How Polygamy Begins 1-1

"How does a shy guy get from not being able to ask a girl out to polygamy?"

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Hi, My name’s Jason and I’m a young atypical guy. Not quite the Dungeons and Dragons living in my mom’s basement type, but not quite good enough to hang out with the cool kids either. I have spent my life stuck in the netherworld of loneliness. Not that I don’t have any friends, it just seems like most women want to only be friends with me. I’m not really into sports, so most other guys think I’m a dweeb. I’m not into geeky stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, so the nerds don’t like me either. However, I’m a good listener, and an okay conversationalist, so women seem to like me. You would think that was a good thing for a young guy, but I always seemed to be relegated to the friendship zone. I didn’t realize it at the time, but from high school through college, all my ‘Girl’ friends had thought I was a closet gay.

The truth was a lot more complicated, no I’m not gay, and I adored everything about women. From the way they looked and smelled, how they moved, to how they used their brains. In middle school though, a trio of girls had done a real number on me. While I have no trouble talking to a woman, I am so terrified of being rejected. I just can’t seem to bring myself to ask anyone for a date.

Two years earlier in college, one of my ‘girl’ friends Rachel had called me at 2:00 am drunk and needing a ride home.

Wait, wait, wait,” Rachel cry’s out, “that’s where you’re going to start the story?”

“Yeah baby, you should start at the beginning,” says Heather

 “Yeah you idiot, at least tell them about when we all met,” says Rachel.

“Yeah honey,” says Connie, “why don’t you start with when you and Rach first met? Then me, Heather, and Sue.”

“Yeah, in order idiot!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll do it your way girls,” I say.

So, five years ago I started my freshman year of college on a full-ride academic scholarship. I was sitting in my first class, Biology 101, when this cute little redhead walked up to me and asked if the seat next to me was taken. I answered no, and she sat down next to me. Now normally I wouldn’t have thought anything about it, but the class had about 150 seats, and maybe five were taken. So my first thought was, Oh right, sit next to a nerd so you can copy off him. She was really cute mind you, so I didn’t mind. She had dark red hair, was maybe 98 lbs soaking wet, 5’2” tall, and a well-proportioned body for her size. Her face was round with big brown eyes, full lips, and clean smooth skin other girls would kill for.

So she sat down and said, “Hi, I’m Rachel.”

I introduced myself, “Hi I’m Jason, but my friends call me Jay.”

“Hi Jay, my friends call me Rach; it’s nice to meet you.”

The class began, so she didn’t pay any attention to me until the class was over. As we were preparing to leave, she looked over at me and said, “You look like you really know how to take notes.”

“Yeah, I took a class in high school that taught a combination of note-taking and shorthand,” I replied.

“Would you like to be my study partner,” she asked?

“Ahh, sure,” I replied.

She grabbed my hand and wrote her number on my palm. “Great, call me around 5:00 and we’ll get together.”

From that point forward we were inseparable friends, but I never thought she liked me beyond friendship.

“You’re an idiot,” Rachel chimed in.

ANYWAY, I continue, about a month later, Rachel and I were at the coffee shop when the couple behind me started arguing. That argument culminated in the girl throwing her iced coffee in the guy’s face, half of which hit me in the back. The guy got up, called her a crazy bitch and stormed out.

Rach and I were kinda glaring at her when she looked at us and said; “What the hell are you looking at?”

She then put her face in her hands and started to cry. Rachel got up and walked over to her and handed her a napkin. The girl looked up at Rachel, took the napkin and wiped her face.

“I’m sorry I spoiled your date,” she said to Rach.

She then looked at me, apologized, and asked if she could pay for my shirt.

“Ahh, I don’t really like this one anyway,” I said.

She smiled at me and mouths, ‘Thank you.’ “By the way, my name’s Connie.”

Rachel answers “Hi Connie, I’m Rachel or Rach, and this is my good friend Jason or Jay. Jay, would you be a dear and get Connie another Iced Coffee?”

“Oh, he doesn’t have to,” replies Connie.

“Nonsense, think nothing of it,” Rachel said.

So I got her another coffee, and the three of us sat talking for a couple of hours. And that’s how we met Connie.

Rachel, Connie, and I all hit it off that afternoon, and from that moment on we were all friends.

“In the interest of fairness, when you went to get the coffee, I told Connie you were a closet gay.” Rachel said.

