Last Sunday evening, Megan and I lay in bed getting to know one another, touching, fondling, and sharing our thoughts and fantasies. The memory was fresh in my mind all week. It was the only thing that gave me the energy to press on. The knowledge that later in the week, I would keep my promise to her and take her on an adventure that she would never forget was energizing.
The week was a long and difficult one for me. Sorting through everything I own, deciding if anything can be salvaged and what needs to be thrown away. Unfortunately, almost everything was trash. All my furniture, appliances, clothes, and too many personal items to count were now in a dumpster in my driveway. Even one of my cars was ruined by the flood.
Thursday night finally came, just in time. The distraction of educating Megan and showing her there is more to life than being a miserable slave to an unappreciative husband was, to say the least, exciting for me. Living in the extra bedroom suite that was offered by her husband Roger was a Godsend. It gave me a comfortable place to stay and I was able to get to know Megan while he was away through the week. I arrived at the house and went to my room to shower and change. I was a mess from the stench of moldy seawater.
Megan greeted me as I quickly passed through the house. “Hi lover! The babysitter will be here at 6 PM. You have about an hour to get out of those wretched clothes. I need to get ready too. What should I wear tonight?”
“The sexiest, shortest cocktail dress you own. No bra and no panties.”
She looked stunned. “Really? I was going to wear some silky panties that I bought.”
“After shaving you bald the other day, do you really want to cover up that beautiful pussy of yours? Trust me, save them. You’ll not regret going out sans panties and bra tonight.”
Shrugging her shoulders, she said, “Okay. You’re in charge. I made sure I stayed clean all week for this night. I am as smooth as ice.”
Off I went thinking, ‘She seems pretty proud of her new look.’
The downpour of water cascading down my body was heavenly. I took the handheld shower head and ran the warm water between my legs. As the stream ran across my clitoris, my knees grew weak. In a matter of minutes, I started to come. I didn’t realize it, but I must have been quite vocal in my excitement.
I heard a knock at the door. It was Megan. “Are you okay in there? I thought I heard you calling me.”
As the water was striking me just the right way, I was fantasizing about Megan. I must have been calling out her name.
“I’m fine. I’ll be out shortly.” I was giggling to myself. Sometimes I get carried away.
Stepping out of the shower to dry myself, I caught a glimpse of myself in a full-length mirror. For the first time in a long while I looked every bit of my sixty-four years. I still had a hot body but, I was tired both mentally and physically. Had I not promised Megan a night out, I would probably pour myself a Jim Beam, lay on my bed for some self-pleasure, and go to sleep. Instead, I was putting on a very slutty looking leather dress and black boots to match. I call it my biker-bitch outfit, one of the few that survived the flood. I let my hair dry naturally without straightening it, this way it had a natural wind-blown look. A little makeup to doctor my age and I was ready.
The doorbell rang as I was walking out of my room. It was the babysitter. I could hear the commotion from the three children as Megan answered the door.
As I entered the living room, Megan introduced me. “Darlene, this is Anna. I let her know that we might be late so she is going to stay the night with the kids so we don’t have to rush home.”
Anna was not what I expected. She was eighteen but looked like she was twelve. She was short, chunky, and even a little homely. Even though there was nothing attractive about her, I still had a vision of Megan and I coming home and catching her naked in my bed using one of my dildos, and Megan and I having to disipline her.
I cordially greeted her. “Nice to meet you, Anna.”
Then I added, “Megan, whenever you are ready, we should get going.”
The outfit Megan chose was perfect. It was exactly what I told her to wear, a very short red cocktail dress, plain, with a zipper in the back. She had matching ruby-red five-inch heels on her feet. The combination of her five-foot-ten-inch frame made her legs look even longer in the dress and heels. It was tight and showed off her athletic figure perfectly. Her tits were standing up and I wanted to bite into them right in front of Anna. She was going to enjoy the evening.
