Hearing the sleet blowing against the windows, she looked out and judged that it was at least a half hour past dawn. She decided, however, to take time to dress. After showering, she turned to a mirror. The reflection showed her to be slim and short with tightly corded muscles, still having the gymnast’s body of six years before. Moving closer she examined the black irises of her almond-shaped eyes and raised her hand to smooth the boy-like cut of her silken hair. Quickly putting on a black bra, she stepped into and set plain white cotton briefs on her hips. A garter belt followed, to which she drew up a pair of white stockings, Finally she pulled on a thin white blouse that she tucked into a short pleated black skirt and put on her black velvet slippers.
Moving silently to the back stairs, she descended, stopping just above the first floor, where she pressed a panel and stepped onto a spiral stair, about which she circled to a short hall that led to a door. As she stood quietly, she sorted her emotions, for she knew what lay beyond. Given that the session had lasted several hours, she was both jealous of the attention given to Mike, but also empathetic to the pain that had been endured and undoubtedly still continued. She took down a key that hung from a hook, unlocked, and slowly pushed the door open.
She caught Mike’s gaze in the mirror on the far wall as he raised his head. Soundless steps on the padded floor carried her to a cabinet, fridge and sink from which she removed some articles, filled a pan with water and moved to him.
A wave of relief swept over Mike and his eyes began to tear as Su Lin approached and he heard her calming voice. Knowing that his mouth was parched , she tilted his head back and brought a bottle of ice-cold water to his lips, followed by several pills that she explained were for the pain and swelling.
As Mike continued to sip, the force of will that had resisted the pain after awakening collapsed. Just as he had given himself completely to Mistress’s power last night, so now he placed himself in Su Lin’s hands as he shivered with emotion. She moved behind the cross and gently lifted the weights and untied the twine from his nipple rings. Then she unsnapped the parachute, freeing his balls. He moaned as the changes initially brought more pain than relief. She gently touched his cheek and whispered:
“Mike, I’m going to help with the pain, but first let’s remove the hood.”
She grasped a control unit that hung from the ceiling and reclined the cross to horizontal and switched on a floor fan. As she fumbled with the hood’s buckles, Mike became aware again of its smell of leather and sweat, but when it lifted from his head, the sense of freedom was instantaneous, made more delicious by the cooling breeze and the bottle of water that Su Lin poured over his head.
She wiped him with a soft cloth, accepting the gratitude from his eyes, while studying his slightly lined face with its close grey beard. Laying a damp cloth across his eyes that shielded them from the lights, she ran her nails over his closely cropped dome. Moving to release his restraints, she then washed and massaged his hands and feet. Deep pressure and kneading brought them to life, finishing with gentle pulls on each toe and finger.
“Thanks, Su Lin,” Mike said, ” your touch works miracles!”
“Let’s see what I can do for the pain and bruising,” Su Lin replied.
She passed her hands just above his skin, feeling its heat in her palms, while studying its surface. Under the welts and bruises, she noted the prominent pink scar that ran down the center of his chest, which was crossed by fainter scars on his chest and stomach. She knew that these were also found on his back, buttocks, and thighs, the results of canings, much more severe than what probably happened last night.
There were no wounds to tend, so she wiped his body with a moistened cloth and gently applied analgesic salve. The bruises would make movement painful for a couple of days, but time and aspirin were the cure. Su Lin helped Mike sit up and ease off the cross, slip into a white terrycloth robe, and then she exited the chamber after lightly touching his cheek. Mike sat on the cross for a few minutes, thinking about and gathering himself for the coming week.
I straddled the machine and lowered my butt into the seat. Sliding forward to put my feet in its restraints, I just moved the seat back and forth on the glides as I thought about how I loved the repetitive movement of rowing. It taught you to accept pain and enter a zone where physical and psychological limits were forgotten. God, it had done that for me, after I had left the taunts at the lower school in Dokkum behind. Before, it had been “Rosie the Milk Maid!” over and over.
