I asked Connie for our date on Tuesday, and it was my boldness that got her attention. Unlike Heather and Sue, who I asked in semi-private, just in front of the other girls, Connie, I decided to ask at the end of our electrical engineering class. Most other students were still in the room, and Connie was chatting with a couple of her friends when I walked up to her.
“Hey, Connie.”
“Oh hi, Jay, what’s up?”
“I was just wondering if you had any plans on Friday evening.” There were a couple of giggles from the people around us.
“Oh, ahh, well nothing specific, what did you have in mind?”
“I just wondered if you would like to go to dinner, maybe do something else after?”
“Oh, ahh, yeah, I guess so, what time?”
“7:00,” I answered.”
“Okay, 7:00 is good for me; see you then.”
There was a stunned silence for a moment as I left the classroom. One of the guys gave me a smirk as I walked out and whispered: “Good luck with the Ice Queen bra.”
I could tell from Connie’s astonished look that she hadn’t expect the date request to be so public. Still, she didn’t say another word about it until we met to study Wednesday night.
“Hey, stud, way to go on asking me for a date in public.”
I just gave her a cat that ate the canary smirk, and we organized our books and paper across the table to began studying.
Connie was the most complex of the four girls. A lot of people treated her like a blonde bimbo, but she was a borderline genius with near-perfect recall. Connie could also have easily been a top model, as most guys I know gave her a ten in looks. She used those looks to advantage; sucking unsuspecting souls in with a sweet southern bell charm, and then destroyed them with her intelligence. Connie made the professor cry and run from his classroom after he misquoted a book that he authored. She had earned her Ice Queen reputation; if a date showed that he only cared about how she looked, they wouldn’t get so much as a handshake.
I guess that’s why Connie and I had always gotten along so well. She thought I was gay, so she automatically assumed her looks meant nothing to me. Connie was wrong about me being gay, but it had never been just her looks that attracted me. She was sweet and charming and could carry on an intelligent conversation, no matter the topic.
While she was a complicated person, Connie enjoyed the simple life. Yeah, she enjoyed fine restaurants, theaters, clubs, and such, but she was just as happy to curl up on the couch with take-out and a movie, or even just a walk in the park. No, our first real date couldn’t be that simple, but she would have never complained if it was. She often complained to me that guys would take her places just to impress her, and she hated that.
Friday evening rolled around, and I knocked on Connie’s door five minutes late. Connie answered the door immediately, “You’re late!”
“Sorry, honey,” I replied, “I got stuck in traffic.”
She squinted her eyes and gave me a look. “You live next door, smartass!”
“Well, the hall gets busy this time of day,” Connie smirked as she shut and locked her door.
“So, where are you taking me?” she asked.
“You’ll see when we get there.”
We drove to the edge of the city and turned into a private drive.
“Where are we?” she asked. “This place looks Chinese or something.”
“Japanese actually, it’s a private Japanese Tea House and Spa.” Connie’s eyes light up at the word ‘Spa.’
A Geisha greeted us as we entered the front door. “Irasshaimase, Onamaehanandesuka,” which means welcome to our store, what is your name?
I answered, “Connie-san, Conner-san.”
The Geisha responded, “ahh hajimemashite,” which means nice to meet you. “Conner-san, Kochira e dōzo. This way, please.”
We followed the Geisha to a beautiful patio that overlooked a Japanese garden. The Geisha said, “Koko ni suwatte kudasai. Please sit here.”
I told Connie to sit on the floor pillow, then turned and bowed to the Geisha, “Domo arigatogaozaimashita. Thank you very much.”
The Geisha bowed and left us.
“Jay, I didn’t know you spoke Japanese?” asked Connie.
“Yeah, I speak Japanese and Spanish fluently, German and French enough to get by, and just a little bit of Mandarin.”
“My god, Jay, you speak six languages. I never knew you spoke anything but English.”
“Well, I guess I never talk about myself much.”
A young Geisha entered the room, and Connie asked, “Are these Geisha Girls?”
“Ahh, you just refer to them as Geisha.”
“But aren’t Geisha prostitutes?” Connie asked.
The Geisha’s eyes went wide, but I quickly apologized, “Shazai, Kanojo wa rikai shite imasen. Apology, she does not understand. Kanojo o yurushite, forgive her.” The Geisha left the room, and I explained to Connie.
“Connie, sweetie, Geisha are not prostitutes, and you need to know while they speak Japanese within these walls, they all speak and understand English. So you kind of just offended our Geisha. Geisha are entertainers and hostesses, they will take care of our every need, and will sing or play an instrument for us, but they do not perform sexual favors. When we finish eating, and the Geisha finishes performing, she will escort us to the Massaji-shi ‘Masseuse’ for a massage.”
“Ooow, I like massages,” Connie exclaimed.
“Yes, I know you do, but I have to warn you. My dad said the massages are fully nude, both you and the Masseuse, and very sensual. You can’t ask for anything sexual, but it will be a happy ending as it were. If they touch anywhere you don’t like, just say ‘Bango,’ which means ‘No,’ and they’ll move on.”
“Jay, have you been here before?”
“No, it’s one of the many businesses my dad owns a stake. So the Geisha should be back in a second. You insulted her, so you need to apologize. Just look her in the eye, then bow your head and say, ‘Wakaranakatta Shazai.’ It means, ‘I didn’t understand, apology,’ she will probably respond, ‘Anata wa yurusa reta,’ which means you are forgiven.”
