So, of course, like most of us, it’s when I’ve had a lot to drink on a night out that so many of my naughty experiences unfold. After a night of hardcore alcoholic volumes freeing my spirit. And tonight was no exception.
This particular naughty experience started with Kerry, my close friend, and me going for a few drinks on a Saturday afternoon because we had nothing better to do, and vodka was as cheap as water in the Student Union bar.
Through the afternoon, we accumulated an entourage like a snowball rolling down a hill growing in size until at the night’s peak, we had about 20 of us around makeshift pulled-together tables. Everyone was drunk and shouting over each other but laughing in the rowdy group’s chaos.
At some stage, Kerry dragged her boyfriend, Rich, into the group despite wanting to watch the football in another bar with his mates. He had no choice. He’s a little under her thumb, but Kerry can also be very persuasive when she’s drunk. She made it very clear he was in for a naked horny naughty Kerry later that day, and he should bring his cash card and big cock over here, which he did. And his cash card was very quickly out in the open… a while before his cock was.
Well, I think in Kerry’s mind, in her chaotic world, she wanted to stay out as long as possible and knew that dragging Rich here was a sure-fire way for her to reserve energy and pennies on this mission and someone to get her home safely and tuck her in and all for a quickie which she would probably sleep through.
He’s a sweet guy, though, and she does love him.
Anyway, as the night wears on, the group shrinks as drink takes over, and the horny levels increase around the tables. It seems the most unlikely pairs have flirted and sloped off, and no doubt one or two of the crowd will wake in the morning and mutter, ‘What the hell was I thinking!’
Kerry had a longer than usual flirty, playful mood as she got drunker and drunker and made it clear to Rich in front of us all and the rest of the bar she was going to empty his cock and balls when they got home.
She had her ample boobs out on many occasions, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident, as her drunken flopping about dragged her top down, revealing a braless top half. All the boys around the table did not attempt to hide their stares at every chance. I wonder what they wanted to do to her boobs. Suck them or cum on them?
Then, soon enough, she stepped up her loose behaviour, returning from the toilets with her panties in her hand. Proud she was panty-less as well as bra-less now. At this stage, there was me, Rich, and two other boys left, and they were clearly sitting with no drinks but hoping for more on show when she announced her panties were off and would anyone like a lick. We all wanted to say yes but didn’t. We just looked. Now we knew what panties she was wearing all night. And we could only guess how wet and tasty they might be. She left them on the chair. Maybe they stayed there for the cleaners. I hope someone found them and had some joy with them.
Then Kerry went phase 3 playful as she got his cock out to show me, and to be fair, Rich didn’t put up much of a fight, maybe he wanted to, or perhaps he had no choice, but it was still pretty impressive. She didn’t warm him up much between her fingers, but he was still semi-hard and flopping around on show for us. I think he grew a little with the excitement of my eyes on him. One of the other boys left, but sexily enough, the other was happy to look, too. Cute. And so I was thinking. Has it ever got hard with me in mind? Maybe looking at my pics? Has Rich ever wanked over me? This has to be something I need to find out, and unless he’s told Kerry about it, I will have to find out from him. See how randomly obtuse horny I get after a drink!
So eventually, we are full up on bubbles with wobbly legs and spinning heads, and we walk home. Stagger home. Kerry clings to Rich as he drags her along with her shoes in one hand and the other, holding on to her for dear life. This is a clear vision of what will happen when we get inside their little shared apartment. Because he doesn’t get his shag. Within seconds, she’s flopped out in a coma.
He walks me home anyway. He offered it very sweetly because he probably didn’t need me as this extra task so late and weary, but it was very sweet. And even though it is just a few streets away, it gave me a chance to fish for information on his wanking history. Has he ever wanked over me? Looked at social media pics or thought about me as he stroked that big hard cock and emptied himself?
Maybe, I think, I don’t come outright and ask it like that. I mean, I get brave when I’m drunk, but not that brave right now. So I go round the houses a little. We laugh a little at how adventurous Kerry is when she’s drunk, that she always gets her boobs out, and how tiny those panties were she took off tonight for the whole bar to see. ‘I bet those guys will be wanking over her tonight in bed’, I say to him, laughing. ‘He replies with a drawn-out ‘yeah’ as if this is the first time it has crossed his mind this is happening. But also in a drawn-out way that suggests that maybe it could one day become one of his favourite things. That in itself is a sexy thought.
So this is a seamless link towards my future line of investigative enquiries with Rich, I think to myself, very proud of myself as we walk and I link arms with him with a skip and a drunken giggle, ‘I’m sure all you boys wank over random girls’ I laugh ‘Go on admit.’
