My hands bound behind me, I tried to capture his cock in my mouth, then felt his hand grip the hair at the back of my head. He took his cock between two fingers, started to smack it lightly back and forth across my cheeks, rubbed the precum along my top lip, then painted my lips with it as if it were a giant lipstick.
If I felt degraded and slutty before, I felt it in spades now. He was using me as a plaything, a fucktoy, and regarded this as a delightful game. After all, he was only an eighteen-year-old boy with a beautiful athlete’s body and clearly loved playing games.
Then he held his cock out towards me, his grip on my hair tightening so he could control my head.
“Beg,” he said, smiling broadly. “Beg to be allowed to suck my cock, slut. Tell me how you want me to shove my cock deep into your mouth and make you gag. Tell me, cunt, or I’ll zip up my fly and leave you here, naked, on your knees, dripping cunt honey on your carpet, desperate to be fucked by a big, hard cock – and not getting any.”
Part of me wanted to yell at him to get the fuck out of my house. Part of me.
But I can’t help myself. The same demands my body made that caused me to walk out of my house naked under a raincoat, and the throbbing clit that was egging me on now, made me want his cock, anyway he would give it to me.
I licked my lips and breathed, “Please…”
“Please what, cunt? What is it you want? Tell me, beg me, slut, or I’m going home.” He held the head of his cock in front of my lips, just beyond my ability to reach it, strain though I might.
“Please…,” I swallowed, “please shove your cock down my throat, make me gag on it, fuck my face until you cum in my mouth, or on my face, or in my cunt, or…”
He pushed his cock forward, forcing it between my lips and deep into my mouth. I rocked back but the hand on the back of my head kept me still while his cock it reached the back of my throat. My lips were stretched wide around the thickest cock I had ever held between my lips, and I’ve had a few.
I gagged, then swallowed and recovered, gulping around his cock. He paused, his cock still buried in my mouth, while I gasped for air, then he slowly started pushing his cock further forward while pulling on the back of my head, forcing himself deeper.
I felt his cock on the back of my throat, cutting off my air, filling my entire mouth, pressing against the soft tissue at the back of my throat. I struggled not to gag, opening my lips as wide as I could, suppressing the gag reflex – then suddenly failing.
My body spasmed. I coughed and gagged at the same time. Tears appeared in my eyes and started streaming down my face, then dripping off my cheeks onto my naked knees. My nose started to run, and I tried to sniff but didn’t have room to inhale.
I lost track of everything but the cock that was choking me and making me retch and gag – until he pulled it back. He kept my mouth filled with cock, but released the pressure on the back of my throat.
I opened my lips as wide as I could and inhaled, coughing. I sniffed, trying to keep the snot from flowing down my nostrils, and wishing I could wipe my nose, and wondered at the impulse that made me ask him to tie my hands behind my back with the belt from my bathrobe.
He waited while I caught my breath, then waited some more. Finally, I looked up at him, eyes watering, questioning. He smiled down at me, his impossibly blue eyes twinkling as this was the merriest of games.
“Do you still want my cock anywhere I want to put it?”
I nodded.
He shook his head, “Nuh-uh. If you want it, you need to ask for it. Now, do you still want my cock?”
I swallowed as best I could around the girth of his meat, then mumbled as best I could, “Yef – pwease gimme youah…cock.” I had to work to enunciate with my mouth full.
I had a sudden flash of my gran telling me not to talk with my mouth full, and blushed, wondering what she would think if she could see her naked granddaughter, on her knees with a fat prick filling her mouth. I shivered and quickly turned my thoughts elsewhere, yet felt shame for being the kind of slut who would let her needy cunt put her into this position. Yet, I knew I was going to beg for more.
“Would you like me to gag you again, slut?”
I swallowed, then tentatively nodded.
“Do you want me to fuck your dripping cunt?”
I nodded decisively to that. “YETH!”
He smirked at me, leaned down, patted my thighs side-to-side to indicate that I should spread them further. I walked my knees apart, then felt a finger slide down my naked mound, cross my clit, making me shiver, then slip between my soaking pussy lips, and finally curl inside my cunt.