I would run home in tears and ask mom and dad why the teachers didn’t make them call me Lieke, after all, that was my name when they took attendance. My parents would tell me that my red hair was beautiful, there was nothing wrong with living on a dairy farm, and the other kids would soon shoot up in height, things I just couldn’t hear at the time. Loving their only child, they were also protective and strict. So, when a rowing coach spotted me and thought he could make “Rosie the Giant Clown” into something, I was more than happy to escape the name-calling and my parent’s high standards and demands.
I now know that I didn’t leave it all behind, it continues to both fuel and plague me. But it helped me perform well enough at the sport high school in Groningen for me to train and eventually gain a seat in the Dutch women’s boat that won silver at the Beijing Olympics. It also help me achieve high honors in economics when I graduated from the University of Utrecht.
I reflected about all this as I programed the workout, but as I began and the sequence of explosion and release grew quicker, all was wiped from my mind except the determination to meet the goal that I had set for this morning. Now, having finished and with my upper body collapsed on my knees, my breath coming in gasps, and sweat soaking my tights and halter, I felt the pressure of a gaze on my back and suddenly realized that I had probably anticipated, perhaps even staged myself for Mike’s eyes when he came up from the chamber.
Not bothering to look around, I just said:
“Mike are you okay?”
The question shocked him, since he thought that I hadn’t sensed his presence, so he stammered:
“Uh, yeah, sore, but Su Lin helped. I’m going to shower and will see you downstairs for breakfast.”
Continuing to his bedroom, Mike realized the similarity of his emotional responses to Lieke last night and this morning. The sight of her muscles and mind at work on the rowing machine was mesmerizing. Continually bunching and extending, her long body was a well-tuned engine that elicited awe, while the tangle of fiery red hair caught behind her head made his heart drop in his chest, a somewhat wary love.
In his bedroom, Mike removed the robe and examined his body. The bruises were spreading and worsening, but his body was still pretty fit. He had the thickness of a hockey defenseman, an identity reinforced by facial scars, the products of fights on the ice at Albany High School and Boston College.
Although his physique had lost some definition, the first impression of him, particularly when dressed in his tailored Italian suits, was one of power, a solid, but elegant block of a man. However, stripped naked with his hairless white zone and his imprisoned penis, he was diminished. Stepping closer to the mirror, as he looked at the bold scar where his chest had been cracked, a sense of vulnerability surfaced.
He suppressed it, however, for there were things to be done. He quickly showered, put on a charcoal Bardelli , picked up the valise that he had packed the previous day, and moved down the hall toward the stairs, As he passed the exercise room he saw that Lieke was now lifting weighs and as she cleaned the bar he saw the tattoo usually hidden under her upper left arm.
I was tired, but euphoric from the workout and stripped off my tights and top on the way to my room. Like many Dutch women, I am tall with a big frame – 6’1″ and 180 pounds. Stepping before the mirror on the back of the bathroom door, I raised my left arm and examined the tattooed dark red rectangle that ran down from my arm pit. The block letters of the reserved white skin inside spelled STERKTE. Similar bar tattoos were located on the insides of my upper left and lower right thighs, the reserved letters spelling – TEMPO and KNECHTEN – for anyone kneeling between my legs.
I had gotten these just a year ago at a crucial stage of my life with Mike. Their symbolism was well-considered, expressive of my life before and after January 4, 2012, the night of Mike’s heart attack. As I looked at my reflection, I considered other ways my naked body had changed. The tuft of red hair under my arm and the tangle below my belly was a return to a state before I had known Mike, while the little jade balls that capped the ends of the bars through my nipples and nestled above my left nostril and rode the ring against my clit were, like the tattoos, products of my changed relationship with Mike. As I drew a warm bath and sank into it, I continued to think about that past.
I had met Mike Delos while working as an intern at his investment banking firm in Boston when I was a law student. I had first seen him from afar as he walked through the cubicles reserved for assistants and interns to his corner office. He was handsome and projected an aura of quiet power, qualities that drew me, although I had never been involved with an older man.
In fact, my sexual experiences had been pretty limited and conventional, so focused had I been on rowing and my studies. Perhaps, it was also because my family belonged to a small Dutch Reformed church that I remained unconnected to the extreme liberalism in the Netherlands. Probably the past experience that first really exposed me to that was a situation that I had witnessed between Anike and Marysa, the coxswain and stroke of our Olympic boat.