The Geisha reentered the room, and Connie made her apology, slightly off in pronunciation. Still, the Geisha smiled and offered her forgiveness. We were served soup, then a rice dish with shrimp and nigari. We ate and listened as our Geisha played a stringed instrument. Once we completed our meal, the Geisha performed the tea ceremony. Connie mimicked everything I did, and we finished the tea and sweet cakes.
The Geisha then served us Saki, and went back to singing and playing her stringed instrument.
The evening had been very relaxing, and I could tell Connie was enjoying it immensely. She moved over and sat between my legs leaning against my chest as we listened to the Geisha. At one point, Connie tilted her head back onto my shoulder and whispered in my ear. “I love this, Jay, thank you.” Then she kissed my earlobe and blew hot air in my ear.
“Just wait till you’ve had your massage,” I retorted.
The Geisha finished and led us to a changing room. Then she explained to me to remove our clothes and shower. Then to go through the door to the left without drying off, and each lay face down on a massage table. I explained to Connie, and she shed her clothes without a second thought. The shower was simply an open room with several showerheads along one wall, so Connie and I showered next to each other and washed each other’s backs.
Connie took it a step further with a reach around and started stroking my cock. She then turned me around and proceeded to give me a hard and fast blow job. It took me about ninety seconds before I had to warn her I was going to cum. She just kept going until she had sucked me dry, and then stood with a smile and my cum dripping down her chin. After rinsing her face, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.
“Don’t you want one too?” I asked.
“Don’t worry, baby. You’re going to pay me back for that in triplicate later.”
The massage room was warm and lit with candles. There was also the smell of incense burning. Connie and I laid on the massage tables in the center of the room. The two tables were together, so after we laid down, Connie reached over and took my hand. I lifted my head and looked at her, and she mouthed the words, ‘I love you.’ It was huge; Connie was not one to use those words lightly.
She had told me she loved me in the past, but the context was that she loved me as a best friend. I could immediately tell the meaning was as a lover. I smiled at her and whispered, “I love you too.” Connie’s face noticeably brightened, she squeezed my hand, interlaced her fingers in mine, and put her head down.
A moment later, someone came in and asked in English, “the masseuse would like to know if any part of your body is troubling you, and if you want a hard or soft massage?”
Connie spoke up, “My lower to mid-back and my calves have been hurting, and I like hard.”
I said, “My neck and shoulders are tight, and I like hard too.”
Two young women entered the room, saying, “Kanbanwa, good evening,” and introduced themselves as Mariko and Yoshiko. They were both in matching silk Kimono, and as we watched them, the kimono’s dropped to reveal two stunningly beautiful women. Their bodies were similar, and both were about the same height, around five-foot-six, with B-cup breasts and shaved kitties. Mariko spoke in accented English and told us she would do Connie-san, and Yoshiko would take care of Conner-san.
The massages began, and soon, I could hear Connie ow and ah, with the occasional low moan. My massage was going well, and I could feel the tension in my neck and shoulder fade away. Our backsides completed, the masseuse said, “Uragaesu.”
“Connie, they want us to turn over.” I turned over, and both masseuses gasp.
Mariko said, “Saizu ga hijo ni oki,” Connie lifted her head, and they were all looking at my cock sticking in the air. Mariko said to Connie, “Your boyfriend very big,” the girls all giggled, and Yoshiko began to massaging my upper body.
As the massage continued, Connie’s vocalizations became more intense with moans. I looked over, and Mariko was massaging Connie’s breasts, moving from the outside to just before her nipple. Connie reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight as Mariko firmly grabbed both Connie’s nipples and pulled. Connie convulsed in orgasm, and Mariko whispered something in Connie’s ear, Connie just shook her head, yes, and Mariko motioned to Yoshiko.
Yoshiko climbed up on the table and straddled my chest, facing my feet and began massaging my stomach. I looked over, and Mariko was in the same position on Connie. Connie looked over at me with a big smile and mouthed, ‘Have fun.’
Connie began rubbing her hands up and down Mariko’s thighs, so I did the same to Yoshiko. She then lifted her ass as she reached past my pelvis to massage my legs. I couldn’t see, but my cock had to be close to her face as I felt her hot breath each time she rubbed down my thigh. On the fourth trip, I heard Connie moan and felt Yoshiko’s tongue flick across my cock head.
I looked over and saw Connie now had her face buried in Mariko’s pussy. So I gently pulled Yoshiko’s legs towards my face, and she moved her pussy over my mouth. As I slid my tongue into her, Yoshiko reciprocated by sliding my cock into her mouth. Her mouth and tongue felt like heaven, but she licked and sucked just hard enough that it felt great, but I was never going to cum.
I heard Connie cum for the third or fourth time when Yoshiko stopped and sat up. Mariko had done the same with Connie, and I figured our fun was over. Yoshiko told me to sit up, and Mariko whispered something in Connie’s ear. Connie acknowledged by shaking her head, yes, and climbed into my lap and sank my cock into her. She didn’t move after impaling herself, and Mariko told us to stay like that as she and Yoshiko positioned themselves behind Connie and me. Then they moved our legs and arms to the position they wanted us in.
Mariko, satisfied with everyone’s body position, said, “You kiss like lovers, but no move bodies, ok.”
Connie and I began kissing passionately, our tongues met and started twirling around each other’s mouth. I then felt hands begin massaging my chest. After a few minutes, it felt like my nipples were on fire. Connie moaned into my mouth, and we continued like that for what felt like hours. I continuously felt Connie’s pussy squeezing and convulsing, but not orgasming. I could barely comprehend what was happening with the massage, as my entire body was buzzing.
