How To Pick A University: The Getaway

"Nick is invited by Rachel and her husband for a winter getaway to a nudist camp."

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Nick walked as fast as he could through the deep snow on his way to his last class of the day. The snow was falling so hard, it was difficult to see the building some fifty yards ahead of him. At one point he almost slipped but managed to gain his footing again. He ran up the stairs to the building and went inside.

“It’s coming down hard today,” said Jenny, waiting for him inside.

Nick stamped his feet to get the snow off. “Maybe we are seeing the end of the world, it’s been coming down harder each day this last week.”

“Don’t be such a fatalist. C’mon, let’s go to class.”

Nick and Jenny were friends even though they sometimes had sex. She was a short girl his age with grey eyes and a lot of freckles on her face. It usually happened after too many drinks over a weekend. They were both great students with top grades so their heads were on their studies and not in partying. Sometimes they did blow off steam which cleared their minds.

On the way to the class, Nick’s mobile buzzed and it was a message from Rachel. He read it while walking and a smile grew on his face.

“Is it Rachel?” Jenny asked. He had told her about the older woman at the beginning of their friendship and Jenny had been cool with it.

“Yes! She has invited me to a trip over spring break.”

“That’s so cool. Where is it?”

“Doesn’t say. I’m supposed to meet her this evening but with this snow storm we’ll see.”

They reached the classroom and sat down on the first row where they always sat. Up front and center, no distractions and dead focused on learning.

Rachel put the phone away and looked out the window in her office on the twenty-fifth floor. Outside was just a white wall. There was no way she would be able to drive across town to meet Nick. She sat down at her desk and wrote an email to him attaching a link to the place they were going. She sent it and then called her husband, Dave.

“Hi, honey, what’s up,” he said.

“I sent the details to Nick. I won’t be able to see him today.”

“Great, I bet he will love the place. Hot women, sand, beach, and palm trees, what is there not to love.”

Rachel laughed. “I bet you are equally excited, you horn dog.”

“Yes, I am. You?”

“Sure, it will be nice to see new people, try new dicks, and such. Honestly, I was getting tired of the same old camps we have been visiting for the last ten years.”

“I agree. I’ll see you at home.”

When Nick arrived at his tiny student apartment later that afternoon, he warmed up some leftover Chinese food and then turned on his computer. He then opened the mail from Rachel while eating using chopsticks.

“Wow, that looks amazing,” he said to no one.

On the screen was the home page of a new nudist camp that had opened during the summer. It was located on a private island off the coast of Costa Rica. Nick looked at the pictures and videos and was surprised at how many young people there were. Speaking to Rachel and Dave he had learned that most nudists were their age, not many in their low thirties or twenties. The place looked very expensive but he was invited so there was no reason to say no.

He typed an answer to Rachel and then washed the plate he had used. He had many hours of homework to do so he got started at once. No time like the present, he thought.

A month later Dave, Nick, and Rachel boarded the flight which would take them from snow and ice to heat and sand. It would be a five-hour flight which wasn’t that bad. Then a bus ride and a boat ride until they reached the island. Nick was very excited but also nervous. He had told his parents he was going to Miami over spring break. He had not visited a nudist camp so he didn’t know what to expect. Rachel and Dave had explained more or less how it worked but each camp was different.

After the boat ride that left Nick queasy and not feeling great they arrived. The humidity was high but there was also a cool breeze. A man with a van waited for them in the small harbor where two speedboats and a few jet skis were tied up.

“Hi, and welcome to Paradise Island. My name is John,” the man said.

“Hi, John,” the three of them said almost in unison.

“You are the last clients to arrive today.”

“How many guests are here?” asked Dave while John put their bags in the van.

“We have thirty guests. But the camp can take fifty.”

“That’s quite a hand full of nudists,” said Rachel and got into the front seat while Dave and Nick climbed into the back.

John started the van and put it in gear. “The camp is divided into two parts. The pure nudist’s area and the nudist and swinger area which is where I’m taking you.”

“There is no interaction between the camps?” said Nick.

“No, but guests have the option to check out of one and into the other during their stay. The swinger area can get quite intense sometimes and some people, well, they aren’t into it.”

“Interesting. When you say intense, what do you mean?”

“Well, pretty much people fucking everywhere at all times, to put it bluntly.”

