Betsy and Mary Lynn did not immediately decide to fuck him again. Which was good, because Bob needed rest before he would be ready for more wild sex like they had just finished. The two women took Bob’s arms and led him to the backroom door they had first appeared from. Betsy snagged the gas lantern too so they would have some light. Night had fallen while they had fucked.
The door opened to a small studio apartment off the side of the café. It had a sitting area with a couch and a couple of chairs. Then on the far side, a huge bed. The two windows were both covered on the outside with plywood. Bob and the two women helped each other make their way to the bed. Mary Lynn and Bob sat down on it. Betsy set the lantern down on a small coffee table at the end of the bed. She took the strap-on off and then disappeared through a second door. Bob fell back onto the bed and relaxed.
Any other time he might have been self-conscious about being nude in a strange room, but then his sperm was leaving a wet spot under Mary Lynn as it dripped from her butt. That broke the ice. She lay back beside him, put her head on his chest, and draped an arm across his body. Bob was very conscious of her breasts against his skin.
After a couple of minutes, Betsy returned. She carried a cooking pot and some hand towels. She set it all next to the lantern on the table. The pot contained hot water. The door she had gone through led to the cafe’s kitchen. There was a bar of soap with the towels. And a couple of bottles of water.
The three of them helped each other clean up from their shared encounter. Wiping their own bodies of sweat and fluids, then turning and assisting someone else with the spots they could not reach. They passed the bottles of water among themselves, taking sips and passing them to another. Bob discovered Betsy had a small rose tattoo on the small of her back. The two women saw the bruises from the accident and kissed each one. They kissed him often as well.
Betsy got a little naughty while she wiped the lube from his butt to kiss him there too. He felt her tongue slide slowly across his asshole. Bob was surprised that his cock started to stir, though it never got more than half stiff.
Mary Lynn showed him the bathroom. They had a composting toilet, and she explained to him how it worked.
“We usually lose water and power during these storms now,” she said. “We have a thousand-gallon tank next to the house, but be sparing with what you use. After the last hurricane, it took them two weeks to get it flowing again.”
Finally, the three of them curled together in the center of the bed. Each woman nestled under one of Bob’s arms, with their heads on his chest. Bob made a try at some pillow talk, but he was tired and fading fast. It did not take long before they were all asleep.
The smell of frying bacon woke Bob. He stretched in the bed and noticed he was alone.
While it was still raining outside, it was light enough inside to see. The wind shook the plywood over the windows. Over by the couch, there was a clothesline strung up. Bob’s wet jeans and other stuff hung from it. He saw his sleeping bag and backpack on the floor too. He sat up and found someone had laid out a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt for him.
Bob went to the bathroom and used the toilet, then washed up. He noticed the strap-on Betsy had used on his ass last night was hanging over the pot on the small counter. She must have cleaned the toy after she had gotten up.
The sweat pants were a little tight, but the shirt was fine. Joe’s Clam Shack was printed on the back. The front said, “Just Swallow!”. That caused Bob to chuckle as he dressed.
The door to the restaurant was open, and Bob could hear a noise in the front. He went to see.
“Coffee?” Betsy asked.
There were three booths against the far wall that Bob had not noticed last night. She was sitting in the largest, sipping a big cup. She waved him over. There was a small counter to the right, and Bob could see Mary Lynn working in the kitchen. Bob slid into the booth and over next to Betsy. She was wearing an oversized black t-shirt that ended just below her crotch and some knee-high white stockings. She pushed a coffee cup over and filled it from a pot sitting on the table.
“Feeling better?” she asked. She leaned over and gave him a long kiss. “Seemed like you could use the rest.”
Rest from the ride, he thought, or the amazing sex?
“I’m okay,” he said. “Still a little tired, though.”
There was a plate of sliced fruit and melons on the table. Bob took a small piece and bit into it. He was surprised. It was cold.
“We have a small generator,” she explained when he asked. “But we only use it to keep the freezer and refrigerator cold in emergencies.”
