Dale was feeling so despondent as she was led out into the hallway still naked and winced when she saw a naked Mary already there with her upper arm held firmly by one of the carers. Dale had her upper arm grabbed and squeezed next moment and then felt a very hard spank with something wooden, looked down, and saw the governess was holding a spatula and had already pulled it back for a second spank. Dale winced and gasped after the second spank, and heard Mary do the same, as they were both clasped by their upper arm and led towards the lift with another whack landing at every step and every couple of seconds as they waited for the lift to arrive.
Dale and Mary both found it so humiliating as they passed some of the cleaners in the corridor who smirked as the thwacking sounds continued and their bottoms got stingier and stingier from the continuing spanks. Even once the lift arrived, another spank directed them into the lift car, and the spanks continued as they travelled down to the ground floor. Once the lift door opened the spanks still continued as they were both led into the dining room and passed all of the residents and carers to the front.
Dale had known the risk of both stealing the food and eating in her room. Stealing was, of course, an offence that could lead to a return to the discipline centre, whilst eating in her room was always an offence punishable by the governess. On both counts, she knew she had been at fault and could not blame the very strict teenage governess for enforcing the rules. She just hoped that governess Carson would deal with both matters, no matter how severely, rather than refer her to the discipline centre. She knew she couldn’t ask, though, and was at the teenagers’ mercy. The spanking with the spatula really hurt, but she hoped that was a sign they would be dealt with just at the care home.
Governess Carson knew the power she was holding over both grannies and intended teaching them both a good lesson. She didn’t need to refer either to the discipline centre because, in effect, anything done there could be carried out equally effectively here at the care home. Even spanking both naughty grannies with the thick wooden spatula was just like walking along the corridor at the discipline centre and both the governess and carer Forbes had been intent on making sure every spank hurt the two naughty grannies.
Once at the front of the dining room carer Forbes and governess Carson kept a hold of Dale and Mary’s upper arms as they were turned towards the watching residents, and governess Carson explained why they were punishing the two errant grannies. “These two very naughty grannies stole food when they were out and took it to their bedrooms and ate it there, after taking resident Jennifer to bed.”
There were murmurs from the residents, but they were in the main law-abiding and so sympathised with Dale and Mary but didn’t agree they were right to steal.
Governess Carson announced, “These naughty grannies will be spanked and then caned.” She glared at Dale and demanded, “What do have to say?”
Dale had to admit that, as much as she felt Governess Carson was overly strict, she realised that the teenager had a very responsible job which she was handling very well and had the utmost respect for her. Dale also accepted she was in this position because she was in the wrong. Therefore she asked, “Please can you spank and cane me particularly hard, governess Carson, as I know I deserve it.”
Mary swallowed hard but was thinking the same and nodded her head and said a submissive, “Me, too, please, governess.”
Governess Carson felt good at the submissive tone of both grannies but knew from experience that that still meant she really would make the punishment very hard rather than show any leniency. So, she glared at them both and replied sternly, “Very well, I will do exactly that for you.”
Dale and Mary blushed, but stayed silent and got themselves ready mentally for their punishment. The fact was undeniable that Dale and Mary really were guilty of both stealing and eating in their bedrooms, and so knew that, whatever governess Carson did, she did it correctly under the rules of the care home.
Governess Carson and carer Forbes both turned chairs away from the table at the front of the dining room so that they were facing all of the residents. They then both sat down, and both Dale and Mary thought how dominant they looked in their uniforms. Not just that, but they both found it so daunting but equally arousing and were turned on in those few moments before the spanking started when they would’ve so happily been bedded by both teenagers and exchanged tongue and finger sex rather than have to submit to what was always such a painful punishment. However, they also knew they would be aroused again after the spanking was finished, and both the governess and carer looked so fit with their well-toned arms and well-toned legs, both of which were bare and sexy looking, and, of course, both were so able to give them a really hard spanking.
Governess Carson ordered, “Both of you very naughty grannies get across our laps.” She certainly liked the feel of having a granny across her lap which was why she always wore a short hemmed uniform and made sure it was hiked up to the top of her thighs so she could feel the flabby tummy of the granny on her bare legs.
Dale and Mary both knew that once across the teenager’s laps they would be crying hopelessly very soon but reacted to the authoritative tone governess Carson always used and they eased themselves down across their respective laps as ordered. The position was one they had both taken so many times already, and each time it was the lap of a teenage girl. As they lowered their full weight across the two teenagers bare thighs, they saw their legs dangling under the far side of the chairs, but also the close-up view of their teenage spankers upside down legs. They were also all too aware that their drooping breasts would be dangling downwards and would sway as they squirmed around once the spankings got underway and made their bare bottoms sting. Even so, the feeling of submission and having no control or say over how long or hard the spanking was always turned Dale and Mary on.
