulder to make sure he was watching and smiled at him again.
She discovered he brought his lunch to work and ate on a bench under a small tree in the green space that divided the main building from the executive suites.
She brought a lunch and went out to the green area. She acted surprised to find another person there, saying she brought her lunch every day but usually ate at her desk. He invited her to share the bench and they talked. He found her charming and funny. She flattered him by listening intently to all he said and laughing at all the proper places.
They lunched together every day. She discovered he owned a house in the middle of the city on a street that bordered a small park. He was thirty-nine, unmarried and had no family.
What she didn’t know was that he’d inherited the house plus a small fortune from his parents. He also owned a sizeable amount of stock in the company they worked for. He worked because he couldn’t imagine not working. He had no desire to be a playboy.
He invited her out to dinner at a fancy restaurant.
Six months after that first lunch they married. Ten months later Sabra gave birth to a baby girl.
Sabra had a younger sister. After the wedding, she told Bennu that now it was her turn and warned her not to wait too long or she would end up an old maid.
A year or so after her sister married, Bennu began working in a coffee shop across the street from the main entrance to the university. An exceedingly handsome young man came into the coffee shop each morning and bought a cappuccino grande and a cruller to go.
One of the reasons he visited the coffee shop every weekday morning was because of the cute little miss who filled his order and took his money. He eventually asked her for her name and introduced himself as Amir.
With time he disclosed that he was about to get his doctorate degree in agricultural economics. Although he was twenty-seven he was single because he’d been determined to finish his education before starting a family.
She told him she still lived with her parents. He asked if he could call on her and she gave him permission. Her father approved of the young man and her mother marveled at how handsome and well mannered he was. He courted her for a year before he proposed and she gladly accepted.
Meshulam and Sabra hadn’t met him until the wedding. Sabra couldn’t believe how fortunate her sister had been and felt a tinge of envy. Meshulam was astonished by the amazing good looks of his new brother-in-law.
What struck everyone who came in contact with Amir was how completely unaware he seemed to be of his good fortune. He knew, of course, that he had exceptional looks, but he’d been schooled from childhood that he was not responsible for the way he looked.
His parents told him he’d been favored by the gods and he must fulfill what the gods had gifted him with by being humble and at the same time developing his mind. He had followed their instructions and had grown into a remarkable young man.
Immediately after graduation, Amir had planned to apply for a position under the State Secretary of Agriculture, but there had been an election and a new governor and agriculture secretary had been voted into office. He was advised to wait the two months until the new administration had been installed before submitting his application.
The problem was he had a new wife and no money. He worried where they were going to live, how they were going to eat. Bennu confided to her sister who repeated the problem to Meshulam with just a touch of glee.
Meshulam contacted Amir and told him his house was more than big enough for two families. He stressed that Amir and Bennu were welcome to move in and remain as long as it took for them to get on their own feet. He assured him that they would never be pressured to leave no matter how long they wished to live there.
His offer was delivered with such compassion that it surprised Amir but he was in no position to turn it down. It was a lifesaver and he thanked Meshulam profusely. He and Bennu moved into one of the several bedrooms of the spacious house. Sabra accepted them as she had no alternative. The saving grace was that Bennu had to cater to Sabra’s wishes.
To Amir, his new brother-in-law proved to be more than a savior. He was a friend, a mentor, a saint. He listened to Amir’s thoughts, he advised him, he invited Amir to accompany him on outings for the two of them, he loaned him money with no expectation of being repaid.
Amir’s twenty-ninth birthday was coming up and Bennu was upset because she didn’t have money to buy him a present. Meshulam gave her the money to buy him an expensive watch she’d only dreamed about giving him.
As time passed Amir and Meshulam became closer and revealed events from their past that no one knew about. They talked about their secret wishes which they never discussed with another person. They passed evenings in a hookah lounge and spent late nights sipping the expensive brandies that Meshulam favored.
Meshulam introduced Amir to the men’s bathhouse he frequented where they sat naked in the steam room for an hour, enjoyed a deep massage and lolled in the mineral pool, their masculinity on full display.
Meshulam complimented Amir on the fact his body was as attractive as his face. Amir responded that Meshulam had managed to avoid putting on extra weight and appeared younger than his years. Meshulam casually commented that Amir’s fortunate gifts included his private parts and asked him if he was aware he sported more than most men.