Mary Lynn came out of the kitchen then, carrying a tray. She set it on the table, then leaned down and kissed Bob. She was wearing an apron. When she bent over to pass out the plates, he saw that except for a pair of small blue panties that was all she was wearing. Her side boob was clearly in view. Bob let a hand slide up her leg, and he squeezed that shapely ass. She grinned, turned, and went back into the kitchen. She wiggled her butt as she walked away. Bob felt his cock stir.
Maybe he was not that tired after all.
There was a big platter of scrambled eggs on the tray. There was another of sausage patties and the bacon he had smelt when he woke. There were pancakes with a side of strawberries. Mary Lynn came back carrying a big pitcher of orange juice and some glasses. She had taken the apron off and donned a large t-shirt. It also said Joe’s Clam Shack.
After she set the pitcher down, she slid into the booth on the opposite side of him from Betsy. Her hip pressed against his and her hand briefly dropped into his crotch. She gave his cock a squeeze through the sweat pants and grinned. The food was incredible, and not just because Bob was famished. Mary Lynn was a great cook. They pilled their plates high and made small talk as they ate.
“We could have used you last Fall,” Betsy said when Bob told them he was a lawyer. “We had to go all the way to Pensacola for one when her Dad died to take care of the paperwork.”
Mary Lynn nodded.
Mary Lynn’s dad was the Joe in Joe’s Clam Shack. She had inherited the café after his death. The two worked it together.
Bob found out there was a small town just a few miles away. Had he stayed on the highway, Bob could have found shelter there. Of course, he would not have had as pleasant a reception. According to Mary Lynn, the woman who ran the motel was in her eighties. She was also a devote Churchgoer. Bob laughed. Mary Lynn under the table gave his crotch another squeeze. His cock was hard.
“Damned!” Betsy exclaimed. “Out of cream.”
She had the small dispenser upside down over her empty coffee cup.
“And you know, Mary Lynn,” she said, pouting, “I can’t drink coffee without cream.”
Mary Lynn grinned. Bob felt Betsy’s hand join Mary Lynn’s on his cock.
“If only there was someplace I could get some…,” she looked straight at Bob, then said, “…cream.”
The way she said cream, slowly and sensually, made his hard cock twitch. Bob figured they were heading back to the bedroom now, but Betsy scooted back in her seat. She pulled her legs up under her, then dropped her head into his lap right there in the booth. As she did, Bob noticed she was not wearing panties. With a quick flip of the hand, she freed his cock from his sweat pants. His cock was now stiff and pointed straight up. Betsy’s open mouth found it, and it was just a moment before her nose was in his crotch.
“Holy shit,” Bob exclaimed at the ease that she took his cock without gagging.
Mary Lynn just grinned beside him.
Bob leaned back in the booth. He lifted his arms and put them on the back of the booth. Mary Lynn scooted into his arm, pressing herself, and her large breasts into his chest. They both looked down at the back of Betsy’s head. It was the first time his cock had been in her mouth. He fully expected her to start bobbing up and down. Instead, she kept his cock down her throat.
And then she started swallowing!
How the fuck is she doing that? he wondered. It feels incredible!
Bob had had a few women giving him a blowjob, who had gagged on his cock while it was in their throat. Gagging was the throat trying to push out. What Betsy was doing was different. Her throat squeezed around the base and then pulled. The sensations went down the shaft to the tip, then released, only to start again at the base.
His hand not on Mary Lynn’s shoulder came down, and his fingers grabbed Betsy’s hair. He pressed hard downward, trying to get every inch of his cock in her throat. He groaned loudly, and his eyes fluttered with pleasure. She kept his cock buried deep in her mouth while the muscles in her throat rippled around the shaft. Bob went from being freshly aroused to a moment or two from orgasm in less than a minute.
It did not take long before Bob groaned loudly again, and he came. Just before his sperm shot out, Betsy pulled her head back so just her lips were around the tip of his cock. She teased his cock with her tongue, licking the sensitive spot under the head as his cum filled her mouth. Once Bob was done, Betsy slid her mouth off his cock and sat up.
She looked at Bob, then picked up her coffee cup. Holding it under her mouth, Betsy opened her lips and let a long streamer of his milky, white cum drip into the cup. Then she poured coffee into it from the pot on the table. Picking up her spoon, she scooped up a large portion of sugar and added it as well.