Governess Carson happily rubbed Dale’s bare bottom cheeks as carer Forbes did the same to Mary’s bare bottom, nodded at carer Forbes, raised her hand, and brought her flat palm down onto Dale’s bottom a moment before carer Forbes spanked Mary’s bare bottom, and then both proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks for what they intended to be a long and painful spanking.
Dale reconciled herself to be across governess Carson’s lap for quite some time as she had committed a major offence as you don’t get much worse than stealing. She was really cross with herself as it wasn’t as though there was no food at the care home as there was plenty. They didn’t want residents to gorge on food, though, but no one went hungry. Dale knew she particularly wanted the chocolate she stole and thought she would get away with both stealing it and eating it in her room. Mary felt the same, she knew. However, now she saw how silly it was even to think they would get away with it, and as the spanks rained down on her bottom, she knew that was the proof. Well, she wouldn’t do it again, with or without the spanking, but knew governess Carson saw a public spanking as a warning to the others, which, of course, it was.
Dale could hear Mary gasping with obvious pain, and looked across and saw a very focussed carer Forbes landing spank after spank on her bottom cheeks and could see even from her lowly position how her bottom cheeks surrendered to each hard spank. She realised that she was gasping too after each spank but wasn’t surprised by that.
The spankings carried on for several minutes with the spanks landing on alternate bottom cheeks. Everyone knew, though, that those spanks would alter to landing on the same bottom cheek several times and then the same to the other bottom cheek. No one was surprised when Dale and Mary started to squirm around on their teenage spankers laps, and, also as expected, their drooping breasts swayed around beneath them. The residents were embarrassed for Dale and Mary as most similarly had drooping breasts, but it caused smiles from the young carers who thought it funny to see, of course. They were also heard to discuss between themselves loudly enough for some residents to hear about the bat wings and flabby thighs and other derogatory comments about the grannies bodies, but they knew that was part of the lesson for all the residents.
Once both bottoms were a delicious red colour, governess Carson and carer Forbes both started to spank the backs of Dale and Mary’s legs which resulted in louder yelps from the grannies and more squirming around on their teenage spankers laps. Both teenagers loved it when the grannies did squirm around on their laps as it added to their feeling of power over them and got them more and more turned on as well.
Dale always hated her legs being spanked as she knew she kicked and squirmed and cried out and showed herself up, but the fact she had no say in it also turned her on so much. She never understood why being humiliated was such a turn on for her, but she just accepted it. Mind you, she didn’t intentionally do things wrong to earn a spanking, especially in public, but at least if dealt with by a teenager she knew she would play the punishment over in her head when in bed and give herself huge orgasms. Of course, she and Mary had to suffer the pain first. So, as Dale and Mary felt the tears well up in their eyes and were so humiliated being bent across the two teenagers laps, both also knew that once their punishment was over they would be feeling ready to finger themselves, or each other, although had to be careful not to gasp too loudly and definitely not to be caught masturbating as the carers always reported those incidents to the governess and a note was made on the residents file.
With both bottoms and backs of legs a lovely rosy red colour governess Carson nodded to carer Forbes, and they both picked up a thick wooden-backed paddle hairbrush which was exactly like the ones the residents had in their bedrooms. These, though, were used to spank their bottoms with. They both tapped the hairbrush on the already red bottoms across their laps, raised them, and spanked them down, making a thwacking noise which was followed by a yelp from both grannies. The thwacking sound and yelps then continued as the hairbrush was spanked down on the bare bottom cheeks time and again which easily surrendered to the hard wooden paddle before bouncing back up and swirling around.
Governess Carson glanced up at the sea of granny faces looking towards her and was pleased to see the pained looks on most of them. After all, she had fully intended this to be a lesson for everyone, and not just Dale and Mary. She knew that she was a bit of a tyrant, although many will have thought that an understatement, but she was holding a position not just of authority but also with significant responsibility, taking care of so many old women. She did rise to the responsibility, though, and happily so, knowing the real benefit of a strict discipline regime which she learnt working at the local discipline centre. She may only be nineteen-years-old, but really was so mature for her age, and although so strict, and knew that she was actually loved and respected by the old women in her care.