“Yeah, and you call me an idiot,” I retort.

So Connie was drop-dead gorgeous.

“Awww, thank you baby.”

She was tall, with blond hair and blue eyes; even her body hair was blond, and she has the body of a Victoria Secrets model. But… then there’s her personality,

“Watch it, Buster.”

“You know it’s true sweetie,” I say.

Don’t get me wrong, she has a great personality overall, she’s smart and fun to be around. But…, she has a tendency to be bossy and can go from zero to bitch it two seconds flat. Let’s just say, she has anger issues.

“Oh, you just wait till later, I’ll show you anger issues.”

For the start of the second semester, Rach, Connie, and I decided to take a few classes together. One of those was Modern History. During our second class, in rushes this girl just before the professor locked the door. Connie was sitting a seat over from me, and the girl plopped down between Connie and me.

“Wooh, right on time,” she exclaims, “I thought I was going to miss it again.” She looks at me and asked “Can I share your book, I forgot mine. I’m Heather.”

“Hi Heather, I’m Jay, and next to you is my friend Connie, and over here is my friend Rachel.”

“Oh hi guys, sorry to intrude”

“It’s okay Connie said, but if you’re going to sit with us take a shower next time, you smell like alcohol and sex.”

“Oh,” Heather said, “sorry about that, late night.”

I actually smelled her trying to figure out what sex smelled like.

“You’re an idiot,” said Rachel

Rachel Marie, quit calling him an idiot,” Sue admonishes.

“Well, he is an idiot!”

“Yes, we all know you wanted to have sex with him from the start, now give it a rest,” said Connie.

“Can I continue please?”

“Yes sweetie, go ahead,” said Connie.

So the next class, Heather arrived on time and bathed, and asked if she could join us. Now Heather is another looker, she’s tall like Connie but has a bit larger body, with light red curly hair, green eyes, large boobs and ass, and freckles over most of her body. Oh and she’s a fitness nut, and with the exception of her boobs, everywhere else is rock hard.

“You know it baby!” exclaims Heather.

Heather is smart and sweet but has a dry sense of humor, and a bit of a wild side.

“Ha, a bit of a wild side, that’s a laugh,” said Sue.

Heather seemed to excel at getting herself into trouble. She’d been arrested six times for indecent exposure, four times for public drunkenness, and she had the distinction of being the first person charged with sodomy in 50 years. That charge was changed to reckless endangerment for giving a blowjob in a moving car. The last charge was in the middle of our sophomore year. Her daddy had always paid for her lawyers, and she always got off, but not this time. This time daddy wouldn’t pay, and she got a public defender. The judge was about to sentence her to three years when I stood up and asked the judge if I could speak.

Rachel, Connie, and Sue stood behind me at the railing, and we pleaded for final leniency. We all told him Heather was our closest friend, and that we had not done our duty to help her stop her bad behavior. In the end, the judge released her on 1-year probation with a 3-year suspended jail sentence, and had us put up a $10,000 bond. If she got into any trouble during probation, we would lose the money, and she would serve the 3-years. Suffice it to say, the four of us kept her wild side on a tight leash on her for a year.

Heather now keeps her wild side private.

Finally, we met Sue through Heather. Much to her dismay, she was Heather’s roommate the first year. Sue had a hard time putting up the Heathers’ wild side, but as it turned out, she started to like Heather, as they were both gym rats.

Susan is a short Italian girl a couple of inches taller than Rach, with long black hair, small boobs, and a stunning ass. She is smart, funny, and has a foot fetish.

“I do not… I just like feet”

All the girls giggle and tell her it’s a fetish. Like Heather, Sue is a real hard body. Oh, she has another amazing feature, but you’ll learn about that further in the story.

By midway through our second semester, we were all close friends and spent most of our time together. Each semester we’d try and get rooms closer together, but it wouldn’t be until the second semester of our junior year that we would all be on the same floor of the same building. Connie and Rach in one room, Heather and Sue in the second, and me across the hall in the third. There was one more room past mine at the end of the hall that was the resident’s room. For our senior year, Connie took the floor resident job, so Rachel got her apartment back to herself.