Betsy stirred the coffee slowly, smiling at him. Then she took a long, slow sip and gave him a wink.
Bob chuckled and shook his head. His cock was still hard and still sticking out of his pants under the table.
“Where in the hell,” he asked, “did you learn to do that?”
Both women laughed.
“Betsy’s the Clam Queen,” Mary Lynn said.
Bob gave them a questioning look.
“We have a Fourth of July Clam Festival here every year,” Mary Lynn explained. “There is a clam eating contest, and Betsy won it.”
Betsy, sipping slowly from her cum creamed coffee, held up three fingers.
“Three years in a row,” Betsy said. “You have to swallow a lot to win three times.”
She put one of the fingers on her lips and slid it into her mouth, pretending to suck on it like a cock.
“Woman!” Bob exclaimed, pointing a stern finger at her. “You are so getting fucked now!”
Betsy squealed like an excited teenager, then jumped out of the booth and ran for the backroom. Bob quickly crawled out of the booth, his still hard cock sticking out of his sweat pants, and followed.
Mary Lynn stayed in the booth, laughing.
Betsy let Bob catch her just inside the door. She pretended to fight him as he picked her up and carried her to the bed. He tossed Betsy down, then stood over her. He pulled his t-shirt off and pushed his pants down. His cock stood out stiff and hard. Grabbing her stocking-covered leg, he pulled her towards him. Bob dropped to his knees and started kissing his way up Betsy’s legs. Her t-shirt had ridden up, and he could see her naked pussy. He had not had the chance to taste either woman yet, and he planned to fix that oversight now.
There were a few pillows on the bed beside the one he had used. Betsy reached back and grabbed a couple, then pulled them behind her head so she could watch Bob. She spread her legs to allow him room between them.
Bob gave her a couple of nibbles on the inside of each leg. She shivered. He worked his way closer to her pussy. Now that he had a chance to get a good look at it, it was a pretty pussy. It was bare except for a tuff of blond hair at the top. Her pussy had full lips, and Bob took the time to lick his tongue across each one, from the bottom up to her clit. Her blowjob had gotten her moist, and she tasted wonderful.
Cupping her ass with one hand, he placed his thumb at the bottom of her pussy. He slid his thumb into her a little, then stirred it around. Betsy’s pussy almost sucked it in. He felt her muscles grab onto it and squeeze. Dropping his tongue to his thumb, he licked across the lips, parting them. He let his tongue venture deeper, licking upward as he did.
Betsy lifted her right leg and set her knee on his shoulder. She bent it and let the lower part of her leg curl along the back of his head. With it, she pressed his mouth into her pussy. Bob smiled and licked her harder.
He had his other hand under her left leg, his fingers playing with the underside of her knee where it was sensitive. He let it move up and join the other. He slid the second thumb into Betsy and used them to open her up for his licking. She was starting to get wetter from his actions. Bob felt her hand come down and begin to play with the hair on his head.
There was a noise behind him. He looked up, and Mary Lynn had joined them.
She lifted the t-shirt she was wearing off, exposing her large breasts. Then she slid her panties down her legs. Naked, she walked up to the head of the bed and sat beside Betsy. She draped one arm over Betsy’s shoulder, then leaned down and kissed her. Her other hand started fondling Betsy’s breasts through the t-shirt she wore.
Bob went back to licking Betsy.
He licked up and down her slit, pausing from time to time to lick her around her clit. Soon, from the attention, it hardened and peeked from its hood. Betsy had a large clit. No doubt from all the sex play she had had with her friend Mary Lynn. And from any others, she might have shared a bed with. Bob didn’t think this woman went long without sex.
“How is he?” he heard Mary Lynn ask.
Betsy gave a low moan.
“Not quite in your league,” she replied, “but he’s really close.”
Betsy’s clit was long enough that he could wrap his lips around it and suck on it like a penis. He did and let his tongue flick across it as he sucked softly. At the same time, he slid one thumb out of her pussy. Then he slid the wet digit into her ass.
Betsy gave another moan, this time louder.
“Definitely close,” she said.
