The arrival of ‘Doctor Watson’s Assistant’.
We have an appointment with Lady Sara later in the week, but have already heard from Lord Grey that he would like to send his wife Jane for further treatment, as he can see some improvement in her manner towards him.
Of course, we agree to a date, and Helen tells me that we need more regular clients to put our business on a safe financial footing. She feels that five or six regular, monthly clients are required for us to achieve stability. So far, we have only treated Emma and Jane, but both are committed to further appointments now and Helen is already confident that Lady Sara will too.
She is searching for the extra two or three we will then need, but feels that our existing clients and their husbands are our best recruitment force, purely by word-of-mouth recommendation. Helen is concerned not to overtask me too soon, and we have spoken several times about the future need for added extras, to achieve a healthy business; she also feels that we may be able to raise our prices, as our reputation grows, rather than simply continue to expand our clientele.
I have become an avid reader of the Medical Journals and now also contribute to them, in ways designed to establish the good credentials of our business. I write (and read) extensively about the question of “female hysteria,” and establish the many symptoms by which it may show itself. I hope to become a recognised ‘expert’ in the field.
I argue that the female ‘button’ is the true centre of female relief, rather than penetration of the vagina. That may be necessary for procreation, but is not in itself sufficient to provide release of all the tensions the female endures.
My publications lead to lengthy, though slow, correspondence with Jean-Martin Charcot in France, who is investigating hypnosis as a means of relief from hysteria.
All this leads to a short article in ‘The Times’ of London, discussing what they call a rumoured “epidemic” of female hysteria within London Society. Of course, this is nonsense, but it does our business no harm, and allows neglected or abused wives to seek our help without shame. Only the Upper Classes would be aware of an article in ‘The Times’.
I am also learning much more about the supposed health benefits of male semen when absorbed by the female. The main focus of the arguments is about intake through ‘normal’ intercourse; hence the general recommendation of frequent marital sex to calm female hysteria. I am more interested in other means of delivery, but it is not possible to discuss such ‘perversions’ in respectable journals, so I keep my own counsel on this matter.
Helen conducts her own research, and investigates female views by visiting the refuge for “fallen women” called Urania Cottage, which Charles Dickens has established in collaboration with Angela Burdett-Coutts. That environment allows her free-speaking discussion with the women there, about their experience of men and their behaviours. She hears of some revelationary experiences at the hands of the average (Upper Class) Victorian man.
Meanwhile, she has also progressed her idea of “Doctor Watson’s Assistant” to the point of having a prototype literally ‘in hand’. She has a life-size (and very life-like!) representation of my own cock, fashioned in the hardest ebony. Apart from the dark colour, it shows every anatomical curve, bulge and vein accurately, it seems to me, based upon Helen’s drawings.
I am somewhat dubious about the colour, but Helen assures me that it is aesthetically appealing to the female. She has also been told that, in regular use, it will gain an attractive patina as it absorbs the oils, juices and general friction which it will encounter in use. Even now, she seems unable to resist stroking it absent-mindedly as we talk.
I am a little taken aback by the size- in total, almost a foot in length. Helen tells me that the dimensions are perfectly accurate, but that I have to note the additional four or five inches of handgrip added below the representations of my balls. This is meant to allow the user to press the device fully inside themselves, until the ‘balls’ can rest hard against the outer vaginal lips, such that it can enter no further.
In the end, I accept the representation and Helen decides that she must give it a trial before we could apply it to any client; she is happy to do so in private, but I feel I should witness her use of the device and learn form that.
I must admit that it is very arousing for me, even now, to see her caressing a large, very black and shiny-smooth representation of my own cock. I think she is teasing me in the way she plays with it in front of me, and she grins mischievously!
We go to the Consulting Room, and she swiftly divests of her clothes, to lie back naked on the Treatment Couch. Just the thought of what she is about to do in front of my eyes has obviously excited her too, and her vaginal lips are oozing slick juices already.
She places the tip of the device against her moist lips, and slides it up and down her cleft, pressing slightly harder against her raised button each time it reaches that point. By watching her, I am learning how best to treat a client with it, I tell myself!