Anike was a very hyper and small girl with short black hair, who was openly gay, while Marysa was my size with long blond hair that was usually in a ponytail. The other girls continually teased Anika about her numerous conquests and asked why she didn’t try for them. One evening I had stayed after practice to take a sauna and must have dozed off, because when I came out all of the lights were off. Passing the door to the treatment room, I heard moans and whispers.
Edging to the open door, I peeked in and saw Marysa reclined on a padded table, dress pulled up, with Anika’s face between her legs. My own legs went weak and I crouched down, continuing to stare. Anike’s quiet, but excited comments about how she was going to make Marysa cum excited me so much that I immediately began to finger myself. Marysa was already moaning and writhing, when Anika rose and extended her left hand to push down on Marysa’s mound, while her right didn’t seem to be moving below. It must have been, however, because suddenly there was a low keening from Marysa. It continued to build until Anika began a hard rapid thrusting with her right hand.
I responded as Marysa’s vocalization became shriller, turning into repeated explosive gasps. We came simultaneously, but, while Marysa’s back arched up into a vibrating bow as she screamed and screamed, I had to mute my orgasm and quickly slinked off to hide until the two girls left. While I went on to have sex with boyfriends at the university, I never had orgasms with them like I had by myself – late at night, with candles and incense, uncensored responses to my memory of Marysa’s desperate howling.
During my university years I gained a limited awareness of the power that my size and beauty seemed to have on both women and men, but I never felt comfortable with it or understood how it might be used. As I continued to see Mike at work, I came to feel that he had that understanding of power that I lacked. I also sensed that he was becoming aware of me. When there was a meeting about a group project that involved me, he seemed to purposefully address most questions to me.
Afterwards, at lunch, two female colleagues teased me about it and told me that I should know that Mike had recently been divorced by his wife. This excited me because I wanted to learn from that self-assurance that seemed so in control of any situation. As it turned out, he took the lead. During a company party at a country club, he invited me onto the terrace where we sat for an hour talking and laughing. Having discovered that we had both been athletes, he invited me to a Bruins match and, when that went well, a symphony and a gala charity ball. Dinners and nightcaps preceded and followed each date, all thoroughly enjoyable as we felt each other out. There was certainly a rising sexual tension, but we did not voice our feelings, content to just grow as friends.
I had lots of questions about Mike’s career and how he had built his business, while he quizzed me about my studies and how I had decided to come to Boston. Gradually what we shared grew more personal. I learned that Mike, raised as a conservative Catholic, had married when Connie, his girlfriend, became pregnant during college. While he studied for his MBA and began his career in finance, she stayed at home and raised their two children, a boy and girl, who were now in college.
He related how their lives became very comfortable, particularly after his firm became successful, which enabled them to have an expensive apartment in Boston and several vacation homes. However, over the past ten years, they had grown apart, leading Connie to ask for a separation, followed by a divorce that he had not contested. I did not probe further about exactly what led to the divorce.
At lunch one day, I began to reveal the insecurities of my childhood and how rowing and academics, as areas of proven success, had grown over time into refuges from risktaking or exploring deeper aspects of myself, particularly with regard to relationships and sexuality. He suddenly leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek, looked deeply into my eyes and said, “Lieke, your beauty stunned me when I saw you for the first time, but right now I want you so much. What you just told me makes me see that your vulnerability is what really attracts me, maybe because I feel it inside me as well. I could never put your incredible physical presence together with your shy and hesitant manner. Can we just get out of here?”
I could hardly breathe and averted my eyes from his intensity. I could feel myself flush and stumbling for words, I banged my knees of the table as I rose quickly and blurted, “I been aching for you to ask me, let’s go!”