The apartment complex we lived in was owned by the college but run like an apartment complex. Eight buildings, all coed, each with four floors, and 20 apartments per floor with a resident per floor. To be a resident, you had to be a senior over the age of 21 or a graduate student. Each apartment leased out for $4,400 per semester and could have up to four students per apartment. Most rooms had only two students, as full-ride scholarships I would pay $2200 per semester, but I could pay another $2200 out of pocket and have the room to myself. You could share a room with the opposite sex, but you had to be married. Also, it was only $2000 more to keep the apartment for the summer.

As I said, we all started hanging out, taking as many classes together as possible. The girls all dated guys but dragged me along on all their outings.

Because we thought you were gay,” said Sue.

“Yes girls, I think we have already established you thought I was gay.”

We went on about our lives, did things like taking dance classes, college parties, and weekend trips together. On the occasions when one or more of the girls didn’t have a date lined up, I was their platonic date.

“It didn’t have to be platonic you idiot,” snaps Rach.

WE WENT to a lot of great clubs and parties, although that one club Jaspers you took me to was strange.

“Wait, I just realized now why you took me to Jaspers; it was a gay bar.” The girls all bust out laughing!

“We didn’t want you to be alone when we all had dates, you idiot.”

Generally, I think the girls told me everything, every little detail of their lives. I would hold their hair while they puked, and sat with them when they were sick or hungover. Like what happened with Rach that I started to tell you about earlier.

“Can I start with the good stuff now?”

“It’s your story,” said Sue.

“Yeah, right, it more like our story,” I retort.

Okay, so about two years ago in college, one of my ‘girl’ friends Rachel called me at 2:00 am drunk and needing a ride home. Being the nice guy, as usual, I got up and threw on some jogging pants and a tee-shirt, and drove the five miles to get her. When I got to the club, Rachel was sitting on a curb with her head in her hands, so I got out, walked over and called her name. Rachel looked up at me and smiled, she started to get up but had trouble so I leaned down and helped her up. As she stood she wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a wet kiss on my lips.

“Thank you so much Jay, you’re a real lifesaver.”

“No problem Rach, come on, let’s get you home.”

The ride home was quiet, which was unusual for Rachel, she was definitely a talker. We were almost to the apartments when I asked: “are you all right”?

She looked at me, smiled and said; “I am now. The asshole I went to the bar with took off with another girl when I wouldn’t give him a blowjob.”

“You’re kidding,” I said. “How long have you been going out with him?”

“Our first date,” she answered.

“Wow, and he dumped someone as pretty as you, how stupid.”

Rachel looked at me with a look I had never seen before just as we pulled up at her apartment. I got out and walked around to help her out. As she leaned to get out I notices a few extra buttons on her blouse had come undone. I could clearly see wasn’t wearing a bra and her breasts were on full display. A couple of nice perky handfuls topped with pointy M&M size nipples.

Rachel took two steps and stumbled, so I reached out and caught her.

“I think I had a little too much to drink,” she exclaimed.

I picked her up in my arms. “Ooow, I didn’t know you were so strong,” she exclaims.

“Yeah, I get in a good workout every now and then.” We got to her door, “where’s your key?” I asked.

“It’s in a little pocket inside my skirt, you want to lift it up and find it?”

“Ahh, my hands are kinda busy at the moment.”

“I bet that’s what you tell all the girls.”

Rachel reached into a hidden pocket at the top of her skirt and fishes out the key, pushes it into the lock and opened the door. I carried her into her apartment and started to put her on the couch, but she stopped me.

“Put me in bed, dear Sir.”

So I carried her into her bedroom and sat her on the bed. She kept her arms wrapped around my neck, pulled me down and planted another wet kiss on my lips.

“Jay, I know it probably grosses you out, but I am super horny right now. Would you please have sex with me?”

“Rach, why would it gross me out to have sex with you?”

“Jay… you don’t have to pretend with me, I know you’re gay”

“WHAT,” I exclaim! “Why would you think I’m gay?”

“Jay honey, me, Connie, Heather, and Sue, we all talk. We’re all hot, and you’ve never tried anything with one of us”

“Rach, I’m not gay, I just don’t know, or I… I’m not sure how to ask, I mean I’m afraid you’ll ahh…”.

“You’re afraid of what,” she asked… “what?… that I’ll reject you?”


“Jay honey, you mean to tell me for the past three years you have sat around listening to all our problems, all our talk of bad dates, taking us shopping, watching chick flicks with us, and all along you secretly wanted us?”

“Rach, It isn’t like that, I just didn’t know you liked me like that.”