“My, my, my. You’re really soaking. And I know what that means. It means that you’re an eager cunt who can’t wait to be fucked.” He chuckled. “But I’m going to make you wait for that. Shall I fuck you up your ass while we wait?”
I swallowed hard, then slowly nodded again.
“Say it, cunt. Tell me you want me to fuck you up the ass. Tell me you want me to bugger your tight little arsehole. Convince me that you really are a helpless, wanton slut who will do anything I want.”
He grabbed my chin and held my head up while keeping his cock firmly embedded in my mouth. “Tell me what you are and what you want.”
My eyes were locked on his, unable to turn away, even if he let go of my chin. I felt my nipples, hard and tight, and my clit, throbbing and upright, and I knew he was right.
Swallowing again, hard, I tried to speak clearly around his cock. “I’m a fuckingh shlut, eagah to be fuckt, eagah to suck. Please do whatevah you want to mah body. I’m a hot, dripping cunt who wants a hard cock stuffed in mah mouf, between mah legs, and…and,” I swallowed again, “buggered up mah arsh.”
He smiled back at me and stroked my hair. “That’s my good little slut. Now…”
He was interrupted by the trilling of his phone. “Aw, fuck. Anyone who calls me is automatically bad news…”
Freeing his hands, he reached down for his shorts, dug out his phone from the pocket, and looked at the display. “Hey! It’s Jaden.”
His cock still deep into my mouth, he set the phone on my head, holding one hand behind to keep me where I was, and pushed something on the phone.
“Hey Jade, what’s up?”
“Coach is steamed wit’ ya, Charlie boy! Where de fuck are ya?” The voice had some kind of lilt, perhaps Scottish?
Charlie chuckled. “Tell coach I’m too well to come to practice today, will you?”
“I fuckin’ well will not! He’d take me fuckin’ head off! What kind of silly buggers are you playin’ at, mon?”
At that, Charlie guffawed loudly, “Well, as a matter of fact…”
“Oh, fuck no, mon. Don’t tell me you’re doin’ another twat, are ya? What am I supposed to tell coach, eh?”
Charlie snickered, and said, “Tell him it was something I ate, will ya? Even if it is something that ate me!” And he pulled my head forward, making me gag again – then held the phone to my mouth so Jaden could hear me gag and retch.
“You da limit mon. You gonna get yuhself flung off da fuckin’ team!”
“Nah. I’m the best striker the team’s got. Coach can’t throw me off, not with the semis on Saturday.”
“He gonna bench you, mon, for sure. He’s spitting nails as it is!”
Charlie thought for a moment, easing up on my head. Moving back as far as his hand would allow, I swallowed and gasped around his cock, saliva drooling down my chin and dripping on my knees.
“Tell him I’ll be there in an hour. That something urgent, uh, came up,” he shoved his cock further into my mouth, then eased off again, “and I’ll explain it all when I get there, okay?”
There was a pause at the other end. “Okay, mon, but your fuckin’ ass is gonna be grass! It better be a good story you make up.”
There was another pause and a change in tone. “Hey – any chance of sloppy seconds, mon?”
Charlie bent down and looked me in the eyes, which opened wide at Jaden’s suggestion. “Maybe…depends on how well you sell coach on my story, man – okay?”
“I’ll do what I can. Is she pretty?”
Charlie chuckled, “Oh, yeah. And pretty naked, too! Gotta go – have fun, Jade!”
He disconnected, then tossed his phone on the bed.
“Well, looks like I’ll have to work a little faster. How about I finish fucking your face, and then fuck your tight little pussy for now, ya?”
He looked down at me again, his natural arrogance on full display. Once again, I found myself torn. Part of me wanted to bite his dick off. The other part really, really wanted it buried inside my cunt. Swallowing again, I nodded, also relieved that my ass was to be spared – at least for now.
“Good. Then you’ll have some time to recover before I bring Jaden over for a three-way, eh?”
I stopped, frozen, and felt an icy thrill go down my spine. Was he going to start handing me around, I wondered? Then the thought rose up: How many pricks are there on a football team?
But Charlie didn’t notice. Instead, he started to rock his hips back and forth, fucking my mouth while holding my head in both hands, shoving deep into my throat, and making me gag with each shove. To my surprise, I found myself making that disgusting urk! sound each time he hit the back of my throat, the one I’d found so stagey when I watched porn flicks online while bringing myself off.
