Humiliation At The Care Home Yet Again

"Dale is again disciplined in front of the other residents"

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Dale and Mary had been in the care home for a year now and felt relaxed and settled in. They were sitting in the small lounge at the care home, watching TV, and didn’t pay much attention when Governess Carson came in, accompanied by another young woman. They had to pay more attention when Governess Carson went and switched off the TV, turned and looked at the several grannies in the lounge, and commanded, “Can I have your attention, please?”

Everybody knew that Governess Carson was the law in the home and never liked to be disobeyed or ignored. Therefore, albeit reluctantly but certainly obediently, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at Governess Carson.

Dale quickly looked around the room and saw just how obedient all of the other grannies were. Of course, like herself, each and every one had at one time or another been put across Governess Carson’s lap and had her bare bottom and the tops of her legs severely spanked. Most had also had to bend over a chair, grabbing the seat, and present their bare bottom for what was always a minimum of six strokes, and had been as much as thirty-six strokes. 

Governess Carson looked around the room searching for any granny who was not looking directly at her. In her mind that was an offence that deserved at least having the granny’s legs smacked, but then, depending upon how quickly they became obedient, that could easily become a long and hard spanking, or even the cane.

It was always Governess Carson who caned the grannies, and it was the carers who would, quite often, decide that a granny needed to be disciplined and send her to the Governess. It wasn’t so different to when Dale was at sixth-form college and girls were sent by either a teacher or prefect to the headmistress and she was so aroused seeing the distraught state of the girls both before and after they were caned, just as she was turned on by the unquestioned authority of the strict teachers and dominant prefects. 

Governess Carson was still glaring at the grannies as she announced, “I want to introduce you to Deputy Governess Stone who will be transferring from another care home in the group, and will be taking over from me when I move to a much larger care home, also in the group. Deputy Governess Stone complained that discipline within the home that she is at is nowhere near strict enough, with many of the residents running riot. She has therefore jumped at the chance to come here, where, as we all know, discipline is much more of a priority. Deputy Governess Stone is eighteen-years-old and so well able to deal with you all, when necessary.”

Governess Carson looked around the room hiding a smirk, knowing that whilst the residents knew that she was leaving and couldn’t wait for her to go because she was so strict, they would now be thinking that they weren’t going to get the easier life that they had hoped for under a new Governess.

Governess Carson continued, “So, Deputy Governess Stone will be shadowing me for the next couple of weeks and so you can expect her to participate in the discipline of any of you that earn it.”

Again, Governess Carson allowed what she had said to sink in and was delighted to see the looks of dismay on so many of the grannies’ faces. She knew, though, that she was right in disciplining the old women, and was a staunch supporter of discipline. Overall, it made running the home much easier for the carers, and meant the grannies knew what they could and couldn’t do given the boundaries and rules that were set.

Governess Carson then said, “I need to show Deputy Governess Stone one of your bedrooms to explain how we expect them to be kept neat and tidy.” She then looked around the room and, settling on Dale, said, “Oh, yes, Dale, we will go and inspect your room, please.”

As Dale listened to Governess Carson she was initially elated when it was confirmed that Governess Carson was leaving, and even happy when she realised that the young woman with her today was taking over from her because she looked such a sweet young thing, but then distraught when told that Deputy Governess Stone would be continuing the strict regime. As she heard Governess Carson say that she wanted to inspect one of the bedrooms, Dale immediately thought how sorry she felt for whoever was chosen, knowing no one in the room wanted to be under the microscope.

So, when her name was called, she gasped and everyone saw the look of horror on her face, but she knew that she could not argue with the Governess. Anyway, she had tidied her room just before coming downstairs and so knew she would be okay with the inspection.

One of the carers went over to Dale and helped her to her feet. Dale was still nervous, but put on a brave face, and, smiling, said, “I’m very pleased to meet you, Deputy Governess Stone.“

Dale did have to admit that Deputy Governess Stone had a very pretty young-looking face, framed with her dark hair that sat in a bun with a lovely fringe. She did look strict but nice in her short-sleeved dress which showed off her well-toned bare arms and bare legs and, Dale reckoned, she was a regular at the gym. 