Then I heard Mariko say something to Connie, and Connie started gyrating her hips in a circular motion. The movement took everything to the next level, and now I could feel my tongue vibrating in Connie’s mouth. Connie and I had not parted our lips or tongues since this all began. Finally, Mariko said something else, and Connie started an up and down motion in addition to her gyrating. I then felt four hands come between Connie and me, and each grabbed one of our nipples.
The fingers started what could be described as a milking motion for several minutes; I felt the cum bubbling up in my nuts when the fingers clamped down hard. Both Connie and I separated our lips and screamed into the air. My entire body began to convulse and jerk with the most intense orgasm I had ever felt. Connie’s pussy was convulsing so tight around my cock that it felt slightly painful.
I usually cum a lot, but the amount it felt like this time had to be insane. I felt jet after jet after jet spurt deep inside Connie. She would tell me later that she felt her cervix open and my cock slip in as she started the most intense orgasm of her life. We stayed in the sitting position with the masseuses holding us up for several minutes. Finally, Yoshiko slipped back away from me, and they gently laid us back with Connie on top of me. My cock still buried deep and hard in her pulsing pussy. I don’t know how long we lay there before I felt Connie’s lips gently kissing mine, and I opened my eyes.
Connie said, “Welcome back, baby. They want me to get off of you so they can clean us.”
I gave her a quick deep kiss and held her as I rolled to the right and laid her gently on her back.
The masseuses gently sponged our bodies and then helped us to stand. I looked at the tables, and the volume of fluids on those tables defied the imagination. Then as if on cue, a large plop of cum pushed out of Connie onto the floor.
“My god Jay, I’ve never seen so much cum before.”
Mariko spoke up, “The Okini hichi often yields large amounts of semen, but this is the most I have seen. Connie-san, if you do not wish to become pregnant, you may want to use plan B.”
“Oh, thank you, but I’m on the pill,” answered Connie.
“Yes, Connie-san, but the Okini hichi opened your Shikyukei, so you could still become pregnant.”
“She means your cervix, sweetie,” I said.
“Oh, okay, Arigatogozaimashita Mariko-san,” Connie replies to Mariko
Connie and I showered, and to our amazement, Connie pushed out several more plops of semen. Two big fluffy towels were on tables next to the door, and our clothing looked like they’d been cleaned and pressed. As we finished dressing the Geisha collected us and escorted us to the door.
“O ai dekite koeideshita. Arigatozaimashita, sayonara. Goodbye and thank you,” I said.
We got back to Connie’s apartment, “Jay, would you stay the night with me?”
“With pleasure,” I responded.
I followed her into the apartment and the bedroom. Connie turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, and we kissed passionately for a moment.
“Baby, thank you for the best date I’ve ever been on.”
She started removing my clothes, and I removed hers. Naked again, she turned and pulled the covers back, then pulled me into bed with her. Our arms and legs entwined, and we kissed passionately for several minutes.
Connie broke the kiss and looked into my eye, “Baby, I meant what I said earlier.”
“I know you did, and so did I, sweetie.”
“Baby… I mean you’re it, I don’t ever want to be with another man but you… ever.”
“I know what you’re saying sweetie, but what about Rach, Sue, and Heather?” I asked.
“You can still be with them too if you want. I love them too,” Connie said. “But I don’t think I could handle you being with anyone but us.”
“Really,” I asked, “you could st…”
Connie put her finger across my lips, “shh, let talk about it tomorrow.” With that, Connie gave me another quick peck on the lips and turned over. We spooned together and went to sleep.
I woke in the morning to banging on Connie’s front door. I was on my back, and Connie was lying diagonally across me with her face nuzzled in my neck, with one hand on my chest and the other resting behind my head. I could feel her pubic mound resting in the palm of my hand. I’m not sure how we went from spooning the night before to this odd position, but I liked waking up like this. The banging continued, so I began stroking her labia with my index finger until I felt her start to stir.
“I’m going to beat Heather bloody,” Connie whispered in my ear. Connie then giggled, “They can’t get in, they don’t have a key.” She began sucking on my ear lobe and humping my hand.
“Yes, but Rach has my key, and she knows where I keep your key.”
“Crap!” she exclaimed. “Let’s hurry; I want a quickie before they get in here.”
Connie slipped over on top of me, grabbed my already hard cock, and guided it to her waiting hole. She slid the head back and forth along her slit several times, and it slipped in without resistance. After it slipped in, she laid on top of me and started kissing and sucking my neck. Her hips circled and ground her clit into my pelvic bone. It only took a few minutes until she shuddered to an orgasm. She lay there a few minutes while the orgasm subsides sucking on my neck. She finally lifted and looked at my neck with a satisfied expression on her face.
“What?” I asked. “Is something wrong with my neck?”
“No baby, you’re fine,” Connie smirked as she began pumping my cock up and down this time.
We had been going at it for five minutes when we heard the front door open. In rushed Heather, and dove onto the bed with a shriek. Heather immediately planted a deep passionate kiss on me while Connie continued to pump me. Of course, the interruption had set my orgasm back, but I was now being fucked hard by Connie as the other three girls sat on the bed and watched.
Suddenly Heather yelled, “YO BITCH, You marked him?”
“Uh-huh,” responded Connie.
“What do you mean, she marked me?” I asked.
Rachel said, “She put a big hickey on your neck, dude.”
“Oh, I wondered what you were doing to my neck.” Connie just smiled and kept riding my cock with her eyes closed.
