My wife is a witch. Not a nasty woman that you’d refer to as a witch. I mean she is a real, card-carrying, bonified witch. I didn’t know she was a witch when we got married, but I found out soon enough. Witches seem to have a bad rap for some reason. I’m here to tell you that my witch is the most incredible woman I have ever met. In fact, I am by far the luckiest man on the planet.
I don’t care if it was her deities or all the other powers that be that let me stumbled into her presence, But I am extremely grateful to whichever one of them nudged her to pick me. I am, after all, just an ordinary guy. It still dumbfounds me that I am her choice, but boy, am I ever glad I am!
I actually met her in a park. She was doing yoga on a mat under a big old oak tree. She was in the middle of completing a position that I later discovered is called a downward facing dog I didn’t know what it was officially called then, but I sure enjoyed the view as I passed by her.
Yes, the path I was walking on was behind her. Yes, she was wearing skin tight yoga tights and yes, the view was amazing! I was transfixed, I tripped on an old frisbee some kid had left on the path and almost face planted on the damn thing. As I recovered, I saw her smiling at me through her legs. She had the most amazing flashing blue eyes that seemed to radiate her smile tenfold.
During my brief image of her, I took in how beautiful she was. Long blond hair tied in a ponytail, She was small, not more than five feet tall, and she looked like her weight was proportional to her size. Her curves left no doubt that she was all woman.
Not wanting to seem like a perv, I averted my eyes and continued on. Fifty paces up the path, I stopped, turned back to contemplate the vision I had seen. For some bewildering reason, I felt an irresistible pull to return and take another glimpse at the dreamy beauty practising yoga under that oak tree
I returned to my original spot on the path and stood beside that old frisbee. She was now sitting in that traditional lotus position that is by far more recognizable to people when they see yoga practised.
Putting my best smile on, I said, “Hi there, My name is Darin. I couldn’t help notice how beautiful your smile is. Could I buy you a fruit juice at the park food stand when you’re finished your yoga?”
I know, I know! Not the smoothest line on the planet, but then, I’m no Don Juan. You can understand then, how surprised I was when she replied, “ I’d love that!. My name is Sammi. Pleased to meet you.”
I sat down in a crossed leg position close to her as she continued her yoga program. We shared small talk easily. Before she finished her exercise routine, I had already filled her in on most of the highlights of my life. It just seemed to come out so effortlessly and she seemed really interested. Although I babbled my whole life story out to her, she was a complete enigma to me. Even so, I can honestly say that within those first five minutes of conversation with Sammi, I was complete and thoroughly smitten with her.
Fast forward two years and I found myself married to this amazing, beautiful and incredibly intelligent woman. In the first year of marriage, I experienced how really special she was. Not only was she beautiful and smart, but she was also the kindest, most caring and loving women I had ever met. On top of that was the most astonishing sex ever! Making love with Sammi was extraordinary.
Yes, I admit we were still in the honeymoon phase of marriage. At some point, you expect day to day life with your new bride will fall into a routine. I knew that and expected it. Not that I would ever take her for granted or that I wouldn’t love her until my dying day. Just, that as time goes by and you expect to become comfortable with each other
Looking back on those first few years, I should have suspected that she was different than other women. I should have known that with a woman like Sammi, there would never be such a thing as a routine life. There were certain signs and odd occurrences, but like most people on the planet, I saw what I expected to see, not what was actually there.
There are some moments that should have given me pause, like when her cat, Saphire ran out into the street. Sammi and I were gazing out of our living room window when the cat darted right under the front wheels of an oncoming car, but then the cat mysteriously appeared on the other side of the car completely intact. Then there was the time my two-year-old nephew was visiting with my sister. The kid somehow climbed up over the top of the upstairs railing that ran around the landing above our main floor entrance. We were all sitting in the living room and heard him scream. Glancing up, we all saw his little body falling and then somehow his foot caught in the bottom gap in the railing. He was left hanging twelve feet above a hard tiled floor. As we all rushed to pull the little bugger to safety, we all remarked on how extraordinarily miraculous his deliverance was. I privately thought the kid had somehow gained one of the cat’s nine lives.
