I Know You’re Out There Somewhere

"A reunion Better Than Most"

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I abhor reunions of any type. We had a milestone reunion approaching. When the notice arrived, I shredded it without a reply. Aside from sports, my high school experience was forgettable. In part because of whom I chose as friends and having ADHD.(even though there was no diagnosis at that time)

Being impulsive and loquacious got me into more trouble than I will share here. Also, a quick temper only added to my misery. There was one bright spot, Carolyn. Unfortunately, peer pressure kept me from seriously dating her. My clique did not approve of her and constantly teased me about seeing her.

My first sexual experiences, short of intercourse, were with Carolyn. Making it look like I didn’t care for her made her feel used. My lack of empathy was nothing to be proud of, but peer pressure was too much to endure. I managed to turn what should have been a deep connection into a convoluted mess.

All of that was many years ago, and I never thought we’d see each other again.

Fate has a funny way of intervening. I was at my son’s house doing some work for him. When I finished, I had to stop at a store to pick up some items for the project. Upon exiting the store, I noticed a woman across the way had dropped some plants. She looked like she needed help, so I offered. As she turned around, I was surprised to see that it was Carolyn. At first, she was a bit surprised, but I told her my son lived nearby.

I then received a big hug, and she said she was thrilled to see me. We both picked up her plants and put them in her car. Carolyn then asked if I would like to stop by to reminisce since I did not attend the reunion.

“Sure, I have some free time,” I said.

“Just follow me,” she said eagerly, “I’m 5 minutes away.”

Upon arriving, I helped her with her purchases. Her home was quaint and neat. No one else was home, so I milled around until she returned with some lemonade. We retired to her family room and began discussing the past. ( Unbeknownst to her, I had looked her up online and knew she was married and had two sons)

Carolyn explained that her sons were successful and lived near them and that her husband still worked and was away on business. I gave her a recap of my life since high school as well. She then asked me why I had never been to ANY reunions. I explained that I had graduated high school and didn’t want to relive it. She said she was saddened because she had always wanted to reconnect.

I told her that I did have fond memories of our time together. She brought up our parking escapades and one memorable evening in the basement of her home. Carolyn then asked why we could never seem to be a couple.

Here is where I felt the need, to be honest.

“It was all my fault,” I started to explain.” I never meant to treat you as callously as I did. It was wrong of me in so many ways. I am asking for your forgiveness even though I don’t deserve it.

Carolyn slid over on the couch and gave me a peck on the cheek.

Our eyes met, and she said, “Yes, I forgive you. I could never understand why we couldn’t connect. It confused me and made me feel inadequate. I have a confession too. I still have feelings for you.”

I sat stunned and speechless.

Then she whispered, “Do you ever wonder what could have been?”

“Many times, but I never thought we’d reconnect, “I told her.

“Well, here we are, and there’s no time like the present.”

“I agree, but we’re both married.” I stammered.

“Not looking for a long-term relationship. I’m curious to know what we missed. Aren’t you?”

Before I could answer, she leaned in and gave me a soft sensual kiss.

“Just like the very first one. I whispered.

I’ve rehearsed this in my head, never thinking I’d get the chance,” she replied.

We continued to kiss passionately, just as we did years ago. As we kissed, things began stirring in my pants. I quickly attained an erection that was yearning to breathe free. I didn’t want to rush things, but Carolyn knew what she had caused.

Carolyn eagerly reached for my zipper and deftly unbuttoned my pants. She slowly removed my penis from its confines and immediately began stroking it.

“Why the rush??” I said. “Let’s take it slow.”

“It’s been so long,” she said. “I’ve longed for this moment.”

“So have I, so let’s make it last.”

I could see her nipples protruding through her shirt. I reached up and gently pinched them.

“See what you do to me?” She chuckled.

I reached for the hem of her shirt, but she pushed my hands away.

“Please let me do it. I’ve always wanted to reveal myself to you.”