The girls distracted me enough that I wasn’t even close at that point, but I could tell Connie was getting close. Heather seemed to recognize my issue and quickly straddled my face. Heather wasn’t wearing panties under her skirt and was already wet as I reached my tongue into her folds. I was finally getting close when Connie orgasmed hard and flooded my cock and balls with her juices. Connie rolled off before I could tell her not to stop.
Rachel took advantage and dropped her shorts and hopped on my cock. She had me balls deep before anyone could object, but I was already back to square one with my orgasm. In the meantime, I was quickly brought Heather to her first orgasm; Heather squealed with delight as I shoved my tongue in her rosy little hole. It sent her over the edge, and she proceeded to drench my face. Then at almost the same moment, Rachel reached her orgasm. My mouth still busy with Heather, and I couldn’t object when Rach slid off.
She was quickly replaced by Sue. Sue must have been jilling off because she orgasmed as soon as my cock sank into her. As I had just taken Sue’s virginity a couple of days ago, she had the tightest pussy of the four. Not that the other girls weren’t tight, but Sue was like a new glove, it fit, but needed to stretch out a little. It was fun watching her bounce up and down.
Her clit was sticking almost straight out but rubbing my pubic mound each time she hit bottom. Her face looked of pure ecstasy, and her tight pussy felt like heaven. She only took a few minutes to cum again, which brought me over the edge as well.
So there I lay, in the middle of Connie’s bed, with four women snuggled up against me, two on each side. And all four of them had been satisfied by me. Yes, I was most definitely the luckiest son of a bitch in the world right now.
The girls and I all drifted off to sleep and didn’t wake until 10:00 am. We all showered and dressed, then each of the girls gave me a quick five-second Frencher before leaving Connie’s. I kissed Connie last and turned to leave.
“Jay,” I turn to face her, and she whispers, “I love you, Jay.”
I smiled, “I know Connie, I love you too.” And I closed the door.
Connie’s continued admission of love didn’t bother me. Out of the four girls, looking back, she had always been the sweetest to me, giving me looks and touches I didn’t understand until now. The funny thing is, I felt like Rachel was the closest of my friends, but then each of the girls held an equal share of my heart.
Rachel’s date had been a little more spontaneous, but Rachel was a rocker girl. She loved everything from AC/DC to Godsmack. I had lucked out the previous weekend and secured two scalped VIP Stage tickets to see Nickelback’s No Fixed Address tour, and as a bonus, The Pretty Reckless was opening. Rachel loved The Pretty Reckless lead singer Taylor Momsen from her favorite show, Gossip Girl.
So I had my mom call in a favor and get me backstage passes as well. Oh, and of course, I couldn’t leave my other three favorite girls out, so I asked mom if she could get me three more tickets in a section 40 feet from the stage. I also secured a car service to take and pick them up. They had known all week but didn’t let on the Rachel.
It was a long ride to the venue, so I got to Rachel’s at 4:30. Of course, she made a few smart ass remarks about only ‘Old People’ going on dates at 4:30, but she was ready and dressed to the nines. I told her to wait in the living room, as I needed to get some things from her room that she would need later. Rach would kill me if I took her to a rock concert in a fancy dress. So I collected her rocker girl outfit and makeup in my bag, went back to the living room and pushed a confused Rachel out the door.
“Where are we going, Jay? Your car is over there.”
“I’ve arranged other transport for our date tonight,” I said.
“Hey, there’s Connie, Heather, and Sue getting in that car over there,” she said.
“Yeah,” I said, “the other girls are going out on their own tonight.”
A moment later, a stretch limo pulls up in front of us. “A limo, nice.”
“Only the best for you, Rach.”
“Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Donner,” said the chauffeur. “I’m John, there’s a full bar and a goody basket inside, please partake in whatever you like. The drive should take just under two hours. If there is anything I can do to make your ride more comfortable, just let me know.”
“Thank you, John, please let us know when we are twenty minutes from our destination,” I answered.
We entered the limo and are on our way before. “Where the hell are we going that’s two hours away, Jay?”
“You’ll find out when we are twenty minutes from arriving. Let’s see what’s in the goody basket. Oh wow, there’s all kinds of cheeses, there’s caviar, crackers, cookies. The mini-bar is cool, it has a list of drinks, you press a button, and it makes the drink for you.”
So for the next forty-five minutes, Rach and I ate, drank, and talked on our ride.
“Baby, is it private back here?” asked Rachel.
“Yeah, the driver won’t bother us until we are twenty minutes out. Why?”
“Well, I’ve always wanted to have sex in a limo,” she said.
“Oh, well, I think I can help you with that.”
“I know you can, baby.”
We started with some kissing on the back seat. Our tongues met and danced together for a few minutes before I moved my hand up Rach’s leg. I felt the heat emanating from her crotch each time I rubbed up and down each leg, and finding in true Rachel fashion, she wasn’t wearing panties. I got down on the floor as Rach leaned back and began kissing up her inner leg and thigh to her waiting treasure.
I reached her already swollen lips and lick the length bottom to top and flick my tongue over her clit a few times, causing her to moan lightly. I pull back a second and watched with amazement as her labia extend out and open like butterfly wings, a bead of her juice dripped from the opening.
Her scent was intoxicating and made my mouth water in anticipation. I stuck my tongue into her waiting hole, and her juice trickled onto my tongue. The taste was sweet like honey and tangy like a mango, but the flavor is unmistakably Rachel. I kept my mouth and lips planted firmly against her opening as my tongue swirled around inside her.
