I spent a week helping a manufacturing company cut their machine changeover time from 127 minutes down to 7 minutes. Not a bad improvement considering I spent most of that time trying not to think about the cute young woman I met at the airport. She was a barber. Her name was Veronique, Vera for short. Before I left, I gave her some advice on how to get her boyfriend, Ian, and Ian’s “sort of a boyfriend,” Sammy, to finally, finally give her the orgasm she so richly deserved. Did it work, or would she be mad at me for my crazy suggestion? Would she even be working when I arrived back at my home airport? My heart was beating fast as I approached the corner to Concours E. I hurried around the corner and there she was.
Vera was sitting on a high stool, looking sad, or maybe tired, but still just as cute as before. She was idly brushing out an electric trimmer. Her medium length, brown hair was wavy and falling down into her eyes. Her rust red barber uniform was immaculate.
My heart skipped a beat. I hoped she wasn’t sad on my account. I mean, my advice was kind of out there, but not that far out there. When I was with her last week, she told me that the boys had both cum in her mouth, as she said, “like a lot,” and that she made them both kiss her cummy lips. What could have gone wrong? Should I turn back? Come back another time? No, I decided, better to face the music.
Then she saw me. Veronique stood up, her ample breasts bouncing happily. She smiled, waved, and gestured for me to hurry over.
When I reached her barber station, I set my tiny carry-on bag aside and took her hands.
“How did it go, Veronique?”
“Oh,” she smiled. She knew exactly what I was talking about. “It was horrible!”
I sagged.
“Horrible?” I moaned.
“But only at first. Here sit,” she said, patting the barber chair. “I’ll trim you up, and tell you all about it.”
I did as instructed. She threw an apron across my chest and ran her fingers through my hair. When her thoughts had settled, she said, “The bad part was with Sammy. He’s so serious. I asked my brother how he was doing. You remember Sammy works at my brother’s little alarm factory, right? Anyway, I asked how Sammy was doing and my brother said that Sammy was having a bad week. I asked him what he meant by that, and my brother said that Sammy was being really quiet, like he was upset about something. My brother was afraid he had been offered another job.”
“Okay, but that could mean anything,” I said.
She pulled my hair. “Patience!” she said. “I’m telling this story.” Then she continued. “So, I asked my beautiful Ian to meet Sammy for lunch, but Sammy wouldn’t go, and that’s not like him. You know Sammy, he’s a big boy–well, you don’t know him because you’ve never met him, but he’s tall, like six feet two and totally proportional. Right?”
She emphasised the world “totally proportional” then laughed at her own joke because we both knew what she meant. She ran a comb through my hair.
“It got worse,” she said, “When Ian talked to Sammy on the phone, Sammy seemed very distant, like he didn’t want to talk to Ian. So, of course, I thought maybe I had misjudged the whole situation and maybe Sammy was one of those one and done guys.”
I asked, “You mean, because of your cum kissing rule?”
“Yes!” she said, exasperated. “I mean, they asked me for a double blow job. They both came in my mouth. So, they both have to kiss my cumface or they don’t get any more blowjobs. Period!”
She actually stomped her foot.
“But he tasted his own cum,” I said. “So, was that it? Was it too bisexual for him?”
She pulled my hair and said, “Patience.” Then she said, “So I called him, called Sammy, and I invited him over to the house on Saturday afternoon.”
I started to ask how that went, but I didn’t want her to pull my hair again, so I just let her tell her story.
“When Sammy came to the house, he was carrying a dozen roses, but he wouldn’t look me in the eye. I took the roses and kissed his cheek, and he smiled. He waved to Ian, who waved the beer in his hand to ask Sammy if he wanted one too. Sammy nodded. Then I took Sammy’s hands and led him over to the sofa.
“I asked Sammy what was bothering him. ‘Do you not want to have sex with us any more, or what?’ I asked.
“‘Well,’ said Sammy, ‘That’s what’s been bothering me all week. What we did was, well honestly, to be fair, it was pretty darned bisexual. Wasn’t it? I mean, you rubbed our dicks together and made us both kiss the cum from your lips, and well …”
“Then Ian joined us and handed Sammy that beer. They clinked bottles and both took a long drink. That seemed to relax Sammy a good bit. I tried not to think about the sexual connotations of them sucking on those long neck bottles, but I digress.”