Deputy Governess Stone gave a forced smile to Dale, and replied, “I am pleased to meet you as well, Dale.“

Dale caught her breath as she definitely got the feeling that the comment was put on for her benefit, and wasn’t meant. However, she decided she should take the Deputy Governess at face value and still hoped that she would end up being less strict than Governess Carson.

Moments later, Governess Carson, Deputy Governess Stone, and Dale, were walking along the corridor towards the lift. Dale found it very noticeable that the Governess and Deputy Governess were chatting to each other, and pretty much ignored her. That wasn’t unusual so far as Governess Carson was concerned because, whilst she happily chatted to her team, it was very rare for her to chat as amenably to the residents. 

So, even as they walked along the corridor, Governess Carson was chatting to Deputy Governess Stone, who said with a laugh, “I see what you mean about so many granny women with creased skin, turkey necks, bat wings, and fleshy thighs and tummies.”

Governess Carson replied, “Yes, but as we have them wearing short dresses the carers can more easily smack their legs and turn them bright red.” Governess Carson continued, “As I have explained to you, Deputy Governess, we do ask residents to comply with the various rules that we have set. I have found that by setting boundaries the residents are far happier knowing exactly what they can and cannot do. That is pretty much the same in any regime where those in leadership need to know that their requests are immediately followed. These grannies were brought up with rules which were not enforced severely enough as a slap on the wrist was more likely than anything that was seen as a deterrent. So, here, we have the rules but also the deterrent as well.”

After a moment she added, “However, whilst strict, I am always fair because only that way can a level of trust be established. Suffice to say, however, I never get any arguments from the residents, though.”

Dale knew she was always turned on by listening to Governess Carson’s stern tone of voice and knew her knickers were already damp and felt Deputy Governess Stone also had a delightfully stern tone.

Governess Carson then explained, “Dale, here, is not one of the better-behaved residents and has had her legs smacked by the carers on too many occasions to think about. As you know, I do allow the carers to smack the residents legs, helped by the fact that the residents’ dresses have a very high hem, and that also lets me know which residents have been naughty because the red marks remain show for a while as the residents walk around the home.”

So, as well as getting aroused, Dale was also getting more and more embarrassed as Governess Carson explained how she, amongst other residents, were regularly disciplined by the carers, who were all eighteen or nineteen-years-old, and so very young compared to the average age of the granny residents. Even so, she couldn’t stop her vagina fluttering and quivering as she thought about being put across Governess Carson’s lap and pictured herself there now, even as she was walking along the corridor.

Governess Carson continued, as though Dale wasn’t with them, “I suppose that Dale gets sent to me about once a week, although there have been occasions when I have had to deal with her two or three times in a week. On each occasion, I have had to put her across my lap and give her a well deserved bare bottom spanking, which, as you know, means that her bottom and the tops of her legs have to end up glowing red. Each time she is spanked I have also had to use my paddle hairbrush which, also as you know, turns naughty grannies bare bottoms a lovely bruised blue colour. It’s a shame that the same doesn’t happen in your current care home, Deputy Governess.”

 Deputy Governess Stone answered enthusiastically “Exactly, Governess Carson. Whilst at my home discipline is not enforced anywhere near as strictly as here, I have had occasion to scold the residents to make them understand what they have done wrong. However, much to my dismay, we have never been allowed to physically discipline them even though there have been so many occasions when I knew that that would be a far better way of handling misbehaviour. I have little doubt that giving a good spanking or caning would deal with the matter far more quickly and much more effectively. That is why I was so happy to be offered this position so I can continue the very strict enforcement of the rules that you have put in place.”

As Dale listened to Deputy Governess Stone, she had very mixed feelings. After all, although she had been spanked on so many occasions, she had always returned to her room, laid on her bed, slipped her fingers into her knickers and along her very wet pussy lips, and given herself so many wonderful orgasms. It’s not that she misbehaved on purpose, but, when she was caught out, she knew that she got more and more aroused when being scolded by one of the teenage carers, knowing that she was then going to be sent to Governess Carson and dealt with by an albeit young but very mature Governess. Therefore, as they walked along the corridor, she was sure that Deputy Governess Stone would be dealing with her sooner or later, just as Governess Carson had done so often.