I had to swallow her juices continuously to keep it from flooding the seat. Still, it only took about ten minutes of this before she grabbed my head and forced it tighter against her pussy. Then she clasps her thighs down on my head as her orgasm began. I cleaned her pussy of what little juice escaped from around my lips and sat up next to her.
Rachel still had her eyes closed, but felt around blindly with her hand until she found my hand. She laced her fingers between mine and held on tightly for several minutes. I watched her as her breathing slowly returned to normal, and her eye’s finally fluttered open. She looked at me and smiled and then looked out the window and spoke.
“There was a car full of people driving next to us for a while. This girl seemed to be looking straight at me while you were going down on me.” Rach looked back at me, “It was so hot thinking about being eaten just a few feet from people that couldn’t see us… Okay, baby, it’s your turn, take your pants off, so I don’t soak them.”
Rachel removed her dress, and now had on a thin black lacy bra and matching garter belt with black lace stockings. “So what happened to the panties for that set?” I asked.
“Well,” she responded, “I figured I wouldn’t have them on long enough to matter, so I left them in the drawer.”
“You may regret that decision in about thirty minutes,” I said.
“Hum, don’t you like the easy access?” she asked.
“Oh, I like it very much. I’m just saying.”
Rachel started stroking my semi-hard cock for a minute before lining me up with her still wet pussy and impaling herself. She let out a little squeal as I pushed her cervix in, but started riding me fast and hard. It only took about ten minutes before I felt like I was getting close.
“I’m getting ready to cum, Rach.”
“Okay, just hold out a little longer, I’m almost there too.”
Rachel slowed her pace and started pushing her clit against my pubic bone. “I’m there, baby, you can cum.”
Rachel shuttered and started bouncing up and down fast and took me over the edge.
We just started to reenter reality when we heard the driver’s voice. “We are making good time, Mr. and Mrs. Donner; we should arrive in just over twenty minutes.”
“Thank you, John, please let us know when we are five minutes out,” I said.
“Yes, sir.”
“Why is he calling me ‘Mrs. Donner?'”
I responded, “He only had my name on the reservation, so he probably just assumed, and we didn’t correct him the first time.”
“Oh, okay, I don’t mind, I just wondered if you told him I was your wife.”
“We need to get ready,” I said.
“So, where are you taking me?” asked Rach.
“To the concert of a little band, you might like,” I said.
“So which band?” ask Rach.
“Aaaaaaaa!” Rachel screamed.
“Is everything alright back there?”
“Yes, John, Mrs. Donner is just a little excited about where I’m taking her this evening.”
“Okay, sir, just checking.”
“Wait,” extolled Rachel, “you’re taking me to a rock concert in this?”
“Cool your jets baby and look in my bag, your rocker girl stuff is in there.”
Rachel looked through the bag, “Jay baby, you know me too well, it looks like you got everything… oh crap, you brought my black leather mini, and I don’t have panties. Now I see what you were talking about, no panties.”
Rachel dressed in her Black Leather Mini, and White nearly see-thru sleeveless top. She left her black lace bra on which is visible through her white top, and the garter and lace stockings. Then she re-did her make-up heavy rocker girl style and added a black leather choker. Her black leather high heel boots completed the ensemble giving her a very edgy rocker girl look.
I dressed in designer jeans with holes, a black printed tee, and black boots. Rachel and Connie took me to a concert last year, and when I showed up in my regular clothes, they both laughed at me and said I was not going to a concert looking like that. They dragged me to the mall and made me buy this outfit. Of course, now Rachel said I wasn’t edgy enough, so she put dark eye makeup on me and declared I looked ‘Bad Ass!’
We got to the venue, and I clicked the intercom, “John, when you open the door for Mrs. Donner, please block her front as she gets out.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Wait,” said Rach. “Why does he need to block my front?”
“Because there will be photographers taking pictures as the VIPs exit their limos, and I don’t want anyone getting an upskirt shot of you.”
“Ohh, aren’t you sweet defending my hon… wait VIP, you bought VIP Tickets?”
“Ahh, yes, and backstage after-party too.”
“Did your mom do any of this?” asked Rachel.
“Yes, my mom got us the backstage passes.”
“Connie, Heather, and Sue are going to be so pissed they missed this.”
“Ahh, well, to tell you the truth, they’re here. I’m not sure where, but my mom got them tickets too.”
“Hey,” Rachel exclaimed, “I didn’t get to come on their dates.”
“Well, they’re not on your date. They’re just at the same place, and we are sitting in VIP with backstage passes, and they have regular seats,” I said. “And you know I couldn’t NOT get them tickets to a concert they would all be disappointed to miss.”
“Okay, but them bitches better not mess with my date.”
We made our way in and found our seats, front row center. In addition to the seats, the VIP sections had stage access. There was a twenty-foot open section between our seats and the stage. The other cool VIP feature was a concession stand/bar next to the stage just for VIP ticket holders. So after we sat down, I went and got us a couple of beers.
“So who’s opening for Nickelback?” asked Rachel.
“Oh, a new band, you’ve probably never heard of them. I think the band is called… The Pretty Reckless.”
“NO FUCKIN WAY!” screamed Rachel.
“Oh, so you’ve heard of them before?”
“You asshole, you know how much I like Taylor Momsen.”
“Oh, well, if that’s the case, I had better give you this.” I handed Rachel a ticket to a private meet and greet with The Pretty Reckless after their set. Rachel looked at the ticket for a moment; her eyes lit up, she let out a little scream, and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. Then she whispered in my ear; “Baby, I don’t know how you pulled this off, but you are getting fucked so hard later.”