Nick had a grin on his face. “I love it.”

They arrived at a reception building made mostly of bamboo with a couple of benches outside under a tin roof. Beyond it was a clearing where they could make out a large pool, a few more buildings, and plenty of sunbeds.

“I’ll see you later and have a great stay with us,” said John after taking out their bags.

They went inside and were greeted by a young brunette. “Welcome, I’m Maria and the receptionist. Can I have your passports and exam results please?”

Rachel gave her the documents. Before they left home they had to do STD, tests and email them to the camp before arriving as well as presenting the original upon check-in. Maria copied the originals and the passports and gave them back to Rachel.

“You have one single bungalow and one double bungalow booked so I will give you numbers seven and nine. They are opposite each other. Seven is single. Here are the keys and all you need to do is to follow the path to your right when you come out. The restaurant is open all day with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. All food and drinks are free of charge since you booked an all-inclusive stay.”

They thanked Maria and picked up their bags. It was a short walk to four bungalows nestled around a pool. A few people lay on sunbeds and waved at them as they walked past. Nick saw a girl in her twenties coming out of the water and shaking her head to get the water out of her long blonde hair. She looked like a Valkyrie with ice-blue eyes and pale skin. She had a strong body like an athlete without losing curved hips and a thin waist. She winked at him and then began to swipe the water off her body using her hands.

“Stop staring, Nick and let’s go,” said Rachel.

They found the bungalows and began to unpack. Nick was very pleased with his since the living room windows faced the pool. The bedroom was large with a king-size bed and the bathroom even had a tub. The mini bar was filled with tiny bottles of booze and bags of snacks and sodas. He made himself a vodka on the rocks and sat down on the sofa from where he could see the blonde talking to a much older man. Suddenly she grabbed his cock, and stroked it gently while kissing him. After a few minutes, she went down on him and after an even shorter time the man shook twice and she stood up wiping something off her lips. She then left and the man lay down on his sunbed. Nick was shocked at what he had just seen even though Rachel had told him scenes like that were common.

His phone buzzed and he took his glass and left to Rachel and Dave’s bungalow. Theirs were slightly bigger than his and the living room faced the clearing and the buildings around the larger pool.

“I thought we should go through the rules of this place together,” said Rachel after Nick has sat down.

“So, it’s pretty much standard rules. No force, no paying for sex, after midnight you must fuck inside. No fucking in the pool area or the pool and if you make a man come, he can’t squirt on the ground around the pool.”

Nick smiled and told them about what he had just seen. “Great example of how to do it, kudos to the girl,” said Dave and lifted his glass.

“Other than that, it’s pretty much up to us what we want to do. I say we keep the same rules as back home. Neither Dave nor I will bring people back here to fuck. Nick, for you it doesn’t matter since you are single.”

“I’m hungry,” let’s go and get something to eat said Dave.

Nick went back to his place to leave the glass and met up with the others on the path. He didn’t see the blonde anywhere, which was disappointing. The sun was slowly setting over the sea and the cool breeze was picking up making the trees sway. Birds sang and they even saw monkeys in the trees.

When they got closer to the large pool, they saw that the buildings had signs on them. One said restaurant and bar so they headed that way. The other two were a gym and a yoga area. The restaurant was large and cool from the air conditioning humming away. A few tables were taken with a mix of ages. Nick heard, English, German, Italian, and some Asian language he didn’t recognize, maybe it was Thai.

“Hello, table for three?” said a young man in a white uniform. His name tag told them his name was Jose.

“Yes, Jose, that’s right. By the window please,” said Dave.

After being seated Jose asked them what they wanted to drink. “The buffet is open so you can go ahead and I’ll be back with your drink order.”

They got up and since there was no line at the large buffet it was quick work piling the amazing meats, fish, veggies, and fruits on their plates. When they were walking back to their table Nick saw the blonde walk in, but she wasn’t alone. With her was a copy of her but younger, must be her sister thought Nick. They looked around and then headed to a table where an older blonde woman and a bald man sat.

“Do you like her and her sister?” asked Dave when they were eating.

“Yeah, they are hot, you know.”

Rachel put a hand on his. “Take it slow, when they are that young, they sometimes don’t know what they want. Remember how it was with Isabel.”