Megan kissed the three children goodbye, gave some last-minute instructions to Anna, and we were on our way. When we walked outside, it hit me. I had forgotten that my BMW was gone, a casualty of Hurricane Helene. Megan had a minivan, not the kind of vehicle two sluts should be driving when they are on the prowl. We had to use my truck, my Big White Machine as I call it. If we were in New York or Chicago, we would look out of place in a Ford F-350. On the coast of Central Florida, we fit right in, this is hillbilly country.
Like we were on a date, I held the door open for Megan. As she climbed in, her dress rode up and exposed her ass. Perfect! I gave it a little pinch that made her giggle.
Driving out of town, I asked, “Are you nervous?”
No hesitation on her part. “No. Surprisingly, not at all. I’ve done nothing but think about this night since we spoke about it on Sunday. I’m very comfortable with you. I’ll follow your lead.”
“Good. I’ve been thinking about it. I know I mentioned going to the Quality Inn and seeing what can develop at the lounge there. I have a better idea. Let’s stop there for a few cocktails, then, we can venture to a private club that I go to in Tampa. It’s called Eyz Wide Shut, they open at 5 PM, but things don’t get going there until the Playroom opens up later in the evening. I think you will love the place.”
“You’re in charge. Whatever you want is fine with me.”
Classic rock was blasting on the radio. Megan leaned in to turn the volume down. “Darlene, I have to ask, why do you drive this monster? It is the size of a small house. It has to be twenty feet long, and you can seat six adults and still have plenty of room.”
I laughed. “I’ve been asked that before. I usually just say that I love big things and that stops any further questions. The real reason is that I met a man with a truck like this. He kept an air mattress in the back. We used to drive to the beach and climb into the bed and fuck like rabbits. I wanted that all the time. The funny thing is, I’ve never gotten laid in this truck. I do love driving it though. I get a lot of looks and thumbs-up when people see me climbing down out of it.”
“That’s hysterical. We should get an air mattress and try that someday.”
I changed the subject. “Let’s have two drinks at the QI. I don’t want to have too much to drink and then not be able to continue our journey to Tampa. Unless, of course, we hook up right away. Anything is possible.”
“You’re getting me excited. I can’t wait.”
We arrived at the Quality Inn and the parking lot had trucks with license plates from as far away as Texas and Pennsylvania. Just as I suspected, the lounge was packed with utility linemen from all over the country. This would be an easy evening to have our drinks paid for and our desires for some strange cock fulfilled. I was going to see how this all played out before I suggested we leave.
We walked into the lounge. “Oh my God, Darlene, I feel like I am at a livestock auction. Look at all these bulls just ready for the taking. They are all staring at us.”
“Yeah, I had a feeling it would be like this. We can take them two or three at a time if you want.”
“Really! Have you done that too? You never stop amazing me. I don’t know if I could handle more than one.”
I just smiled. “You do what you want, whatever you feel comfortable doing. If this isn’t working for you, we can leave. In the meantime, I see my first target. Just get my attention if you decide that this isn’t for you.”
Megan watched me as I walked away from her. There was only one seat at the bar. It was next to a burly-looking man. He had a full beard and was wearing a Dallas Cowboys T-shirt, tight jeans, and what looked like snakeskin boots. His arms were as thick as thighs. He smelled freshly showered, a definite plus. I’m guessing he just came in from a full day of repairing downed electric lines.
Brenda, the bartender walked over to me. “The usual, Jim Beam, rocks, and a splash of water?”
I answered her with a nod of my head.
In my usual wise-ass voice, I greeted him, “Hey there, Lone Star, come here often.”
He never looked at me, just staring straight ahead. “Nope.”
“Wow. You’re a real talker. I’m just being friendly.”
Without looking at me, he said, “I don’t pay for it.”
“You fucking asshole, you think I’m working? I came in for a drink with my daughter, that’s all.” I turned away, ignoring him.
I have no idea why I called Megan my daughter. Both of us have blond hair and she is young enough to be my daughter, so, I figured I would roll with that scenario for now. So many men have that Mother-Daughter fantasy, I thought it might get his blood flowing. It didn’t. He sat silent, sipping his beer. I decided to not waste my energy on him.