“Jay honey, all of us girls have done everything short of drawing you a map. We all hang on you, walk around without bra and panties, snuggle up to you during movies, can you not read the signs?”

“No Rach, I don’t get it, I’ve always felt like you and the other girls liked me, I was just afraid you’d say no if I asked you on a date.”

“You Idiot, why would any girl ever say no to a date with you? You’re kind, generous, good looking, smart, funny, and just an all-around nice guy. Any girl would be lucky to be with you. Oh my god, are you still a virgin?”

Tears started to run down my cheek.

“Oh god Jay, honey, don’t cry.”

Rachel pulled me down on top of her and kissed me hard pushing her tongue into my mouth. We continued to kiss for several minutes until she flipped over on top of me, sat up with her hands on my chest and slowly grind on my cock.

“We’re going to talk about this whole thing tomorrow buster, but for now I’m horny. You just do everything I tell you, and this will be the best night of your life.”

Rachel continued to grind my cock while she removed her blouse. She had flashed her boobs at me a hundred times, but this was the first time they were on full display in front of me. She has nice B cups topped with dark brown areolas and M&M size nipples. Her areolas were puffy and her nipples hard. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts.

“Now, massage them gently, and roll my nipples between your thumb and finger.”

I did as she asked.  “Oh, umm, yeah baby, just like that, ooh, just a little lighter on my nipples until I really start moaning, then you can do it harder”

I continued massaging her breasts while she ground on me. I could start to feel wetness on my cock as her juices soaked my jogging pants.

“Now, pull hard on my nipples”

I did as she asked, “Oh god YESsss,” she screamed.

Her body flopped forward on my chest and convulsed as she laid on top of me until her orgasm subsided.

She lifted up and kissed me again for several minutes, then broke the kiss and asked, “Do you want to go down on me; you don’t have to?”

I stammered, “Ahh yeah… but I’ve never done it before.”

“That’s okay, I’ll show you what to do. So start by pulling me tight against you and then roll us over.” I pulled her body close and rolled us over.

“Perfect she said, now start by frenching me for a minute, then kiss my neck and chest down to my nipples slowly. Suck on both of them till they’re nice and hard, and then continue kissing down my belly, kiss and lick all around my belly, and thighs for several minutes before you get to my pussy, then lick that like an ice cream cone.”

I kissed her for several minutes, then moved down across her cheek to her ear. She moaned as I kissed and licked her earlobe. I continued to kiss slowly down the top of her chest until I reach her first nipple, she moaned loudly as I sucked it into my mouth, then she took her hands and pushed my head hard against the breast. I sucked greedily and flicked my tongue back and forth across the nipple to more of her moaning. Then moved over to the other nipple but continued to tweak the first one with my fingers while greedily sucking hard on the second. After several minutes, I continued down her body stopping at her belly button to lick and suck around her piercing. She moaned again as my tongue licked inside her navel.

I continued my assault down her body, grabbing the sides of her skirt and pulling down to reveal she wasn’t wearing panties. She lifted her butt as I slid her skirt down and off and continued kissing down her thighs. Several times she thrust her pussy at me, but I moved away to tease her. On the fourth time I got close I breathed hot air across her lips. Rachel moaned deeply, grabbed me by the hair with both hands and shoved my head onto her pussy. Her musk and taste were like honey, and she was making a large wet spot on the bed. I drove my tongue as deep as it would go into her wet open pussy until my nose settled against her clit.

Rachel squealed with delight as my tongue probed around her opening and finally flicked across her clit.

“OH GOD YES… YES, ohh don’t stop, yes, oh god, oh god”

She fucked my face for several seconds, arching her back and drenched my face in her juices. As she lay there in orgasmic bliss, I used my tongue to clean her up. I finished cleaning her thighs and around her pussy, so I lifted and spread her legs and started licking the juice from her ass cheeks. Then I reached my tongue into her crack. The effect when my tongue touched her anus was a deep moan and almost instant orgasm. I gave her two more orgasms before she finally grabbed my head pulled me up.

“Okay baby, it’s time, I want you to slowly slide… oh, take your pants off.”

I slid out of my jogging pants, and Rachel gasps as my very hard cock sprang free.

“What’s wrong,” I ask.

“Now I’m really mad at you, you’ve been denying me that for two years over a fucking misunderstanding!”


“Don’t Rach me, you’re on my shit list. Now shut up and fuck me! Remember, slow, and stop if you feel like you’re going to cum.”