They got to the lift and went to the second floor and Dale still felt quite relaxed as they walked along the corridor to her room knowing that she had tidied her room before coming downstairs. So, as Governess Carson opened her bedroom door and walked in she was as shocked as the other two when she saw her clothes strewn across her bed and on the floor. 

Dale was even more shocked and indeed, horrified when she saw the angry look on Governess Carson’s face who glared at Dale and said sternly, “How dare you come downstairs and leave your room in such a mess? I get so many complaints from the carers that you old women create so much additional work for them. They even ask for permission to be allowed to spank your bottoms rather than just smack your legs, and I have resisted that for so long. However, when I see a messy room like this I wonder whether I should allow the carers to give you all a hard spanking first before being sent to me so that I can give you a second spanking and, rather more if necessary. I will certainly be thinking about that, and discussing that with Deputy Governess Stone.”

Dale still didn’t know just how her bedroom was so messy as it wasn’t when she left it to go downstairs to the lounge just half an hour ago. However, as she looked around the room she saw a note with the written message, “Your turn.” Dale winced as she remembered playing a joke on Mary. They were still lovers and had spent lots of occasions together in one or other of their bedrooms, giving each other finger and tongue sex. Both got aroused by being disciplined by the young Governess, and, Mary, more than anyone else, wound up the carers so that she got her legs smacked.

It had become a standing joke between the two of them that Mary so enjoyed having her legs smacked that she should mess her room up knowing that the carers could at least smack her legs for that. Only yesterday Dale had played on that joke and deliberately messed up Mary’s room. When Mary eventually came back downstairs, after being told to return to her bedroom by one of the carers, her legs were redder than anyone had ever seen them before. So, Dale, knew, from the handwriting style, that it was Mary who had messed up her room this time.

Governess Carson was still glaring at Dale when she said to Deputy Governess Stone, “Well, Deputy Governess, I guess you are going to see discipline first hand rather quicker than you expected.”

With that, Governess Carson ordered, “Right, you naughty old granny, let’s go back downstairs and discuss this in front of the other residents.”

Dale felt more and more uncomfortable as they made their way back downstairs and Governess Carson made it so clear that she was going to get such a severe thrashing. They re-entered the lounge and went straight over to the high-backed chair that Governess Carson used when spanking or caning a resident there. It was next to the cabinet where some paddle hairbrushes and canes were stored.

Governess Carson explained what had just been discovered and there were murmurs of sympathy from around the room, but everyone accepted the decision. Even Mary, who was blushing and wanted to say sorry, but told herself that would have to wait.

Once seated, Governess Carson ordered, “Stand sideways on and hold your dress hem above your waist so I can smack your legs.”

Dale winced as she did as she was told, knowing that she couldn’t blame Mary because that would be so unfair. She, therefore, stood sideways onto Governess Carson holding the hem of her dress up above her waist knowing how hard her legs were about to be smacked.

A few moments later she felt Governess Carson‘s hand rubbing the back of her left leg up and down, then it stopped, and the next moment she felt the pain of her hand smacking the back of her leg. She knew that it was never just one smack, or indeed just a few smacks. So, as expected, Governess Carson continued to smack the back of her left leg time and again, and each time the pain intensified. 

Dale didn’t count the number of smacks but reckoned it will have been at least thirty smacks just on the back of one leg. Governess Carson then manoeuvred Dale so that she had a good target in the back of her right leg. After a few rubs up and down once again the smacking was given in earnest, and her right leg started to sting more and more intensely. On and on the smacks landed and Dale knew that she was letting out a gasp after each smack. As always, Dale hated her legs being smacked, although she was still pretty confident that, if left alone afterwards, she would end up on the bed giving herself an orgasm or two.

Eventually, but only once both legs were stinging madly, Governess Carson stopped smacking the backs of Dale’s legs. She then announced, to Dale’s horror, “I think you probably get the method, Deputy Governess Stone. I think that if you sit where I’m sitting, you can do the same to the fronts of Dale’s very naughty legs. Do you agree that she deserves to have the front of her legs smacked?”

As Dale again winced, this time with tears filling her eyes, she heard Deputy Governess Stone reply, “I can certainly see how well you have smacked her legs, Governess Carson, and agree that her room is so messy that a further punishment is definitely required. I will, therefore, be very happy to take over from you.”