Megan seemed to be doing fine without me. She was sitting at a table with several men. I had a vision of her being taken to a room and gangbanged. She was like a fawn about to be ravaged by a pack of wolves. I wasn’t sure if I should go to her. She is fairly naïve, I didn’t want her to be overwhelmed in the first ten minutes of our night out.
My glass was empty, and Brenda promptly poured me another. I raised my hand to signal that was going to be my last drink. She knows me so well, smiling and understanding my sign language. I took my drink and walked over to join Megan and the cadre of men.
“Gentlemen, I see you’ve met my daughter. My name is Darlene.”
One of the men stood out, obviously he was in charge of this group, probably a supervisor or foreman. “Hello Darlene. Your daughter has been very friendly. She mentioned that she was here with her mother. I didn’t expect such a young woman. When I saw you walk in, I thought you were sisters.”
This guy is so full of shit. He is trying hard, too hard but, for Megan’s sake, I decided to go with the flow. “Oh, thank you. You must need glasses.”
It hit me. Megan said she was here with her mother. That surprised me. Is it possible she was thinking the same thing I was? The Mother-Daughter fantasy would get these visitors excited.
He continued, “My name is Phil. This is my crew. I won’t name them all, you won’t remember the names anyway. We’re from Alabama, working to get power restored in the area. This coast was hit pretty hard.”
I decided to not tell him my sad story. It was a night to have fun, and Megan seemed to be the center of attention. I could tell, they were hard-working, hard-drinking men. This was perfect, exactly what I expected. My guess was, within the hour, we would all be in one of the rooms having an orgy. It would be Megan’s first.
Everyone’s drinks were nearly empty when Phil stood up. I thought, ‘Here we go’ when he announced, “Ladies, you’ll have to excuse us now. Men, we have an early morning and too much work for us to get drunk.”
With that, the entire team cleared out, leaving Megan and I sitting there. I couldn’t believe it. Looking over at Brenda, even she had a frown and a look of amazement. All that testosterone gone to waste, a real shame.
“C’mon, Megan, let’s get out of here. We’ll head to Tampa. Two strikes and we are done. I never try a third time.”
We stood and walked out to the Big White Machine. Several men saw us climbing into my white beast and started making comments. I ignored them. When people see me lifting myself into this truck it usually draws attention, especially when I am wearing a short dress. It always rides up and gives anyone close by a peak at my goodies.
The drive was under an hour. It was dusk, and traffic was exceptionally light. I could tell by Megan’s lack of enthusiasm that she was either very nervous or disappointed that nothing happened at the Quality Inn. For the first few minutes, we were silent. I wanted to give her some time to gather her thoughts. The club we were going to was something different from anything she would ever experience, and I was ready for her questions.
She broke the silence. “What did I do wrong?”
Certainly not the question I was expecting. “Wrong? What do you mean?”
“A half dozen men were fawning over us, and all of a sudden, it was over. Did I do something to scare them off?”
“Oh Megan, you didn’t do anything. We didn’t do anything wrong. I struck out at the bar, the guy was an asshole, he thought I was a hooker. Shit happens. We could have stuck around, and I am sure both of us would have wound up in a room with someone. When I saw you at the table with those men, I thought for sure that the two of us were going to have an all-night gangbang. Sometimes things just don’t work out. It’s not a big deal.”
That seemed to satisfy her and she changed the subject. “So tell me about where we are going?”
That was the question I expected. “Eyz Wide Shut. It is a special kind of club. One half is a nightclub, a place to meet people. You can sit and have a drink or mingle. There is a DJ and a dance floor. It is a fun place.”
Her curiosity was obvious. “What about the other half?”
‘Atta’ girl,’ I thought to myself. “It is a sex club. There are about ten themed rooms with queen-sized beds. Each room has a window for voyeurs, or if you want privacy, you can close the curtains. My favorite room though is the large public room. It has dozens of beds out in the open. There are several bondage devices too. The first time I was nervous. After about five minutes, you forget that you’re in a room with sixty other people, all nude, and all involved in some manner of orgasmic bliss.”
“Oh my God, I can’t wait! This is so exciting.”