So, with the lesson being learnt by Dale and Mary and the other residents, governess Carson continued to spank Dales’ bottom with the thick wooden-backed hairbrush and watched as carer Forbes did the same to Mary, both turning the bare bottoms across their laps not just red, but now almost all bruised blue.
Dale and Mary were crying uncontrollably as their bottoms stung so much from the repetitive spanks with the thick wooden hairbrush. They were now far less concerned about their submissive positions across both teenagers laps, because, amongst other things, their feelings were all but consumed by the intense stinging of their bottoms, and their vision was blurred because their eyes were tear-filled due to the spanks with the wooden hairbrush and they couldn’t actually hear any derogatory comments coming from anyone. All they had to do was lie where they were and know that the heavy spanks would continue for as long as the two teenagers wanted. They still found it so strange that they respected both teenagers so much, but kept on reminding themselves that they were being spanked because they knowingly broke the rules and mistakenly thought they could get away with it.
Governess Carson was now happy with the amount of bruising which was covering the whole of Dale’s bottom, and, looking across, she could see that Mary’s bottom was also completely blue. Satisfied, she ordered, “Right, then, you naughty grannies, get up and bend over the caning table so you can be caned.”
Governess Carson found spanking any naughty residents particularly satisfying and erotic. She did see it first and foremost, though, as an essential way to maintain control as she had seen how these grannies could easily take advantage of a lax discipline system and run the carer’s ragged. She was determined not to let that happen, and discipline was certainly designed to help the residents keep to the rules. So, although only nineteen-years-old, she knew how to give a really hard spanking as well as a hard caning, and happily carried out all of the canings herself. Today was going to be a double, and she would make these two naughty grannies bend over next to each other and land double strokes although not in any order, knowing that caused extra stress to the grannies being caned.
Dale and Mary couldn’t stop themselves crying as they slid off the teenager’s laps and, managing to cling to the back of the chair, they eased themselves into a standing position. They both knew where the caning table was and went and stood in front of it, still with blurred vision, and knew to bend over and grab the far edge of the table. They had watched several times before as two residents were caned together by governess Carson, and so knew the format.
Governess Carson smiled as she saw both grannies bend over the caning table. She always liked to see grannies like Dale and Mary who had such large drooping breasts bend over and see them squashed as they stretched to reach the far edge of the table. Of course, the best sight was, as always, how red or blue the naughty bottom was as it was now staring up at them and almost begging to be caned. There were some occasions when the resident was cold caned and therefore had no red or blue tinge to the bottom cheeks, but governess Carson always preferred to warm the naughty bottom up with a good spanking rather than give a cold caning. After all, just a dozen or so strokes of the cane didn’t take so long, and somehow wasn’t the same lesson for all of the watching residents.
Governess Carson picked up the cane and swished it a couple of times as she walked across and stood behind the two very naughty grannies. She didn’t sympathise with them just because they were still crying, nor because their bottom was clearly stinging because they were both so blue bruised, and her intention remained to teach them a lesson that they must not forget, and, hopefully, was also a lesson for the watching residents.
Dale and Mary clung onto the far edge of the table and looked at the tabletop which was just inches from their eyes. In a way it was like having to press their noses against the wall during naughty spot time, except now they knew they still had to cope with a very hard caning. As they each found the cane rubbed across their bottom, they did feel flutters flying around their vaginas because they were always turned on by the thought of being caned but knew that in just a few more moments the pain of the caning would be the overriding feeling. Equally, neither knew which of them would get the first stroke or, indeed, any stroke, as governess Carson didn’t follow any particular pattern when caning two residents at the same time.
Governess Carson focussed on both bottoms, pulled her arm back and decided it would be Dale who got the first stroke and whipped the cane down very firmly across both her bottom cheeks, making sure that the end of the cane landed on the far bottom cheek and did not hit the air. That made sure it was the maximum pain inflicted on the naughty bottom, which governess Carson’s training had taught her was the correct thing to do.
Dale yelped as the cane bit into her bottom. As she didn’t know which one of them would be caned first, it added to the stress of the punishment. Equally, even though she had received the first stroke, there was no certainty that it would be Mary who was caned next. So, it was no real surprise when Dale felt the cane bite into her bottom a second time and she was forced to grasp hold of the edge of the table to stop herself getting up, whilst, at the same time, shaking her head with her eyes tightly closed as she tried to deal with the intense pain.
Governess Carson then decided to land a third stroke in a row on the same bottom which caught Dale completely by surprise which governess Carson could tell from the way she threw her head back, cried out, then shook her head and hissed in and out through clenched teeth.