My studio apartment was on the sixth floor of a building just two blocks from the restaurant. But the walk through the noon-hour foot traffic seemed to take forever as we hurried, holding hands, but so tense that we did not talk or even look at each other. Once on the elevator, however, Mike took my head in both hands and pulled me to his mouth, a hard kiss at first, but then, while the car rose, just running his tongue around my lips as we enjoyed the sensation with closed eyes
I broke away as soon as the elevator opened and rushed to my door, fumbling in my purse for the keys while he rubbed my shoulders. Stepping inside, I closed the door and pushed him back against it, dropped to my knees and began to nuzzle the hard penis that was tenting his pants. He leaned back and groaned as I nipped at it before unzipping and teasing it out. Gripping his balls through his trousers, I kissed its swollen head several times as my eyes moved between it and his face that was looking down at me. His penis was thick, much more so than any I had seen. Not particularly long, but so swollen and veined. Holding his gaze, I licked up its length and darted my tongue at the opening, causing his eyes to break away as his head fell back.
As I took it in my mouth and began to suck, his fingers twisted in my hair and began to move with me as I picked up speed, until he groaned and pulled me free and stepped over to a kitchen chair. He pulled me close and pressed his head forward against my body, while I raised my skirt and pushed my panties to the side as I lowered myself onto his prick. As it entered me I felt incredibly stretched, but was so wet there was no problem, just a fullness as we sat, eyes studying each other, him carrying all my weight and buried so deeply inside me. When I began to rise up and slide on him, he stopped me, pulling down on my shoulders and just beginning to slowly rock us back and forth. The movement was slight, but very sweet and sensual as we pressed our heads to each other. We approached the point of no return closely several times, before we came together.
Afterward, we shared my tight shower, then sprawled on my futon and sipped from a bottle of cognac. We lay side by side, reversed with our shoulders propped up by pillows so that we could study each other as our hands trailed about. Avoiding what had just happened, our conversation rambled for a couple of hours. Mike’s body was thick, like his prick, but, even near 50, still fairly defined. He probably weighed about 220, since he was about my height. Body hair was abundant, all grey; but his most attractive feature were his penetrating gray eyes, a bit sunken under heavy brows, all framed by closely cropped grey hair and beard. I knew that I was going to love the feel of that soft burr when his head lay in my lap, and the eyes – a bit cruel, but also a bit hurt!!
Since we had not eaten anything before leaving the restaurant, I called to have a pizza delivered and we moved to the table and started drinking wine. We continued to banter as we slouched on our chairs, Mike still naked and me in a robe that I had put on to get the pizza at the door. We had eaten all but one slice and finished the wine, when I rose to get another bottle.
Mike reached for the last slice and I teased him about not asking permission and having bad manners for sitting naked at someone’s table. He pulled me to his lap and said somebody needed a spanking. At that instant the room’s electric charge changed, as warm pink light filled the space from the west-facing window. All became quiet as I lay across his legs and stopped giggling. He just rubbed my ass through the terrycloth; then, when I felt the robe pulled up, I tensed and grabbed his ankle with a hand. POP! A hand slap made me instantly wet, then sopping, as the blows rained down until I yelled:
“I’m going to cum, fuck me hard!!”
Mike pushed me face down onto the futon, lifted my hips and rammed inside. He grabbed the side of my hips to slam me back to meet his thrusts, but then he reached below and twisted my nipples, which I barely felt, because I was being overtaken by a raging orgasm. My consciousness dimmed as the tip of his penis that was battering the upper wall of my vagina sent me into oblivion.
He continued to pump, as the spasms racked me, then withdrew and slathered the fluid that I had gushed up my crack and forced his way into my anus. God, it was like alcohol had been spilled on a wound and set afire, but then the whole dark feeling of it set my mind aflame and I rapidly rubbed my clit, causing me to cum again as Mike collapsed, spent, on my back. He just remained sprawled on top of me; fluids leaking from both of my orifices, our sweat and gasps mingling. Mike finally rolled off and, staring up at the ceiling, blurted:
“I’m sorry, so sorry, I didn’t mean to I hurt you, I totally lost control!”
I rolled over to him and put my hand on his chest
“Mike, I don’t know what to think, that was beyond any experience I could have ever imagined! It did scare me, but don’t say that you are sorry, because I didn’t really want to stop you.
He turned toward me, started to cry, and said:
“You mean you enjoyed it?”
I pulled his head to my breasts and ran my fingers over the burr of his hair, while he sobbed, and whispered:
“Yeah, I guess that, in some way that I don’t yet understand, I did!”