There were more personal examples too, like when we had started making love one night. I wanted to get a bottle of body lotion from the bathroom, to massage my beautiful wife. Jumping out of the bed naked, I scampered towards the bathroom but was distracted by the view of Sammi’s equally naked body laying on the bed I had just left. As I took one last look before entering the bathroom, I ran my very hard and erect penis right into the edge of the slightly open bathroom door.
The impact and resulting pain poleaxed me to the floor. As I lay there, a fleeting thought crossed my mind that my sex life was over for good. I rolled over onto my back and the pain disappeared!. I looked down at my pecker and it was just fine. No injury what so ever! It never occurred to me that something was peculiar. I was just happy my dick was OK. Not giving it a second thought, I went back to making love to Sammi.
Then there was the time I talked Sammi into sucking my cock while we were getting dressed to go to a party. After sucking for a few minutes, she took it out of her mouth and smiled at me as she said, “That’s enough big boy. Save it for later.”
She took my penis and pushed it into my pants. Then thinking she was helping, she zipped me up. In the process, she zipped the skin of my penis right up into the zipper of my pants
I shrieked! Then she shrieked too when she realized what she’d done.
“Oh my gosh, honey, I am so sorry!”
I jumped around in circles screaming. “Oh my God, Oh my God! How am I going to get it out of my zipper?” We have to go to the hospital right now!”
Sammi calmed me, “Let me take a look, Darling. Maybe I can get you untangled.”
Still, on her knees, she reached out and took a hold of the tab on my zipper.
She said, “Take a deep breath, dear.”
To say I was afraid would be an understatement. I thought for sure I was about to get circumcised for the second time in my life, or worse, end up like John Bobbit.
I saw her nose wiggle, then felt her fingers pull down my zipper. It glided down like silk across soft skin. No pain, no spurting blood! In fact, the skin on the underside of my dick was completely intact. Not even a scratch! I was relieved and so thankful.
You’d think I’d have started to clue in about then, but I didn’t. Maybe because I was so happy I wasn’t permanently maimed. Whatever the reason, It took direct action on Sammi’s part to make me sit up and finally notice.
Funnily enough, it was sex that ultimately revealed that I’d married a witch.
You’re probably wondering what the heck would end up revealing a witch during lovemaking. Apparently, most of the practitioner of the white and black magic have pretty amazing imaginations. When you can manipulate the physical world around, you I’m guessing a vivid imagination goes with the territory. It certainly does in the case with my Sammi.
It’s embarrassing to reveal the details of that particular lovemaking session. But I must in order for you, the readers to fully understand my wife’s extraordinary witchcraft abilities. I’m asking you to please not judge me or laugh at the predicament I found myself in. … OK, laugh if you must. Just, please do it out of my earshot.
On the evening in question, I found myself between the thighs of my stunning wife. I was giving her the best tongue lashing I was capable of doing while still retaining my amateur status. Cunnilingus is by far one of my favourite pass times. Frankly, if I’d have permanently broken my penis in the bathroom door incident, I probably would have happily continued life as long as I could practice oral arts on Sammi’s beautiful pussy for as long as I lived.
She is into it as well, and on this particular evening, my ministrations were eliciting some very favourable responses from her. I’m no quitter when it comes to licking pussy. I stay with it until my sweetheart thrashes in a smashing orgasm or two. There are some guys that will just give it a couple of tentative licks, stop and goto sticking there dicks in it ASAP. That’s just mean in my estimation. What woman wants a bad pussy licker? Anyway, you get my point regarding the sophisticated details of performing great oral on my lady. No stopping until she’s satisfied.
In my estimation, I was doing pretty good on the night in question. We were, I think pretty well half way to a satisfying conclusion for her. The half way mark is when I really begin to enjoy her extraordinarily tasty nectar. Yes, I am a connoisseur of that honey release by the fairer sex in an arousal state. I love the taste, the subtle bouquet and the exquisite soft flavour intensity it leaves in the back of my throat. All of which led to an off-hand comment I made to my lovely witch.
I was doing my very level best to dig my tongue into her love tunnel in an effort to get to the source of her wonderful nectar. She was propped up on a pillow so she could observe my progress between her thighs. I pulled away from her silky lips.
Smiling, I looked up at her and said, “I wish I could reach the very back of your pussy with my tongue. I’d love that more than three wishes form a genie.”
She looked at me quizzically. I saw a quirky smile appear on her face. Her nose twitched as her hands pushed my head back down against her warm and succulent pussy. I wiggled my tongue back into her warm tunnel.