As much as Mary was relieved that she had not yet been caned, she knew that, by the end, she would be getting the same number of strokes as Dale got. Therefore, whilst on the one hand she was relieved, she became increasingly despondent knowing that she had three strokes of the cane to catch up on the number that Dale had already received.
Mary tensed her bottom thinking she really did have to receive the next stroke, and, as she expected, she heard the swish, tensed her bottom, heard the thwack, and immediately felt the pain cascade across her bottom. She didn’t have time to recover from the impact before the second stroke landed on her bottom, and she yelped with the pain. As she had her eyes closed tightly, she wondered if she was going to get the third stroke then as well.
Governess Carson saw the three lovely red welts on Dale’s bottom and two equally lovely red welts on Mary’s bottom, but wasn’t one for symmetry and, focusing on Dale’s bottom whipped the cane down, and heard Dale’s pain-filled cry as her fourth red welt appeared.
Neither Dale nor Mary were handling the uncertainty all that well. Both listened for the swish of the cane and then both tensed their bottoms and waited with bated breath not knowing if the cane would land on their already stinging bottom or the others. Both wished it was the other who would get the stroke, even though they also wished for the caning to be over and so knew that they had to take the strokes at some time. However, they knew their almost uncertainty over who got the next stroke was also meant to teach them that if they break a rule together, they get punished together even though it is much worse than knowing each time you will be getting each and every cane stroke.
Governess Carson could sense the additional stress caused to both Dale and Mary as she prepared to give the next stroke. So, to slightly vary it, as she always liked to do, she first landed the cane on Mary’s bottom, then, without even a seconds gap, landed the cane on Dale’s bottom, followed again with a stroke on Dale’s bottom, and then a second stroke on Mary’s bottom. She loved the way that both grannies yelped after the first stroke, and even louder after the second because of the surprise of two strokes in quick succession. That was in addition to her own satisfaction of seeing two more red welts quickly develop on each of the naughty grannies bare bottoms.
To equal things out, governess Carson then landed two strokes in quick succession on Mary’s bottom and listened to her pained cry as the two red welts developed.
Now, both grannies had received six strokes and so, in governess Carson’s mind, they were both halfway through the caning part of the punishment. Instead of leaving a gap, governess Carson then pulled her arm back, focused on Dale’s bottom again, brought the cane down for the seventh stroke, and heard the wailing. She immediately pulled her arm back up and landed the eighth stroke and once again was rewarded with a loud gasp, with Dale shaking her head with her eyes tightly closed, and hissing in and out through clenched teeth. Then she immediately landed the cane across Mary’s bare bottom and was now getting pretty much the same reaction. Again, not wishing to make things easy for the grannies, she landed the next stroke on Dale’s bare bottom quickly followed by another stroke on Mary’s. Governess Carson could tell the even more intense distress both grannies were feeling from both the quick succession of cane strokes as well as the uncertainty of which bottom was next going to be caned. The eighth stroke was then landed on Mary’s fleshy bottom, and it was her turn to yelp.
Governess Carson did leave a bit of a gap before the next strokes and noticed that both Dale and Mary glanced towards each other. Not wishing to miss the opportunity, she pulled the cane back and landed a very hard stroke on Mary’s bare bottom. She saw the look of surprise and horror on Dale’s face because she was looking directly at Mary and saw her face collapse into the usual pain-filled look on a grannies face immediately following the cane stroke.
Both Dale and Mary were certainly struggling with the quick succession of pain-filled cane strokes. Neither felt anything like aroused just then, and as the next stroke landed first on Mary’s bottom and then on Dale’s, and both howled with pain, shook their heads with their eyes tightly closed, and even wiggled their bottoms to try to deal with the increasingly intense pain, they both had to accept that all of this was directly their own fault. So, as the pain swirled around their bottoms, they both had to admit to ever-increasing respect for governess Carson in particular as the woman in charge. They even saw her as much older, or at least much more mature, than her nineteen-years-of-age, even as the next double stroke landed, with two strokes on Mary’s bottom and then two on Dale’s bottom and both grannies collapsed into uncontrolled crying and pleading that they couldn’t take any more, although knew that was a complete waste of time. Next moment, Dale got another double cane stroke and Mary one more, which left them both crying uncontrollably.
Governess Carson realised that both grannies had lost count of the strokes as their caning was over. She could have added a few more but had decided on twelve and kept to it. So, instead of continuing to cane them, which in her position of authority she could have done, she ordered, “Get up, both of you.”
