Saturday morning, we found ourselves in the car driving to London to buy uniforms. We had discussed buying the following naughty maids, nurses, and adult schoolgirls. I was not sure why we drove, but my husband insisted so we fought through the traffic to eventually park close to Soho.
He had obviously done some research as he strode off purposely towards a specific shop he had in mind. It did not meet my imagined seedy appearance of a sex shop. It was the opposite to seedy, brightly lit throughout with a wide range of uniforms and other naughty gadgets on sale.
We ended up with the uniforms we came for, it does seem the less material there is in the outfit the more you pay. We were both excited about our purchases. Whilst waiting for the cashier to be free I caught my husband staring at a life-sized model of a woman dressed as a classic dominatrix. This included latex, leather, boots, stockings, and a short whip in her gloved hands. She had a plastic penis attached. I later discovered this was called a strap-on.
I whispered to my husband, “Should we buy that uniform too, would you like your naughty bottom spanked?”
He looked a bit flustered and mumbled something, I could not deny that the thought excited me, it excited me more than I expected.
As we left the shop my husband said he needed to get a couple of things for work and asked if I could amuse myself for a couple of hours. Although I thought this a bit strange, I did agree, and we arranged to meet for lunch at a restaurant we had heard good reviews for.
He headed off and I found myself alone. I headed back into the shop and bought myself a couple of items that had caught my eye. I wanted to keep as a surprise for my husband.
The restaurant lived up to its billing and afterward, we made our way back through the traffic to arrive home for the early evening. I excused myself saying I needed a bath to clear my head. After the bath I changed into the nurse uniform we had bought, I looked at myself in the mirror.
I was wearing white stilettos, white stockings attached to white suspenders. The uniform itself was a light blue, with a white apron with a red cross. The skirt just covered my bottom and left the tops of my stockings in clear view. Equally, my bust just fitted into the uniform and was shown in a very provocative way. If this nurse had arrived on any hospital ward, blood pressure would rise in the entire male patient population. It was impractical, but I must say it did look sexy in a very smutty way.
I went downstairs and said, “It is time to take your blood pressure.”
My husband’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, and I was ravished for the next hour before we finally went back upstairs to bed, exhausted.
Sunday found us in a local equestrian shop buying skin-tight Jodhpurs and a riding crop. The jodhpurs looked like they had been sprayed onto me, but they did make my arse look good. As usual, on Sunday evening I phoned my sister to catch up, my husband uses this time to check his email ensuring nothing needs his urgent attention on Monday. During the call, I tend to wander around the house. As I passed my husband’s study, I heard a strange swishing sound coming through the door. I thought nothing of it at the time. That was the end of a great, if expensive, weekend.
Monday was back to the dull routine before the excitement of waiting for my husband to leave for work on Tuesday morning. On Tuesday, I waited to hear his car drive away before going downstairs to find out my fate. On the kitchen table, there was a note, a pair of fancy knickers, and a cane. My mouth went dry I had heard of the terrible pain that could be inflicted with a cane. I was in equal parts scared and excited. I picked up the note to read: –
Nurse Judith,
On Thursday you will report to my office at six o’clock.
Your lewd behaviour on Saturday evening has been brought to the attention of the hospital board. You have fallen short of the high standards expected of our nursing staff. You now have a choice. You may either resign or accept corporal punishment.
I will need your decision on Thursday You will be in full uniform ready for inspection. The hospital does not allow punishment on the bare bottom so you will be required to wear the knickers I have provided for you.
You will knock on the door and wait for me to invite you in, please bring the cane with you.
I am going to put you over my knee and give you a thorough bottom spanking with my hand. Once your bottom has been spanked, you will receive twelve strokes of the cane. You will try not to struggle and shout out during your correction. Any undue noise or fuss will result in extra punishment.
Whilst in my office you will refer to me as Sir. Do not be late on Thursday as this will result in extra punishment.
I picked up the knickers they were crotchless. So, my bottom would in effect be naked for my punishment. This seemed to be a step up from our previous Thursday sessions. I knew that my husband would never really hurt me or make me do anything I was not comfortable with, but fear and excitement competed in equal measure.
I took the note, knickers, and cane upstairs to the bedroom. I swished the cane through the air. What an exciting and scary sound it does make. I also now knew what I had heard on Sunday evening, it was my husband practicing with the cane. I bent the cane and proved to myself it was very flexible, supple, and very scary. The knickers were a baby blue colour and edged with white lace. I put them on and bent over to look at myself. They framed my pussy and bottom perfectly. They did not, however, provide any protection either from a hand spanking or more importantly the cane. Whilst re-reading the note and still wearing my panties I used my vibrator to pleasure myself thinking of my forthcoming punishment.
I found it extremely hard to concentrate on Tuesday. At lunchtime I found myself surfing the net for porn videos of girls being caned. There are thousands of examples to choose from. It appeared the cane can be used for light punishments to extremely severe ones. The sound it makes is very distinctive and does give me butterflies. It also makes me aroused. The thought of submitting to a caning was exciting. Throughout the day I kept returning to the bedroom, flexing the cane, and swishing it through the air. It held a scary fascination for me.
Wednesday and the working day of Thursday passed. I am not sure I was at my most productive but my Thursday evening appointment with the cane loomed large. I bathed and shaved as was becoming my Thursday routine. I dressed as instructed and inspected myself. The uniform did leave little to the imagination, it looked very revealing and very sexy. I bent over and inspected the view presented; my knickers parted revealing my virgin white bottom. I could only imagine what this white skin would look like shortly. Despite my fear, I was becoming aroused by the thoughts of the evening ahead.