Then she laughed, and it made me smile inside.
“But Sammy still looked so sad, and Ian asked him, ‘So, you’re out? No more kinda, maybe-a-little-bisexual stuff for you?’
“Ian and I both held our breath.
“‘Well, that’s kind of the thing, isn’t it,’ Sammy said. ‘I’m kind of okay with it, I mean, it wasn’t that bad. I mean, honestly, that double blowjob was pretty darned hot. I mean,’ he looked at me, ‘I masturbated every night for this past week thinking about you rubbing our dicks together, and kissing your cum face, and fucking you, and I’m mostly okay with it, but I’m kinda like, yeah–’ and then he stopped.
“‘What?’ I demanded.
“Sammy said, ‘But I’m just not bi enough. I mean, I guess I’d be okay with Ian sucking my dick or something, maybe kissing you while you were giving him a blowjob, but I don’t know.” He stood up and walked away from us. Then he said, “The cumswapping was really uncomfortable at the time. I mean, it’s just weird; but now it makes me hard just thinking about it, but I just can’t, I just don’t think I could, I mean, I don’t want anybody fucking me in the ass. So I guess that’s it!’ He eased down to sit on the coffee table right in front of us.
“Ian and I looked at each other and laughed, and when we did, Sammy looked so hurt.
“I patted Sammy’s arm and said, ‘Sweetie, cute as you are, nobody here wants to fuck your ass.” I looked at Ian, and he shook his head no. Then I realized this was my chance to ask for what I wanted. This is where I took your advice and just put it out there. I took Sammy’s face in my hands and looked him straight in the eye. ‘If I make Ian promise not to try to fuck your tiny little asshole, would you be willing to fuck me in the pussy and the ass while Ian licks my clit?’
“‘What?’ said Sammy.
“‘I didn’t get to cum last time. You got to cum, and Ian got to cum, but nobody made me cum, and I want to cum like a man. Understand? I want you to fuck me, while Ian licks me, and neither one of you gets to cum until I cum, like alot!’
“Sammy looked from me to Ian and back to me. “So, we could do what we want? We don’t have to, like, take turns with everything and all that?’
“‘Oh, you boys need to take turns, all right. You need to take turns fucking me and licking me until I cum, cum, cum. Then we’ll see what else we can get up to.’
“Sammy was quiet for a long minute, just staring at us with a look of disbelief. Then he finally seemed to get it. “Well, uh, well then I’m okay with that. Are you okay with that Ian?’
“‘That would be awesome,’ said Ian to Sammy. Then Ian’s face turned bright red. ‘But if I’m fuck-licking Vera’s clit, and your dick pops out, I can’t promise I won’t be tempted to suck it.’
“Sammy smiled broadly and said, ‘Well, I guess I’m going to have to be okay with that then.’
“‘I guess you are,’ I said.
“Then I told them to head into the bathroom, like last time, to get cleaned up and to meet me in the bedroom. Meanwhile, I went into the master bath and cleaned up everything, you know, up front and back there.”
I was feeling a little flushed from hearing her story. I’m not sure she realized it, but as she was talking, she was running her fingers through my hair and pushing her boobs against the back of my head.
It was very distracting.
She shook herself, boobs included, and stepped back from my head.
I checked the hallway. Two blue-haired ladies were walking by, but no one was paying us any attention.
She reached for the scissors and started back on her story.
“It was hard to wash because every time I touched my clitty, it would make me jerk away. I mean, like, it was really sensitive, and it felt really big, like a little erection or something. I thought that was weird. But I splashed warm water front and back and used a soapy wash rag, and rinsed, and dried everything off with a fluffy towel because I really, really wanted to get started.
“I stepped out into the bedroom, and the guys were both naked, kneeling on the bed, facing each other with their dicks practically touching.
“‘Well, aren’t you both so big and hard and handsome?” I said. Then I gestured at their big dicks. ‘Are you two going to jerk each other off or what?’ I was joking, but they looked at each other to see if they should, and I laughed. ‘You don’t have to jerk each other’s cocks. I just want to see two big, brawny men jerking off for me.’ They hesitated. ‘Go ahead,’ I said. “Stroke your cocks for me.” Then I put my hands on my hips, and leaned forward for a better look.