We pulled into the parking lot. The place looks like every other warehouse in this industrial area of Tampa. Thousands of people drive past every day and have no idea what goes on behind the closed doors of this building.
We paid a cover charge and walked into the lounge area. It was unusually crowded for a Thursday night. It was mainly couples milling about enjoying the music, several couples were dancing. We stepped to the bar for a cocktail. Megan’s nipples were prominent as she took a sip of her drink. It didn’t take long for her to be approached.
A handsome man in his mid-forties greeted her. “Hi, my name is Keith. Would you care to dance?”
He was tall, and they looked good together. He wasn’t much of a dancer, but in this place, it didn’t matter. The music ended, and she returned to where I was sitting. Keith returned and invited me to the dance floor.
“I love that a Mother-Daughter would enjoy this place together. Have you been here before?”
Megan has continued the scenario that started back at the QI. Like I said, most men have that fantasy, she picked up on that, and Keith was no different. “I have been here. You?”
“I came here about six months ago with a woman I went to college with. We reconnected after about twenty years. She wanted to experience this and didn’t want to go alone. It turned out, it wasn’t her thing. We went to the big party room and she was approached by two men. That freaked her out. We left after a half-hour. I never had the opportunity to enjoy what this place has to offer.”
He seemed like a decent person. “Well, if you stick around, I am sure you will have a great time here.”
The music stopped and the announcement was made that the Playrooms were now open.
With that, the dancefloor started to clear out. I turned to find Megan, and she was nowhere to be found. I thought to myself, ‘She’s a big girl, I’m sure she’ll be fine.’ When I turned around, Keith had also vanished. I decided to venture into the locker room to strip out of my dress. For the first time since my divorce, I was self-conscious about my age. I kept my thigh-high biker boots on. It gave me that slutty-looking edge. I needed to feel seductive, and the boots accomplished that.
I entered the playroom, the one called the Hedonism Room, to see what kind of shenanigans I could get myself into. It didn’t take long. The beds were filling up rapidly. One had two couples in a circle all pleasuring one another orally. Just beyond them was a man and a woman lying there, kissing and cuddling with each other. He motioned to me to come join them. This is why I love this place, noncommittal sexual encounters.
“This is Tina and I am Jeff. We saw you in the lounge and knew we wanted to get to know you better.”
They were a good-looking couple a little younger than me. Jeff rolled over onto his back exposing a very healthy hard-on. His dick stood up like a flagpole. Tina started to stroke it.
“Thanks for the invite, I’m Darlene. I love meeting new friends.”
I moved to the opposite side of Jeff. Tina’s hand moved to his balls, fondling and squeezing him. Instinctively, I took him into my mouth. I swallowed his entire shaft. It had been a while since I pleasured a man orally. Tina seemed to enjoy watching me. I started a rhythm that put Jeff into a trance.
Tina held his balls tight and said, “This is Jeff’s favorite thing. He loves to have his cock sucked. Don’t let him come too quick. If he does, you and I are going to wind up in a 69 until he recovers. Not that I would mind that but, he is a one-and-done kind of guy.”
Lifting my head and in a joking manner, I said, “Oh my, that would be terrible, wouldn’t it? I want to save him so he can fuck me while you watch.”
She leaned into me and kissed me. “I can taste his cock in your mouth.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a man passing. He was sporting a chrome cock ring. It was Keith. I waved him over. “Keith, this is Tina and Jeff. She needs some attention while I fuck her man.”
He didn’t say a word. His arms reached out, took Tina by the shoulders, and moved her onto her back. Before I could take Jeff back into my mouth, Keith had Tina’s legs spread and was starting to impale her. Seeing that made me want Jeff inside me.
Instead of continuing my oral effort, I threw a leg over his body. He didn’t move. My hand guided him into me. I took my time, lowering onto him, enjoying every inch. His cock was smooth and straight, a perfect fit.
“Jeff, I love your dick. You feel so good inside me.”
His hips started to pivot with an in-and-out motion. It felt heavenly. It had been a while since I enjoyed the sensation of a cock. I leaned into him, raising my torso up and down. The position was just enough to grind my clit in his pubic hair. I started to lose my self-control. I sat straight up, raising my arms above my head.