After a short while following this procedure, Helen says, hesitatingly, “Simon, I think I’d like you to insert it for the very first time. It will make the occasion so very memorable for me, and you can practice how to apply it to our clients’ satisfaction.”
I’m happy to do so, of course, though a little anxious about inserting what seems like an enormous object into my wife’s vagina. I have to remind myself that it is an accurate model of my own cock, which I now feel pressing hard inside my trousers.
I place the shining, black polished head between her outer lips and very slowly ease it inside, just as I would with my own cock. However, I now have a much better visual perspective than usual! I see her outer lips, then her inner folds, part and spread wide around the girth of the device, then wrapping themselves closely about it.
Helen’s head is pressed back, her eyes closed, and her hands fondling her ample breasts, teasing her own erect nipples. I pause at half length to ask if she is comfortable, but she simply groans and says, “Give it ALL to me, Simon. I know there is much more to come.”
I need no further instruction, and press the device to full depth, observing how the thickening shaft forces her apart until the bulbous balls prevent any further progress. She shudders as the tip presses against her, deep inside, and I slowly move it in and out by a few inches, observing how the outer folds of her vagina are stretched then squeezed, to tease and exercise her now-swollen button.
I use my free hand to tease her there, while continuing to press the device steadily in and out of her. I extract the device as far as possible now, before thrusting it more energetically and fully inside her, just as I would do with my cock. As far as possible, I am trying to replicate my behaviour when fucking her, but using her new ‘assistant’ which already bears my name.
In very little time, perhaps because of the novelty of the experience, not only does Helen reach a noisy, shaking climax, but so do I, completely emptying a load of cum inside my undergarments. She also seems to wet herself profusely, so neither of us is embarrassed, just uncomfortably wet!
I withdraw the glistening black weapon which has given her such pleasure, and tell myself that not only is it a replica of my own cock, but also that it was under my control when she was brought to such a shuddering climax. She seems extremely happy with the first trial of her creation, and so am I!
She thanks me profusely and enquires whether I am also satisfied; I assure her that I am, but say I hope that I will be able to control my own reactions much better when I apply the device to a client! She chuckles and says, “ Yes, indeed! It may be somewhat difficult to explain that spreading wet stain to your trousers! But do not fear, my love, I will be there to assist you as necessary and ensure there is no embarrassment.”
She gathers herself together and removes the glistening ‘assistant’ from my hand, taking it away to clean, oil and polish for its next outing (or “inning”?). We are agreed that it will become a very practical aid for our clients, whether during treatments, or perhaps in the privacy of their own bedrooms… or even ours?
It occurs to me that Jane, in particular, would benefit from self-administered treatment, if we could somehow fund the provision of the device to her; she would certainly have to hide it from her husband’s sight, though! I mention this to Helen and she agrees, but says she will have to consider how such a device could be replicated ‘en masse’, so that a more economical copy could be sold for such personal, private application.
It has been a satisfying day devoted to advancing our knowledge, and product-testing ‘Doctor Watson’s Assistant’ , but now we must prepare for the appointment with Lady Sara. I am not sure whether we shall apply the new device or rely solely upon more conventional treatment, but Helen will be there to give a ‘yea or nay’ to any decision.
Lady Sara Stevens attends.
Helen tells me what she knows of Lady Sara, whose appointment is due this evening.
Apparently, she is a powerful and forceful woman, much more outgoing than those wives I have encountered so far. However, Helen knows that she can easily feign more conventional womanly weakness, if it is to her advantage! She has even witnessed her producing tears at will, in order to get her own way.
By all accounts, through the gossip of female high society, she has heard of our services and decided to avail herself of them by behaving cruelly towards her (apparently doting) husband. He has agreed to pay for her treatment without demur.
I am a little daunted by what I hear of her. She regularly rides her horse along Rotten Row, from Hyde Park Corner to the Serpentine- a fashionable place for the Upper Classes to be seen. She would ride side-saddle there, of course, because “women ride aside and men ride astride” was the saying of the day.
However, it was rumoured that she often rode astride when alone at her husband’s country estate, and this scandalous thought caused much comment and amusement amongst her peers. It was thought by some that she found this practice more exciting than submitting to her husband, who she sometimes seems to despise. I wonder whether his failure to dominate her has partly led to her own dominance; in Victorian Society, this is a case of role-reversal.
