Things like this happen to me a lot. I’m in an airport, getting my hair cut by a beautiful, young woman; brunette, bouncy hair, cute rust-red barber uniform, and out of the blue she asks me, “Why do men like to cum so much?”
My first thought was, Is she coming on to me? Vanity, I suppose, but my second thought was, That sounds like a real question. So, I give her a real answer: “Because it feels good?”
“Oh!” she said, and goes back to cutting my hair.
Now, I’m not saying that I only allow beautiful brunettes to cut my hair, but people really do just blurt things out to me. Confessions. Questions. Stories. Things that are just none of my business, but I think that’s part of why they do it. I travel a lot for business. I’m a paid troubleshooter. Because of the rates I charge, I dress well and can afford to fly first class. I solve most of these business problems by talking to people and being respectful. They like the attention, and people just tell me stuff. It’s amazing. I think that “aura” sort of surrounds me. Plus airports are such transient places. We’re strangers. We’ll probably never meet again, and that makes talking to me safe. At least that’s my theory. In this case, the young lady’s barber shop, just a chair really, was in a quiet side corridor of Concourse E, and we were basically alone. I think that made her feel comfortable talking.
I smiled at my own vanity and at the age difference between us and asked, “What’s your name, sweetie?”
“Veronique, but everybody calls me Vera, so that’s my barber name.”
“Veronique is such a beautiful name. Do you mind if I call you Veronique?”
She giggled and said that was okay.
“So, Veronique, have you made a lot of guys cum?”
“Oh, lots!”
“How many is lots?”
She laughed. “Normal amount,” she said.
“So, is normal five, fifty or one-hundred-and-fifty?”
She snorted. “It’s not one-hundred-and-fifty!” She combed my hair back off my forehead and gave a little snip. “I don’t know. Twenty? Twenty-five? Normal amount.”
I nodded. More than I thought, but she was super cute and very straightforward and that combination is hard to resist. “And I’m assuming all of them came, like a lot. Right?”
“Well, duh!”
“And, when you cum, do you cum really hard too?”
She squirmed, accidently rubbing her boobs on the back of my shoulders. That made me squirm.
“Well,” she said, “you know, normal amount.”
That didn’t sound right to me. “You couldn’t know this, but I do root cause analysis for a living–I help people solve complicated problems–and the first thing I do is to try to get the facts. So, how many of these guys made you cum?”
“Well, they all fucked me really hard, and that always feels really good, so all of ‘em, I guess.”
Now, I was really getting somewhere. I nodded. I already had a theory. “If you don’t mind my asking,” I said, “would you tell me about one of your recent sexual encounters?”
“Okay.” She let her hands hang down at her side so she could concentrate.
I scanned the corridor. I didn’t want her story to be interrupted. We were still alone.
She laid her hands on my shoulders and unconsciously rested her boobs on the back of my head. I’ll bet she made great tips. I could feel her nod her head as she thought about what to tell me.
“Well, last night, I was with my boyfriend and his boyfriend–”
“Wait! Your boyfriend has a boyfriend?”
She giggled. “Well, he doesn’t call him that. My boyfriend’s name is Ian and his friend’s name is Sammy, but there not gay, yet.” Then she laughed and laughed.
“I take it you have a plan?”
“Oh, yeah. I know what I want.”
“I’m sure you do,” I said.
She laughed again, and it warmed my heart because it was so sexy and honest, and sly and shy all at the same time.
When she caught her breath, Veronique confessed. “You see, I have a plan.” She pulled my hair back a little harder than she needed to. “Every boy I blow, I make them kiss me. I let them cum in my mouth because, what else am I going to do with all that cum. Then I kiss them. If they won’t kiss me, if they’re squeamish, if they don’t like it or pull away, well, thanks but no thanks. He wants me to take it in my mouth, but he won’t even kiss me back? That’s a one and done.”
“Of course,” I said. “The kiss is your prize for doing such a great job.”
“Right! Exactly. You totally get it.”
“I totally do.”
“So, Ian, my boyfriend, was so into it. Like totally. Like, hungry for it, and even then, even that first time when I kissed him and dripped that huge load into his mouth, I’m thinking, uh-huh, he could be the one.”
“The one?” I asked.