“Pinch my nipples!” I screamed.
He reached up with both hands and tightened his fingers with a grip that was like pliers. I screamed, loving the pain and I started to come. As soon as I started to have an orgasm, the pain disappeared, yet he was twisting as hard as I’ve ever experienced. Everything around me became a blur. It was an amazing sensation that made my body twitch and flutter. It was a long-lasting spasm that was like shock waves through my body. His fingers finally released me and I collapsed on top of him. As I regained my composure, I could hear Tina screaming.
I lifted myself off of Jeff. I was still quivering as I rolled onto my back.
“I’m not done with you,” he said.
His hands were strong. He took me by the hips and in a single motion, flipped me over and raised me. I was on my knees, ass in the air and I came face to face with Tina. Before he started, I knew what was about to happen. He spread me open and started to run his tongue up and down my asshole. My pussy was soaked. His fingers began to daub and spread some of the lava from my orgasm on my anal opening. I could feel his prod and poke, preparing me for an assault.
The sensation of his cock thrusting in was dizzying. He was an animal as he plunged into my opening. Tina leaned into me and started to kiss me. I couldn’t tell but, I think she was also taking Keith in her ass. As he started to pump in and out, the pressure was creating sensitivity in my body that I rarely experience. I started to have an anal orgasm.
“Oh fuck me, Jeff, don’t stop, it’s happening, Oh God… I’m coming!”
When I cried out, he surged deep into me. I could feel the warm stream of cum flooding my body. As soon as he finished pumping his seed, he pulled out of me, leaving me there to bask in a feeling of euphoria. It took a few minutes for me to compose myself. I rolled onto my back, watching Keith continue to pound Tina. I wanted more, but Jeff was nowhere to be found. I knew it was time for me to move on, to find another encounter. Then, it dawned on me… where was Megan?
It took some time for me to pull myself together. When I stood, I could feel the remnants of Jeff trickling out of me. I made my way to the locker room, pulled my boots off, and took a quick shower. A ten-minute break, and I was a new woman, ready for another round of sexual escapades.
The owners of Eyz Wide Shut added a dungeon to the club. It was new and I hadn’t visited it yet so I decided to wander in and see what was going on. This is where I found Megan. She was the main attraction in a gangbang that included both men and women. It was quite a sight. She was bent over and bound to a bench exposing her completely. It gave access to anyone who wanted her for their pleasure.
It was obvious that she already had been used several times. When I found her, a very masculine lesbian was fucking her with a strap-on. I could tell Megan loved the attention. While she was being used by the bull-dyke, a man stepped up to her and offered his cock to her mouth. She didn’t hesitate. He disappeared down her throat. I found a chair and joined several others as we watched her come.
The small crowd started to clap and cheer as she was losing control. A young man sitting next to me was stroking his erection as he watched. Being the helpful person I am, I decided to take over for him. He was covered in pre-cum and less than a minute passed when I chose to mount him. We were both on his chair, he held me up as I straddled him cowboy-style. He leaned into me and started to bite my nipples. Now I was matching Megan’s orgasmic frenzy.
My new friend didn’t last long. I knew he was about to come so I lifted off him. He shot a load of semen onto his stomach. Never wanting to waste a good eruption, I knelt in front of him and licked and swallowed his cum. I love the sweet-salty taste, it is so arousing. He just sat back, exhausted, allowing me to clean him.
When I was finished, I sat back in the chair. The dyke with the strap-on was replaced by a young buck. I moved closer so Megan knew I was there. Her tits were suspended, swaying back and forth as she was being fucked. The sight of her being utilized as a pleasure toy for anyone who wanted her was amazing. I thought about her husband and what would he think if he saw his conservative, church-going wife being exploited like a whore.
Our eyes met, and she smiled. It was obvious that she had been fucked several times. Her makeup was running down her cheeks and she had remnants of cum on her face and back. I thought it was time to rescue her. She didn’t ask but I thought I could see in her face that she had enough. The young buck was slamming into her hard, and she loved it.