Nick looked over at the other table and made eye contact with the older daughter who had sucked cock. She smiled at him and he felt his dick stir. He guessed her age at twenty-five, older than he had originally thought. The younger sister was still in high school or maybe a freshman at university like him.

They ate and talked and after dinner, Dave and Rachel ordered Irish coffee while Nick had chocolate ice cream. When they left it was dark outside and the air was full of insects that had come out. The sounds of them were surprisingly strong, Nick thought.

“Hey, can I talk to you?” a voice said in the darkness.

Nick turned around and saw the blond and her sister sitting at a table. “I’ll see you later, guys,” he said to Dave and Rachel.

They smiled at him and wished him luck. When he walked over to the two girls the older one said, “I’m Nina and this is my sister, Johanna. We are from Denmark. What about you?”

“I’m Nick, from America. Is this your first time here?”

“Not for me, I was here with my parents in September for a week, but it’s Johanna’s first time. She just turned eighteen.”

Turning to the younger sister he said, “What do you think so far?”

Her eyes were that crazy blue ice color like her sister’s and they seemed to glow in the darkness. “It’s an interesting place, and I’ve seen a lot of hot guys and some not so hot.”

They laughed and then began to walk towards the lit pool. They sat down opposite each other on sunbeds. The girls are on one and Nick on the other.

“There is a reason I wanted to talk to you,” said Nina.

“Ok, what is it?”

“Johanna wants to suck dick, but she doesn’t want an older dude.”

Nick felt his cock stir again, and he smiled at them. “No problem, I’m happy to help.”

He lay down and Nina began giving instructions to her sister.

“Open his shorts and take out his cock. It should be hard by now.”

Johanna did what she said and gasped when Nick’s dick sprung out hard and was ready for action. “That’s quite a big one, right, Nina?”

“Yes, it’s a good size. Now, take it in your hand and pull back the skin. Then you lick around the head, focusing on the point just under it.”

Nick watched as Johanna began to lick his cockhead and her tongue was soft and warm. She lifted her head and giggled. “It tastes good, I thought it wouldn’t.”

“Grab the base of it and then slowly pull up. Lick the drop-off.”

“Mm, that is amazing, I love it.”

Nina pulled Johanna’s hair away from her face and held it back while her sister began sucking Nick harder and faster. She was slobbering and Nick thought she might have watched too much porn. But, the fact was, she was doing a great job so it wasn’t long until he felt his orgasm growing.

“Not far away now, just giving you a heads up,” he said and laughed at his joke.

Nina gave some more instructions. “What you want to do, is to concentrate. There will be one jerk, where nothing comes out, but on the second, that’s when it happens. His cock should be as far back as you can.”

Johanna made a noise that she hoped they understood as a yes. She slowed down a little and then it came, that first jerk, and at the same time his cockhead grew a little. When it came, she wasn’t ready for the amount of force. Most of it ran down her throat but part exploded out from her mouth.

“Good girl,” said Nina caressing her sister’s back.

“That was incredible,” said Johanna and wiped the cum from her lips and chin. “So hot and so much of it.”

Nick put his dick back in his pants and sat up. “Did you like it?”

“I loved it. We should get back now, Nina. Our parents will be worried.”

They got up and hugged goodbye deciding to meet at the big pool the following day after breakfast. Nick was light on his feet as he walked back to his bungalow. He found Rachel sitting on the steps outside.

“Hi, what are you doing here? I thought you and Dave would be fucking by now?”

She got up and kissed his cheek. “Dave went with a woman he met when we came back. I think he is sucking dick and fucking her at the same time.”

Nick was shocked. “I didn’t know Dave was bisexual?’

They went inside and Rachel made them drinks. Whiskey for her, vodka for him. “He doesn’t do it back home. I think he is shy about it, but when we are at these camps, he does like to suck cock sometimes. He never fucks a guy or lets any man fuck him.”


“Not really, many men like the sensation of a cock in their mouth, it’s very different from eating pussy.”

“Oh, so you play for both teams as well? I guess I don’t know that much about your sex lives.”

She sat down next to him on the sofa and opened his shorts and pulled out his cock. Placing the glass on the table she helped him out of the shorts.