“Sammy hesitated, but Ian said, ‘She makes me jerk off all the time. I don’t know why she likes it.” Then he grabbed his dick with his right hand and started stroking it very slowly. He put three fingers from his left hand into his mouth to get them wet, then rubbed them on his dick while staring me right in the eyes.
“‘Good boy, Ian,’ I said. ‘Now you, Sammy. Stroke that giant cock of yours.’
“He looked at me. He looked at Ian’s glistening cock head. Then he shrugged, reached down with both hands to cup his balls and cock and present them to us. It was as if he was saying, Look at how big it is, and soon I’m going to fuck you both with this nice, big dick! Then he cupped his balls with his left hand, and began to stroke his cock with his right.
“‘Oh, that’s nice,’ I said. ‘I like that. God, it’s making me so wet.’ I hopped up on the bed and moved next to them, almost between them. ‘Don’t cum yet!’ I said. “Slow down. Oh, that’s so hot. Your cocks are so pretty. Now move closer.’
“They didn’t move.
“‘Closer,’ I said. I want to see your cocks touching. Ian started to shift his weight, but it was really Sammy who lowered his dick down until it was touching my husband’s cock head. ‘Yes. Yes!’ I said. “Like that! Oh Sammy, look at your precum. Rub your dick on Ian’s balls.’ When he did, Ian moaned and started to stroke his cock really fast. Now, I’d seen that before, so I pushed him back onto his heels and said, “Nope. Nobody cums until I cum. That’s the rule for tonight.’
“‘And nobody fucks Sammy’s ass,’ added Sammy with a smile.
“‘No,’ I agreed, then I kissed Sammy on the lips and whispered, “But I sure do want you to fuck my ass.’ Then I grabbed Ian’s cock and stroked it a few times. ‘I may even let you fuck Ian in the ass.’
“Sammy’s eyes bulged and he asked Ian, ‘Is that what you want, Ian? You’re going to let me fuck your wife in the ass while you watch?’
“‘While he helps,’ I insisted.
“‘Then what?’ Sammy said to Ian. “Then you want me to fuck your ass too? Is that what you two do when I’m not here? You fuck each other in the ass?’
“‘Sometimes,’ said Ian shyly.
“Sammy shook his head in disbelief. ‘Okay. Maybe. We’ll have to see about that.’
“By that point, my clitty was throbbing strangely. It had never done that before. It was throbbing and Ian wasn’t even touching me. I felt a little faint.
“‘Separate!’ I insisted. ‘Split up. No more touching!’
“I directed them to lay on opposite sides of the bed with me kneeling at the bottom of the bed facing them. Ian was on my left and Sammy on my right.
“‘First,’ I said, ‘We have to warm up my pussy. We can’t have Sammy slamming that giant horse stick up my ass without some warmup.’ Actually, I was so hot I probably could have taken him right then, but what’s the fun in that? So, I made Ian straighten his legs and hold up his dick, then I sat down on top of it. Oh-my-God, it felt so good! I think I almost came right then.
“Ian moaned and thrust into me, but I told him to stop. ‘Me first tonight,’ I said, then I sort of moaned it, ‘Me first.’
“I eased down on Ian’s cock, half way, all the way. Then I ground my mons into his pubic bone. My clitty twitched and I backed off. I just kneeled there and let my breathing settle. I wondered what was wrong with me. Then Sammy moved.
“He scooted up next to Ian’s head. Sammy set his dick over Ian’s face and stroked it.
“Stop!” I said. “No cumming before me. Take your hand off it!”
“When Sammy let go of his huge cock, it fell slightly and nearly touched Ian’s mouth. Sammy’s dick stood out straight and hard. It was pulsing, bum-bump, bum-bump, right in front of Ian’s mouth.
“I leaned forward till I was just over Sammy’s cock. I had to peek around the giant head to see Ian’s expression of both panic and desire.
“I said, ‘Don’t you wanna suck it, Ian baby? He’s offering it to you. One push and you’ll have your first taste of dick ever.’ I leaned toward Sammy’s cock. I was going to use my lips to push that big dick right into my husband’s mouth, but Ian shook his head, no. My eyes widened, but I shrugged. You can’t push these things. Boys are so sensitive.