“Darlene! I’m coming again!”
When he heard her say that, he yelled, “Me too! Take it, you bitch!”
Then it was over. He filled her cavity with his spunk. She was still, her body limp from the multiple orgasms. I went to her and untied her, helping her off the bench. She was trembling and a little weak as she stood up. She was a mess.
“That was amazing. I loved being watched by so many people. Some of the men were jerking off, coming all over me. Did you see that? I even had several women make me lick their pussy while their partners fucked me. I want to come back here.”
Megan’s excitement amazed me. I thought she was at her breaking point, possibly unable to stop her onslaught. My assumption was wrong. She was in full control of her situation, loved it, and wanted more. I’ve liberated a caged tiger.
I was laughing to myself. “I had no idea that you were such a tramp. Come with me. You’re a mess, let’s get you cleaned up. There are showers in the locker room. You’ll feel better after a nice hot shower.”
“There’s a locker room?”
I stopped dead in my tracks. “Yes, there is a locker room. Where is your dress? Didn’t you hang it in a locker?”
She had that ‘deer in the headlights’ look. “I don’t remember where I left it. I remember a beautiful redhead unzipping the back and it fell away. I think she put it somewhere.”
Great! Now I have to wander around the entire club looking for a nude redhead to find Megan’s dress. There are only a hundred people in various stages of coitus in the playroom. This should be interesting. I can see it now, ‘Excuse me, sorry to interrupt your orgasm. Have you seen a red cocktail dress anywhere? Possibly being carried by a naked redhead?’
Megan went to shower while I was in search of her dress. As luck would have it, I found it almost immediately. I was thrilled that she never took off her heels. I would have never found them if she was barefoot. The dress was balled up against a couch in a corner. I bent over to pick it up when I felt a hand grab my ass. I didn’t even flinch. In this place, that goes on all the time.
With the dress in hand, I sat on the couch. A gentleman with silver hair knelt between my legs, spread them wide, and started to suck on my clit. His tongue circled, teeth nibbled and lips locked onto me. He knew what he was doing. It only lasted a few minutes, bringing me to the brink of delirium. Then he was finished.
“Perfect! Thank you, that was wonderful.”
The stranger said nothing as he stood. He bent over, kissing me, then walked away. Sex the way it ought to be, autonomous and effective. I took a moment to compose myself and continued on my mission to bring Megan her dress to wear when we leave. When I arrived back in the locker room, Megan was just stepping out of the shower.
When she saw me, she said, “That felt great. Oh, wonderful, you found my dress.”
“Yes. Here. Put it on before you lose it again,” I said sarcastically.
“What about you and me?”
I had a quizzical look on my face. I didn’t understand the question. “What do you mean?”
“Aren’t you going to make love to me? I was hoping that the two of us could spend some time together. I wanted to find a man to share.”
“It is getting late and we have a little bit of a drive back home. We should probably get going and give Anna a break. Your kids will be up early looking for you.”
Hearing myself, I couldn’t believe I was the voice of reason. Usually, I never want to end a night like this.
With a slight look of disappointment, she said, “Okay. You’re right.”
Megan slithered back into her dress and put her high heels back on. She looked good. For just a few seconds, I thought about what she said. I considered staying for a while longer. Better judgment took over. We started to make our way to the exit. Megan was moving slowly. I took her by the hand.
“Sorry, we have to take our time. I didn’t realize it, I’m a little sore and wobbly. One time you were kidding around and you mentioned that you were a three-input woman. Now I know what that feels like.”
I’m sure she did. This was all very new to her. After being the centerpiece in a wild gangbang, and her first anal experience, I’m surprised she is moving as well as she is. When we arrived at the Big White Machine, I had to help her up into the seat. I fired up the diesel and pulled out onto Adamo Drive. By the time we stopped for the first traffic light, Megan was sound asleep.
The ninety-minute ride was quiet. As I looked over at Megan, I couldn’t help but think, ‘Her life is different now. What is her future going to be like with Roger? Will she go back to her traditional role as a subservient wife or will she enjoy a new life of exploration and physical enjoyment?’ Only time will tell.