In the early 80s, my wife and I lived in Shreveport for 5 years; I had transferred from the Dallas area. We had one experience where another man came into our love making. (You might want to read my story (An Anniversary To Remember.)
In Shreveport my wife of two years got a job as the secretary to the president of a holding company that had a number of banks, savings and loans, nursing homes, hotels, etc. and also in Shreveport, our sex life was going to move to a new level.
I have had a huge pantyhose/lingerie fetish since I was a teen.
In the fall of 1982 things were going great for my wife Terri and I, we had bought a house, and she had gone off of the pill several months earlier so we could start a family.
Terri is 5’ 2” with 38” tits and at the time weighed about 115 pounds. She has dark hair and olive colored skin and kept her hair shoulder length and curled. I knew she wasn’t a virgin when we married. She had fucked a former roommate of mine who was well hung especially in comparison to my 5.5 inches and he had shared with me she was sexually very active. I had definitely married above my expectations.
We had decided to have a garage sale and she had been cleaning out closets and I was out back cleaning out a storage building where I kept lawn equipment, tools, and other assorted junk; both of us looking for things to sale.
Terri came to the back door and said, “Bob, come in the house I need to ask you about something.”
When I got in the house Terri was holding a trash bag that I recognized as one I used to keep a stash of pantyhose, lingerie, heels, etc. that I took with me when I went out of town overnight on business. I usually kept it in the storage building out back, but earlier in the week when I had returned from an overnight trip, she was home so I had hid it in the garage and had forgotten to move it. Obviously she had found it.
She said, “I finished in the closets and started cleaning out the garage; you care to explain this to me?”
I was speechless, started stammering and finally said, “Honey, I am sorry, I don’t know what to say.”
She said, “I know you have this thing about pantyhose, but damn Bob there are panties, heels, lingerie in this bag, what are you doing with this stuff?”
She went on to say, “Are you sleeping around with other women, or worse yet other men?”
I said, “No that’s not it, I just like the way it feels.”
I didn’t admit that I always fantasized about being with other men when I dressed but had never gone so far as to do anything like that.
Terri said, “I don’t know, this is too much to deal with right now, I have to think about this and decide what direction this marriage needs to take – damn Bob I am wanting to start a family with you and I find out you are a fucking crossdresser.”
She tossed the garbage bag to me and said, “This is your stuff; you decide what you want to do with it.”
I went and tossed it in the trash can, but I knew that this matter wasn’t over yet.
We didn’t speak much for the next several days but I did notice a few days after the incident that she had her birth control prescription refilled and had started back taking them. However, anytime I tried to initiate sex she rejected me.
The week before Christmas we were invited to a Christmas party at her boss’s house; he was a bit of a jerk, nice looking guy who married well. His wife’s family was loaded (but she was ugly as hell) and he and his wife lived in the Fairfield area of Shreveport in one of those two story colonial style homes.
As my wife got dressed that night I noticed instead of pantyhose like she always wore she was putting on a pair of black thigh high stockings.
I said, “I have never seen you wear stockings, you always wear pantyhose.”
She said, “Pantyhose are a pain in the butt at a party when you have to go pee.”
She sarcastically said, “Maybe you want to wear some.”
I really did, but wasn’t about to say anything she was still very cold toward me.
Terri said, “By the way you don’t need to plan on drinking; you need to drive tonight, because I plan on enjoying myself.”
That was fine with me because at her boss Roger’s parties they always served nothing but different kinds of wine to drink and I am not much of a wine drinker.
I was in the living room waiting for her and when she came in; I said, “Holy shit you aren’t going like that are you?”
She was wearing a little short black skirt, thigh high stockings, heels, and a sheer black blouse that allowed you to see her titties.
She said, “What’s wrong?”
I said, “Your damn blouse is see through and you aren’t wearing a bra.”
She responded, “Based on what I saw in that trash bag I thought you liked sheer see through things, and by the way it’s none of your damn business but I am not wearing any panties either.”
It had been over two weeks since she found the trash bag and she appeared to be more upset now than when it happened. I was afraid I had really screwed up.
The party was boring as hell as I knew it would be probably 75-100 people there and I didn’t know but a couple of them. I wandered around run into Terri a couple of times and continued to get the cold shoulder.
We had been there about an hour when I saw Roger my wife’s boss come in from outside and walk over to a couple of his buddies, one I knew was an accountant named Brad with the company but I didn’t know the other guy and they were laughing like someone had told a good one.
About that time a guy I had met earlier whose wife worked for the company came over and he was bored as me and talked a while and we walked outside for some air. We saw Roger and the two guys he was talking to go in the pool house and I figured they were going in to do some coke which I heard Roger did on occasion.
We went back inside and went our separate ways. In about five minutes he found me and said a buddy of his said there was something we had to come outside and see.
We walked out back and I said, “Where is your buddy?”
He said, “He is over in the alley by the pool house.”
There was like an eight foot high wood fence that went around the backyard and an alley way about 4 feet wide between one side of the pool house and the fence, that is where we saw his friend at a window motioning for us to come there.