Charlie started fucking faster, holding my head between his hands. I found it was all I could do to get a breath, sucking it in every chance I got. Meanwhile, my stomach was threatening to make me throw up with the repeated retch-reaction as he shoved his cock deep. I was doing everything I could to suppress the urge to vomit.
Yet, despite all of that, my nipples were so hard they were aching, my clit was up and throbbing, my ass cheeks were clenched tight, and I was trembling. I hadn’t known why I always wound up watching porn stars being face-fucked and abused, but now that it was happening to me, I knew that it was something that some dark part of me wanted.
I found it disgusting – yet had to admit I was more turned on than I’d ever been before. I had wondered if I really was a slut, deep inside.
So now I knew.
All of which was good, because judging by Charlie’s breathing, he was about to unload in my mouth.
“…uhnn……uhhh…ohhh-oh-oh…oh god…oh…my…God…Oh…OH…OH FUCK! OHHH!”
He pushed his cock hard into my mouth as it started to spurt. It was like a fountain filling my mouth, and the pressure was so great that I choked, some of the cum spurted out of my mouth, dribbling down my chin and around his cock. Another part of it went up my nose and spurted from my left nostril.
I tried to scream but my mouth was full. I shook my head “no” several times.
He bent over, grabbing my head, cradling it, almost affectionately, while keeping his cock buried deep into my throat – then backed off enough that I could breathe through the one nostril left to me. I sucked in air as best I could…
And was completely surprised when I felt myself starting to cum. I started trembling and crying around Charlie’s cock. My nose clogged up when it started to run, closing off my other nostril…
It was too much. I fainted…
I woke up, lying in bed, my arms free but shoulders stiff, feeling amazing…except my throat hurt and my nose was running. I turned my head slowly back and forth, luxuriating in the after-glow of cumming so hard, and relaxing the muscles of my neck, then stretched.
“Hi there. You’re back!”
My eyes flew open. “Oh fuck! It wasn’t a dream!”
Charlie smiled down at me, lying – naked – next to me. “Oh, you are so wrong! It was an absolute dream, the best blow job I’ve ever had!” Then his face clouded, “But are you okay? You collapsed after what seemed like a fit. You had me worried!”
I glanced down at his – incredible – body and semi-stiff cock, and said, “Not so worried that you didn’t get naked, I see.”
He looked down at himself. “Yeah, well, I’m…uh, look, I, uh…”
I started to laugh. “Oh fuck, Charlie! You’re still just a boy at heart aren’t you?”
He actually blushed, then, straightened his mouth, trying to look serious, “Yeah – a little boy – but with a Big Cock!” And he shoved his pelvis forward to emphasize his words.
I looked up at him, a big smile still on my face, then softened. “Yes, Charlie, you have a big cock. A great, big, beautiful cock. But do you know what’s even sexier than a big, beautiful cock?”
His face looked puzzled, even confused. “Okay, I’ll bite – what’s sexier than a big cock?”
My smile broadened, “A big cock attached to a thoughtful guy who wants to have fun – and make sure the girl he’s with has fun, too!” And I leaned forward and nipped the tip of his cock with my lips, which caused him to jump.
I leaned forward and kissed it better. “Charlie – why don’t we try to have the fuck of our lives, hmm?”
He looked uncertain for a moment, then broke into that childish grin that caught my heart on the bus, “Love to. And – wait. What’s your name? I don’t even know!”
My smile broadened, “For the moment, just call me Slut, okay?”
His eyes turned merry. “I’d love to have the fuck of my life – Slut. And how would you like to be fucked to within an inch of your life?”
I snuggled close to him, “Love it,” was all I said.
I found the belt to my bathrobe, rolled onto my back, and stretched my arms over my head. “Tie me up, Big Cock Charlie. Tie me up – then fuck me – please!”
His grin widened further, then he got up on his knees, his cock now hard and waving toward my face, then gently tied my hands to one of the rails on the headboard of my brass bed. Leaning down, he kissed me, running his hands over my tits, then down my sides to my hips.