I placed the head against her entrance and slowly push in till just the head slipped in.

“STOP,” she yelled.


“You look close! Take it nice and slow, we aren’t in a rush, my pussy ain’t going nowhere.”

I waited what seems like an eternity with just my cock head in her very warm, very wet pussy. As I sat there she starts rubbing her clit. I slid in inch by inch and get about two thirds in when Rachel moaned.

“That’s as deep as she goes stud. Now slowly move it out and back in, and if you feel like you’re going to cum, stop.”

“Okay,” I say. “Oh god Rach, you feel so good.”

“Yeah, well dumbass, you could have been feeling that for the past three years. How’s it feel to not be a virgin anymore?”

“I feel wonderful, I’m glad it’s with you.”

“Okay,” she said, “shut up and keep fucking me!”

I slowly built up speed until Rachel started to coo and moan again.

“I’m getting close, Rach.”

“Okay, baby, just a little longer, I’m almost there too.”

After another 30 seconds, I let out “Oh god Rach, and can’t hold it anymore”

“Go ahead baby, it’s okay, you can cum inside me.”

Rachel grabbed my face and pulled my lips to hers and moaned into my mouth as she felt my hot seed start spurting inside her. Her orgasm took hold and I felt her pussy convulse around my cock for over a minute before her she finally relaxed with my still hard cock buried in her.

“God Jay, are you still hard after that, it felt like a fire hose going off inside me”

“uh hu”

“Well… what are you waiting for stud, get pumping? You want to try another position?” she asked.

“Okay,” I said.

“Alright, slide up and we’ll spoon. Slide your cock back in me, put one hand under me and around to play with my nipples, and use the other hand to play with my clit while we slowly fuck.”

“Oh wow Jay, your cock feels so good like this. I love this position with you, most guys aren’t long enough to do it this way. Ohh yeah, just like that, oh, oh yes.”

We continued in this position for several minutes until she had another orgasm. She turned over to face me, pushed me on my back and climbed on. She placed my cock at her opening and impaled herself moaning loudly as I pushed on her cervix.

“Oh god, so deep, so deep,” she exclaimed.

She started bouncing up and down taking all nine inches over and over. After a few minutes, she stopped and spun around on my cock to reverse cowgirl.

“Wow,” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, I’m a spinner.” She said.

She continued for several minutes until another orgasm overtook her, and fell off to my side panting.

“God Jay, you’re incredible, I can’t believe this was your first time. This is like the best sex I’ve ever had. You better enjoy this, because I’m so mad at you, I may never speak to you again.”

I start to speak but Rachel puts her finger over my lips. “Now is not the time for your platitudes Jay, you’ve got one more position to try.”

Rachel flipped over and got on all fours. “Doggie, and I want you to pound me as hard and fast as you can.”

“Ahh, okay” I got behind and inserted my cock into her still juicy pussy and began pumping.

“Harder” she yelled.

I grabbed her hips and start pounding her as hard and fast as I could.


We went like that for a good five minutes until her arms buckled and only her butt was in the air being viciously pounded. I looked and saw her anus was convulsing, so I spat on it and pushed my thumb in as far as it would go. Rachel screamed as her body convulsed and her pussy and anus clamped down on my cock and thumb. The sensation of her orgasm sent me over the edge and I emptied another load in her pussy. I slowly withdrew my thumb from her anus, and cock from her pussy, and watched both orifices continue to convulse for several minutes. Rachel slowly slipped forward to laying on the bed, so I crawled up next to her and spooned her until I fell asleep.

I woke up, the sun streaming through Rachel’s window. Rachel was still spooned tightly against me and had my arm clamped tight under hers with me holding her boob. I tried to slowly pull my arm free but felt her clamp down even tighter. So I laid my head back down and nuzzled my nose into her hair and went back to sleep.

I awoke again to the feeling of Rachel trying to escape my arm, so I clutched her in tight.

“Oooh Baby, not so tight, I’ve got to pee bad,” she said. “Unless you want me to pee on you, you better let me go.”

I released her and she hopped from the bed and sprinted to the bathroom. Even from down the hall I could hear the loud splash and her moan of relief. A moment later I hear the shower start and she calls down the hall, “Baby, come take a shower with me.”

I nearly fell getting out of the bed so fast to join her.

“Well didn’t have to ask you twice,” she said. As I slid to a stop in the bathroom door.