A few moments later Governess Carson was standing and Deputy Governess Stone was seated, and Dale had been turned around so that the fronts of her legs were now the target. She sniffed back tears as she saw Deputy Governess Stone lean forward and start to rub the front of her right leg. She had never been smacked on both the back and front of her legs during the same punishment and so wasn’t sure exactly how bad it would feel, but was pretty sure that she would be reduced to tears very quickly.

So, as she saw Deputy Governess Stone pull her hand back, she held her breath as she saw the hand being whipped down and then land on the front of the leg, and gasped as the pain cascaded up and down the front of her thigh. Of course, the smacks continued to land in quick succession, making their way up and then back down her thigh and then back up and down again. She felt that the smacks were at least as hard as those that had been given by Governess Carson to the backs of her legs, but that didn’t matter so much now the stinging feeling was intensifying on the front of her leg as well.

Deputy Governess Stone seemed happy with the way that she had turned the front of Dale’s right leg bright red, and looked up and asked, “Well, Governess Carson, do you think that is good enough for the first leg?“

Governess Carson maintained her stern look as she replied, “I think that is a very good first attempt, Deputy Governess Stone. Let’s see you do the same with the other leg.“

There were more murmurs of sympathy from the watching residents although, as usual, they were just happy that it wasn’t them being disciplined in front of everyone.

As Dale felt Deputy Governess Stone’s hand rubbing the front of her left leg, she thought how much she already loved her sensually haughty, “Do as I say, or else,“ voice, and that she was showing that she also had a level of maturity and authority that exceeded her eighteen-years-of age, just as Governess Carson had. So, even if she did turn out to be as strict as Governess Carson, which looked more and more likely, she would be a good governess for the care home.

As usual, once the stinging took a hold, Dale stopped thinking about either of the young women’s ages or maturity and focused on trying to stay standing still as her legs were smacked, knowing that if she moved it would increase her punishment.

Dale once again didn’t count the smacks but just couldn’t wait for the punishment to be over. Eventually, it was, but she was again horrified as she heard Deputy Governess Stone say, “If I may say so, Governess Carson, but I think it would teach a jolly good extra lesson if I were to also smack the insides of this naughty grannies thighs as well. As you know, the inner thigh is even more susceptible to pain than the fronts and backs of the legs.”

Governess Carson sounded very happy and she replied, “I think that is a perfect idea, Deputy Governess Stone.”

On hearing that, Deputy Governess Stone ordered, “Okay, then, Dale, sit on this chair and hold your arms together behind the back of the chair and make sure that your legs are well-parted, keeping the hem of your dress above your waist.”

Moments later, an even more distraught Dale was seated knowing that her inner thighs were now the perfect target, although at least her pussy mound was covered by her knickers. She was crying as she felt Deputy Governess Stone rubbing her inner thigh. Of course, Dale didn’t mind the initial rubbing of her inner thigh which she knew was sending flutters flying around her vagina, but, although intense, that lasted just a few moments before Deputy Governess Stone raised her hand and then Dale felt the first smack on her inner thigh.

She yelped as the pain cascaded around her inner thigh, and, as with the front and backs of her legs, Dale knew that it was never going to be just one smack, and, indeed, she was crying freely as the smacks continued to rain down on her inner thigh. Again, as usual, the erotic flutters soon stopped as the smacks rained down.

Dale was crying uncontrollably as she heard the instruction from Deputy Governess Stone, “I will now smack your other leg, you naughty granny.“

Dale knew she still had to be obedient because there were much worse punishments than having her legs smacked if she disobeyed. So, moments later, she felt Deputy Governess Stone rubbing the inside of her left thigh, which again got her so sexually excited for those few seconds even though she knew just what was about to happen. Moments later the first smack landed and that was followed time and again by smack after smack working their way up and down and back up and down her left inner thigh.

The smacks suddenly stopped leaving Dale continuing to cry uncontrollably but quickly her feelings of arousal returned. She knew her pussy lips were damp now and so wanted to run her fingers along them and just wanted to be sent to her room. However, she dare not ask, though was pretty sure her knickers would be stained by her dribbling sex juice as she was so aroused when having her inner thighs rubbed.