“Sure, I don’t mind being licked or licking a beautiful young woman like the two sisters you hung out with.” She looked down at his cock and sighed. “These young girls, they don’t know how to clean up after they had had their fun.”

She leaned down and licked his cock clean from the old cum and when she was done, she held him in her hand while sipping her drink. Her thumb gently massaged his cock head and soon drops of pre-cum began oozing out. She got up and pulled him up as well and then leaned over the sofa placing one foot on it. Looking out the window she pulled up her skirt. Nick caressed her pussy from behind, playing with her clit and finger fucking her.

“Now, fuck me, Nick.”

He pushed inside just as one of the neighbors walked by and he saw them in the lit living room. Smiling he gave them a thumbs up and continued walking. Nick grabbed Rachel’s hips and began pounding her. Just the way she liked it from behind. The fragrance of pussy juice mixed with their sweat filled the room and when he felt her pussy contract and she arched her back he gave her a few extra deep thrusts to finish her off.

She sat down on the sofa and took his cock in her hand. Stroking it with long movements she jerked him off until he came on her face and boobs. It wasn’t much since he had just emptied himself in Johanna’s mouth but Rachel loved each drop, she managed to squeeze out of him. They then kissed good night and went to bed in their separate bungalows.

Nick woke up late the following day. He must have been tired after the trip and the alcohol hadn’t made things better. Then he remembered Nina and her sister and he quickly got out of bed. After a shower, he put on shorts and a T-shirt and went outside. The scene that met him was something he hadn’t been prepared for. On the sunbed in front of him lay a black man and riding his fat cock was Rachel. When she saw him, she waived and then continued to slide up and down on his cock. Two sunbeds down were Dave pumping a much younger woman from behind while she sucked another guy’s cock. On every sunbed, there was a couple of fucking or someone masturbating. Nick realized people must have come from other bungalows to have sex since there were only four around the pool.

He turned onto the path and made his way to the restaurant which was not even half full. He looked for Nina but she wasn’t there. While he ate, he watched the people around him. No one was having sex in the restaurant he realized, another rule he guessed. A few tables held families with kids in their late teens or early twenties. Most were couples from thirty and up. Good-looking people, mostly. He had brought his towel with him so after he had eaten, he went looking for Nina by the larger pool.

When he came closer, he could hear the distinct sound of people having sex. The moans, the gasps, even the wet sound of a cock sliding in and out of a pussy. It was the same scene here as by the smaller pool but on a much large scale. There were even threesomes and foursomes forming between the sunbeds. Young girls squealed as large dicks penetrated them, older men huffing and puffing under the strain of trying to perform as they had done twenty or more years back.

It took him a couple of minutes to locate Nina and her family. They were on the other side of the pool. The two daughters lay on their sunbeds taking in the sun and the parents were fucking, but not each other. The mother was with a Latin man and the father was with an Asian woman. Nick stopped and watched them for a few minutes before getting closer.

“Hi, Nina, Johanna. Sorry I’m late, I overslept.”

The girls turned their heads and smiled. “Hey, how nice of you to show up. What do you think about this mayhem?” said Nina and Johanna laughed.

Nick looked out of the couple and groups. “I think it’s awesome.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. A few men have come to try to pick us up and even an older woman was flirting with Johanna a few minutes ago.”

Nick turned to the younger sister. “And?”

“Not sure I’m into girls.”

“You won’t know until you try.”

“Sure, maybe another day. How’s your dick?”

“Oh, he’s great, got a long night’s rest so he is ready to go.”

Nina got up and kissed Nick on his lips. “Let’s find somewhere more secluded.”

They found a path behind the building that held the gym and yoga area and followed it down the hill toward the beach. It was narrow and shielded from the sun by trees. Birds and insects were all around them and the heat was suffocating. By the time they walked onto the white sand, they were sweating profusely. Nina and Johanna took off their bikinis and ran into the turquoise water that was so clear you could see the tiniest fish darting around.

Nick did the same thing and they floated on the mirror-like surface. The sun burned their white skin but they didn’t care. It was so much better than the cold countries they had arrived from.

Johanna swam up to Nick and he stood up in the water which reached to his chest and almost to Johanna’s throat. He felt her hand grab his cock and pulled him towards the beach. Nina kept on floating on the calm water.

Once on the beach, she led him, still holding his dick to a group of smooth rocks a bit up from the water. She gently pushed him back so his back was against the warm stone.