Over the next two months I slept over at Mike’s fairly regularly and we discussed how we wanted to push our sexual experiences. Mike kept suggesting things and introducing toys that he had bought, most of which placed me in a more subservient role. Blindfolds, gags, restraints, nipple clamps, anal plugs ¬– all appeared in the bedroom and were used on me. As I enjoyed giving him that power, I began to explore BDSM materials on the internet that excited me. It turned me on that Mike was becoming more dominant, maybe because I knew the soft side existed and felt safe, even the night that he first beat me with a riding crop.
Strangely, that evening’s beginning briefly altered our developing sub-dom roles. We had plans to have drinks with friends. When he picked me up around seven, he talked about how tired and achy he was from playing racketball for the first time in months. We enjoyed a light dinner with our friends at a place on the harbor, but drank more than usual. When we returned to his place, he went right to bed, while I watched a TV program that was a regular for me.
When I came into the bedroom, he was face down. His passive image excited me, so I got some massage oil, sat on his butt and began to knead his shoulders. Working rhythmically over and under the muscles, pulling down along the spine, pressing my palm’s heel in small circles, all of which elicited grunts of drowsy approval as I finished with his back. But I seemed to really get his attention when he felt the drizzle of oil on his butt and I began to grab and release those globes, mixing in some scratches and slaps. Running an oily finger up and down his crack, I could feel our roles begin to switch as I kidded:
“Why’s your asshole twitching, Babe? You want my finger inside?”
“Would you?” he asked in an excited, but anxious tone.
“Well, I don’t know,” I teased, “What happen to the ‘Iron Mike’ who has been lording over me, now it seems like you’re begging!?” I felt my tone changing as the pleasure of power introduced itself.
“Fuck you, just do it, it’s feeling so good!”
“I’m not sure you can really take more that this,” I taunted, as I continued to trail my finger. “I don’t think that you really want THIS!” He jumped as I stabbed him with the tip of a fingernail.
“Hell, just clip them and do it, already!”
“I can give up a nail or two,” I thought to myself, “It’ll be fun.” I walked to the bathroom where I recalled seeing some nail clippers. They weren’t in the drawer that I remembered, so I was opening more, when my jaw dropped. At the bottom of one were two elegant, but discrete packages, the picture on one of which had caught my eye when we were in a sex shop together. Evidently Mike had seen it as well, because here it was.
I sauntered back into the room, carrying them stacked on my extended palms like gifts and said, trying for a attitude between meek and demanding:
“My diminished master, exactly what are these?”
Glancing my way, Mike blanched, then blushed, since he clearly did not intend to introduce them to our play so soon.
“Shit, on second thought, just keep your mouth shut and be still, you pussy, I know what they are, but you’re going to help me get ready to use them!”
Mike remained prone, but turned his head away, seeming to be a little embarrassed and also nervous about the change of my persona. I sat on the bed’s edge and began to open the boxes.
“Wow, a double-headed dildo and it looks like at least one woman is supposed to be the fucker, not the fucked. It’s huge and pretty stiff. The part that is going in me is thicker than you. And the other end, were your eyes greedier than your ass can take? It’s not a thick as you, but it’s sure longer. Beautiful harness, incredible leather with all these pretty rivets and rings. Called a ‘Minx’?! Is that what you fantasize? OK, you’ll get it, since you choose Dark Red, so so sweet, my favorite color. You must have envisioned helping me put it on, since I can’t reach the laces in the back. Oh, you’re going to help all right, roll over right now!! I may be getting wet, but you need make me wetter for this thing to slip inside me.”
I climbed up, straddled Mike’s head, and settled right onto his nose and mouth. In response to his muffled protest, I lifted up, looked him upside down in the face, and said with some threat:
“Listen up, my imaginative master, you dreamed about it; this is my time and you better follow instructions! Stick your tongue out as far as you can, because I’m going to fuck that little sucker!”
As I began to raise and lower my cunt, I examined the dildo in my hands. It really was big. Seeing that Mike was getting hard, I rapped his prick a couple of time with the silicone one and said, as confidently as I could:
“Oh no, just like you fantasized, I’m the one that is going to have the hard-on, not you!”