Dale was crying so much she didn’t hear Governess Carson say in a quiet voice to Deputy Governess Stone, “You will see from the stain on her knickers that she is actually aroused by being smacked. That is not the first time with her, and, I can tell you, it happens almost every time I have spanked or caned her. I don’t think that she is one of those grannies who is purposely naughty in order to earn a spanking or a caning, but she certainly gets aroused when she is disciplined.“

Deputy Governess Stone smiled and whispered her reply, “I did notice the staining develop, and I remembered you telling me that during our first meeting. I wasn’t sure whether you were kidding, but assumed that you weren’t, and, now that I have seen it, I know exactly what you meant.”

Dale was allowed to cry for a while, but, once she had calmed down a bit, Governess Carson ordered in a louder tone for the benefit of the watching residents, “Do not think for a second that your discipline and punishment is over, because it is not, and by a long way.” Governess Carson then continued, “We need to turn this very naughty granny’s bottom the same colour as her legs.”

Governess Carson smiled but as she had turned her back to the watching grannies they couldn’t see how happy she was with the way that her choice of successor was working out. In a stern voice, she replied, “So, Deputy Governess Stone, can I suggest that you carry out the spanking.”

Deputy Governess Stone also kept a stern look on her face as she was looking towards the watching grannies, and replied, in a stern one, “I am quite happy to take on that responsibility, Governess Carson.”

Deputy Governess Stone then glared at Dale and ordered, “So now stand up and allow me to sit on the chair.“

Dale was still crying as she stood up from the chair and made room for Deputy Governess Stone to sit down. She had to admit that she was so taken by the stern tone of voice of the teenager, and was already coming to respect her as much as she respected Governess Carson and the teenage carers. So, as she watched Deputy Governess Stone sit down and that her dress was now pulled up leaving the whole of her thighs bare, Dale once again felt flutters flying around her vagina.

Deputy Governess Stone looked up at Dale keeping her stern look on her face but reckoning that she was looking at a granny who was getting aroused by the thought of being spanked. It did seem strange to her that an old woman Dales’ age could get aroused by the thought of being spanked and by a teenager to boot. Maybe it kept the old woman feeling younger, she wondered, as she pointed to her lap and ordered, “Now get undressed, you naughty granny.”

Dale knew she would have to be naked for her spanking and undid her dress and slipped it down, catching her damp knickers and pushed both towards the floor. She stepped out of both items, folded the dress and put it with her knickers on a chair. She then put her arms behind her back and unclipped her bra, let the straps slide down her arms, caught them, and put the bra on top of her other clothes. She was still sniffing as she stood naked in front of everyone, knowing all her creases, and her large drooping breasts were on show for everyone.

Once she saw Dale was naked, Deputy Governess Stone ordered, “Get yourself across my lap, old woman, because you really do deserve this spanking.”

Dale licked her lips in anticipation as she eased herself down across the teenager’s bare lap. As always, she loved the feel of her bare tummy pressing down on the firm young thighs, just as she got a thrill from seeing the teenagers bare upside-down legs as her head dropped to just inches away from the floor. She looked under the chair and saw her legs dangling there, and, when she felt the firm hand of Deputy Governess Stone on her bare bottom, she once again felt the thrill she always felt when about to be disciplined. For her, total submission to an eighteen-year-old girl was such a turn-on, having no say over how long or hard the teenager would spank her, and knowing she would be crying in front of the other granny residents and teenage carers as well.

Deputy Governess Stone found that she did enjoy the position of authority and power that she had over such an old woman, but didn’t feel any sympathy towards her because the naughty granny had broken one of the rules that she knew would lead to a spanking. Given that, Deputy Governess Stone also knew there was no benefit in giving only a light spanking because that was certainly no deterrent. She, on the other hand, was all for a system that not only had rules but enforced them to ensure that those who had to obey them saw the punishment as a deterrent because that was more likely to lead to them obeying the rules in future.

Deputy Governess Stone glanced up at the watching grannies as she rubbed Dale’s bottom in circles, and saw that they had looks of acceptance on them, but also, she thought, looks of respect for her. That made her feel even better, and more welcome because there were certainly no looks of disdain for her on the faces of the grannies. Clearly, as a group, they realised the benefit of having a deterrent for those who disobeyed the rules, and that was another reason why Deputy Governess Stone was so happy to make sure that she gave Dale a particularly severe spanking.

