I Long To Be With You

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I long to be with you
To see your sweet smile
The sparkle in your eyes
As I slip into your arms;

I long to be with you
To feel the warmth of your skin
As it touches mine 
When you enfold me in an embrace;

I long to be with you
To inhale your sweet breath
To feel the softness of your lips
 As I delight in your tender kiss;

I long to be with you
To feel our heartbeats
Making music together
As we snuggle close to each other

I long to be with you
To see your tantalizing eyes
As we dance to the lovely music
Our thumping heartbeats make;

Yes, I long to be with you
Every minute every hour
To feel your warm breath in my ear
As you whisper the words I love to hear…

Published 13 years ago

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