His tongue action was not really doing much for me, it was the power that was getting me off, so I got up and made him scoot his ass to the edge of the bed. I seated the longer dildo through the harnesses O ring and stepped through the leg openings. By squeezing some lube on the bulb and fiddling with its angle, I finally got it stuffed up my vagina. After cinching the leg straps tight with their D rings, I turned around and said:
“Pull and tie off the laces of this little corset. Come on, you fucker!! Tighter, if this thing is really going to be part of me!
I walked around, ground my hips several times, and jumped up and down. It was amazing to have this upward curving stiff thing protruding from me. It was incredibly alien, but tightly fused with me through the part that was seated on my clit and the bulb that so solidly filled my cunt. As I danced toward Mike, I told him:
“Don’t lay your head back, look right at this thing! You wanted something in your ass, so how about this nozzle first!” I squirted a healthy amount of lube inside him and also onto the dildo, beginning to stroke my right hand on it. Lots remained, so I wiped my hand off on his limp dick. “Come on, put your ankles on my shoulders and hike your hips up so I can get at you!!” I planted the tip at his anus and began to gently press and circle my hips, popping it open. “YEAH, more than you bargained for, isn’t it! Don’t look away, I want to see your eyes as you take it!”
Mike’s face was incredibly apprehensive, but I took it easy, wanting to help him experience the pleasures of accepting something into his intimate depths, as well as giving up control, even welcoming pain from his lover, as I was learning to do. Sliding slowly deeper and then in and out rhythmically, I took a softer tone in my urgings.
Mike, how is it? Is the pain gone? It feels like its gliding really easily.” The gritted teeth were gone, as I looked at Mike’s face. Like the now vacant look in his eyes as he focused internally, pants were begining to come from his open mouth. “Mike, talk to me!” His eyes focused and seemed to respond to the concern in my eyes:
“Lieke, it’s weird, but amazing. I want to come, but I’m not getting hard. Angle it up into me some more, that feels really good.”
I began to vary my rhythm by dipping my hips and making the curved tip thrust up toward his belly, causing him to being to rock his hips some. I reached out and began to stroke his dick, causing a frantic expression on his face.
“Yes, Yes, I feel it, keep going!”
He swelled quickly, filling my hand, which began to slide his foreskin much faster than I could crank my hips. Suddenly he screamed and I just squeezed him as tightly as I could, as the glans bulged and spit out stream after stream of milky cum, splattering over his chest and then oozing over my hand as I finished with long firm strokes to drain him. Mike immediately rolled over and drew his knees to his chest, seeming to distance himself from me. I went to the bathroom, dropped the harness to the floor, and cleaned myself with a towel. Grapping another, I returned and pitched it at Mike, saying, jokingly:
“Clean yourself up, you’re a mess.”
Mike sat on the end of the bed, avoiding my eyes, and wiped himself off.
I began to get a bit frantic inside as I tried to figure out what was up with him. Finally, I ventured:
“It’s your turn to take me! That thing didn’t really get me off, but seeing you cum has gotten me excited. Please, please tie me to the bedposts and edge me to orgasm.”
He smiled, but continued to seem uneasy. After a few seconds, he looked directly at me and said: “OK, Get the restraints!!” once again in a strong voice.
I went to the workout room where they were kept, and set their Velcro round my wrists and ankles before returning. I jumped past him, bouncing into the middle of the bed. I continued to squirm and giggle as he tied me off to the posts. Just as he finished the final one, I said:
“You know, I went back and bought something as well. Go look in my overnight bag.”
He walked over and opened the bag and said: “Wow,” returning while popping a riding crop’s tongue in his palm and looking right into my green eyes, bright with anticipation. Recalling this evening from all of our experiences from that point on, Mike had incredible intuition about how to begin a session, just saying quietly:
“Close your eyes and open your hands!”
He lightly popped my right palm very rapidly for about twenty seconds and then trailed the tongue down my right side, ending by pattering my sole. As this repeated on my left side from bottom to top, I thought. “The distance that the implement establishes makes this much more exciting than spanking!” Then nothing . . . .