With that, Deputy Governess Stone raised her hand and brought her palm down firmly on Dales’ far bottom cheek, watching it surrender beneath her hand, bounce back when she raised her hand, swirl around, and, at the same time, she heard Dale’s gasp. None of that held her back from landing her palm on Dale’s near bottom cheek for the second spank, watching as once again it surrendered to her hand, bounced back, and swirled around.

Deputy Governess Stone then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, slowly but surely turning both cheeks darker and darker shades of red as she listened to Dale’s increasingly pain-filled gasps, and watched her tense her legs and arms and heard her deep breathing, all of which showed that she was both struggling with the spanking, but also, hopefully, learning her lesson.

As much as Dale got aroused prior to being spanked she always found the spanking itself painful and hard to deal with. She knew that all she had to do was lie there and take whatever spanking was determined to be appropriate, but every spanking she had received so far whilst in the care home was much harder than she could cope with, yet she still continued to break the rules. Of course, she knew that today it was Mary who had landed her in such a lot of trouble, but she wasn’t going to blame her friend and lover as she knew that Mary would make it up to her later on.

In the meantime, she continued to gasp after each spank and squirm around on the teenagers’ firm bare thighs, no longer, to be fair, able to see her calf muscles tense because her eyes were tear-filled and her vision was blurred, but still very able to feel the increasingly intense stinging pain of the spanking.

Deputy Governess Stone was getting happier and happier with the way she was turning Dale’s bottom deeper and deeper shades of red. She knew, because she had investigated before coming, that there was going to be a time when she should stop spanking the bottom cheeks alternately and spank one bottom cheek several times in a row before spanking the other bottom cheek several times in a row. She decided now was the time, and so proceeded to land six or seven spanks on one bottom cheek and then did the same to the other bottom cheek.

She saw that Dale’s bottom was turning deeper shades of red far more quickly than when spanking on alternate bottom cheeks, as well as seeing that Dale was squirming around on her lap rather more, keeping her legs and arms tense for much longer, hissing in and out through clenched teeth, and shaking her head from side to side with her eyes tightly shut. They were all the signs of an old granny who simply could not cope with such a hard spanking, but that reinforced in the mind of Deputy Governess Stone that it was a very effective lesson that she was teaching this very naughty, very old, very creased skinned and fleshy, granny.

As Deputy Governess Stone continued to spank Dale she saw that having fleshier skin meant that there was more bottom to spank, but that was okay because it also meant there was a good reason to spank it for even longer. She smiled to herself as she thought these thoughts, being fairly sure that Dale would not be thinking about anything other than her increasingly stinging bottom cheeks.

After several more minutes spanking Dale’s so spankable bottom Deputy Governess Stone was starting to realise that her hand was stinging, although smiled to herself when she thought about how much more Dale’s bottom and legs would be stinging. However, she was thinking that maybe she should end the spanking soon, but she managed to keep a stern look on her face as she saw the paddle hairbrush being proffered to her by Governess Carson.

Instead of acting surprised, she simply held out her hand and took the paddle hairbrush, saying, “Thank you, Governess Carson. I was just thinking about using it on this very naughty bottom.”

Dale felt something flat and hard rubbing her bottom in circles and immediately knew that it was going to be a paddle hairbrush because that was the implement that Governess Carson used every single time she gave one of the grannies a spanking. She knew she was right when, next moment, the first spank landed with the paddle hairbrush and she cried out as she always did with the increased level of pain that the hairbrush gave compared to a teenager’s hand.

As the hairbrush was spanked down on her bottom time and again so Dale knew that she was crying out and even apologising although didn’t ask Deputy Governess Stone to stop because she knew that wasn’t going to happen just because she asked. She did know, however, that she was now kicking her legs and tensing her arms and shaking her head from side to side and hissing in and out through clenched teeth, all with the aim of coping with the pain that she knew she was never going to be able to cope with. It didn’t take long for her to realise that the tears that had welled up on her eyes were now dribbling down her face as she was crying uncontrollably.