“The one who lets me watch him get fucked in the ass by another man.”
I choked! I shouldn’t have been surprised, but her comment just caught me off guard. I cleared my throat and asked, “Is this something you’ve wanted to do for a long time?”
She just moaned. When I looked back over my shoulders, her eyes were rolled back in her head and she was swaying back and forth almost in a trance.
“I guess so, then.”
She caught herself, stopped swaying. Her cheeks actually blushed and she smiled shyly at me.
“I’m okay,” she said. “Just got a little dizzy for a second.” She brushed her beautiful brown hair off her face and glanced around the airport hallway. Still deserted.
I took a deep breath just to steady my nerves, then I said, “So, last night, you and your boyfriend and his ‘not exactly a boyfriend’–”
“Exactly,” said Veronique.
“–you all got naked in a pile and, what?”
“Well, silly, it wasn’t like that, exactly! We didn’t just get in a pile, you know.”
“Help me understand.”
She put one hand on her curvy little hip and pointed with her comb. “I came home from work early because it was really slow last night and Ian texted me. He said he needed to see me, but I knew what he meant.”
She fanned herself with her comb. “I get home–we have a little trailer, I mean, for a doublewide it’s pretty little–and who is sitting there but Sammy. Now, Ian is taller than me, but he has a small frame, beautiful eyes–so pretty–and wavy hair; but Sammy, well, Sammy is practically a giant. He’s over six feet and built. Sammy, and I used to work together at a furniture store. He was a mover, then he was a moving foreman, then he left to start his own moving company. That didn’t work, but his brother hired him to work as a foreman in their little family business. I think they make, like alarm systems or something? Last I knew, Sammy worked nights so, I know right away something is up, you know?”
“And what does Ian do?”
“Oh Ian, he’s my little homemaker. He writes factory management software in a remote team out of Texas. He’s crazy smart with the technology. He set me up with a different ringtone for everyone in my favorites.”
I nodded.
“So, you know. Ian made excuses for why Sammy was there, but I knew what they wanted: they wanted my primo-numero-uno blowjobs, but I wasn’t going to make it that easy, was I? No. I acted like everything was completely innocent. When they complimented my hair, I just said thanks. When they talked about my pretty boobs, I ignored them. When Ian had me sit on his lap, I got back up. When he pulled me down in between them, well, that was almost too much. Even I could smell my pussy getting wet, so I just stood up and accidentally-on-purpose brushed my boobs in Sammy’s face as I went into the kitchen to get us three beers.”
I could feel my heart beating faster. I had to uncross my legs and try to slow my breathing.
“So, I bring them the beers: one, two, three. Ian drinks. I start talking about making us all a big dinner. Sammy drinks, I start talking about what movie we could all go to see. Then I look at them, eye to eye, one to the other, still completely innocent like. Finally, I take my beer and bring it up to my lips, and I push the bottle against my mouth, and I let it slip inside, just a little, and I drink, sip, sip, sip. I look at Ian. I slide the bottle out of my mouth, and look right at Sammy, and I lick the rim. Then I said, ‘Mmmm. Good.’”
“‘Oh, my God,’ says Sammy, ‘I can’t stand it.’”
‘“What do you want, Sammy?’ I ask him and he just moans. ‘Say it,’ I said. ‘Say it,’ I whispered, but he is too nice a guy to say it. ‘No?’ I ask him. Then I looked at my boyfriend. ‘You say it. I want to hear it out loud. Tell me what you want. I wanna hear it.’
“Sammy stammered. He swallowed. He stood up. He looked at Ian.
“‘If you won’t say it, then the answer is no.’ I set my beer on the coffee table, stood up, and turned to head into the kitchen. But finally, Ian stood up. He grabbed me and kissed me, but he wouldn’t say anything, so I shook my head and started to turn away.
“Finally, Ian whispered in my ear, ‘I want you to blow us. I want you to suck both of our cocks. Right in that beautiful, pouty little mouth of yours.’
“I hugged him. ‘That wasn’t so hard was it,’ I said, but I was looking at Sammy. ‘And what about you? What do you want?’
“Sammy blurted out, ‘I want to cum in your mouth and fuck you.’