Bob smiled with his lips around her clit.
For several minutes, Bob enjoyed licking Betsy. He played with both her ass and pussy with his thumbs. While he did, he licked all along the lips and sucked her clit. She was wet, and her juices collected at the bottom of her pussy, where Bob happily drank them down. Betsy tasted like he imagined the South must taste, of peaches and slow, lazy sex on a hot afternoon.
He felt a tug on his head. When Bob looked up, Mary Lynn gave him a hand sign to scoot down.
Betsy sat up and lifted her t-shirt over her head. Her magnificent tits came into view. Bob smiled, enjoying the sight of both of them now naked. It made his cock twitch and get harder.
Mary Lynn pulled the pillows out from behind Betsy and tossed them on the floor. Betsy lay back down, but this time, there was room for Mary Lynn to sit on her face. She had decided to join the fun and get a few licks from her friend while Betsy did the same from Bob.
Mary Lynn, like Betsy, had a small tuft of hair above her bare pussy. Hers was a dark black like the hair on her head. She also had light tan lines from a bikini bottom that was very small if the lines were an indication. Betsy’s hands came up, and they grasped Mary Lynn’s thighs. With her thumbs, Betsy spread the lips of her pussy. Her tongue came out and began to lick. The erotic sight was framed for Bob by the cleavage of Betsy’s huge tits.
Betsy had an advantage. With Mary Lynn sitting on her face and facing Bob at her feet, Betsy’s nose was in Mary Lynn’s pussy, and her tongue could lick her clit. For Bob, each time he licked Betsy’s clit, his nose was above it. Mary Lynn used that position to slowly slide her crotch back and forth across Betsy’s face.
Bob had his hands free, though, and used that. He took two fingers of his right hand and slid them into Betsy. He began to finger fuck her with them. Bob curled his fingers up to rub against the sensitive area behind her clit. At the same time, he continued to suck hard on that little nub of pleasure. The action started to get Betsy excited, and her hips wiggled around on the bed beneath his mouth. That made it harder to keep licking her. He finally slid the thumb of his left hand back into her asshole to keep her pinned in place.
Mary Lynn played with her tits as she wiggled on Betsy’s face. Her breasts were still too firm to push them up so she could lick her nipples, so instead, she leaned down and let a little spit drip out onto the fingers of one hand. Taking them, Mary Lynn began to pinch her nipple. It got stiff, and then she did the same with the other one. She pushed both breasts together with her palms and let her wet fingers rub her nipples.
Bob could tell his fingering was getting to Betsy by the way she kept trying to move her hips. His finger up her ass prevented her from going too far, though. He could feel her pussy clenching around his fingers too. He started fingering her faster. He wanted at least one orgasm out of her with his mouth.
Mary Lynn dropped her hands from her breasts and put them on Betsy’s. She took the nipples between her fingers and started playing with them. At the same time, Mary Lynn pressed her palms down on Betsy’s breasts. She leaned forward and began grinding herself back and forth on Betsy’s mouth.
Bob could only see the tip of Betsy’s chin now and then only occasionally.
How was Betsy breathing with the way Mary Lynn was pressing down like that? he wondered.
He had had a lover who enjoyed being choked once. She swore the shortness of breath made her orgasms better. Maybe that was the turn-on here.
Both Mary Lynn’s and his actions seemed to be doing the trick. Betsy’s body was wiggling intensely, and he could barely hear her moaning from under there. He added a third finger and increased the speed of his strokes. His hand was rapidly going in and out of her. Her juices were dripping all over his hand.
Mary Lynn was the first to come.
Bob had his face in Betsy but looked up when he heard Mary Lynn groan loudly. She had taken one hand off Betsy’s breast and was using it to rub her clit now. He watched her body shiver, planted on Betsy’s face. She groaned again, and then she came. Bob was surprised. This time, she squirted. Not a lot, but enough that she coated Betsy’s neck and chest with fluid.
Betsy came next. Whether it was the feel of Mary Lynn cumming on her or the actions of Bob’s fingers, Betsy came and came hard. Her body tensed and lifted off the bed, then shivered. She didn’t squirt, but her pussy got even wetter. Bob loved the way her big breasts, now glistening with Mary Lynn’s juices, wiggled on her chest as she had her orgasm.