Deputy Governess Stone continued to land spank after spank with the thick wooden paddle hairbrush enjoying how Dale’s bottom cheeks surrendered even more noticeably as each spank landed. She also saw how each bottom cheek was no longer just red but was showing increasing signs of blue bruising which, she knew, was yet another sign that the spanking was sufficiently severe. Once again she reminded herself that the spanking did have to be a deterrent, and not just similar to a ticking off or scolding, and so never even considered easing up.

Once happy that Dale’s bottom was now more blue-bruised than just a spanked glowing red, Deputy Governess Stone was again thinking about stopping the spanking. She was, though, fully aware of Governess Carson’s willingness to use a cane on the bottoms of these naughty grannies and that was discussed at one of her earlier meetings, and certainly she had shown a willingness to follow that lead, and was sure that that was one of the reasons why Governess Carson had chosen her to follow in her footsteps.

As she was thinking that, she looked up and saw that Governess Carson was holding a long quite thick cane with a hooked end, and, once again keeping a stern look on her face, she knew that she was going to be able to give this very naughty granny a caning as well.

When Deputy Governess Stone saw Governess Carson nod her head, she ordered, “Okay, you naughty granny, get up and then bend over and grab the seat of this chair. I will be giving you six strokes of the cane.” Deputy Governess Stone felt six would be enough on this occasion because of the extra leg smacking she had given.

The decision to use the cane was one that Dale had fully expected, given how Deputy Governess Stone was so clearly following in the footsteps of Governess Carson. She hated being caned but, just as before her legs and bottom was spanked, Dale again felt flutters flying around her vagina and knew her nipples were taut at the very prospect of the even more intense pain.

She couldn’t ignore the way that her bottom was now stinging so much, but she did know that she respected Deputy Governess Stone for the way that she had dealt with her so far. She knew that she was going to be more than happy to be subject to her authority going forward. She was pretty sure that Mary would think the same, as would all of the other granny residents.

Deputy Governess Stone watched as Dale eased herself up from her lap, and looked like she wanted to rub her stinging bottom, but didn’t. That was again a very good sign that this naughty granny was learning her lesson for disobeying the rules. So, as she watched Dale position herself in front of the chair, then bend over and grab the seat, placing her legs further apart and dropping her tummy, she knew the Dale was very experienced at receiving the cane. That was good because once again that meant that she needn’t hold back but could give this very naughty granny another very hard lesson to teach her not to disobey the rules in future.

Deputy Governess Stone positioned herself behind Dale and rubbed the cane from side to side so that she knew that she would be positioned in such a way that the end of the cane would definitely land wholly on Dale’s bottom and not on thin air. Once happy, she pulled her arm back, focused on Dale’s blue bruised bottom, and brought the came down sharply with a thwack about halfway down her blue-tinged bottom cheeks.

She liked the way that the cane cut into the fleshy bottom cheeks and then bounced back out but instead of just turning red there was now developing a beautiful red thick raised welt. That, together with the loud yelp that Dale gave, told Deputy Governess Stone that the stroke had been hard enough.

Deputy Governess Stone then proceeded to land the next stroke just below the first and watched as the bottom cheek gave way again, and the red welt developed just below the first one. The same happened as she landed the third stroke and again with the fourth. All the time she heard Dale give out louder and louder yelps and grasped the seat of the chair more and more firmly and wriggled her bottom from side to side while also shaking her head and hissing in and out through clenched teeth.

Dale was struggling as much as she always did when being caned and knew that her whole body language would show how much she was suffering. Being naked meant that as well as her fleshy bottom cheeks being fully on show, those sitting to the side of the room would also see her large drooping breasts swaying from side to side as well as the tears flooding down her face. Of course, she knew that all of this was fully intended to teach everybody else the lesson as well and to act as the deterrent that did generally work so well for them all.

Deputy Governess Stone landed the fifth stroke just below the other four and was pleased with the way that she was able to make them separate and not crisscrossing. Of course, she knew that crisscrossing the strokes would make them hurt even more, but she felt that she was giving Dale a sufficiently hard caning without that additional level of pain. Next time, perhaps, she told herself, as she landed the sixth stroke, making sure that that was the very hardest stroke of them all, which she knew must be the case by the way that Dale let out such a loud cry of pain.