“‘Oh, you’re so nasty. I like that.’ But I pulled away. Holding Ian’s hands, I back off, around the coffee table, then I said, ‘I’m going to freshen up in that bathroom.’ I pointed to our bedroom. ‘I want you two to get naked, fully naked, dicks out naked, and freshen up in that bathroom over there.’ I gestured to the guest bathroom by the laundry closet. ‘Take your time, boys. I mean it. I don’t want to taste any soap.’
“They jumped up and started ripping off their clothes, which I thought was really funny. As I was walking to the bedroom, I called back over my shoulder and said, ‘I want you clean, but don’t be stroking each other’s cocks in there–that’s my job.’ Ian gasped, but as I turned away, I thought I heard Sammy say something like, ‘As if.’
“It only took me a few minutes to freshen up. I was just coming out of the bathroom when they walked into the bedroom with their cute penises bobbing up and down. The sight of them made me even wetter. I wanted them both to fuck me, I could practically feel it already, but they said they wanted blowjobs, so they would get blowjobs. I sat on the padded hope chest at the foot of our bed. I held up my hands and they walked right over to me.
“I took one penis in either hand. ‘Closer,’ I said, and they inched up. ‘Closer,’ I said and moved their dicks away from each other so they would feel safe. They moved up, almost into my face. That’s when I gave them each a little lick to get them wet and rubbed their dicks together. Hey, if they want a double blowjob, I’m going to give them a double blowjob! Ian moaned with happiness as I rubbed their firm heads together. Sammy moaned too, but with a hint of discomfort in his voice.”
She sighed contentedly.
“Then I started sucking. Back and forth. Ian then Sammy, then Ian, then Sammy. They were both thrusting forward, driving their cocks one-at-a-time into my mouth. I knew I could deep throat Ian’s cocks because it is just the right size, but I wondered about Sammy’s penis because it was a little longer and a little thicker. So, I warmed up on Ian, taking his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. In only a few strokes, I had him sliding all the way to the back of my mouth. I stuck my tongue out so I could lick his balls. I almost gagged, but when Ian moaned and I felt his knees buckle, I couldn’t stop. I just backed off a little, took a breath because I didn’t want him to cum just yet.
“Then it was Sammy’s turn. ‘Do you want me to deep throat you too, Sammy? Do you want me to take your dick all the way inside my mouth, down my throat?’ He just moaned and grabbed the back of my head. ‘Uh-uh!’ I said. ‘You have to hold still. Very still. Let me take it in.’ With a tortured moan, he stopped thrusting. I moved forward. Yeah. It was bigger. The further it went into my mouth, the bigger his cock felt in there, but it felt good. It just fit, plus a little more. I grabbed Sammy’s ass and eased his hips backward and forward, out then back in slowly. I could feel the head expanding and contracting, seeking more pleasure, but then he thrust a little bit too much and I gagged.
“‘That’s enough for you, Big Boy,’ I told him.
He groaned in frustration.
“Then Ian bent down and kissed me on the mouth. ‘That was so hot!’ he said, and kissed me again. It made me all wet and throbby inside that he liked to watch me suck off another guy. He stood up and pushed his dick right into my mouth. I clamped my lips around it.
“‘Make me cum, baby. You know what I want. You know it,’ he said.
“I stroked him harder and harder. I sucked him deeper and deeper. I pulled his dick almost out of my mouth and pushed my tongue into his little slit and licked his opening up and down. That’s when he started moaning, and thrusting. I smiled because I knew he was about to cum. His cock hardened in my hand. His movements became stiff. Suddenly, my mouth was full of his jizz. A huge load. Fantastic! Squirting and squirting. Pulse after pulse. I couldn’t believe how much cum there was, and that made me giggle around his dick because I knew for sure what he wanted me to do next.
“Ian fell to his knees in front of me. I sat patiently, my mouth full of his cum, slowly stroking our friend Sammy and waiting for Ian to make his move. There it was: A tiny pursing of his lips; a nearly imperceptible movement forward with his head. Oh, yeah, I thought, my favorite part.