About that time, I heard my name called. “JAY” I look over my shoulder, and about ten rows back, just out of the VIP section is Heather, Connie, and Sue. Rachel turns around and stuck her tongue out at them. The girls all stuck their tongues out at Rach and sat down.
“Your mom is amazing, getting them that close to the stage.”
“Yeah, I guess working for a record producer has its perks,” I said
We drank a couple more before the arena went dark. Rachel grabbed my hand and rushed us to the stage. In the dark, we could hear the sounds of a woman having sex, and then the band started playing ‘Follow me Down’ as the stage bathed in lights.
The stage was about five feet high, so after Rachel danced around for a minute, she pulled me down and told me to lift her. I got down and lifted her on my shoulders. I immediately felt her moist pussy on my neck, but I certainly wasn’t about to complain. She had swayed on my shoulders through about three songs when Taylor came down to the front, reached out and slapped Rachel’s hand. After the song, she told me to let her down; her legs were going to sleep.
“Let’s go sit down for a bit,” she said.
We sat through the rest of the set, and then I escorted Rachel to the security gate for her once in a lifetime meet and greet with The Pretty Reckless.
“So Rach, why don’t you tell us about the meet and greet with The Pretty Reckless?”
“Oh, Okay.”
[Rachel Narrating]
So there were twelve people they took back for the meet and greet. They escorted us back to this room where the band was waiting, and the other eleven people went all fan crazy and rushed the band. I just kind of held back and watched while the others mobbed the band, asking stupid questions and snapping selfies. After a few minutes, the handler had pushed most of them out a side door. That’s when Taylor noticed me and walked over.
“So you not a fan?” asked Taylor.
“Oh yes, I definitely am; I just think it’s so rude to rush people no matter who they are. Especially when those people are taking their time to meet you,” I said.
Taylor reached over and shook my hand. “Hi, I’m Taylor Momsen, and we appreciate fans that show respect and a little class.”
“Hi Taylor, I’m Rachel Savage, but my friends just call me Rach. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Come on over and meet the band.” Taylor escorted me over to the other band members, “Guys, I’d like to introduce my new friend Rach.”
The band all introduced themselves, and then the handler took a few pictures of me with the band.
“So guys, The Veronicas, what the fuck?” I asked. They all started laughing.
“Mate, those bitches were crazy.”
“Yeah, and if we had to play one more soulless POP song, we were all going to kill ourselves. Hahaha.”
“So how did you end up here?” Taylor asked me.
“Well, I don’t know the details, but my boyfriend knew how much I like The Pretty Reckless. He arraigned a whole VIP package complete with Limo, stage passes, backstage after-party, and this meet and greet,” I said.
“Wow, he sounds like quite a boyfriend,” responded Taylor. “You said you had after-party passes too? The guys have to leave, but I’ll be at the party. Be sure to catch up with me; I’d like to meet your boyfriend.”
“That sounds great, Taylor, and I look forward to it.”
“Did you have any questions for us before you go back to your seat?” asked Taylor.
“I just have one for you, Taylor. Do you miss it?” Taylor seemed to know what I was asking.
“Really, no. You see, while I probably wouldn’t be where I am now without that part of my life. It was all my parents directing that part of my life. I was working a full-time job when other kids my age were playing with Barbies. Music and writing were my escape from that life. So when I got the chance to do my own thing, I chose music. So this… this is the real me, the real us. Ben and I write about real life, real feelings, and we all love what comes out. Let me ask you; what music drives you?”
“Well, my dad listened to a lot of classic rock, like AC/DC, Zeppelin, and Nirvana. I always loved listening to music with my dad, so naturally, I kept going with good rock. I like music that tells a story.”
“All Right, rock on,” said Taylor, “Well, you probably need to get back to your seat, but bring your boyfriend by to meet me at the after-party.”
We all said our goodbyes, and I’m escorted back to the VIP section.
[Jay Narrating]
So Rachel got back to our seats and told me how much she enjoyed her talk with the band. At one point, Rachel was kissing me, and I opened my eyes and noticed she was flipping the bird. I looked back, and there was Connie, Heather, and Sue, all flipping the bird back at Rach.
“Now, now Rach, play nice with the other girls,” I said.
Rachel grabbed my face and planted another kiss, looking back at the girls while she did it as a taunt. I heard Heather scream, “Bitch, I will cut you.” Rach continued the showy kiss for another moment before she breaks the kiss, and flips the bird at the girls again. Rachel and I give each other a look just as the arena lights go out.
Rach grabbed my hand and rushed for the stage. We were right against the railing in front of the stage, and Rach had her ass tight against my pelvis. With the five-inch heels she was wearing, her ass was the perfect height, and she was taking advantage by rubbing my now steal hard cock between her cheeks as she danced and swayed to the music.
On the third song, I felt Rachel reach behind her and unzip my pants. She fished around for a moment and pulled my cock out, I lifted her skirt a few inches, and she slid it between her thighs. She continued swaying to the music, and I felt her juices coating my cock. By the time the song finished, my cock and her legs and pussy were soaked in her love juice. As the next song started, I bent down, pulled back, and thrust up into her with ease. It was at the perfect part of the song, and Rachel screamed and threw her hands in the air as I hit bottom.
