Humiliation At Home Again

"Dale and Mary are again disciplined by two teenagers, this time for lying."

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Dale and Mary, both grannies and with Dale turning sixty-seven-years-old today, they were both being walked along the road with their upper arms clasped tightly by two eighteen-year-old girls who lived in their apartment block. Neither granny was wearing knickers as they had been told to remove them and knew if they tripped at all then the very short hems of their sleeveless dresses would rise up and their bare bottoms and hair mounds would be seen by those walking close by. 

The day had started well enough. Dale and Mary were out shopping looking for a birthday present for Dale. She was wanted another very low cut, very short dress as she liked to show off her body. She knew she had fleshy thighs, something of a flabby creased tummy, drooping breasts with a full cleavage, bat wings, a turtle neck, a very creased face, and dark hair that was coloured, but was so comfortable with her looks and loved her skimpy clothes to show all her creases and fleshy curves off. Of course, Mary was similarly dressed and was also comfortable with her fleshy creased granny figure. 

Alesha and Hannah saw them shopping and loved to make fun of them in public. They went up to them and Hannah said, “Hey granny Dale, I hear it’s your birthday today. Have your bat wings got even droopier now you are a year older?”

Alesha asked with a smirk, “I’m sure your turtle neck has even more creases today.”

Both teenagers knew that Dale and Mary were used to submitting to teenage girls and, as much as they blushed as rude comments were made about them, they also got aroused by those comments if said in confident tones of voices. Alesha and Hannah were two such confident teenagers who had both watched the two grannies being spanked by committee members over the non-payment of a debt.

They knew the two grannies were turned on by being spanked as they saw their sex juice dribbling down their thighs as they were scolded and had listened outside their flats and heard the loud orgasms they gave themselves straight after a public spanking. Indeed, the fact that the grannies were humiliated by comments about their looks everyone saw their sex juice dribble down their thighs was a huge talking point amongst the residents. 

Just as the girls were making fun of the two grannies and laughed as they saw them blush, their phones beeped and they knew it was the security app for the apartment block. It was used to send messages to all of the residents. Alesha and Hannah looked at the message and then glared at the two grannies.

Hannah said in a firm tone, “You two need to be taken back to the apartment block. You have been caught lying about a story you told the chairwoman about being spanked on one of your birthdays years ago. Anyone who sees you must escort you back, and can give you the spanking you have earned.”

Dale and Mary gasped as both knew they had told the lie. They thought it funny at the time but hadn’t expected to be caught out about something that had happened so long ago and only they knew about. At least they thought that, but it turned out the chairwoman’s mum was one of the guests on Dale’s birthday that day, when Dale had been spanked upstairs when all the guests were downstairs, and she told her daughter the truth about it. She was in a care home now rather than the apartment block, but the chairwoman had seen her today and been told the truth. 

Alesha ordered, “Right you two very naughty old granny women, knickers off now.”

Dale and Mary groaned as they knew it was now a standing rule that when escorted to the block to be disciplined you had to take off your knickers as an added humiliation. So, grimacing, Dale and Mary both lifted their hems and slipped their thumbs into the elastic of their knickers and pushed them down to the floor, stepped out of them, and scooped them up. They looked around and saw the smirks of several women who watched them. 

Alesha and Hannah then took one pair of knickers each. Hannah then clasped Dale by the upper arm whilst Alesha clasped Mary’s upper arm, and they both led the granny’s towards the apartment block. 

As they walked Hannah said to Alesha as though it was a normal conversation, “We are going to make sure these two very naughty women learn a lesson about lying they won’t forget.”

Hannah knew that they were overheard by the women close to them and that it would embarrass both granny’s even more. They also knew both grannies loved to be humiliated, even though they blushed with embarrassment, and that their sticky sex juice would be dribbling down their thighs as they walked. 

Alesha chatted on as they walked, “I knew these grannies had bat wings but they are much fleshier than I thought they would be.”

Dale and Mary hated their upper arms being clasped as they were led by two teenagers who they knew were superior to them on the so-called disciplinary ladder. In their apartment block, it was normal for granny’s like them to break the rules because there was no real deterrent for rule breakers. However, the committee introduced disciplinary rules that went beyond the general laws allowing them to discipline those who broke the house rules.

It was also found that whilst the grannies broke the rules, the teenagers didn’t and were far better behaved and rarely needed to be disciplined. Therefore, as well as the committee members who were chosen to be disciplinarians because they were exemplary in their behaviour, it was natural for increasing numbers of teenagers to also be the disciplinarians. 