My world changed forever more. In those brief seconds, my tongue grew out of my mouth until I found the tip of it tickling my baby’s cervix. Folks, I can tell you honestly and sincerely, it scared the ever loving crap out of me!
I yanked my new found tongue phallus out of her dripping box. It was so heavy it actually fell on the bed with a plop. I sat bolt upright, dragging my new friend up with me.
Staring at Sammi with big round frightened eyes, I tried to say, “ Wha the uck! Ere is umtine wong ith mi tongue!”
Sammi looked and me and giggled, “It looks perfectly fine to me darling.”
She used her hands to gently push me back between her legs as she said, “I think you should put that bad boy to some good use. Come on, honey, you did say you wanted to get deeper in my honey box, didn’t you?”
She seemed perfectly fine with the weird happenings occurring to my lapper muscle, so I began to relax. It occurred to as I was sliding back down between her thighs, that a tongue that was now eight inches long and six inches around, might provide some amazing fun for me and my wife. Funny how a man’s little brain takes over even when the most bizarre things are occurring.
I discovered in only a short time, that a tongue as big as I now had was a marvellous thing. Tongues can move, wiggle and generally dig around a lot more than the human penis and when they’re eight inches long! … Well, you can imagine the places I was going that were impossible to reach just a few short minutes earlier.
Sammi certainly was enjoying it. She went from warming up mode to an instant massive orgasm. Holding my head firmly between her legs with her hands, I could hear her enthusiastically encouragement as she shrieked.
“Oh baby!, I’m cumming. Don’t you dare stop!”
Who was I to deny her? I stuck to my rules. No stopping until she’s satisfied.
Well when you can go as deep as a woman’s cervix with your tongue and then lap it up and down her vulva completely covering every inch, you’ve got magic in your mouth. I mean that in several ways. Sammi had several enormous orgasms before she pushed my head away. In the process, I had finally satisfied that craving to get my oral edifice into the very deepest part of my baby’s love tunnel. I was a happy guy and she was a satisfied woman.
After pushing me away, I sat back on my quads and looked at Sammi’s face. I have to say, my face was dripping pussy nectar. I was covered in it, as was the ponderous protrusion hanging from my mouth.
Looking at me with hooded eyelids, she tittered as she said, “You look pretty sexy with that monster. Do you want to keep it?”
My eyes got big and round, but I had enough presence of mind to shake my head negatively.
She wiggled her nose and it was gone!
We had a very long heart to heart talk after I recovered from my ordeal. Sammi filled me in on the more obscure aspects of her family lineage, namely, she was born a witch, her mom was a witch. ( I knew that already) and females in her family tree going back more than a thousand years were all witches.
You’d think a guy would have a hard time with a revelation like that, but I’d already had ample experience with her powers on this particular night. Some people might even suggest that witchcraft powers were taking unfair advantage of the rest of the world. Not me! I embraced Sammi’s witchery, especially when she demonstrated some other extremely interesting bedroom magic during other nights of making love with her.
For example, the night she gave herself four boobs, was especially fun for me. Then there was the time while she was giving me a handjob, she told me I could cum until I cried the magic word uncle. I lasted exactly six minutes and forty-two seconds. It did annoy her though because I literally spewed cum all over her body. After I was done, she went to have a shower and left me with explicit instructions to clean up my mess while she was gone. Gross! Also, I found that I was incredibly thirsty for the next three days.
On a brighter note, the night she shrunk me down to six inches was amazing. I again found myself between her lovely thighs when she wiggled her magic nose. I have to say, being six inches tall and finding myself directly in front of a gigantic vagina stands out as one of my most memorable moments ever!
Then there was the night she changed us into Klingons. Thankfully we were thinking of replacing the furniture in the rec room anyway. The night she made my penis vibrate inside her until we both exploded in a massive mutual climax was pretty special. I know she had fun, but boy, it sure was amazing for me!
One of my most favourites of all time was when she switched our genders. I found out a lot of things that night, not the least of which is her perception of the perfect male and female body. I also found out being on the bottom can be a lot of fun. Getting the shaft is every bit as much fun as giving the shaft.
Anyway, as I think you can understand from my story, I’m a very big fan of my witch and her magic. I never question when she decides to practice her art and if she wants to practice on me, even better.