I’ve been working for a number of years as a lawyer for a very successful law firm. It pays very well, and I’ve been promoted a few times since I started there. It’s not that it’s particularly easy, to get promoted there, I just had a little help. It’s kind of funny really, because there have been lawyers with much more experience, wanting the promotions I got, and have been much more deserving of them. But as I said, I’ve had a little help.
For as long as I can remember I’ve had a very unique ability that no one knows about: hypnosis.
This form of mind control, while manipulative, has served me very well over the years. I can use it to get pretty much anything I want from anyone. And I mean anything.
I’m not sure where it comes from, but when I look someone directly in the eyes for about ten seconds, they fall into a type of trance. They still respond the same ways they always do, unless instructed otherwise. I first found this out when I was about fifteen, and met a cashier at the local drugstore that I really liked. I looked her in the eyes for a while, just enjoying the look of them, when she seemed to change. I quickly figured out what was going on, and managed to get her to take off her shirt in the middle of the store.
I feel kind of bad about it now, since they fired her shortly thereafter.
I’ve used this trick mostly at work, to get things that I want. I actually used it to get the job in the first place. The woman who was interviewing me was helpless to resist, and I convinced her to hire me in the first fifteen minutes or so. Then just for fun, I made her take off her shirt as well. We were in a closed room and no one saw, so I made her forget about it after. She still passes me in the halls and it reminds me of that day. Always makes me chuckle.
Since then I’ve even used it in the courtroom, forcing witnesses to testify, and on occasion, a defendant to admit to a crime they’ve committed. I’ve always been very responsible with my ability in the courtroom and only used it on people that I knew were guilty. The only two men I’ve ever made confess their crimes were both mob bosses that I knew factually were guilty. And even if they weren’t so what? They were likely guilty of something.
In the office, I’ve used my ability mostly to get promotions, and to move up the corporate ladder. I’ve been sparse with this since I know that getting promoted too quickly will raise questions. They will pull people into the office every so often, and tell them that a promotion is available. Usually, at some point in the conversation, they will ask if I should be considered for the position, and why. It’s a prime opportunity to use my ability, and I never let it go to waste.
By far, my favorite use of my ability is on women. It’s amazing the things I can force women to do. Painfully slutty things, that they would never dream about doing in their normal lives. I’ve slept with pretty much every woman in the office. I never erase their memories of it though. I want them to remember that they slept with me, but to be uncertain why.
More recently, the firm has seen fit to hire me secretaries, which is just begging me to use my abilities. I always get to choose my secretaries, and they are always women. I make them quit every 3 months or so, just for variety, but any company that calls asking about them, I give a glowing review. I usually throw in a subtle innuendo or two when describing them.
I’m sitting at my office desk, reviewing a case when my most recent secretary walks in. Her name is Vanessa, and she has the biggest tits you’ve ever seen. Like unbelievably big tits. She’s also blond, and pretty cute which just makes her that much more desirable.
“Mr. King, I called Mrs. Anderson, and she confirmed your appointment later this afternoon.” I’m not sure where my last name comes from, but I always thought it was fitting.
“Thank you, Vanessa. Can you do me a favor?”
“Of course Mr. Kind what is it?” she looks at me almost excited.
“Shut that door please.” She pauses for a brief moment a little taken aback by the request. I hadn’t wiped all of her memories, so I think she knew where this was going. After a moment, and knowing she can’t refuse she closes the door, reapproaching my desk.
I look her deep in the eyes, and she stares back at me. She makes the subtle change, and I know she’s under my control. Everyone that I hypnotize twitches slightly as I do it, which always indicates when I have them. She twitches and I know that she’s under my control.
“That’s a good girl.” I look down at her body trying to decide what to do with her first. “How about you take your blouse off? Slowly if you please, I want you to take your time.” Without hesitation, she begins to remove her blouse. She moves slowly per my request and reveals a black bra underneath. It’s my favorite of her bras, and trust me, I’ve seen them all. She stands there, seeming ashamed, but unable to move.
“That’s good, but how about a bit more?” I look down at her hips, and the next choice seems obvious. “Let’s have you remove that bushiness skirt”. I open a drawer and pull out a bottle that I keep in my drawer and a shot glass. I fill it and hold the cup in my hand. As I do so the business skirt also comes off. Slowly at first, with her shifting her hips from side to side to get out of it, she leaves it on the floor. She’s standing there in her underwear now.
I’m pleased to find her wearing these red panties that I’ve never seen before. She must have recently bought them since I’ve seen all her panties. Trust me, all of them. Women seem to have this strange thing of never wearing panties that match their bra. I’ve never understood it, but it makes for some interesting combinations. The red and black combination was really doing it for me right now.
I take a sip of my drink, pleased with myself.
“Now why don’t you dance for me a little? pretend you’re a stripper at the local strip club.” Her hips start to move back and forth, obeying my command. She raises her hands above her head, forcing her breasts to come forward. Swaying from side to side she dances for me, while I sip my drink. After a few minutes, she turns around and begins to shake her ass for me, the way that she knows how I like. Almost twerking, but swaying at the same time.
“Nice. I like it. But let’s lose the bra”. She hesitates but keeps dancing. It seems strange to me since she’s never hesitated before. Or anyone for that matter. I don’t have much time to think about it, as she reaches behind her, and undoes her bra, letting it hit the ground. She’s facing away from me, and I can’t see her titties. “That’s good, but turn around”.
She turns and faces me, still dancing. Her enormous titties hanging out for the world to see. I’ve always loved those titties. She keeps bucking her hips, but she’s giving me this intense look. She seems deeply aroused, but trying to fight it at the same time. I’ve never had a woman do that before. Soon, however, the expression fades and is replaced with only arousal. Her fighting me has turned me on like nothing else has in a long time.
I pull out from my desk and start to undo my pants sitting down. I pull out my hard cock, and show it to her.
“Oh dear…you’re going to have to take care of this”. I don’t tell her what to do, but she knows. Obediently she walks over to me, strutting like a model on a runway. Her tits sway the entire time she walks.
Kneeling in front of me, she suddenly puts my hard cock in her mouth. Her head starts to bob up and down, as her tongue works my hard shaft. It’s an unbelievable feeling, and I can feel myself throbbing in her mouth. She kneels there, sucking and bobbing for about twenty minutes. Without warning, I let hot cum shoot into her mouth. She grimaces as if she wants to pull away but she can’t. She swallows every last drop.
“OK, that’s enough.” she pulls her head back, and faces me, still kneeling there. I reach into a second drawer and pull out a cum rag, that only she and I know about. I hand it to her. “Clean it,” I order firmly. Without hesitation, but with an expression of resentment, she cleans my cock. Slowly she wipes up all the cum and spit left on it. After a moment, I put my cock away, going back to my desk.
“Now get dressed, clean yourself up, and get back to work.” She wipes the cum off of her chin and stands. She walks over to her clothes picks them up and gets dressed again. After about fifteen minutes she walks back out. I’m left in the office to my thoughts.
“I wonder what it’s like to actually have to convince a woman to sleep with you” I wonder. “Seems like women would be happier just giving us what we want.”
I open the papers for my next case and get back to work. I now feel more than relaxed to do my job.