As I entered the shower my cock rose to full attention.

“You can just put that spear away buddy, I’m still mad at you, and you’re going to need to do a lot, and I mean a lot of groveling before I forgive you.”

“Rach, I really am sorry, but…”

“RACH YOU IN THERE” came from the living room.

“Oh shit, Rachel exclaimed, its Connie, she can’t see you like this.”

Rachel hopped out of the shower to close the bathroom door but slipped down on her butt just as Connie reached the door.

“Whacha doo…?” Connie was looking down a Rachel and then looked up and saw me holding my hard-on in the shower.

“Rachel, what is Jay doing naked in the shower… with you? Did you… but he’s…”

“No Connie, we were all wrong, he’s not gay” Rachel looked over her shoulder at me and glared, “Just Stupid!”

“So you’re telling me all those braless afternoons, titty flashes, pussy slips, and general flirting, and our supposedly gay best friend just didn’t get it” Connie exclaimed.

“Yeah,” said Rachel. “Bob ditched me a McCools last night, I didn’t have any money, so I called Jay for a ride. I was horny and it was him or a cold dildo. I figured I’d beg him and played the ‘If you were a real friend’ card he’d let me use his dick. And YOU Dickhead, You’ve been on the inner circle of the girls club for two years hearing all our secrets, listening and participating in all our conversations and you’re not even gay?”

“You know what, you two just finish your shower while I make a call,” Connie said and slammed the bathroom door shut.

“CONNIE, NO, Please Connie, don’t call the girls.”

“What,” I asked?

“She’s calling Heather and Sue, and she blocked the door so we can’t get out.”

“Well,” I say, “we might as well finish our shower.”

Rachel jumped up and hopped in the shower, and we bathed each other. We had just finished showering when we heard voices outside the door.

“What’s the emergency Connie, and why are you holding the door?”

“We have to wait for Heather,” Connie said.

“Who’s in the bathroom?” asked Sue.

“Hey Bitches, what’s the emergency?” asked Heather.

“Heather, thank god you’re here,” said Connie.

“Where’s Rach and Jay?” Heather asked.

“Heather stand right there, Sue over here, and if anything comes running out of this bathroom grab it.”

Connie slowly opened the door to reveal Rachel and I standing in front of the door stark naked.

“Hey Rach, oh ahhh woe Jay, what’s up guys, why are you naked… together… in the bathroom?” Heather asked.

“Girls,” Connie said, “I’m going to ask the question of our best friend Jay we were all too delicate to ask him three years ago. Jason… are you Gay?”

All eyes turn to me. “Ahh, well… No,” I exclaimed.

“Rach, what did you do?” asked Sue.

Connie answered, “Rachel here, AKA Little Ms. Slut was horny last night, and decided our best friend, AKA Gay Jay, was her best option.”

“What the hell did she do, Fuck him straight,” asked Sue.

“No,” said Connie, “apparently our best friend is just clueless, not gay.”

“Jay,” asked Heather, “you lied to us?”

“Ahh… No, I never told you or inferred that I was gay.”

“But you’re so sensitive and caring, and such a good listener,” said Sue.

“Jay, I don’t understand,” said Heather, “each of us spent the first year of college throwing ourselves at you, and you didn’t get that?”

“Look girls, it’s like Connie and Rach said, I am an idiot when it comes to women. I am so afraid of being rejected as a boyfriend, I can’t see beyond the friend zone. These three girls in middle school messed me up so bad, that I’ve never had a girlfriend, or even asked anyone out since. Then on my first day in college, this hot girl named Rachel asked me to be her study partner.”

“I wrote my number on your hand so you could ask me on a date, you idiot.”

“I’m sorry girls, I truly did not mean to deceive you, I love each of you more than you know. You’re the only real friends I’ve had since I was young, and just being your friend was more than I thought I could ever hope for. And now I let the best thing in my life get fucked up.”

I stand to leave. “Sit your ass down you idiot,” said Rachel, “you’re still our best friend. We’re not kicking you to the curb because we were too stupid to ask our best friend about his life. When he sat and listened to every one of our fucking life and sob stories without a single complaint.”

“How are we going to fix this,” asked Connie?

Heather spoke up, “We could cut his cock and balls off to make him one of the girls.”

My eyes went wide.

“Are you kidding me,” said Rachel, “that thing is a fucking masterpiece.”