“Instead I leaned left and guided Sammy’s cock into my mouth with my hand. Oh, it was so big and heavy in my mouth. I’d forgotten how thick and solid it was. I shivered and smiled around Sammy’s dick. Two holes filled. Two men loving me. Two men who weren’t afraid of their manliness. Two men with big dicks who would eat cum for me. My legs began to tremble.
“‘Switch,’ I said and hopped off Ian’s cock.
“I patted the bed next to Ian, showing Sammy where I wanted him to lay. He flopped down on the bed. He reached for his cock, but I slapped his hand. He laughed and lay both hands against the soft comforter.
“I crawled on top of Sammy and eased my pussy onto his dick. Usually, it would take a few strokes to get that monster inside, but I was already so wet, and Ian’s cock had already stretched me out. I easily took Sammy’s cock halfway inside me. It was such a pleasure, and a shock, to feel the differences between them.
“‘Oh, Sammy, your cock is so big. I’m never going to get that monster in my ass.” But that didn’t stop me from rocking up and down on his big stick. Deep. Deeper. I paused, tilted back. I didn’t think I could do it. His cock was so long, I felt it near my cervix. I winced. I relaxed. I eased down further, further, until my mons were sitting still against his pubic bone.
“‘Oh my God. Two dicks, one after the other, all the way inside my pussy. All the way in. All the way.’ I shivered. Could I cum like that? Was that what makes a girl cum? To feel a cock that deep?”
“Then Ian stirred. He crawled behind me. He was looking at my pussy wrapped around Sammy’s cock.
“‘Lean forward,” he said, pushing on my back.
“I did as I was told and showed him my ass. Then Ian did something he’d never done before. He leaned forward slowly. I felt his breath on my bum. I felt his chin touch my butt cheeks. Then I felt his tongue on my asshole! I jolted forward. He’d never done that before. Ever!
“I gasped, ‘What are you doing back there?’
“‘Fucklicking baby. I’m fucklicking your asshole while my best friend fucks your pussy.” I felt him move behind me. “And now, I’m stroking his cock, while he fucks you, while I lick your ass.” Then he stopped talking and started licking and stroking and moaning. Then Ian went from licking my ass, to licking my taint, to licking my pussy and Sammy’s dick at the same time.
“I gasped and suddenly felt like I was going to pee. What was happening to me? ‘Stop!’ I yelled. ‘Back,’ I said, waving Ian away.
“Ian wasn’t mad at being yelled at. He was smiling like an evil little school boy.
“I jumped off of Sammy’s cock, reached under my pillow and grabbed a bottle of olive oil. I poured a shaky handful into my left hand and rubbed it all over my ass, then rammed two fingers inside my butt. Then I took more oil and roughly spread it all over Sammy’s dick. Two seconds later, I was back on top of Sammy, but this time I was facing away from him, reverse cowgirl style. I sat my throbbing butt hole on top of Sammy’s slippery dick. Nothing happened at first, and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it with Ian watching and everything. Then the head popped in and stopped. It was held firmly in place by that first ring of muscles. I squeezed his dick hard with my anus and Sammy moaned. Then I eased my hips down and the flared tip slid past the opening and into my willing tunnel.
“‘That is so fucking hot,” said my Ian. He reached forward and ran his hands all over my hips, my thighs, my clit, then Ian’s cock and balls. It was all so hot and sexy as hell.
“‘Wait,’ said Ian. ‘I don’t think he’s wet enough yet.’ Then my pretty little Ian pulled Sammy’s dick out of my asshole and popped it into his mouth. I watched in awe as he slobbered all over that dick, taking it in his mouth, making it even wetter, tasing my ass, licking around the giant head, then looking me right in the eye. ‘That should do it,’ he said, positioning Sammy’s cock against my asshole.
“This time, when I eased down, that big dick went right inside. I pushed down, pushing him deeper. My asshole was stuffed, but I eased down on his cock, stretching my ass wider and deeper than ever before.
“‘More,’ Ian said to me as he stroked Sammy’s cock. “Take it all. Take every inch. Then, I’m going to lick your clit. Lick it and suck it.’
“I groaned. I pushed harder. I wasn’t ready. I had to stop. I clenched my asshole around Sammy’s dick in sexual frustration.