To my surprise, he doesn’t clam up and fob me off but replies with a flirty ‘wouldn’t you like to know’ which makes me laugh, and the flow continues, ‘So come on then, Rich, name and shame, who have you wanked over that I know?’
A small silence.
‘That would be telling’ is his next non-creative reply as I put my key in my door and let us in, thinking I’d rather see than hear about it now.
Now, it’s not something I’ve ever thought about with Rich. I know some guys that wank over me, and I’ve wondered about other guys that might have or guys I would like to, but Rich has never been one of them. But right now, as he follows me into the house down the hallway, I decide it’s the most essential thing in the world to me. Wet pants and vodka do that to me.
Into the kitchen, I carry on the interrogation as I open the fridge for the last drops of vodka and Red Bull. Sharing sips with Rich and kicking off my heels, I press further, ‘OK, so if you won’t say who I know, how about me?’
I ask with a giggle and puppy dog eyes. ‘Well? Ever wanked thinking about me?’ I smile with a growing ache between my legs, gasping for the simple one-word answer that would make me ultra horny. But he only meets me with ‘maybe’ instead of the ‘yes’ I wanted.
‘I’ll take that as a yes’ I laugh as he blushes, stutters, and probably begins to wake up inside his boxers. My mind right now is full of a billion questions. How many times? Where? What did he imagine? And oh my god, did he ever think about me while he was fucking Kerry or she was wanking or sucking him. I could have spent all night asking, but that would have only delayed the play time, so instead, I decided to turn into a horny negotiator.
I’m too horny right now to settle for uncreative grunts. I decide to do a Kerry and go straight for the hardcore end game.
‘So Rich, ‘ I increase my flirt level, ‘I bet you’re going to wank tonight when you get home now, aren’t you?’
He doesn’t answer; he keeps his head down and smirks.
‘Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me’, I laugh. ‘No one will ever know you wanked over me’, I laugh again, half hoping Rich would just flop his cock out right now and start wanking for me.
‘Oh, thanks’, he mutters with a warm, sarcastic smile. ‘that’s very reassuring,’ he smiles as he moves awkwardly, which I take to mean he is literally waiting for me to lead the way now. Maybe he’s hoping for sex, but that’s never going to happen. He’s probably unsure of the signals or scared about the penalty for being in this position with his girlfriend’s mate. So lead the way I do.
‘So you’re not going to fuck Kerry tonight unless you want to fuck a corpse’, we laugh together, picturing her snoring, farting, unattractive state right now, ‘so you’re going to wank for definite because you’re a guy. And you’re going to wank over me after all this. Now the question is… where do you wank?’
He looks at me, half blushing and half puzzled.
‘Well,’ I carry on ‘, Do you wait until you are in bed before you wank over me, or are you going to do it right here right now?’
He goes red like tomato red. This hurls me into a sexual frenzy all over.
‘I won’t tell if you don’t ‘ I smile, seeing his cautious awkwardness as I turn and lift my top off. I can’t see his face as I stand with my back to him in the kitchen, folding my top, standing in my bra and skirt and a little pair of panties underneath that are more and more on fire.
‘The way I see it’, I say, turning to face him, looking him up and down for noticeable signs of a hard-on through his jeans ‘, is that we can do a little bit of research now so we know what the answer to my question is if you wank over me or not.’
His look says it all. He has no idea what’s going on but can’t wait for it to go on. He stands there, swaying breathlessly, waiting for me to carry on.
‘ Well, I mean’, I say like I’m all innocent ‘ Kerry gave those boys some fantastic images to wank over tonight, didn’t she? They can wank in bed knowing what her beautiful boobs look like and what her sexy little panties look like.’ I smile teasing, knowing this in itself as a new concept is horny for him. ‘So it would only be fair if you had some sexy images the same to wank over tonight, wouldn’t it?’
He smiles. ‘well when you put it like that.’
‘So here’s the deal,’ I say, mock, reaching my hands behind my back as if I’m about to take my bra off facing him. ‘I’ll give you the images to cum, too, if you wank for me now. Here.’
He stands just as awkward with a cock outline in view, pressed hard against his jeans. He mumbles something. I take it as a yes. ‘Go on, then.’
I smile and nod my head towards his cock, ‘get it out and wank.’ And he does. And that’s one of the horniest parts of this. I say wank, and he wanks.
Undoing his jeans and pulling them down with his boxers to midway down his thighs, his cock flops semi-hard in front of me. I unclip my bra and take it off, exposing my boobs to him as he takes the first stroke of his cock.