All the girls looked at my crotch.

“Girls,” Connie said, “I see only one option. We have to all sleep with Jay.”

“WHAT!” I exclaimed

“Yes,” Connie said, “it’s the only way we can all be equal again. Rach, how long were you together, and how many orgasms did you have?”

All eyes turn to Rach. “Ahh, from 2:30 until around 5:00, and I lost count. I told you, fucking Masterpiece. Oh, and since the idiot will probably tell, I took his virginity.”

“No fucking way!” exclaims Heather.

“So you’re telling us a fucking virgin rocked your world?” asked Sue.

“Rocked it, he spun it out of control. All I can say is he is very good at taking direction. So you’re welcome girls I turned our virgin into a stud.”

“Okay,” said Connie, “so I think an extra hour each makes up for taking his virginity. So, Jay, you owe Heather, Sue, and I each three and a half hours in the sack. Rach, is that acceptable to you?”

“Yeah, but Jay’s looking a little deer in the headlights over there.”

“Jay, you okay with this plan?” Asked Connie.

“Ahh, I’m just waiting to wake up from this dream. I mean… I would love sleeping with any one of you, I can’t believe all of you want to sleep with me.”

Heather piped in, “Ahh, there isn’t going to be any sleeping dude, I want my three and a half hours, and I’m counting every minute.”

“Girls, you know I love each of you and would do anything for you. I mean, you’re the best friends I have in the world, but isn’t this going to screw up our friendships?” I asked.

“Jay, honey,” replied Connie, “you know, and participated in our group pact. All for one and one for all. We experience everything together so we stay equal.”


“No buts,” said Connie. “Are the rest of us not good enough for you?”

“Of course you’re all good enough,” I retorted.

“Great, then which one of us do you want next?” asked Connie.

“Oh HELL NO,” I say, “I know how all of you are, if I pick any one of you, the rest will be mad I didn’t pick them first.”

“Okay,” said Connie, “I get it, we’ll draw cards.”

“Girls, can I get dressed please?”

“NO!” came from all four girls.

Connie pulls a deck of cards from her purse, pulled the Jacks from the top, and flipped the deck on the table.

“Jay, you get to shuffle,” said Connie.

I picked up the deck, and felt my cock start to stir, I shuffled and dealt a card to the three clothed girls.

“Okay girls,” said Connie, “reveal.”

The girls flipped the cards and Heather threw an Ace.

“YES BITCHES!” Heather screamed, jumped up and grabbed my hand pulling me to my feet, my cock now fully erect.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, not now slut,” said Connie.

“WHAT,” exclaims Heather.

“Rach banged him half the night you fool, he needs recovery time.”

“Crap, look at it, it’s ready,” said Heather.

“Jay, you need to ask Heather out on a proper date,” said Connie.

“What,” exclaims Rachel, “I didn’t get a proper date.”

“You went first bitch,” said Sue.

“You can have your date last,” said Connie.

“Yeah bitch,” retorts Heather.

“Okay Jay, turn and face Heather and ask her for a date.”

“Heeether” my voice squeaked.

“Jay baby, calm down,” said Rachel, “this is a sure thing. Now look her in the eyes, and calmly ask her out.”

I took a couple of breaths and looked at Heather’s smiling face. “Heather, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime.”

“Yes, Jay I would love to go out with you.”

Connie chimed in, “That was good Jay, now you need to ask her when she’s available.”

“Are you available tonight?”

“Yes, tonight would be lovely. What time?” She asked.

“I could pick you up at 7:00.”

“Great, I’ll see you then.”

“That was great baby,” said Rachel, “now since you know each other, I want you to reach in and give Heather a light kiss on the cheek. Do it so the side of your mouth touches the side of hers.”

I reach over and lightly kiss Heather as instructed to hear; “Fuck this!” and Heather plants a hard wet kiss against my lips, grabbed my ass and ground against my very hard cock.

“HEATHER,” yells Connie, “control yourself.”

Heather broke off panting, “I was just giving him a preview.”

“Okay, we have to all get over to the coffee shop to support Brandi with her poetry reading. You two get dressed.”

“I have to run home and change too,” I said.

“What’s wrong with the clothes you wore last night,” asked Connie.

“Rach ripped my shirt off, and came all over my jogging pants.”

“Oh, she glares at Rachel, hurry up, and just meet us there.”

Published 5 years ago

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