The song was fast, so Rachel danced, bucked, and ground herself against my hard cock through two songs. The third song was a slow ballad, so she put her hands up over her head and around my neck. I pulled her tight against me as we swayed to the music in our lovers’ dance. I reached down and under the front of her skirt and started massaging her clit.
It took about thirty seconds before I felt her flood my cock and pushed it out of herself. I could feel her knees buckle, but I held her tight against me, my cock still wedged between her thighs.
I looked to my right, and the girl standing there was staring at me, she smiled, shook her head and mouthed, “Nice job.” Then she went back to watching the concert.
Rachel recovered quickly, as I tried to pull away, but she reached back and held me in place.
I leaned down and spoke in her ear; “Baby, my legs are burning, I can’t keep this up.”
Rachel released me, and I pulled back to put my cock away but felt another hand wrap around my cock. I looked down and followed the hand back to the girl who had been watching us. The girl stroked my cock a few times as I opened my pants, and then she helped me put it in my jeans. After getting my jeans zipped back up, the girl talked in my ear.
“Does your girlfriend share?” she asked.
I shook my head no, and she frowned with pouty lips, then leaned back in and said; “Too bad, it could have been fun.”
I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to find Rachel staring at me, and then she gave the girl a look. You know the one I’m talking about, the ‘Leave or Die’ look. The girl threw up her hands in defeat and mouthed, ‘Sorry,’ to Rachel. Rachel grabbed my hand, placed it on her boob, and spun back around.
She grabbed my free hand and wraps it around her, then throws her hands in the air and started dancing. I began to move my hands, but she quickly grabbed them and put them back in place. I chuckled to myself and just thought, ‘Okay, stuck like glue,’ so I squeezed her boob and pulled her tight against myself.
After another song finished, Rachel turned and said, “I’m tired. Let’s go sit down.”
We finished out the concert in our seats with Rachel sitting on my lap and generally acting very possessively. Nickelback finished the concert and then came back out for an encore. We sat there for a few minutes.
“What’s going on, Rach? You’re acting strange.”
“Dude, that girl had her hand on your cock, not cool!”
“Rach, I didn’t invite her to do it, she just grabbed me. After just watching us have sex right next to her, she asked if you would share me. I told her no, and she let go. Sweetie, I didn’t think it would be wise to make a scene after what we had just done.”
“I know I don’t have any right to be jealous, but when I saw her holding you… I was. This is my date, and I don’t want to share you with anyone.”
“Are you mad that I got the girls’ tickets?” I asked.
“No, I’m not mad… maybe just a little perturbed because I could see them. I wanted this to be my date.”
“Baby, this date is all about you, so don’t let what happened earlier affect your fun. I’m yours, and only yours for the rest of the night.”
Rachel kissed me deeply for a moment. “Thank you; I needed to hear that,” she responded.
Rachel seemed more at ease as we make our way backstage. We grabbed beers from a cooler and see Taylor sitting on a couch with a drink in one hand and a book in the other.
“Hi Taylor,” said Rachel.
“Hi Rach, how’d you like the concert?” asked Taylor.
“We loved it,” replied Rachel.
“So, is this him?”
“Yeah, this is my boyfriend Jay. Jay, this is Taylor.”
“Hi Jay, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Hi Taylor, the pleasure is all mine. Great concert tonight,” I said.
“I heard you went all out for this pretty lady. She must be special to try and impress her this way,” said Taylor.
“Oh, well I wasn’t trying to impress her, she’s my best friend. I just wanted to give her a great memory, but she is special,” I said.
We all sat and talked for a while before Chad walked up, and Taylor introduced us. Rach and I were invited to Nickelback Motorcoach, where we were introduced to the rest of the band and had some pictures taken. It was one of the most exceptional times, either Rachel or I had ever had.
Saying our goodbyes, Rachel and I finally got to the Limo around 2:00 am.
“John,” said Rachel, “let us know went were ten minutes from home.”
“Yes, Mam.”
“And John, just ignore any noises you hear coming from the back.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
John gave me a wink as we entered the limo, and Rachel started shedding her clothes before the door shut. As the limo began to roll, Rachel worked my shoes and pants off, and before we were out of the parking lot, we were both naked and making out hot and heavy on the back seat.
Rachel’s musk was heavy in the air. She pushed me hard against the seat and began working her mouth down to my neck. She spent a few minutes sucking on my neck before moving back to admire her work.
“Did you give me another hickey?” I asked.
Rachel just gave me a shit-eating grin, leaned down, and started kissing my chest. She kissed my chest and licked my nipples for a few minutes, and then; “Ouch,” I exclaimed.
I looked down, and Rachel had bitten my left breast. She pulled away, and I could see the teeth marks. She leaned back in and kissed the area gently, then kisses her way over to my right breast and bit me again. This time hard enough to draw some blood.
“Ouooowww, Dam it Rach, what the fuck?”
“This one,” she pointed to the left bite, “is a love bite, and this one,” she pointed to the right, “is for letting that girl grab your cock. I’m not kissing that one.”
“Rach, I didn’t.”
She lifted her eyebrows and gave me a look; Realizing I was defeated, I just said, “Okay.”
Satisfied I had been put firmly in my place, Rachel resumed licking and kissing down my stomach. She bypassed my cock and started kissing my inner thigh until she bit down. Watching me for a moment, I just gritted my teeth and didn’t let out a sound. She then reached over and brought my steel hard cock to her mouth and quickly grabbed the end with her teeth. My eyes went wide, and she smiled.
“Don’t worry, baby, I wouldn’t dare hurt this masterpiece,” she said.