Dale and Mary regularly suffered spankings by the committee and, as much as they hated the pain and humiliation, they both found that they were also aroused by the humiliation and the arousal was intensified when they were spanked by teenagers. The girls had to be eighteen-years-old to become a disciplinarian but there were now dozens of girls who qualified. 

Dale and Mary had seen Hannah and Alesha around and been scolded by them for dropping litter and the like but had never spanked by them. Until today, they now knew. They glanced at them as they were led along the street and thought them both so attractive with their shoulder-length dark hair flowing over their bare shoulders as they wore skimpy vest tops with bare midriffs and very tight cotton shorts leaving almost the whole of their thighs bare. They were getting aroused at the thought of their bare tummies lying across the girl’s bare thighs, knowing that they would be naked for their spanking. 

Hannah was tall and slim and knew she was flat-chested but loved her figure and felt so confident with it. After all, she knew that she would never have droopy breasts even when Dale’s age, nor fleshy thighs or flabby bottom cheeks. It was one of the benefits of being an AA bra cup size, but with her very pretty face and well-toned arms and legs she felt so sexy, and knew that  when she was wearing her low cut tops even though it was clear she was flat-chested, lots of the older women looked at her with adoring and envious looks on their faces. 

Dale was looking at Hannah and thinking exactly how she fancied her when she tripped on a kerb and, although she caught herself before falling, her dress hem rose up and there were giggles from several women who saw her fleshy bare bottom cheeks and hairy mound. Dale blushed as she quickly pulled her dress back down but she was embarrassed as so many people made comments about her bottom cheeks, and that as she had no knickers and they were both being led along by the teenagers that they supposed those bottom cheeks would soon be very red because they were on their way to be spanked.  

Thankfully, they got to the apartment block without any further mishap although Dale and Mary both knew their sex juice had already dribbled down their thighs as they were turned on by being submissive to the two teenagers. They just couldn’t help it and, even though they hated having the teenagers talk down to them as they were escorted along, and the thought of the pain of the soon to happen spanking, their sex juice just dribbled down and shone on their inner thighs. 

A minute later and they were in the communal area rather than the chairwoman’s flat. It was the adults only communal lounge and you had to be eighteen-years-old to get in, but Dale and Mary were horrified to see not only the committee members but what must be at least fifty teenage girls and all looking so gorgeous in their skimpy clothes. 

Alesha and Hannah led the two grannies to where the chairwoman was sitting and, smiling, said, “We found these two very naughty old women and have brought them here as you asked, chairwoman.”

The chairwoman smiled and said, “Well done, girls. You have shown yourselves to be more grown-up than these two naughty grannies and so you will be disciplining them. Order them to undress and get across your laps.”

Hannah and Alesha smiled and loved the thought of spanking the two granny women. Hannah turned and ordered, “Right, we want you naked and be quick about it. If you take more than thirty seconds then you will get extra.”

Dale and Mary gasped as they certainly did want any extra, and quickly got themselves undressed. They unzipped their dresses and pushed them down to the floor, glad now they had already had to remove their knickers. After scooping up the dresses and folding them and putting them on a chair they unclipped their bras and as their drooping breasts flopped downwards they caught the bra straps and put the bra on top of their dresses.

They were even glad they were now naked and able to show off their sexy bodies. Although, as they looked around at all the smirking teenagers, they felt properly humiliated as well.

Alesha and Hannah sat on a chair each and glared up at the granny’s as Hannah ordered, “Get across our laps you naughty granny women.”

Dale and Mary grimaced as they eased themselves down and lowered their bare tummies onto the teenagers’ firm bare thighs. They both felt turned on as they saw the upside down legs and painted toenails of the two girls which they would have loved to have kissed and sucked but knew they mustn’t, and, looking sideways, the upside down legs of dozens of watching teenage girls. They were even aroused by the comments they heard about their drooping swaying breasts and fleshy tummies and bottom cheeks, but gasped and swallowed hard as they felt the girls hands rubbing their bottoms in circles.

As they looked at the floor they also noticed for the first time a leather belt which they knew they would be spanked with after the girls had spanked them with their hands. The belts were thick but were made to be used to spank naughty bottoms and Dale and Mary knew they would leave their bottoms bruised blue. 

