How I Wish

"I dream of you always"

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I stumbled on a website
Wasn’t looking for anything
Looking for a place to write
Wasn’t looking for a fling

We met by chance
And back came the smile
We started our romance
Loving you is worthwhile

We chat and talk about our life
Things about each other’s days
The pain is I’m a wife
We chat every day and holidays

Words are what we only share
Never once talked to you
I absolutely love you and I care
My feelings for you are true

Have never visited your house
All though we imagine I’m there
Even wished you were my spouse
We’re involved in an emotional affair

How I wish there could be more
This is how it has to be 
This relationship is what I adore
I wish it could be you and me

This is an affair of the heart
A wonderful romance
A wonderful new start
Our lives have been enhanced

I love you very much
And wish we could be together
I ache to feel your loving touch
And dream of being lovers

I see us enjoying a fire
Under a warm quilt
You are what I desire
There would be no guilt

We’d laugh and have drinks
Share a kiss or two
Make enjoyable toasts and clink
Finally make love to you

I love you and wish this
In my dreams every night
I dream of our love and a kiss
Loving you would feel just right

Our relationship is a pleasure
Filled with honesty and trust
Time spent with you is a treasure
Passionate feelings of desire and lust

In closing, I’ll love you always
When we chat together
You are my sunny rays
My prince and my lover

Published 9 years ago

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