Then, to my surprise, he grabbed my hips and flipped me over, which twisted the bathrobe tie around the brass header, pulling my hands up higher. I didn’t rest on my front long – he pulled my hips up so I was on my knees. I realized I was in doggie position and felt my cunt go liquid. Oh fuck! I had occasionally dreamed about being forced like this, and now it was actually happening!
Charlie walked his knees around behind me, then carefully stepped them between mine. He placed his hands on my ass and stroked them in slow circles. I shivered and felt my clit starting to stand up, out of its hiding place.
I swallowed hard, and walked my knees up a bit higher, spreading them wider at the same time to make an inviting target for Charlie’s cock.
To my surprise, Charlie continued to gently rub circles around my ass cheeks – until one of his hands moved towards my crack, then down between my legs and found my drenched pussy lips.
“Well, well,” he said. “What have we here?”
He moved forward and inhaled between my legs.
“You smell like a hot pussy. Is that what you are, Slut?”
I could feel myself losing control. “Yes…yes…I’m a,” I swallowed again, “hot pussy. Please. Please, Charlie! Fuck me. Fuck my hot pussy! Please!”
Charlie started to rub his cock along the divide of my pussy lips, getting my honey on his tip. I wanted so much for him to just shove it in and start fucking. Impulsively, I pushed backward, eager to feel his cock inside me.
And Charlie moved away. “Ah, ah, AH!” he taunted. “You don’t get my cock until we agree on some things.”
I turned my head, straining to look back at him, panting, and not just willing to be fucked, but almost desperate again – yet the tether on my hands restricted my ability to move backward, and Charlie was hovering behind me. “What…what do you want, Charlie? I want you to fuck me – isn’t that enough?”
I could hear the smile in Charlie’s voice, “Well, sure – but I think we should invite my friend Jaden in as well – don’t you?”
I turned my face down, arching my back and pushing up with my forehead so I could breathe – pant, actually. “What?”
“I said, I think we should let Jaden fuck you, too – wouldn’t you agree?”
I was barely able to think. Jaden wasn’t here. Charlie – and his big, beautiful cock – was. “Sure, yes, okay – Jaden too. Why not? Just – fuck me, please?”
Charlie started to push his cock into my cunt – but only part-way. “Please…” I whispered, then louder, “Please! Please fuck me, fuck me hard, now!”
I felt my cunt being split by his cock and it felt heavenly. He pushed all the way into me this time, slowly, then bottoming out against my cervix.
He leaned forward, resting his chest on my back, weight pressing down on my hips and into my knees. I felt his hands moving around my tits. His thumbs found my nipples, and pulled them back, then pinned them down to the sheets, trapping them.
Then he started to move his hips back and forth.
When he pushed forward, my nipples were stretched, and it hurt!
“Ow!” I exclaimed, “Ow! oh…Ow!…Ow!…OOWW!! You’re hurting me!”
Charlie paused, his cock most of the way out of my cunt, then slowly started to pull it the rest of the way out. “Did you want me to stop?”
“No – yes – I don’t know!”
Charlie pulled far enough back that just the tip split my pussy lips, but he remained silent.
“Don’t leave. Please! Don’t leave me!”
“Well, you wanted me to stop, so which is it? Fuck or stop?”
My head wasn’t working, my tits were burning – but my clit was throbbing and I couldn’t think, “Fuck! Fuck me!”
“If I fuck you, it’s going to hurt your tits. Do you want that?”
I shook my head, “I…don’t know. Yes! Yes, if you have to, then yes, pull my fucking tits! Hurt me!”
Charlie chuckled, and slowly pushed himself back inside me, pushing me forward and stretching my nips again.
“Ow…” I whispered.
“Louder,” Charlie commanded.
“Ow!” I almost yelled, “OW!…OW!…”
Charlie started to fuck me again – forward, back, forward, back – and each time he pushed forward, my poor nipples were stretched and started aching.
Then he started to pick up speed, and suddenly released my nipples, pushing himself upright, his body vertical, his hands on my hips, pulling me towards him each time he buried his cock deep into my cunt.
Now each time he pushed forward, he yanked back on my hips, crushing his cock against my cervix, and a different pain blossomed inside my fuck-hole. It wasn’t as sharp, more of a dull ache, but he kept hammering at me, and I started mewling…partly from the pain, and partly because I was about to cum again…
“Oh…oh…oh oh oh oh ohhh!!”