I knocked on my husband’s office door and was told to enter. Once inside the room, I placed the cane on the desk and stood back to await developments.
“Will you be resigning or taking the punishment for your lewd behaviour?”
“I will take my punishment,” I paused. “Sir.”
“How are you to be punished?”
“I am to be spanked and caned.”
“How many strokes of the cane are you to receive?”
“I am to get twelve strokes, Sir.”
“Not quite, you are to get twelve hard strokes. On your naughty bottom.”
My pussy quivered and my bottom tensed.
“But before we get to that let’s prepare your bottom with a long hard spanking, over my knee young lady.”
I assumed the now familiar position, once in position the skirt did not even begin to cover my bottom. The knickers showed my husband his target area, but he pulled them even further apart. They framed my bottom for his attention and provided no protection.
“You look stunning, very sexy, and very stunning,” said my husband whilst rubbing my bottom.
“Thank you, sir, would you like to forget the punishment and take me to bed?”
“What kind of example would that set, you have been naughty and must be punished,” with that, the first spank landed. He quickly got into his rhythm and my buttocks bounced under his attentions, I was just finding it hard to keep still and quiet when the initial spanking ended.
His fingers found my pussy. “I see the thought of the cane arouses you.”
“It scares me also, when did you buy the cane?”
“I did not have work to do on Saturday I went shopping for the cane then. We drove so I could hide it in the car. It is difficult to disguise a cane.”
So, we had both had private shopping trips on Saturday although my husband knew nothing of my purchases. His clever fingers were starting to work their magic and I was pushing back on his hand for more.
“This is supposed to be a punishment for lewd behaviour, not an exhibition of what is meant by lewd behaviour.”
“Sorry, sir it is just you do the nicest things to me.”
“Let us see if you still say that after you have tasted the cane. Up you get and bend over the desk like last week.”
This was it. Of course, I could have stopped it there, but I had to see it through. I stood and walked back around the desk and bent over pushing my bottom right back for the cane’s attentions.
“Those knickers make your bottom look most attractive.”
“Why thank you.”
“Let us see what your bottom looks like with twelve stripes across it. Ready?”
I swallowed a beach ball-sized lump in my throat and whispered, “Yes.”
“I want you to count each stroke and thank me. So, for instance, one thank you, sir. When you are ready for the next stroke you will say may I please have another. Is that clear?”
Again, I whispered, “Yes.”
“Keep your bottom pushed out and well-presented throughout.”
“I will try.”
“Right ready.”
He did not wait for a reply, he parted my knickers further and taking up his cane placed it across my bottom. He tapped me a couple of times before I heard the swish of the cane speeding towards my bottom. The stroke hurt; it was bearable but drove the breath from my body. I wriggled my bottom to help with the sting and remembered the count. I then took a couple of deep breaths to prepare myself and quietly said, “May I please have another.”
The cane tapped me again and the swish announced the cane’s imminent arrival on my poor bottom. I stamped my foot and gave a small cry of pain before I got myself back in control. The pattern continued with the next four strokes. Tears were falling but I was coping with the punishment. After the sixth stroke I felt my husband’s hands cupping my buttocks, they felt very cool on my hot cheeks.
You are doing very well. The rest of the caning will take place in the bedroom. I want you to go to our room and lay face down on the bed and await my pleasure. I will be along shortly.”
I slowly stood and rubbed my punished bottom and made my way to the bedroom. Once there I immediately bent and inspected the damage, six clear stripes were visible, I ran my finger over the marks. I was aroused by what I could see. I did briefly wonder if I was going crazy, if so, it was a nice crazy.
I lie on the bed as instructed and waited for my next set of strokes. I did not have to wait long. My husband entered the room and stood at the end of the bed looking down on me. “Draw your knees up towards your chest, keeping your head on the bed. I want your bottom uppermost.”
I did as I was asked. Here I was with my striped bottom being presented for more of the cane.
“Knees wide apart.”
I did as asked. What a sight I must have presented him. I was on full show nothing was hidden in this position.
“That is what a naughty girl waiting for the cane should look like.”
He ran his finger over my exposed pussy.
“Caning excites you.”
“It hurts,” I said.
“That may be but in a good way.” He toyed with my clitoris.
“If you say so.”
“How many more strokes did we agree.”
“Six more.”
“Six of the best I believe. I think we should begin.”
Sadly, he stopped teasing me and swished his cane again. I felt the tap of the cane on my stretched and exposed buttocks and heard the swish telling me the seventh stroke was coming. I managed to take the rest of the punishment. It did take all my resolve. My bottom felt like it had been thoroughly punished when I finally said, “Twelve thank you, sir.”
My husband bent down and ravished kisses over the whole of my bottom and ran his tongue along the stripes. He then proceeded to use his tongue to stimulate my clit and in no time, I was racing towards my climax. As soon as this happened, I felt his penis enter me and we rode each other to a mutual orgasm.
Afterwards we lay together with him cuddling me for a long time. He finally said he wanted to see if the marks were still there, and he rolled me over.
“You look lovely with those stripes,” he remarked. He proceeded to kiss my bottom and in no time, he was again inside me.
The following morning the marks had faded although I could still make them out. In my office, I drafted a note to my husband.
I see that you have seriously overspent this week in London sex shops. This behaviour will not be tolerated.
You will report to my office on Sunday, please bring the cane and the paddle both will be required for your naked bottom.
Whilst in my office you will call me Mistress.
The only question now is should I deliver the message?
The End
What should happen next, please let me know?