Amir tucked his head in embarrassment and Meshulam apologized but said he only spoke the truth and this conversation was just between the two of them.
“I thought we had reached the stage where we could talk frankly, as friends,” he said.
Amir raised his head and looked Meshulam in the eye,
“Yes, you are right. Forgive my ignorance. Might I say it looks like you came out alright too,” he said.
“Well, I guess I did, but you know we men are never satisfied with what we’ve got. That applies to more than just our cocks,” Meshulam said, smiling.
It was the first time he’d used a word like that with Amir and at first, Amir was taken aback but then felt it brought them even closer.
“What aren’t you satisfied with?” he asked.
As an answer, Meshuaml asked, “Are you satisfied with your marriage?”
Amir was surprised at the question. “Yes, I think I am.”
“You think,” Meshulam said. He added, “Wouldn’t you like more? Something somehow different?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think so. Like what?” Amir wasn’t sure he was understanding.
“Well, for instance, to know what it might be like to lie down with a man. To use that big cock you have to give another man like you pleasure. That would be a new experience, wouldn’t it?” Meshulam was still looking steadily into Amir’s eyes.
Amir frowned. “That wouldn’t be right,” he answered.
“Right for who? For the man you were pleasuring? Surely it would be. Not right for you? If you did it it would be because you wanted to, so how could it be wrong?” He waited for Amir’s next thought.
“Well, just not right. Not what people say is right,” was what he brought forth.
“Shit,” Meshulam said with a vengeance. “What people? What person has a right to say what you do with your body? What person has to know?”
Amir looked down at his manhood hanging between his legs. Without thinking about it his gaze moved over to Meshulam’s cock. He looked back up at Meshulam.
Meshulam continued. “If right now you asked if you could fuck me and I said yes, who would know and who would care.”
Amir laughed but the laugh was short and trailed off. He felt he had to say something.
“I don’t think this would be a good place to fuck you.” It was meant to show how ridiculous the conversation was.
“Well,” Meshulam said, “we could go rent a hotel room.”
Amir tried to laugh again but the laugh didn’t materialize. He crossed his legs, realizing that for some reason his cock was stirring.
Meshulam smiled at him. “But seeing the time, I think instead we’d better get dressed and get home before we both end up in the doghouse.”
He stood up and Amir saw that Moshulam’s cock was half aroused too. He watched him as he casually turned and took the steps up and out of the pool. He stood and followed, grateful that his fledgling erection had gone back down.
Later that night, as he lay beside his sleeping wife, he went over the strange conversation again and again not knowing what to make of it. But when once again his cock started getting hard he got out of bed and went into the bathroom and masturbated. Returning to the bed he soon drifted off to sleep.
Meshulam also had trouble getting to sleep. He marveled that the ideas he’d expressed to Amir had been amorphous thoughts which had congealed into concrete form as he’d spoken them. Now he knew them to be the truth.
Four nights after that conversation the weather turned hot and humid. Meshulam awoke feeling damp. He got up and took a cool shower. After drying off he put on a short silk robe he seldom used. He went downstairs to the room he used as his private den, switched on a lamp that cast a soft light across the room and poured a snifter of brandy.
He turned the fan on to its lowest speed and sat on the ornate couch that was covered in a dark brocade. From where he sat he saw a light turn on somewhere down the hall to the right. He figured somebody must be in the kitchen. Since there were only five people in the house, counting his small daughter, he didn’t worry about it.
In a few minutes, he heard the tinkle of ice being swirled around in a glass as the person came nearer. He’d expected them to go back up the stairs but they kept approaching the open door of his den. He waited, thinking that his getting out of bed must have wakened Sabra.
Instead, Amir appeared in the doorway wearing only the shorts he slept in. In the dim light, Meshulam could see that the fly gaped open a couple of inches revealing only blackness.
What he hadn’t realized is that the belt of his silk robe had loosened and the robe was partly open showing more than the gap in Amir’s shorts did.
“Hi,” Amir said.
Meshulam smiled, pleased to see his friend. “You couldn’t sleep either?”
Amir shook his head. The ice in the glass rattled. “I haven’t been to sleep all night. I don’t know how Bennu can do it and she rolls over so she’s pressing up against me.”
“Well,” said Meshulam. “Come on in and sit in front of the fan. Cool off.”