I pushed back hard against Charlie, who seemed oblivious. Then I heard him starting to pant…then…
“Oh FUCK!” He yelled, pushing himself inside me, pulling hard at my hips to seat himself as far as he could against my cervix, and I felt his cock start to pulse, launching his hot cum deep inside me, spurt after spurt…
When he was done, he collapsed on top of me, smushing me and forcing my knees to splay wide, pushing me down to the bed.
We lay there, panting for a minute.
“You’re crushing me…” I managed to say in a strangled voice.
“Oh, sorry,” was his reply. He grabbed my shoulders, and turned on his side, pulling me with him, but keeping his cock buried inside me.
“Oh fuck…” he panted, “That was…amazing. God, you are something else!” And, to my surprise, he kissed my back.
After a few breaths, he rolled off me, withdrew his cock, and flopped on his back. “Oh my fucking god that was great!”
He rolled over and untied my hands, then – again, to my surprise – he turned me on my back, pulled me close, and cradled me in the crook of his shoulder, then kissed my forehead.
He looked at me, then, with an abashed look on his face, looked up at the ceiling. “Uh, look…wait. I don’t even know your name! Fuck me, I’m sorry!”
He looked over at me, blushing. I reflected on what a beautiful specimen of young manhood he was – and a strange bundle of contradictions as well. “Um…call me, uh, Carol, okay?”
He looked at me incredulously, then snickered, “Well, okey-dokey, uh, Carol! Anyway – Carol – I hope you’ll forgive me for being rough. There’s a monster inside me, and he tries to push himself out sometimes. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Was it bad?”
I stared at him, then felt my mouth quirk into a smile, “Well, yeah – but it hurt so bad, it was good.”
I turned so I was facing the ceiling too, “Because I have a monster inside, too – and she sometimes makes me do things I know I shouldn’t.”
I turned back to him, “But you already knew that, didn’t you?”
He smiled and nodded, then lifted his hand and caressed my cheek with one finger. “Yeah, yeah I do.” His smile broadened, “But I think my monster likes your monster, you know?”
His gaze traveled over to my clock, “Oh, shit! I’ve got to get going!” He sat up and wiped his face with his hands, “Um…Carol?” looking down at me.
I looked into his pale blue eyes but said nothing.
“I’d…I’d really like to do this again. Or something more. I mean, we could even go out, like, on a date, you know?”
I giggled. “I don’t think so. People would think I was your mom. But…you can come back again. If you want. But only when I say, all right?”
His wicked grin reappeared. “How about I bring Jaden with me?”
My breathing stopped, and I remembered that I said I’d take Jaden as well. “Uh…”
He bounced out of bed, and started looking around for his clothes. “Look, I’ll come back in about an hour or so, and bring Jaden with me. If you decide you can’t take us both, we’ll leave, and then you and I will find another time for just the two of us.” He stopped and grinned at me, “But I’m pretty sure your monster would enjoy being fucked by two hunky guys at the same time. And trust me, Jaden’s gorgeous! Girls throw themselves at him!”
He started throwing his athletic togs on, then plopped down on the bed and started doing up his trainers, and finally sat up and cocked an eye at me. “Well?”
I tried to look non-committal, but something must have shown.
He slapped his knees and stood, “Okay, gotta go! Think about it, okay?”
And he dashed out of the bedroom, and I heard the front door slam.
What the fuck, girl? I asked myself.
Then I thought of being spit-roasted and fucked roughly by two guys at the same time, and my pussy started leaking again.
I was still dithering more than an hour later when I heard a knock at the front door. Wrapping my toweling robe – without the tie – around myself, I got up from the kitchen table, warily walked to the front foyer, then stopped. Through the front window, I could see Charlie chattering away with a black kid who was taller than he was but thinner. They weren’t looking at me, but talking excitedly to each other.
And Charlie was right. Jaden was gorgeous!
I still didn’t know what I wanted to do – but my body did. Feeling like there was someone else in control and without my wishing it, I felt the robe slide off my shoulders. Then, naked, I moved forward and unlocked the door…