We got there and I said, “What’s going on?”
He said, “Some old girl is getting fucked in there.”
I looked through the window and saw the guy I didn’t know who had been talking to Roger on a little half bed naked fucking my wife who was also naked.
The guy I had met inside said, “Who is the girl?”
The other guy who had found the action said, “I don’t know I think it is the hot number that had the see through blouse on,” he went on to say, “Look her pussy is shaved.”
As far as I knew she had not shaved her pussy since our first anniversary, but then I hadn’t seen it or touched for almost a month.
Neither one of the guys knew it was my wife and I just stood at the window and stared and hate to admit it but found myself getting hard.
I said, “Who is the guy she is fucking?”
One of them said, “I think he is a pilot for the company, I believe his name is Chuck.”
The guy who had called us to the window said, “Look, she is enjoying the hell out of it watch the way her ass comes up off the bed when he pumps her.”
He was right every time he pumped in; Terri was raising her ass 3-4 inches off of the bed to meet him.
He went on to say, “She is enjoying him more than the first one who fucked her.”
I said what you mean, “The first one?”
He said, “Come to this side of the window and look to your left.”
To the left was a sofa with Roger and Brad the accountant sitting on it both completely naked as well.
I said, “Who fucked her first?”
He said, “The guy that is the president of the company I think his name is Roger something.”
About that time I noticed Terri had grabbed her tits and was squeezing them and I knew that meant she was cumming.
When Chuck pulled out I knew why she was enjoying it he was at least eight inches and thick.
Brad got on the bed for his turn, he wasn’t much bigger than me and it didn’t take him long to cum. Brad got up and walked out of view.
Terri got up and went sat between Chuck and Roger and while they sucked her titties, she played with their cocks.
Brad came back in and was dressed and leaned over and kissed Terri and left. Roger got up and went to a table and I could see he was bigger than me but not as big as Chuck.
Roger sat down and snorted some coke (which was a fairly common thing among wealthy people in the 80s).
Terri had gone between Chuck’s knees and was sucking him off.
I said, “Guys I don’t know if it bothers you or not but I am going to jack off.”
The guy who had called us to the window said, “I am going back in the house my wife will be looking for me, but go ahead I already jacked off watching them before you guys got here.”
Terri was attacking Chuck’s cock, taking all of it in, she had given me head before and I can attest to that fact she was good at. I didn’t know what to think about myself, I had watched my wife fuck two guys and was now watching her suck one of the guy’s cock and I was hard and jacking off.
In a few minutes Chuck took his cock out of her mouth and started jacking off, it wasn’t long until he shot another load and Terri took it all in her mouth, even cleaning his cock with her tongue. She had never let me cum in her mouth.
Me and the guy with me both shot our loads about the time Chuck did. Chuck started getting dressed and left and went back toward the house. The guy with me said, “I better get back in my wife will wondering where the hell I went, you coming?”
I said, “I will be in shortly my wife is probably busy talking to someone.”
Terri got up off the bed and went over to the table and Roger kissed her and pointed to the table and I couldn’t believe what I saw, my wife snorting coke.
They went and sat on the sofa still naked and were making out, he said something to her and she went down on her knees and started sucking him.
After about five minutes of her sucking his cock, he stood up and she started toward the bed, he stopped her, said something to her and she shook her head yes and laughed.
She went to the table and bent over. Roger came up behind her and put his cock in her ass and started fucking. I had tried to do anal with her before but she wouldn’t let me. It didn’t take him long to cum again and they started getting dressed so I went back in the house.
In about thirty minutes or so Terri found me and said, “I am ready to go home, go get the car and I will go get my coat.”
With all of the people there I had to park about block and a half from the house. When I finally got back with the car I went in and couldn’t find Terri; Roger’s wife Barbara said she had gone to get her coat and purse.
I walked down to the room where everyone left their coats and the door was locked. I started back up the hallway and heard a door open behind me and turned around and Terri was coming out with her coat and purse.
I said, “I got the car, you ready to go?”
She said, “First let me go find Barbara and thank her and tell her we had a good time.”
I was tempted to say you going to tell her that her husband fucked you twice, once in the pussy and once in the ass but I didn’t.
I said, “I will stay right here and wait on you.”
While I was waiting I saw Chuck come out of the room where the coats were and thought to myself I didn’t see him go in there.
Neither one of us said anything on the way home, she went in the bathroom to get ready for bed and then I went in. When I opened the door to the dirty clothes basket, I saw her stockings laying there and picked them up and noticed they were wet with a sticky substance and I was sure it was cum from the activity I saw going on in the pool house.
I climbed in bed next to her and lay there thinking about everything that I had seen during the night and wondering what would eventually happen. All of a sudden I remembered she didn’t have the stockings on in the pool house, she was nude.
I thought damn she fucked Chuck in the room where the coats were!
She had gone to sleep and I reached over and held my hand close to her pussy, I could literally feel the heat coming off it.
A couple of weeks later at a New Year’s Eve party, something else would happen that would make me wonder if Terri and I had a future together.