“Then Ian kissed my clitty, and I jumped a foot as an electric shock ran from my clit, through my asshole and all the way up to my left breast.
“Ian pulled back a bit and stroked Sammy’s cock slowly. He had to lean way forward, but Ian managed to lick Sammy’s shaft and my asshole at the same time.
“I shivered and suddenly, I felt my asshole relax and Sammy slid in all the way, like All The Way! It was deeper, so much deeper than being in my pussy. His dick was at the very center of my being, and my husband was there too. Licking me. Urging me on.
“Ian told Sammy, ‘Don’t move. Let her fuck you, if she wants to.’ Then he lifted his head and took my clit back into his mouth. Lick. Lick. Suck. He was sucking my clit between his lips and licking my clitty with the tip of his tongue. That’s when my legs started to tremble. I was afraid I’d fall over, but Sammy reached up from the bed and grabbed my ribs from behind and held me upright.
“Ian sucked and licked my clitty even harder. More suction. Faster licking. I ground my hips against Sammy’s giant cock. Nope, no more–that dick was in all the way. All the way inside my ass. All the way up my ass and my husband loved it. He loved me for needing to cum. He wanted me to cum. He didn’t care if my legs were shaking, if my pussy was dripping, if my ass was clenching, clenching, pumping, and grasping at that big dick.
“Then I felt my legs stiffen. My back arched. An electric shock wave jolted from my clit, to my pussy, to my ass. I felt like I was peeing, and dieing and catching on fire all at once and I came. I came! I came from my asshole to my pussy and through my clit, and up into my stomach and nipples until I felt my body go into complete convulsions of ecstasy. Jolt after jolt. Shock after shock. Then I think I may have passed out.
“Darkness. Peace. Burning embers cooling.
“I came back to myself and realized I was on my back, one handsome man on each side of me. They were both rubbing my breasts and shushing me, and telling me it was okay, and good job, and that was amazing. Sammy wasn’t in my ass. Ian wasn’t touching my pussy. But I still felt them both inside me. I still felt Sammy’s dick filling my backside. I still felt Ian’s dick sliding in and out of my pussy. I could still feel his lips sucking my clit. At the same time, I actually felt their hands on my boobs, squeezing them, loving my happy breasts, and it was, well, it was more than I had ever imagined.
“I looked up at the ceiling and said, ‘Now I see why you men like to cum so hard.’
“My breathing slowed, but my pussy was still pulsing about once per second, then once every two seconds, then finally it slowed to random pulses and occasional electric shocks.
“‘You boys want to cum too, don’t you?’ I asked.
“They both moaned into my breasts.
“‘Okay,’ I said, ‘let’s try this.’ I sat up between them. ‘Sammy, you just stay on your back.’ He readily agreed. ‘I’m going to 69 you, but you better not touch my clit or I think I might accidently pee on you.’ He laughed. I think right then he would have let me pee on him as long as I fucked him afterwards! I grabbed a towel and wiped the excess oil off his cock, then I mounted him. I made sure to keep my clitty well away from his tongue.
“Now you, Ian. Put your dick right on top of Sammy’s dick.” He didn’t understand what I wanted him to do. “Scoot up onto Sammy’s thighs so I can suck you both at the same time.
“‘Oh, I get it!’ said Ian. He scooted forward so his dick lay on top of Sammy’s dick. They were base-to-base and tip-to-tip with both cock heads pointed right at my face.
“Exactly,” I said, as I leaned forward. I took both their dicks in my mouth at the same time.
“Oh, they liked that! Soon they were moaning and thrusting and pushing each other’s cocks out of my mouth so they could get a turn. It was so nasty. I loved it. I began to lower my hips toward Sammy’s face. I stopped when I felt his hot, panting breath on my hyper-sensative clitty.
“Then I tasted pre-cum. I’m not sure who was getting ready to cum because their juice and my spit, and their lust and my desire were all mixed together, but it had to be stopped! I pulled away and planted my wet pussy firmly against Sammy’s mouth. His mouth felt awesome on my dripping vagina. I told Sammy, “No tongue!” and I meant it. He moaned and kissed my lower lips. “Hey!” I said and he stopped.
“I found the bottle of olive oil and poured some on my hands. I rubbed my hands together, then coated Sammy’s big dick again. He groaned and thrust his dick up to meet my hands and Ian’s balls.