As I watched, she grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it up and over her head. As she did so, her breasts were right at eye level, beckoning me to minister to them.

“Go ahead, put your hands where you want them.”

Her breasts were soft but still supple. Her nipples were hard, and I began rolling them between my fingers. She leaned back against the couch and cooed as I massaged her tits and sucked on her rock-hard nipples. I was surprised when she started to play with my nipples as well. They are sensitive, and I enjoyed the attention she was giving them.

“Wow, you remembered,” I exclaimed

“There isn’t much that I don’t remember,” she replied.

She proceeded to lick and kiss mine as well. Carolyn then held her nipple to mine and gently rubbed them against each other.

“Ahh, I see you like that,” she chuckled.

“How can you tell?” I asked.

“Because you are as hard now as you were when I touched you for the very first time.”

With that, she reached down and started stroking my rigid hard-on. She had a feather-like touch which caused me to kiss her nipples hard.

I then tried something we hadn’t done before. I began using my tongue to trace my way down her chest. As I received no resistance, I continued my journey past her navel and began kissing around her inner and outer lips. She grabbed my head and pressed it against her cunt.

“Now, this is something new and different.”

My tongue now traveled deep into her vaginal opening. I swirled it around, careful to avoid her clit for the moment. I felt her legs press against my head, holding me in place. Her soft moans were telling me to continue. While continuing to use my tongue, I found her now very hard clit and started rubbing it with my finger.

Her juices were flowing now, and she was arching herself off the couch. I took her slick clit between my thumb and index finger and began stroking it gently.

Carolyn was uttering soft moans.

“Please don’t stop. It feels so magnificent.”

I increased my pressure and speed. As I did so, she was squeezing and pinching her nipples. I knew she was close, and my fingers were slick with her fluids.

“I need to cum, PLEASE,” she begged.

Carolyn pushed my hand against her clit, helping me rub it harder. Her legs stiffened against me as she lifted herself off the couch.

“Oh, my word, I think I’m gonna cry it feels so good!”

“God, you feel so good on my clit right now.


“I’ve never cum that hard before,”

“Good to know,” I replied.

We held each other close, and I started to massage her breast.

“I loved feeling you get hard in my hands, and I still do,” she cooed as she started stroking my engorged member. Pre cum was flowing freely. I was so hard that my cock felt stretched to the max. The precum helped to keep it slick as she stroked me with her velvet hand.

As I vigorously manipulated her nipple, she stroked and rubbed the head of my cock, paying close attention to my frenulum and corona.

“I can’t wait to see you cum!”

“You won’t have to wait long,” I assured her.

I could feel it building, and before I could tell her, I started cumming with a vengeance spraying all over her chest and tits. I couldn’t utter a sound other than a long sigh.

“WOW, That was something! I’m so glad I had that effect on you. It’s too bad we never experienced that when we were younger. As a matter of fact, it’s too bad we never did all of this when we were younger.”

“I agree wholeheartedly. We missed a lot, but it was my fault, not yours.

“Please don’t worry yourself about days long past. Our reconnection could be a new beginning. How do you feel about that?”

“I suppose it could, but we are some distance apart. A meeting could be problematic.”

“With your son living close by, getting together will not be that difficult.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Our reunion was pretty special, agreed?”

“Yes, this was very special.”

“Well, for someone who hates reunions, are you up for another one?”

“Sure!! When?”

“Let’s not spoil things with plans. Just let the chips fall where they may. Spontaneity is the spice of life for us. When the time is right, we’ll know it. I have still not fulfilled my need to relive the past with you either.”

“Really, I said, what does that suggest?”

“I’ll let you wonder about that,” she coyly replied.

We got up from the couch, cleaned each other off, and dressed.

As we kissed each other goodbye, she said,” Keep this kiss fresh in your memory until we meet again.”

I assured her I would and left, wondering when that would be.

Published 3 years ago

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