“I eased forward and planted my lips firmly against his. He moaned as I pushed my cum covered tongue into his mouth and French kissed him. I filled his mouth with cum until it spilled out between our lips and dripped down our chins. Then I caught what was dripping in my hand and pushed two cum soaked fingers between his lips. ‘Oh, baby!’ I said, ‘Eat it all. Eat your own cum. That’s so hot!’ Then I kissed Ian and mouth-fucked him with my wet fingers. My mouth still full of Ian’s cum, I turned and sucked and stroked our friend Sammy. My hands were wet with Ian’s cum. I rubbed them on Sammy’s dick, then sucked it back off and kissed Ian again.
“Sammy said, ‘You two are so nasty!’ but he let me suck his dick with my boyfriend’s cum in my mouth. I stroked Sammy. I licked him. I grabbed his balls and reached under to grab his ass and pull him to me. I could feel he was ready to cum. Would he do it? Would he let me give him a cum kiss? He’d better, I thought. Then his dick got so hard I thought it might break, and he cried out, ‘Oh, do me, do me, make me cum!’ And he did cum. A lot. Even more than Ian had!
“When it dripped out of my mouth, Ian moaned and leaned toward me. I kissed him. I kissed my boyfriend with another man’s cum in my mouth, and he loved it. I kept stroking Sammy’s dick while I kissed Ian. Oh, the throbbing inside me was almost unbearable. Then, just to make the throbbing in my pussy stop, I grabbed the back of Ian’s head and made him stand up with me. We leaned toward Sammy, both of our shoulders against Sammy’s broad chest and kissed some more.
“‘How can you do that?’ said Sammy to Ian. Then I let go of Sammy’s dick, grabbed the back of Sammy’s head and looked his straight in the eye. When I let his cum drip out of the corners of my mouth, I could see the hesitation in his face.
“Ian said, ‘You better kiss her. It’s her thing. If you won’t kiss her, you don’t get to cum in her mouth anymore.’
“Sammy moaned and closed his eyes. I leaned in. He leaned down. We kissed. I pushed the whole load into his mouth. All of it. All at once. Just like he did to me. I should have been gentle with him, but I couldn’t help it: I was that turned on! Sammy pulled back, but I held his head firmly against my lips and rubbed his lips on mine. After a moment, he relaxed and pushed his tongue into my mouth, searching for more cum to taste. Oh I was wet. So very wet.”
She stopped talking then and the airport hallway slowly came back into focus. I was turned half around in my chair. She was unconsciously pushing her crotch into the arm of the barber chair until she realized I was staring. Then she stood up straight and brushed her hair out of her face. She checked up and down the quiet corridor. We were both breathing hard, but we were alone.
“Well. Okay,” I said, “and then?”
She smiled, fanned herself and blushed. Perhaps she realized she had revealed more than she intended, or perhaps not. Veronique said, “After they recovered a bit, they both fucked me really hard. I know I came a lot because my pussy got really throbby and wet. It felt so wonderful to fall asleep laying there in between them. I want them both to fuck me again.”
“I’m sure you do, but,” I hesitated, “do you remember your original question to me?”
“Yeah? About why guys like to cum so much?”
“Yes.” I looked down for a moment to collect my thoughts. “You’ve never cum really hard like that. Have you?”
She hesitated. Her brow furrowed and she bit her lip. “Well, I …”
I stopped her and said, “I want you to cum like a man. I want you to cum and cum and cum till you scream and pass out.”
She looked puzzled, but she smiled.
“This is my outbound trip,” I said. “I’m going away to help a manufacturing company cut their changeover times: They’re at two hours now. I’ve already looked at their videos, and I’m pretty sure we can cut that down to ten minutes. Anyway! I’ll be back through here Friday. While I’m gone, I want you to talk to Ian. Tell him you want him to …” I whispered in her ear what I wanted her to ask Ian and Sammy to do to her. She looked dubious.
“You think they would do that?” she asked.
“Only one way to find out. It’s called the Scientific Method. You have a theory. You make a prediction. You run your experiment. I predict it will work like a charm: You will finally know what it means to cum really, really hard, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get to see Ian take Sammy’s big dick in his ass.”
She literally squealed with delight.
I checked my watch. “Oh, jeez! I gotta run!” I handed over her fee, plus I big tip, then grabbed my tiny carryon and stood up. “I’ll be back on Friday night, and I want to hear all about it!”
… Look for Part 2 …