As Mike walked around the bed brushing the crop along Lieke’s body he was stiffening and his mind was rushing just as much as his blood. She was so beautiful – her big curvaceous body. The volume of her copper hair fanned out around her head and, with her limbs spread, the clumps in her armpits and below her belly were prominent against her creamy complextion. He extended the tongue up between her legs and pulled it down against the inside of her legs several times, during which she opened her eyes and moaned.
“KEEP THEM CLOSED!!” He barked, punctuating the command with a sharp swat to the top of her left thigh.
It really hurt, but again, nothing. Just the sound of him moving about, but suddenly I jerked at the crack of the crop on the bed, followed by others that heightened my anticipation.
“Okay, Lieke, I’m going to start cropping you!”
SCIZZZZ PAPP! It was like a wasp had stung right next to my belly button, followed similarly intense pains on my thighs, upper arms, breasts, sides, and belly. All of them continued to burn, as new ones came faster and faster and I began to cry, tears streaming from my eyes as they opened and sought his. He was flushed and wildly unfocused, until he saw my panic.
“Mike, I don’t know how to deal with the intensity of this,” I sobbed. “I have no idea about how to shift my focus, the pain is just overwhelming. “
“I going to uncuff you, Lieke.”
“No, please, please don’t, I have an idea. I read that some people can orgasm from this, but I clearly don’t understand how to go beyond the pain. Maybe we can focus the sensations more on my tits and pussy. Get the clamps!”
Mike reluctantly got them, but, having an idea, adjusted the length of chain between them. After letting them bit into her nipples, he said: “Here, take the chain between your teeth and see if you can tug them by moving your head.”
It was perfect. “Yeah, this is great, I can control this myself. Start working the crop around my cunt and let me see how it feels.”
Mike walked to the foot of the bed and leaned forward, tapping the tongue on Lieke’s mound, while she began to jiggle her nipples. He popped the inside of her thighs sharply to her grunted approval and then dragged the tongue up through her lips and when it came away there was a thread of glistening mucus clinging to it. He could see that her clit was swelling out from under its hood and he began to occasionally tap it lightly, amidst increasingly rapid and sharper swats to her mound. As she began a loud droning, he shifting these rapid beats directly onto the clit. Suddenly she pulled way back on the chain while a hiss exploded from her clenched teeth and her hips arched. He could see her clit pulsing as the crop hovered above. After several minutes watching her tremble on the bed with blank eyes, Mike released the clamps and cuffs and took her in his arms.
While nestling her head against his chest, he whispered: “I don’t know where all of this is going, but I hope that we can go together. I started out a while ago, but stopped. I tried in a small way with Connie, hinting around at spanking and light bondage, ideas that were beginning to excite me in a way that our normal, but sporadic sex no longer did. But she was repulsed, asking ‘You want to confess THAT to Father James??’ We separated soon after, saying that we would come back together, but I really knew that it was over between us, because I just wanted more.”
He continued: “I moved to this apartment and began to explore the internet and buy some of the toys that I have. I dated some women, had better sex than with Connie, but was too anxious to try much more. After about six months, I was in negotiations with a bank’s lawyer and she looked me in the eye and said she wanted to go out with me. Her name was Nina and she took control of everything about our relationship from the start.”
“You just let her?” I asked.
“Her will was so strong that I felt like she would just break it off with me if I complained,” he replied and continued: “Many of the things that I had been fantasizing, she just did or asked for. It was incredibly exciting to me. Then, one night, she told me that she wanted us to visit a private club. I asked what it was and she said it was just called X and was exclusive, having about fifty wealthy members, and was just for them and their friends. Intrigued, but nervous, I agreed.”
“It was in the basement of a four-story brownstone in Back Bay. After descending the steps and going through the door, there was a coatroom, but no attendant since it was summer. Just on the other side of a heavy curtain, there was a spot-lit figure shackled to an X-shaped cross. Her skin was the color of dark-chocolate, almost black, glistening because it had been oiled. She was very slight, small high breasts, completely shaved and had a dark purple leather hood on her head. She gave no indication that she was aware of us, maybe senseless because of the hood. There were chains that connected clamps on her nipples and clit, which Nina jerked as she walked quickly past.”