“Have you fucked before,” he asked.

“Sure, once and it wasn’t very good.”

Nick put his hands on her sides at the level of her perky boobs and gently began to caress her. She leaned against him and they kissed softly. She giggled when he went hard and his cock poked at her tummy.

“Someone wants something,” she whispered in his ear,

“Will you give it to me?”

She slipped around him so she was leaning against the rocks. Her hands cupped her boobs and pulled at her hard nipples. Then moved down where she slowly used her fingers to open her pussy by pulling her lips apart.

“Here she is, come to me.”

Nick moved in a bit more and when he felt his cock head brush against her wet pussy he pushed and she gasped as he filled her up. Her left leg came up and wrapped itself around his hips. He began to thrust slowly, enjoying every inch of her tight pussy.

Johanna closed her eyes. This was what fucking felt like, she thought. Not like in the school bathroom with Jens who had fumbled around hardly finding the hole until she helped him and then came within seconds. It was amazing, so hot, so dirty so fucking unbelievable gorgeous being fucked under a tropical sun on a secluded beach. She held him tighter as he began to fuck her harder and harder.

“Yeah, give it to her, fuck my sister,” said Nina who had come up behind them. She leaned against the rock next to her sister and began to masturbate. Her finger rubbed her clit and then slid inside her. She started at Nick’s cock, wet from pussy juice and she listen to her sister’s moans and gasps.

Oh, Nick, fuck me, fuck me harder.”

He did just that and a few minutes later the young girl trembled and almost slipped out of his grip. She breathed heavily and her eyes were not focused when she said. “That was my first orgasm by cock, thank you so much, Nick.”

She slipped away from him but Nick had no time to relax because Nina moved into her sister’s place but she turned her ass towards him. “C’mon big boys, take me.”

She was equally tight as her sister but her pussy wasn’t as deep. Each time his cock head hit the cervix she would squeal.

“Oh, god, yes, yes, fuck me like that, Nick.”

He grabbed her hips and began to thrust back and forth. His orgasm was growing and she heard his moans and groans. “Come inside me, I’m on the pill.”

She slid a hand between her legs and found his balls which she teased with her nails and when he emptied inside her he felt her pussy contract and they both slid down onto the warm sand where they lay on their back giggling and laughing.

Rachel watched the three of them returning from the beach and with the glow on the girls’ faces, she knew Nick had fucked them both. Good for him, she thought. Her eyes lingered on the young girl and she felt her body go warm. She looked down at the young man she was straddling. She sat on his legs and both her hands were wrapped around his long cock. The head was gleaming from the pre-cum oozing out of it. His eyes had rolled back just a minute before and he was squirming like a worm on a hook. She had been at it for almost twenty minutes now. Almost letting him come and then slowing things down, letting go of his cock. This time she didn’t stop and within seconds he sent a glob of cum so far up in the air it hit her under her chin and then it just flowed like hot lava over her hands and down between his legs.

“Good god, that was amazing,” he said looking up at her.

“Yeah, you liked that, did you?”

“I’ve never come that much before, Rachel, thank you.”

She let go of his cock and wiped her hands on his towel. Her gaze still followed the young woman walking with Nick. Her strong body, the bounce of her boobs, and that little extra swing to her hips made Rachels’s mouth water. She slid off the young man, kissed him, and scurried after Nick and his friends.

“Here is good,” said Nina and sat down on one of the sunbeds a bit away from the crowd around the larger pool.

Johanna did the same and then said, “When is lunch? I’m starving.”

Nick looked at his watch. “In about an hour.” He was sitting on his sunbed. He looked up and saw Rachel coming towards them. She sure was beautiful in the sunlight. Her muscles played under her skin as she came closer.

“Hi, Nick, who are your new friends?”

Nina and Johanna took in the older woman and exchanged approving smiles.

“This is Nina and her little sister Johanna.”

Rachels shook hands with both girls and then sat down next to Nick. Her hand slid between his legs and began to stroke his cock.

“I met Nick a few months ago and ever since we have been lovers. My husband is at the other pool fucking a black girl so I thought I’d take a stroll.”