Then in one swift motion, she took my cock into her mouth and straight down her throat. I could feel her tongue sticking out to lick the top of my sack. Tears were falling from her eyes as she left it buried to the hilt for half a minute. Finally, she pulled back and took a breath, but quickly pushed it back in her throat.
“Sweetie, you don’t need to choke yourself on it,” I said.
She stared at me through tear-filled eyes but kept my cock deep in her throat as before. Once again, she pulled back and took several deep breaths.
“I like the feeling I get from this,” she stated.
She repeated the deep throating several more times before climbing into my lap and immediately impaling herself. Her pussy was so wet that I felt her warm juices running over my balls after the first stroke.
Rachel had been pumping hard and fast for about a minute before I grunted, “Oh god, Rach, I’m going to cum.”
I barely comprehend Rachel saying, “No, you don’t,” and then felt her bite down on my shoulder. I was too far gone to even comprehend the pain over the pleasure of orgasmic relief as I empty my hot seed into her.
It took a few moments to come down before I opened my eyes to Rachel, staring into my eyes.
“Dam it, Jay, I was like thirty seconds from cumming.”
“Sorry, sweetie, but you kept me hard for like four hours during the concert. I’m amazed I lasted as long as I did.”
Rachel gave me a dejected look as my cock slipped out of her, but a moment later, we were kissing hot and heavy again. It didn’t take long to recuperate after she started nibbling my earlobe and breathing warm air across my ear. Rachel didn’t waste any time once I was hard again. She hadn’t dried out in the least and slipped me in balls deep as quickly as the first time.
For the next hour, we screwed each other’s brains out in every position we could get in. I lost count of the quick shudders, and definite orgasms she had. She had just had a quick orgasm while we were doing it in doggie when she turned her head to me and urgently stated; “Fuck my ass… right now! It’s virgin, so be gentle.”
Without a word, I slipped my cock out of her pussy and placed the tip against her anus. She moaned as I pushed the tip in.
“Stop a second,” she exclaimed.
I waited about fifteen seconds until I felt her opening relax a bit, then pushed in about an inch. Rachel moaned loudly, so I paused again. After a minute or so, I felt her relax, so I pushed in a bit farther. This time she moaned lightly, so I begia pumping in and out without going any deeper.
Rachel moaned and got into the rhythm slowly, “Oh, oh, oh, yes, deeper, oh.”
After several minutes my balls were slapping against her wet pussy while she ran her fingers back and forth over her clit. Rachel had become very vocal, and I could only imagine what our driver was thinking.
I pounded in and out of Rachel’s ass and was finally close to cumming when she screamed. Her entire body started shaking, which sent me over the edge. I came hard and released deep in Rachel’s ass, Rachel moaned loudly again, and her ass clamped down hard on my cock. I tried to pull out, but my cock was locked in tight. I remained still and began gently rubbing my hands up and down her back.
After about five minutes, my cock was starting to throb and hurt a bit, but Rachel’s breathing had returned to normal.
“Rach… sweetie?”
“… What?” she asked.
“Sweetie, we’re stuck together, you need to relax so I can pull out.”
I felt her sphincter loosen a bit as I continued to rub her back and butt. Then I felt my cock being pushed out. She finally loosened up more, and I gently pulled back and popped out. My cock was larger than usual, and purple from being held so tight.
“Oh my god,” said Rachel. “It looks so much bigger.”
“I’m just glad it wasn’t in there much longer. It would have sucked to go to the emergency room like this.”
My cock started to go down quickly after removing it from her ass, and none too soon as John announced, “Five minutes,” shortly after I pulled out.
Rachel and I dressed quickly, and I had just put on my shoes as we pulled up to her apartment. We exited the limo, I gave John a big tip, and we headed to Rachel’s room. She quickly opened the door, grabbed my hand, and pulled me in without saying a word. She pulled me into the bathroom and turned on the shower. We quickly showered. I yelled when she washed the bite she drew blood from.
“Oh, quit being a baby; it’s just a scratch,” she said.
“No, it’s a bite, and it stings.”
“All right, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to draw blood,” she replied.
We toweled off, and she put some ointment on the bite, then pulled me into bed.
“Jay, this was the most memorable night of my life. I loved every minute of it, thank you.”
We kissed for a moment. “Thanks, sweetie, I loved every minute of it too, and I love you,” I said.
Rachel smiled sweetly and kissed me again. She rolled over and pulled my arm tight against her chest.
“Oh baby, we have to meet the girls at Quins for brunch, but you can’t get there until 11:00 a.m., okay?” she asked.
“Why do I have to be there late?” I asked.
“Because… we want to talk… about you… without you there,” she stated.
“But, Rach, we always have brunch together.”
“We will baby, we won’t eat without you. We just need to talk in private first. I promise we’ll tell you everything when you get there, okay.”
“Oh, and Jay… I love you too.”
My heart pounded when she returned my profession of love, but I was also nervous about the girls talking without me. In the past two years, I was treated as one of them, and my biggest fear when all this started had been everything would change, and that scared me.
Rachel dropped off to sleep quickly, but my nerves got the better of me. I laid there feeling Rachel’s heartbeat, and listened to her rhythmic breathing as she slept. I saw the first light of dusk peek through the window before finally falling asleep.
[Rachel Narration]
I opened my eyes to the sound of soft music coming from my phone, and Jay snoring in my ear. I extracted myself from under his arm, but he never moved. I quickly dressed and set Jay’s phone for 10:30, kissed Jay on the cheek and left to meet the girls at Quins.