Amir had tried not to let his gaze fall below Meshulam’s face, but he kept glancing down despite his efforts. He walked to the chair next to the couch and sat but Meshulam was still in his line of sight.
“What’s in the glass?” Meshulam asked.
“Just water,” Amir answered.
Meshulam reached for the brandy decanter. “Here,” he said. “Add a little of this. You’ll sleep better.”
Amir leaned forward for Meshulam to pour the brandy into his glass and his shorts gapped open wider. Meshulam looked down and he could see the object of his desire lying there, Amir’s balls behind it.
Amir looked down and saw he was exhibiting everything he had. He tried to close the gap with his free hand.
“I’ve seen it all at the bathhouse, Amir,” Meshulam said. “No need to hide it now.”
“I know, but it seems strange here,” Amir almost whispered. “We aren’t at the bathhouse. We’re in your home.”
“And your home,” Meshulam reminded him.
Meshulam looked down at his own crotch and saw that he was unknowingly exposing himself. Instead of covering himself up he shifted slightly and let the silk robe slide a little more open.
Amir stood and moved over to the other end of the couch so he wasn’t looking directly at Meshulam.
“Amir,” Meshulam began. “What are you ashamed of? You have the best of everything. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Indeed, you have everything to be proud of.”
Amir bristled. “I’m neither ashamed nor proud. I am…I don’t know what. You confuse me.”
“No. I don’t want to do that. I’m trying to figure things out for myself, so I have no desire to confuse you.” Meshulam fell silent.
“But that’s what I mean,” objected Amir. “Figure what out? What’s happening? That’s what I don’t understand.”
“What’s happening is that I’ve awoken to the fact that I want something that I never wanted before. Not until now. Or rather, not until I met you. And now I want it more than anything. More than anything I have.” He was looking into Amir’s eyes but let his sight drop to Amir’s slightly open fly.
Against what his mind told him not to do Amir asked, “And what’s that?”
A small smile flickered across Meshulam’s lips.
“This,” he said and laid his hand on the shape of Amir’s cock visible under the soft fabric.
Amir put his hand on top of Meshulam’s intending to pull Meshulam’s hand away but he left it there, his hand holding it in place. He felt his cock stir and begin to grow.
“What would you do with it?” he heard himself ask as if the words were spoken by an unseen person.
“Whatever you wanted,” Meshulam answered, an unusual raspiness to his voice.
Amir removed his hand and Meshulam pulled his now fully erect cock out through the fly. Amir leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. Meshulam leaned forward and opened his mouth. He had never dreamed of this let alone planned it. He just did what his instincts led him to do.
He closed his lips gently around the head of Amir’s cock and slid his mouth down until he could go no farther. The end of Amir’s cock rested on the back of his throat. He felt how it filled his mouth, how he could move his tongue up and down one side, how smooth and firm it was.
He’d heard Amir take in a small gasp of air as he’d enclosed the head in his mouth and almost felt more than heard him moan as Meshulam slid his mouth down its length.
He now came back up and swirled his tongue around the head feeling the flange. With the flat of his tongue, he felt the indention that was the piss hole and the way it formed two slight bulges on both sides of it.
Amir rested his hand on the back of Meshulam’s head and Meshulam went down again. He began moving his head up and down, turning it from side to side, feeling Amir’s cock massage the inside of his mouth. He felt lust as he’d never felt it before. He wanted this cock in his mouth forever. He wanted to drink what he knew would come out of this cock.
Meshulam took his own cock in his hand and jerked it rapidly as he bounced his head up and down. His lust took over and pushed him toward a climax quicker than he could have imagined. His cum spurted out and he covered the end of his cock with his hand to capture it and prevent it from landing on Amir’s leg.
Amir also had feelings welling up from deep inside him he’d never experienced before. He grasped Meshulam’s head with both hands and forced his head up and down rapidly. His confused thoughts were how good this felt and how much he wanted it to end with his cum filling this man’s mouth.
They both got their wish as Amir suddenly gasped and his cum shot forth coating the back of Meshulam’s throat and his tongue. He shot again and again, a fourth and a fifth time. Meshulam swallowed twice. He remained where he was until Amir removed his hands and put one at the base of his cock pushing Meshulam’s face up.
Meshulam sat up and looked at Amir’s face. Amir looked away. Meshulam put a finger under Amir’s chin and…