Nina and Johanna stared transfixed at Rachels’s fingers as they massaged Nick’s cockhead and the pre-cum began to ooze out. They had never seen anything like it. All they had done was to stroke guys and jerk them off. This was another level of cock play.

Johanna liked the older woman’s straightforwardness. No bullshit, no grooming, just straight to the point. Her eyes turned to Rachel’s shaved pussy which she could see since Rachel sat with her legs apart.

“Do you like it? Would you like to taste me?” asked Rachel.

Johanna blushed. “I’ve never been with a woman before.”

“Oh, you will like it, trust me. It’s very different from being with a man.”

Nick was leaning back on his hands moaning. “Oh, Rachel, let me come, you are driving me crazy.”

“Shush, baby, just a few minutes more.”

Nina couldn’t believe such small movements of the older woman’s two fingers could make a cock so hard and leak so much pre-cum. She could learn a thing or two from Rachel she realized.

Johanna slipped off her sunbed and knelt before Rachel who parted her legs a bit more. Johanna turned and looked at Nina who nodded. “Go ahead.”

Placing her hands on Rachel’s thighs she gave the pussy a tentative lick. Then another, and another until the lips came apart and she tasted the juices coming from it. Before her eyes Rachel’s clit grew and ventured out from behind its folds and Johanna sucked on it greedily.

“Oh, oh, yes, yes, that’s right, suck on it, honey.”

“Oh fuck, god!” moaned Nick as he released his balls and cum flowed out of his cock in a steady stream.

Nina was on that cock in seconds licking and sucking the warm juice coming out of it. Rachel had let go of Nick and placed her hands on Johanna’s head, pushing the young girl’s face towards her pussy.

Johanna’s head was spinning. The taste was making her hornier by the second and she wished Nick would stick his cock in her from behind but he was getting it sucked by her sister at the moment. She continued licking Rachel until the older woman’s legs began to tremble and she came filling Johanna’s mouth with more of her hot pussy juice.

“Such a good girl, come here,” said Rachel and helped her up and onto her lap where she straddled her. They kissed deeply and Rachel love the sensation of Johanna’s firm boobs pressing against her own.

Nina swallowed the little cum that came out of Nick. The poor guy had come three times in less than an hour so it wasn’t strange that she only got a few drops for her effort. When she pulled away Nick lay down sideways on the sunbed leaving the bottom part for Rachel and Johanna who were making out. Nina lay back down on her sunbed and closed her eyes. She could hear Rachel and Johanna making out and beyond them the sounds of people fucking and coming in the still hot air. There was a smell, of flowers mixed with cum and pussy juice that hovered over the area. She smiled and thanked her parents for taking her and her sister with them.

Dave fondled the man’s balls in his hand while sucking his cock deeply. Under him lay the man’s daughter who was sucking and stroking Dave’s cock. She was a hot piece of ass, maybe seventeen or so and the only way Dave had been allowed close to her was if he sucked her daddy, it had been her idea. When the father moaned and shot his load down Dave’s throat, he swallowed every drop of it. The father pulled away and said, “There, she is all yours now.”

Dave and the daughter got up and he took her back to his bungalow. Her smooth body melted into his on the bed and when he penetrated her, she whispered in his ear, “Impregnate me.”

Dave’s cock went harder than it had ever been before and he fucked her. In the end, he shot his load inside her and then he realized what he had just done. Rachels would kill him if she found out he had made another woman pregnant. He felt so stupid for letting himself be seduced and carried away by the nymphet who lay under him. His dick went slack and he slid out of her.

“Oh, fuck, what did I just do?”

“Hey, Dave. I was just fucking with you. I’m on the pill.”

Dave sighed in relief. “You little slut.”

She giggled and said, “I love saying that, men go so hard inside me, and then the look on their faces when they realize what they just might have done. I love it.”

He flipped her over, slid his fingers inside her and they came out wet and dripping. He pressed his finger against her anus and then switched to his cock.

“Oh, oh, oh my,” she said when he pushed inside her tight ass and fell on top of her.

“How do you like that, you tease?”

“I love it, fuck my ass.”

Dave did what she asked and wondered where Rachel was and whom she was fucking. Not that he cared. They had a great relationship and he loved their lifestyle. When he emptied in the girl, he rolled off her and she slipped out the door to be fucked by some other random man. He just loved these getaways.

Published 2 years ago

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