“Once inside, it was fairly dark, with a bar and people sitting at tables, the décor elegant, but understated like a university alumni club. There were some doors to the sides, but also spot-lit scenes like we passed at the entrance, only with figures around the person in bondage. I was stunned as I followed Nina to an empty table and she ordered drinks. ‘Well?’ she asked. I must have blushed as I fumbled for a response. ‘It’s disorienting, but exciting.’ I responded. ‘Of course it is, that’s the whole point,” she said and began to tell me in very graphic terms about what was happening in the various scenes.”
“As I looked around, I felt more and more out of place. First of all because of the way we were dressed. Nina wore a tight dark blue mini-skirt with a light yellow blouse through which her bra was visible, while I just had on a linen dress shirt with black pants. Almost everyone else was in various types of BDSM gear, mostly leather. I got a closer look when two men stood at another table and walked over to ours.”
“As they approached, I recognized the small white guy who was trailing behind and dressed in leather shorts with a cut-out crotch – he was a stockbroker with whom I had negotiated a couple of times. If he recognized me, he gave no indication as he knelt, while his much larger partner said hello to Nina and asked if they could join us.”
“‘Sure, Juan, have a seat. This is Mike who is here with me for the first time,’ Nina responded. She told me that Juan was Sam’s master, but also his driver. Juan just grinned at the surprise that must have spread across my face. We continued to eye each other as I took in his shaved head and the tattoos that peeked out from the neck of his tight black T-shirt. Turning away, he began to chat with Nina, while I grew more and more uncomfortable. Nina must have been amused by my too-apparent feelings, because suddenly she said: ‘Juan, why don’t you ask Sam if he would like for Mike to do a scene with him?’ So Juan turned and asked, to which Sam replied with his eyes still lowered: ‘Since you asked if I would like that, my answer is that I don’t think it would work.’ Both Nina and Juan laughed as I must have reddened with humiliation”
“They were continuing their conversation, as I saw a woman leave one of the scenes and approach the table. She was an average-size black woman dressed in tight black leggings and a white shirt that was clinging to her skin with sweat. Her braids matched the flogger that she carried in her hand. I recognized her as a Harvard history professor who often appeared on television for commentary about black issues. She said: ‘Hi, Nina, I saw you in the distance over here and wondered I you would like to have a go at a former student that I brought with me tonight.’ Nina glanced at the woman hanging in the distance and said: ‘Yeah, she looks interesting, I’d be delighted.’ So they walked back and I saw the professor step close to her partner, appearing to whisper to and soothe her, while Nina disappeared for a few minutes. “
“When she reappeared, Nina was carrying a switch. She stepped close to the woman who was on her tiptoes with her hands bound above her and made her turn as she examined her. She was tall, slender, and white, but well tanned, even her head, which was shaved like the rest of her. She was also blindfolded and gagged. Nina stepped back, removed her blouse, whipped the switch about several times, and popped the hanging woman. It was a disconcerting sight, Nina in her bra, short pencil skirt, and high heels, circling the woman, occasionally pushing her off balance as she struck her, so that she would dance and spin trying to steady herself. When she began to really slash at her, many strikes directed at her breasts and pubis, I felt revulsion, but then relief as the professor stepped forward. Nina dropped the switch, turned and walked to our table. ‘Let’s go,” she said and I followed her out as she put on her blouse.”
“She called me the next day and said she didn’t think that things were going to work out with us. I felt humiliated, but also angry and was glad when I heard that the bank had transferred her to another city. The whole thing was even more of a problem because Connie had been having me followed by an investigator, who reported the club visit to her. She threatened to reveal everything in court if I contested any part of the divorce settlement for which she was asking. I just turned my complete attention to the company until we began to see each other.”
All of this rushed through my mind, as I soaked in the tub. I remembered how we had continued to talk that night and agreed to the mutual path that had somehow led to the current point. Suddenly, I realized that Mike was downstairs waiting for me and that he would be leaving soon. So I hurriedly rushed to see him.
He was sitting and eating some yogurt and fruit, while sipping coffee, probably thinking about his drive to Boston and all he had to get done during the coming week.
“Good morning, Love,” I said as I joined him and he looked up and smiled.