“With Sammy’s dick in my left hand, I looked my husband in the eye and layed my right hand out, palm up and wiggled my fingers. He wrinkled his brow. He knew what I wanted him to do. He sighed strangely. I thought he might be afraid. I thought he might have been frustrated or even angry at me for pushing too hard. Men are such babies about this stuff. Then my beautiful Ian shivered. His eyes rolled back in his head and he began to tremble, but he lifted his hips and gave me access to his cute little asshole. I rubbed the oil all over the opening and slipped two fingers inside his man-hole.
“‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Oh, yes. You want that big dick in your ass don’t you? Can you take it all?’ I shoved my fingers all the way inside. ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I’ll bet you can. I’ll bet you can take every fucking inch of that big dick right up your ass. Can’t you, baby?’
“He groaned and crawled forward, pulling my fingers out of his ass.
“I held Sammy’s cock out for him and Ian found it with his asshole.
“‘That’s it baby,’ I moaned at him. ‘Do it. I want to feel it going inside.’
“Ian was already shaking.
“I kept my fingers around his hole, guiding that big dick, keeping it straight, holding it up, and Ian settled right down onto it. With barely any hesitation, the tip eased in, then the head, then the first inch, and the second. Ian paused there for just a moment, retracted a bit and then he just floated down onto that cock like he’d been doing it his whole life.
“I said, ‘Oh my God! That is so nasty. You are too good at that. Too good!’ I reached in and stroked Sammy’s cock as Ian rode him. Up. Stroke, stroke, stroke. Down. Stroke, stroke. Then repeat. Now Sammy was starting to tremble. I held Sammy’s balls with my left hand so I could use my right hand to guide Ian’s cock into my mouth. I was going to stroke Ian’s dick, but I didn’t need to. Ian immediately found a rhythm of driving his asshole down onto Sammy’s cock, then driving his cock up into my mouth. I could feel Ian driving his hips down, hard, very hard, onto Sammy’s dick. Then he thrust up into my mouth, almost as hard.
“Ian groaned. His legs began to shake uncontrollably, and he shouted, ‘I’m coming! I’m cumming!’
“Suddenly, my mouth was full of Ian’s love juice. Ian’s dick popped out of my mouth, and he kept squirting load after load all over my face. Ian ground his asshole down onto Sammy’s dick, and I could feel his spincter spasming as it pressed against my hand and Sammy’s balls.
I’d barely gotten Ian’s dick back in my mouth when Sammy started to thrust rapidly in and out of Ian’s asshole. He was doing it on purpose. He wanted to cum in my man’s ass, and I got to feel every thrust, every twitch, every wet, wicked, nasty bisexual moment of it! Both dicks were right there in my face. Anal. Oral. Bi. Straight. Gay. Both men cumming. Cumming for me, by my hands, but also because they weren’t afraid to accept their desires, their needs, their kinky, hot, nasty, fun-loving bisexuality. God it was awesome!”
Then, lost in her reverie, she stopped talking.
As the airport came slowly back into focus, I realized I was breathing heavily. Vera was pulling my hair again, and it hurt in a disturbingly wonderful and sexual sort of way. She realized it too and let go.
“So sorry,” she said. “I’m going to have to even up that left side a little bit.”
Then she went quiet and concentrated on her work. When she was done, she held up a mirror so I could check my look. It looked fine, but it was, perhaps, a little shorter than either of us had intended.
“So,” I said. “It sounds like everything worked out okay then.”
“Oh, yes,” said Veronique, giving my hair a final combing with her fingers.
“Very good,” I said. “And did you make them eat their own cum too?”
“They did it voluntarily. The both grabbed me and kissed me at the same time.” She let out a breath and fanned her reddening cheeks.
I nodded then looked around. We were alone. “If you’re interested, I have an idea for next time,” I said, gesturing with my finger for her to draw near. Then I whispered something in her ear. She listened intently. Nodded. Then pulled back in surprise.
“People can do that?” she asked.
“Yes. You didn’t know that?” I asked her.
Eyes wide, she shook her head slowly from side to side.
“Try it,” I said, “I’m sure they’ll agree. Try it and I’ll come back and see you again in a week or so. I want you to tell me all about it.”