Hannah looked down at Dale’s bottom and loved the fact that it was so fleshy and squishy as she rubbed in circles. She also ran her hands down the backs of Dale’s thighs which were equally fleshy and she was certainly looking forward to turning both bottom cheeks and the backs of both legs bright red even before using the thick and leather belt that she knew would reduce the very naughty granny to uncontrolled crying.

Indeed, she knew it was her specific function to make sure that this very naughty granny did cry uncontrollably and, hopefully, learn not to lie again. However, if history were to repeat itself, she knew that neither granny ever learned her lesson and would, almost certainly, be brought back time and again to be spanked and ridiculed by the watching residents.

As much as Dale and Mary were turned on by being spanked and humiliated, they knew that they were the laughing stock of the apartment block. They couldn’t quite understand why they failed to keep to the rules but it was as though they knew that they needed to be spanked. They wondered why they couldn’t do something as simple as to obey the rules but still spank each other. But they supposed it was, in addition to the pain, the humiliation of being spanked by a dominant teenager that added to their punishment and made it even more of a turn-on. 

Dale felt her bottom being rubbed, but then the firm rubbing stopped, and the next moment she felt the first hard spank. She knew that she would cope with the first few spanks without too much concern, but realised that Hannah was spanking her very well, and, remembering her well-toned arms, was pretty sure that she was one of the girls who regularly attended the gym and did weights and therefore had the strength and willpower to give an extended and very hard spanking. That did not bode well for Dale or Mary, bearing in mind that they would still be spanked with the leather belts before their punishment was over.

Hannah continued to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, happily smiling as she turned them darker and darker shades of red. She looked across and saw that Alesha was doing the same to Mary’s bottom as well. Both smiled to each other as they were enjoying the experience of spanking to women old enough to be their own grannies.

Dale was also fully aware that today was her birthday and so the second time that she had been given a spanking on her birthday. That first one was so many years ago, and at least was in the privacy of her own bedroom with her birthday guests in the living room. Now though, she was being spanked in front of literally dozens of teenage girls as well as the committee members and she had to accept, because she couldn’t do anything else but accept, so many rude and derogatory comments about her creases and flabby skin and fleshy bottom cheeks that were now a rosy red colour and going darker all the time. She knew the humiliation was fully intended to hurt her feelings just as the spanks were intended to hurt her bottom. 

Of course, the comments were humiliating enough because as much as Dale felt she was attractive and sexy for her age, she knew that the teenagers were even more attractive and sexy and well-toned and well-behaved and confidently dominant, and rightly in charge of her and Mary. 

Hannah was still smiling as she changed tack and spanked Dale time and again on the same bottom cheek before spanking the other bottom cheek time and again and heard Dale’s increasingly pain-filled gasps and groans and cries, knowing she was going to make the spanking even more painful before she was finished. Indeed, as well as spanking Dale’s bottom she interspersed that with spanking the backs of her thighs, reckoning as she had a good twenty minutes worth of spanking time even before using the belt she may as well enjoy herself by varying the spanks. 

Dale knew this spanking was different and rather more painful than previous spankings but had to endure it as best she could. As much as it hurt, she did like the idea that it was her birthday and felt it was even a special present, and that seeing her sticky sex juice clinging to her thighs might tell Hannah she wouldn’t be able to spank her hard enough to turn her off liking to be spanked.

Mind you, Dale was beginning to wonder if that was true as Hannah spanked her harder and harder, but as a seasoned submissive she was reckoning no matter how hard the spanking, she would still want to be spanked again and again, especially if it was in public like today and so especially humiliating for her and Mary. 

Hannah saw that Dale’s bottom cheeks and legs were now a deep red glowing colour and, looking at the clock, happily saw she had been spanking the naughty old creased skinned granny for well over twenty minutes. Of course, there was no restriction on the time she could take to give the spanking and so wasn’t worried about spanking for too long, but she really was happy with the glowing colour she had turned both bottom cheeks and legs. She, therefore, glanced at Alisha and nodded towards the leather belts. When Alesha nodded back, Hannah ordered, “Hand me the belt, old woman.”

Dale heard the instruction and looked for the belt but realised her vision was blurred as her eyes were tear-filled. So she had to resort to feeling the floor around her, found the belt, picked it up, held it up, and said a tearful, “Here, miss.” As she did so, she loved the sexy feeling of submitting to the teenager, although also feared the pain she was about to get when being spanked with the belt. 