I am assured that she is a strikingly beautiful woman, with long, raven-black hair and piercing blue eyes. She seems the type who very much knows her own mind, and is used to getting her own way, but Helen agrees I will have to make her understand that the Doctor knows best. After all, she has decided to arrange this treatment herself.
Helen has discovered much from her conversations with inmates of Urania Cottage. She recalls that many Victorian men like to immobilise women when they fuck them, using bonds and ties to do so. While most women find this objectionable, and perhaps abusive, especially if pain is administered, she has discovered that a minority of women actually enjoyed that feeling of being at the mercy of a man.
It is not something I would normally consider, but Helen says she will ensure that ties and bonds are available if we judge that treatment of Lady Sara might require them.
Lady Sara strides purposefully into the Consulting Room and she is indeed strikingly beautiful. When Helen enquires whether she is prepared to undress and don a loose shift, she does not comment, but stares me directly in the eye and says, “Of course, no doubt the doctor needs to see everything.”
Without the slightest hesitation, but holding my gaze throughout, she undresses herself quickly and efficiently, standing brazenly in front of me, in complete nakedness. I am somewhat taken aback, I admit, by her boldness, but in some regards I find it refreshingly unpretentious.
She stands in front of me, with Helen alongside, her eyebrows raised high, offering a shift for Sara to don, but her offer is refused.
Lady Sara is in her late twenties and has not yet borne a child. Her shapely breasts are firm and proud, with dark areolae, her belly is flat, and her hips pronounced. There is a clearly visible gap between her upper thighs, and I note that she is not fully shaven in the pubic area, but has neatly trimmed her dark black hair to expose her vaginal lips clearly. They are delicate and coral-pink between her thighs, contrasting markedly with her rich dark hair.
She places her hands on her hips and watches me closely while I study her.
“Do you like what you see, Doctor?” she asks. “I have been told that you can delight a woman more than most husbands and I certainly feel the need for some delight. My husband is weak and uninspiring, but one day I will have to bear his child; I have avoided that so far, but the time must come, and I would like to conceive with pleasure rather than resentment. That is what I would like you to prepare me for.”
I think this an admirably clear and honest statement, and I ask her to lay upon the Treatment Couch. She does so completely naked, still rejecting the proffered shift, and lies back before me as we raise the couch to its customary level; her legs are already slightly parted before me.
“It seems that you are accustomed to taking control over your husband,” I say, “but if you are to be successful, I suggest that you must acquiesce in his control from time to time. If his virility is required, as it will be, you may need to play the role of a doting wife, at least in the privacy of your bedroom.”
“That may be difficult for me,” says Sara, “it does not come naturally to me to submit to any man, and indeed, I think I will find it difficult to allow you to have a ‘free hand’, as it were; I do acknowledge your perception, though, for my husband will often lose his manly urges when I take control in the heat of the moment, and become unable to perform his husbandly role.”
Helen interjects, “I too find it difficult to submit – it is not my natural disposition either – but there are certainly times when it is of great benefit to my own pleasure. It is a learned skill, I think, to know when to submit and when to dominate! It should not consistently be one way or the other, because variety, as they say, is the spice of life.”
Sara nods thoughtfully and seems to agree, but says, “I will find it difficult to begin with, though.”
Helen takes the initiative to introduce the use of bonds, at least for the purposes of this first treatment. She argues that they will allow her to accept treatment without fighting against it, if she knows she cannot easily escape; in time, she may be able to achieve that calm acceptance without bonds.
For reassurance, she says that she will be in attendance throughout and will release her swiftly if she should become too distressed. A simple coded call is agreed with Helen, to trigger her release, but she knows that I am sensitive to female responses and will take care to induce only pleasure and not pain.
“Hmm,” says Lady Sara, “I am not altogether sure where the boundary between the two lies! However, it has been reported to me that the Doctor, your husband, is extremely skilled in inducing relief of female tensions, and I wish to experience that. I will follow your recommendations for this first treatment.”