As he licked her and drank from her pussy, a wicked thought came to him. Bob let her finish, but once she had, he slid back and stood. His cock was stiff and hard. He got onto the bed with a leg on either side of Betsy’s body and worked his way up until he was straddling her stomach. He took his cock and laid it between those wet breasts. With his hands, he pressed Betsy’s tits around his cock and then began to fuck them.
Mary Lynn was still sitting on her face, enjoying her after orgasm. She brought her hands up and placed them on his shoulders. She pulled him close and kissed him. They each slowly moved back and forth while they made out, using Betsy’s body for their stimulation and pleasure.
Bob loved the feeling of Betsy’s tits around his cock. The valley was wet and slick, so his cock easily slid between them. It was a completely different feel than her pussy. The muscles there had been tight and sometimes clenched around him. Her breasts, though, just felt warm, soft, and very pleasant to fuck. He took the nipple of both between his thumb and finger, then twisted them softly as he fucked her tits.
He heard a soft moan coming from under Mary Lynn’s crotch. He took it as Betsy’s approval of what they were doing to her. He leaned over and let spit drip from his lips and drop into the cleavage of her breasts to wet his cock.
Mary Lynn took his head in her hand and pulled his mouth down to her breasts. Her nipples were still stiff, and Bob took them each into his mouth. He sucked on them, nibbled on them with his teeth, and licked them with his tongue. Betsy continued to lick her as Mary Lynn slid back and forth slowly.
It took a couple of minutes, but soon Mary Lynn was again close to an orgasm. Bob was pretty excited too, but he slowed his strokes. Bob wanted to watch Mary Lynn cum up close this time. His hands were still holding Betsy’s tits around his cock, so he just nibbled on Mary Lynn’s neck and ear. Mary Lynn helped him by keeping her body close. When her mouth sought him for a long kiss, he could tell she was about to come.
Mary Lynn moved back until her pussy was on Betsy’s forehead. Bob looked down, seeing Betsy’s face for the first time in many minutes. It was wet and glistening. Betsy was breathing hard too. Bob had been wrong. Mary Lynn had squirted quite a bit. Most of it had gone down Betsy’s throat. The rest had plastered her hair to the pillow.
The sight of Betsy like that was enough to set Bob on his own course to an orgasm. He knew where he wanted it to go too. He had not yet given either woman a good facial and figured Betsy was due. He let her tits go and took his cock in one hand, stroking it. He aimed it at her face. Mary Lynn had one hand of her own, vigorously frigging herself. She moaned into his mouth as they kissed again.
That was enough for them both. Mary Lynn came and again squirted into Betsy’s mouth a warm stream of juices. This time she was joined by Bob’s orgasm. His cock shot several times into Betsy’s open mouth, coating her open lips and wiggling tongue with his sperm. The way her body shivered under him, Bob was sure she was having her own orgasm as she drank their juices down.
They held each other as their shared their orgasms and their pleasure.
After, Bob and Mary Lynn made their way off of Betsy and onto the bed. Bob sat on the bed, catching his breath, but Mary Lynn got up and went into the bathroom. She returned with several wet hand towels. Together, Bob and she cleaned Betsy’s face and body. Betsy smiled as they did it, pushing the stray juices from her face into her mouth with a finger.
“Don’t you just get to going there, Mister,” she said to Bob with a laugh. “And all it took was a little blowjob too.”
Bob grinned and ran a hand up her white stocking-covered leg.
Mary Lynn picked up her t-shirt and panties from the floor and began to dress.
“I need to wash the dishes from breakfast,” she said. Then to Bob, “want to help?”
Bob nodded. He collected his clothing off the floor too.
“How are we looking for the weather?” Betsy asked Mary Lynn.
“Still good,” Mary Lynn replied. “We have at least a couple of hours or more.”
Betsy grinned and stretched out on the bed, still naked. One hand lazily played with her pussy.
Bob gave them both a questioning look.
“Go help, Mary Lynn,” Betsy told him. “When you get done, we’ll have a surprise for you.”