Hannah took the belt, grasped it, lay it across Dale’s bottom, saw that Alesha had done the same, nodded, and they both raised their arms and whipped the leather belts down onto the naughty granny’s bottom. They heard the loud pain-filled yelp and, encouraged, proceeded to spank the granny bottoms time and again knowing that whilst their hands were no longer stinging, the two granny bottoms definitely were.

Hannah knew she was going to give at least a hundred spanks with the belt before even thinking about stopping, and could see how Dale’s bottom was quickly becoming bruised and turning a gorgeous dark blue colour. She even landed several spanks on the backs of Dale’s legs and enjoyed her louder pained yelps and how Dale squirmed around on her lap and tensed her legs and shook her head and gasped in and out through clenched teeth as she landed those spanks. 

All the time that the spanks were landing, Dale couldn’t hear too clearly but knew there was so much laughter from those watching as well as comments about how much these two naughty old granny women deserved every spank they were getting and encouraged the girls to keep on spanking until both bottoms were completely bruised blue, and even said the backs of the legs needed to be more bruised than they were then. 

Clearly, Hannah and Alesha took on board the comments as they did continue to land spank after spank with the belt on both grannies’ bottoms and the backs of their thighs, even though Dale and Mary had been crying uncontrollably for ages already. 

The committee members looked on and were more and more impressed with the focused way that Hannah and Alesha were dealing with the two very naughty old women, and decided that they would be asked to dole out spankings again. It was a fact that more and more teenagers were being added to the list of preferred spankers and it meant the committee members could focus on other things, knowing the teenagers were dealing so well with the discipline side of things. 

Eventually, after well over a hundred spanks with the belt and when both grannies’ bottoms and the backs of both their legs were bruised blue, the two teenagers stopped spanking with the leather belts and Hannah ordered, “Get up, both of you naughty grannies.”

Dale and Mary took a few moments to understand the order and that caused more derogatory comments from those watching, saying how the grannies’ hearing was affected by their very blue bruised bottoms and how the bruising showed their creases even more. 

As Dale and Mary stood up they did remember not to rub their bottoms until allowed to by the teenage girls. Dale stood and looked through her blurred eyes at Hannah with a true feeling of respect for a teenager clearly more mature and confident than her years. She knew she needed someone exactly like Hannah to monitor and deal with her shortcomings and wanted to ask her to move into her flat to do just that. 

The chairwoman seemed to be thinking the same and ordered, “You naughty grannies need controlling and disciplining and both these young ladies can do that for you.”

Dale replied, “Yes please, that would be so helpful. I have two bedrooms and can give Miss Hannah the main bedroom and I can move into the box room. I can get in a supply of leather belts, spatulas and wooden-backed hairbrushes for Miss Hannah to use on me, and know I need her to be ultra strict.”

Dale then stood in front of the seated Hannah and pleaded, “Please will you move in and deal with me strictly, Miss Hannah. You will have full disciplinary control over me at all times where-ever we are and no matter who might be there to witness you deal with me.”

Dale knew she was close to an orgasm as she pleaded with Hannah and really hoped she would take on the disciplinary role over her.

Hannah quite liked the idea of having total disciplinary control over the granny and said with a stern, ‘Do as I say or else,’ tone of voice, “Okay, granny, but be prepared to be well-behaved or be spanked several times every day.”

Dale climaxed there and then as she squealed, “Thank you so much, Miss Hannah.”

Hannah knew Dale had cum and could see her sex juice squirt down her thigh as she stood in front of her and was so looking forward to smacking those legs and spanking her bottom time and again. She wasn’t being vindictive as she had a yearning to be a teacher herself and knew that Dale and Mary were well-liked at the college for all the right reasons as they were sincere and conscientious teachers. Hannah wanted to be just like Dale, except well-behaved and saw this as exactly the experience she needed. 

Hannah also reckoned that Dale was a granny she could love and reckoned it wouldn’t be too long before they had tongue and finger sex and a proper love life together that, just maybe, could last years. 

As it turned out, Mary had the same feelings and Alesha moved in with her, also taking the main bedroom. 

So, as that was decided, Hannah said, “You can rub your bottoms now,” and smiled as she and Alesha watched Dale and Mary do the spanking dance as they stepped from foot to foot rubbing their stinging bottoms. 

So, as the weeks and months passed by, Dale was so pleased that she had earned her birthday spanking as it set her on the path of change that certainly meant an increased number of spankings, but a new love-filled relationship with her Miss Hannah. She loved her new life with finger and tongue sex and so many spankings, but she didn’t want to change anything now.

Published 6 years ago

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