Hush, Heart

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This poem only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.

Hush, heart,
And look for sunshine;
Slide the pain away into waterfalls of tears
That flow to the sea of
Where white horses gallop away to distant lands
And bear away
From your life.

Hope, heart,
And long for love;
Grasp the dream that bursts forth
Into bloom in the dawn of your eyes
As your soul searches wide
For the man who loves you
Unto the end of your days.

Hold, heart,
To the springing tides;
Dive into the foamy spray
And dance upon the swells
As the sea rolls in with emerald deep
And pushes pearls to the shoreline by your feet.

Hasten, heart,
And never fear;
The day shall come when
He takes you in his arms and
Kisses you softly
And takes you deeply,
And you shall offer him
All you have and
All you are
As long as you live and

Hush, heart,
For this beating clock;
The time sighs away
On the breath of the wind,
And soon you shall be borne away
With your waterfalls
Thundering down to the sea
On the backs of the white horses
To distant lands
When you shall leave this land forever.

Hope, heart,
For it is all that keeps you here.

This poem only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.

Published 12 years ago

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