‘There you see’, I smile with my eyes fixed on the way he slowly but surely strokes his cock up and down. It’s not huge, but it’s meaty. Maybe as it hardens to full size, it’s about 7.5 inches, and oh my god, it looks very suckable. A perfect fit for me in all my sexy places. ‘Now you know what my boobs look like; you can wank as many times as you like over them after tonight and tomorrow and forever’ I smile as he throbs in his hand, standing facing me.
‘But here’s the big question,’ I gasp with a sexy little moan. ‘You wonder what panties I’m wearing.’
His eyes race straight down to my skirt; he does want to know what panties I’m wearing, he does want to see, and the way he strokes a little faster and firmer up and down that meaty hard cock is all the proof I need that I should lift my little skirt and show him.
‘Look’, I squeal like an excited little girl. ‘My panties’, I say as I lift my skirt, showing him my little cotton thong stripy with rainbow colours. I feel the cooler air right between my legs, and as my thighs and pussy are on fire, this sends shivers right through me. I gasp a little. ‘ My little but red hot panties ‘, I tease as I twirl slowly a few times showing Rich the little cotton thong up my bum, twirling showing him the little cotton panties pressed tight against my pussy lips and bending a little to show me fully from behind.
I turn round to face him, pulling my skirt back down, and see how much more rigorous he is wanking his cock. No more shy, awkward motion, just a boy happy to be hard and looking at his girlfriend’s best friend teasing him, torturing him, with every intention of making him cum. I bite my bottom lip as I smile and see this cock throb for me. ‘Wank for me’, I instruct him as I put both hands up inside my skirt, ‘wank hard and fast for me, Rich, ‘ I say as I pull my panties down from under my skirt, down my legs and pull them off over my bare feet. ‘Hmmmmm’, I moan as I smell the freshly worn panties as a tease for my wanking servant, and without uttering a word, I make him nod excitedly as he wanks furiously. Offering him a smell.
I throw the panties over, and he skillfully carries on wanking as he one-handed catches the panties. It feels like a lifetime he enjoys them. He has done this before, probably with Kerry and possibly others. Who’s? That’s for another day, but he is engrossed, and I can see pre-cum on his shiny tasty red cock end as he smells my panties, licks them and unashamedly devours my smell and taste. He’s so engrossed he doesn’t notice me take my skirt off, and by the time he looks up, I’m naked in front of him standing naked.
‘Well’, I smile as he gasps and takes in my entire bare body, ‘how do I smell and taste?’
‘Amazing’, he moans, his voice shaking as he wanks harder and faster.
And I stand there. It might sound weird, but it’s a very hot moment; I’m only standing there naked, not much movement or saying much, and Rich is only standing there facing me, his jeans and boxers down to his knees, looking at me and wanking, but it’s super hot. I feel filthy. Red, hot, dirty. He’s wanking over me, and I know this won’t be the last time. It’s not even about him. It’s about the act. I’m soaked.
‘So. No touching,’ I say firmly, ‘but tell me how you’d like to see me, and I’ll let you cum looking at me. You choose.’ As I say this, I am soaked more and more, and he immediately says, ‘Bend over’.
I laugh at how fast he answered and can only think this is how he’s wanked about me before, how much he would love to see me naked, bent over, and now he will.
‘OK. No touching, and I want to see you cum. I want you to cum in my panties’ There’s no negotiation here; I’ll need some images for when I play in bed later with my big hard black toy. Rich nods his head as his precum drips on his knuckles. I turn around and bend over the little table in the kitchen.
His eyes are gone in a daze, and his wanking rhythm goes off the scale as he sees me bent over, baring all for him. I look over my shoulder and tell him to move where I can see him. Standing wanking with one hand and holding my panties with the other hand.
I raise my bum a little now as my eyes look behind, moving from his expression on his face to his hand wanking faster and harder at the sight of me, naked, bent over. ‘Wank it for me’, I whisper as I lift my bum a little. Hence, he gets full sight up my soft little slim young legs, ‘cum for me,’ I gasp and sigh as I part my legs a little and feel him tremble as he gets sight of my wet juicy tight little pussy lips from behind. I feel a shiver as the cool air hits my parted pussy lips. I feel my hot, sticky thighs tingle as I see precum splash from him onto my panties.
‘Tell me when you’re cumming’, I instruct him as I press my bum higher in the air, pussy on more view for him. ‘Tell me when you’re filling my panties with cum’ I say louder as he gasps, his eyes falling all over my bent-off little body.
‘Now’, he moans’, I’m cumming now, he gasps as his first load splashes into my panties in his hand. ‘Fuck’, he moans loudly as load after load covers and ruins my cute little panties until he can’t muster another drop.
‘Very impressive’, I laugh, taking the panties from him and folding them neatly in my hand.’ You’ve made a big mess there.’
Later in bed, it would be my turn to smell and taste the panties …