Deputy Governess Stone turned towards Governess Carson and said, “I think this very naughty old granny has learnt a lesson. I think she should be taken to her bedroom and told to stay there for and not come back out until tomorrow morning.”

Governess Carson continued to keep a stern look on her face but knew that Deputy Governess Stone was aware that when one of these grannies had been disciplined and sent to their room it was for their own benefit because they enjoyed the solitude which enabled them to satisfy their arousal from being disciplined. So, Governess Carson acted as though she gave it some thought but replied after a few moments, “I think that is a very good idea, Deputy Governess Stone.“

Dale heard the instruction and was inwardly excited because she was never hungry after being disciplined and did long to be by herself, or with Mary so that she could satisfy her arousal. She eased herself up and, rubbing her warmed and welted bottom furiously as she stepped from foot to foot, turned towards Deputy Governess Stone and Governess Carson, and, looking and sounding contrite, as she really was, said a heartfelt, “Governess Carson and Deputy Governess Stone, thank you so much for disciplining me so hard. I have certainly learned my lesson and will make sure my room is tidy in future.”

With that, Dale ignored all of her clothes and simply walked back through the watching grannies, catching Mary’s eye on the way and her very sympathetic and apologetic look, and walked out of the room and into the corridor. She made her way to the lift still rubbing her stinging welted bottom cheeks but enjoyed the feel of the raised welts, and pressed the button.

As she waited for the lift she heard footsteps behind her and was delighted to see that it was Mary. As Mary approached they both held out their arms and hugged each other. The lift came and they both got in, then on the second floor both got out and walked towards Dale‘s room. Once there they both went inside where they once again hugged each other.

Moments later Dale was lying on the bed and watching Mary get herself undressed. She smiled as she saw Mary’s equally creased skin, batwings, and turkey neck, fleshy thighs and tummy, and her large drooping breasts with their already taut nipples. She also gazed lovingly at Mary‘s hairy mound, knowing that before they both left the bedroom in the morning her own hair mound and Mary‘s hair amount would be soaked with each other’s and their own sex juice, as they gave each other tongue and finger sex.

Dale knew it had been an extremely fraught and pain-filled day, but as it wasn’t her fault she really didn’t feel so bad, and, in any case, it had given her and Mary the opportunity to spend so many loving hours together.

Downstairs, Governess Carson and Deputy Governess Stone went back to Governess Carson’s office and enjoyed a glass of wine. They laughed as they discussed how Dale had been disciplined so severely but had stayed in place and was very obedient throughout. Deputy Governess Stone congratulated Governess Carson on the way that she had maintained such a strict disciplinary regime, but one that all of the grannies definitely seemed to respect, just as they respected Governess Carson.

Deputy Governess Stone even said, “I know I have a lot to live up to, but I will do my best to make sure that these grannies continue to obey the rules or suffer the consequences, but, I will always be fair with them, and aim to get their respect.”

Governess Carson smiled, and said, “I rather think that having watched how you dealt with Dale this afternoon, all of that will definitely happen.”

As they finished their glass of wine, they both thought about how Dale and Mary were upstairs making out. They saw no reason to stop Mary leaving the lounge because, by allowing the grannies the leeway to have sex together, it was well known that that also led them to be more cooperative and obedient. That, therefore, worked for everyone, including the naughty granny who was upstairs right now lying on her bed giving and receiving tongue and finger sex albeit with a blue bruised and red welted bottom and glowing red thighs. Of course, those glowing red thighs would soon be dribbling with Dales’ sex juice which, no doubt, Mary would be enjoying the taste of, and that worked well for those in authority and as well as those who had to obey them.

Slowly, and smiling, Governess Carson and Deputy Governess Stone leaned towards each other and were soon kissing each other, and as they kissed slipped out of their clothes and were kissing and sucking each other’s taut nipples, and running their fingers along the others wet pussy lips, and easing their fingers inside the other’s vagina and flicking the others taut clit until both let out long erotic orgasmic gasps. They both knew they had the same rights as the grannies to make out together after disciplining them because it turned them on as well. 

So, yes, the discipline regime really did work well for both those in charge and for those who had to submit to their authority, which everyone benefitted from.

Published 6 years ago

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