She lies back on the couch, arms and legs spread, and I note a slight tremor running through her as she submits in this unaccustomed way. While Helen attaches ties to her wrists, I do the same at her ankles, until she is firmly held, spread-eagled before me on the couch.
I must admit that I find the unusual sense of power somewhat arousing, and I suspect that Sara finds the sense of being under my control equally exciting. It would certainly appear so, from the visible moistening and opening of her outer vaginal lips, exposing even more of their coral-pink beauty to my eyes. My eyes meet Helen’s and she nods almost imperceptibly as I lower my head towards Sara’s button, while parting her beautiful lips with my fingers. The aroma of her arousal is extremely strong now, and her musky scent is completely filling the Consulting Room. Even Helen is breathing it in with relish.
Sara’s legs jerk and kick against the restraints when I touch her vagina, and even more so when my mouth clamps over her exposed button. She tries to reach down to my head, but of course, her arms are also restrained.
As I persist with my probing of her vagina and my licking and sucking of her button, her movements become more violent and she is cursing me loudly. Helen whispers to me to continue, though, unless Sara calls for her release, as agreed.
I do, and indeed, I intensify the treatment. I plunge two fingers, now joined by a third, in and out of Sara’s slick vagina, while pressing my mouth ever more firmly over her button, sucking it between my lips and flicking it rapidly with my tongue.
At this moment, Sara seems to resign herself fully to my control, and ceases any pretence of struggle against the restraints. She accepts my control, it seems, and lies back now to relish the feelings coursing through her body. Her hips begin to move, not against, but with my probings, and I curl and expand my fingers inside her body, twisting differently at each stroke in and out.
It does not take many more moments before her climax strikes home, and she literally screams out loud, banging her head back against the pillow time and again, while her limbs thrash wildly, within the restraints of her bonds. Helen is moved to hold her thighs, and I think partakes of some of the visceral energy which is being emitted by Sara’s shaking body.
I withdraw my fingers slowly, against the attempted clenching of her vagina, and lift my head from her button, inhaling the extraordinary scent of a woman in full climax. It is a wonderful aroma.
After a minute or two of relaxation for all parties, Helen and I undo Sara’s restraints, and she sits up to talk, somewhat shakily, about her treatment.
She says that that was an extraordinary experience for her, and she thinks that without the bonds, she would not have been able to tolerate my ‘treatment’ without leaping upon me, and thereby perhaps bringing the occasion to a premature end.
It seems that our judgement of her had been accurate, but we will have to consider whether bonds are necessary for her next appointment, or will she have learned enough already to acquiesce and relish the treatment? She cannot answer that herself yet, but is clearly very pleased with her first experience of our treatment, and keen to make a future date for more.
She dresses herself again, and thanks us both profusely, in unaccustomed humility, it seems. We will talk further at her next appointment, because it seems to me that her husband needs instruction too, but how to achieve that without her dominating again (and possibly thereby emasculating him) is a serious quandary.
Even so, we are all happy with the outcome today!
After Sara departs, Helen is obviously in need of attention herself. I have now learned to control myself a little better during treatments, but nevertheless, there is a pent-up energy within me which needs release now. I think she also became rather aroused this time, perhaps more than with previous clients, and we repair to the bedroom to indulge our own pleasures, as night draws in.
Tomorrow will be another day, and another client.
Though Helen is seeking a fourth to initiate, both Emma and Jane are already clamouring for their second treatments. Helen is adamant that the secret of our success will be ‘repeat business’ such as this, so she is giving priority to these appointments. She does have a new prospect, Lady Emily James, in mind, but feels that she will have to wait a short while now.
We are both agreed that the second treatment for Lady Jane would be a suitable trial for ‘Doctor Watson’s Assistant’ and I feel that Lady Emma would be a suitable case for experimental treatment with a draught of male semen. It is yet to be agreed whether this should be a pre-prepared draught, or a demonstrably fresh one, but we will doubtless agree in advance.
Helen, I think, is a little concerned that my sexual appetites may become somewhat jaded by the number of wives I service, but agrees that today’s evidence shows that that has not occurred yet. She had much enjoyed our coupling after the treatment of Lady Sara.
She is very alert to the possibility, though, and determined to protect us both from that fate.