Dale and Mary were so thankful their punishment was over as they eased themselves up. Once standing they, like all of the grannies when punished, rubbed their bottoms feverishly as they stepped from foot to foot even though they felt so humiliated doing so in front of all the other residents and carers. They did it though, in a bid to quell the intense stinging.
Governess Carson let the grannies do a few rubs then ordered, “Stop rubbing. Go and face the wall and put your hands on your heads.”
Dale and Mary groaned as they hated having to press their noses against the wall but did so. Moments later both saw the blank wall an inch from their faces but sensed all the people behind them knowing that standing like this showed off their bat wings and flabby bottoms, albeit they supposed the likelihood of their bottom cheeks being blue bruised with a dozen red welts was more likely what everyone focussed on. So, as they stood there with their bottoms on show and stinging horribly but without the ability to rub them, they felt a mixture of humiliation, which they knew they deserved, but also respect for the teenage governess Carson, which they knew she deserved.
Governess Carson kept the two grannies with their noses pressed against the wall for several minutes as the carers discussed amongst themselves what they saw as being beautifully disciplined bottoms, making sure their voices were loud enough so that the residents around them could hear to reinforce that the punishment was meant as much for them as it was for the two very naughty grannies.
Once governess Carson was happy that both Dale and Mary, as well as the residents, had learned a lesson, she went up to Dale, clasped hold of her upper arm, and turned her around. Carer Forbes did the same with Mary.
As both Dale and Mary were forced to turn around, they gasped as they saw the heavy wooden spatulas that governess Carson and carer Forbes were holding. They gasped again as they were turned to the side, and both received a heavy thwacking spank with the spatula, and the order from governess Carson, “Now let’s get you both back to your bedrooms.”
Dale and Mary both gasped as they took each step, which was followed by a hard spank with the heavy spatula as they were led through the tables occupied by the other residents. This added to their humiliation, although they quickly started to lose sight of the residents as their eyes filled again with tears as the spanks continued to land step-by-step.
The residents had mixed feelings as they sympathised, a little anyway, with the two thieves, but also knew they would only get their desserts once the punishments were over.
Dale and Mary got to the lift, and the spanks continued to land as they waited for the lift to arrive. Dale and Mary were both hating the spanks but once again they could do nothing about them. The doors opened and more spanks landed making them get into the lift car without any verbal instruction.
Governess Carson really enjoyed using the spatula because it was easy to carry and very easy to use and was thick enough to make sure that the naughty grannies did as they were told. She knew that she even liked using the spatula when spanking a granny across her lap, instead of the hairbrush, which, as the governess, she could choose to do.
The lift reached the second floor and further spanks with the spatula encouraged Dale and Mary to get out of the lift and walk along the corridor. Obviously, encouragement was not needed, as both knew if they stopped walking the spanks would continue in any case. So, they were thankful when they got to their respective bedroom doors and governor Carson and carer Forbes opened them and guided both grannies inside.
Governess Carson ordered, “Get to bed and stay naked. Just remember we will know if you masturbate and that will get you another spanking and caning.” With that, she closed the door.
Dale assumed that Mary had got the same warning from carer Forbes but so needed to finger herself. In fact, Dale reckoned it was unfair as governess Carson had certainly been given some orgasms after dealing with Jennifer. However, the threat was there and Dale wasn’t sure what to do. Her wish to masturbate hardened when she heard muted gasps coming from Mary’s room, but then she heard the door open and giggles outside and realised that carer Forbes had fingered Mary. Or, Dale wondered, had Mary been forced to finger carer Forbes?
Dale heard the giggling teenagers walk away along the corridor and was sure both were headed for one of their bedrooms and they would give each other finger and tongue sex. Well, they deserved it, Dale told herself, as they both had dealt with the two grannies so well and maturely. As much as the residents hated being disciplined they all respected the carers and governess Carson, and never held against them that they got aroused by being so strict with them.
Deciding she had no choice as she too was so aroused, Dale slid under the covers and put the pillow over her head, eased her fingers down to her very wet and quivering pussy lips, and quickly fingered herself. She recovered and listened out to see if she had been discovered. and when no one barged in to her room she repeated fingering herself and after another orgasm, albeit smothering her gasps as best she could, she felt more relaxed. Hopefully, she got away with her orgasms, she told herself, and quickly slipped asleep. Her last thoughts were that tomorrow was another day which she hoped to survive without another discipline session with the teenage governess she now respected so much. Time would tell on that.