How I Became the Family Slut – Part 7

"Ima Hoarre has her baby and falls in love"

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How I Became the Family Slut – Part 7

Well, here I am, Ima Louise Hoarre, sixteen years old and nearly nine months pregnant with my brother’s baby. I can’t know for sure which brother, but it was Tommy who fucked me first, so I reckon it was most likely him what knocked me up. It don’t matter to me much, because I love both my brothers. Even as big as I am right now, I still have sex with both of them nearly every day. Mostly I suck their luscious dicks and let them jack off in my face and all over my milk swollen tits. They love that. So do I.

Needless to say, in my delicate condition, Daddy won’t let me work in the studios. Daddy says it’s just too dangerous for me to be fucking and so I just wander around the studios, watching my brothers and my father, and uncle Jake, and several of my cousins from up in Colbert county, Jessica, Nadine and Michael, and of course Carmella, my best friend (and cousin), and her brothers, and some of the local kids from high school having all the fun. And they sure do have fun! My older brother, Ben, has taken a shine to Jessica and Nadine. They’re twins with long blonde hair and little A cup titties. As petite as they are, they have no problem taking Ben’s really thick cock in their tight pussies.

It was just before the Christmas season, and it was really cold outside. It snows about once a year here in Orangebow county, Alabama, but it wasn’t that cold this December. Just gray and bleak and windy. The one bright spot was that my grandfather, Richard Hoarre, had come down from Tennessee to stay with us for a while. He brought a black girl with him, Esmerelda, who’s like his maid and cook, but I can tell that he is sweet on her by the way he touches her fanny when he thinks no one is looking. Grampa is just amazing and I have loved him ever since I was a baby. He’s six feet tall, slim and very handsome. He’s got silver hair and a little short mustache and beard that make kind of a silver circle around his mouth. It tickles him when I touch it. He had got in yesterday, but I hadn’t seen him yet, except from a distance.

It wasn’t that much fun just watching everybody else getting naked and sucking and fucking, so I wandered off down the main hall on the second floor of our house. Besides, the baby was kicking something fierce. Doctor Roberts says I’m gonna have a girl. Doctor Roberts has nice warm hands. I love it when he touches me all over. The way he smiles at me, I think he loves doing it. So, I went into what we call the second floor den. It has a really big television and a box for playing movies. I flip through some of my favorites, Forrest Gump, Beautiful Woman, Black Beauty, True Grit (Oh My God, I wish John Wayne was still alive — I would so love to let him fuck me stupid!), The Wizard of Oz, and Girl With a Pearl Earring, but I settled on Plantation of Lust. I hadn’t seen it before, and it looked interesting — all about this family of black folks what were slaves living on a plantation in the Old South, and they were made to have sex with the plantation owner and all his sons. And his wife and daughters, too.

So, I’m watching this movie and sipping on my RC Cola, when in comes Esmerelda. I forgot, but the second floor den was where she and grampa was storing their luggage and stuff. She smiles at me and says she just has to get some of grampa’s clothes out and put them in the closet in the bedroom next door. Esmerelda seems nice. She’s about thirty years old, kinda tall, maybe five foot eight, and willowy, with long legs. I can’t help but notice her boobs cause she wears her blouses unbuttoned really low and she tends to bend over a lot. She’s very pretty. She opens a suitcase and then notices what I’m watching on television. The plantation owner’s wife is letting one of the black man slaves feel up her naked breasts. Then Esmerelda sees that I kinda have my fingers down there playing with myself a little.

“Ima? Do you watch stuff like that all the time?”

“Not really. But I never seen this one before, and I was hoping to see some black titties. I love black titties.”

“Well, child, you watch this much longer, you’ll see more black titties than you can count. I believe that’s one of the movies your grandfather brought with us. It’s one of his favorites. We… ahh… your grandfather and I watch it together sometimes. In bed.”

She gave me a big lovely smile and gracefully sat beside me.

“You and grampa sleep together? Does he fuck you?”

“Yes, baby. Your grampa fucks me whenever he wants to. And I love it when he does. You know, your grampa told me all about you. He was really looking forward to seeing you again. Especially when he heard that your brothers had gotten you pregnant.”

Esmerelda slipped her hand inside my robe and caressed my belly. It made the baby jump. And my pussy quiver.

“Ima, you are so pretty. I know your grampa is gonna want to spend some sexy time with you, girl. Have you… have you ever had sex with black folks, child?”

Now my pussy was really chewing on itself. The black slave on the television was naked now, and the white woman was sucking on his big stiff erection. Shoot, he had to have over ten inches! Damn, I wished I had a black cock to suck on, but uncle Jake was busy in the studios.

“Yes, Esmerelda. My best friend, Carmella, we fist each other. Least ways, we used to until I got so big, and Doctor Roberts said I wasn’t to put nothing up inside me until the baby comes. So now, we eat each other’s pussy and stuff. She’s my best friend and all. And… and her daddy fucked me a couple of times. After I got used to it, I really loved it.”

Her warm hand was rubbing all over my belly and my tits real slowly. She lowered her face to mine, looking right in my eyes, and she was so beautiful, and the white woman on the television was getting fucked by that black slave and she was grunting and moaning real loud, and Esmerelda’s makeup was just perfect, and she smelled so good, and her lips touched mine. And just as our mouths slowly opened and I felt her tongue enter my mouth, her fingers found their way to my pussy lips, which were already drooling with panty pudding. And Oh! My! God! her tongue was so big! It filled my mouth all the way to my throat like I was sucking on my brother Tommy’s cock, or on a big squirmy snake! Let me tell you, it was heaven!

“Well, I see you’ve found a new friend, ‘Elda!”

She took her own sweet time and finished kissing my mouth. I felt like I had been face-fucked, and I was all blushed and everything. I was so goddam in love with this beautiful black woman! She sat back up and turned to speak to my grampa who had just entered the room. He was smiling real big. Esmerelda’s fingers were still playing with my pussy. I spread my legs wider. Then I realized with a shock that my robe had done fallen open and my grampa could see Esmerelda finger fucking me! It was so embarrasing!

“And I see you’re having fun with my grand-daughter. Hello, Ima Louise! I didn’t get a chance to see you yesterday or this morning, cause me and your daddy had a lot of business to do. MY!! Aren’t you the pretty one! No, don’t stop, ‘Elda. If my grandbaby is enjoying herself, you just keep on playing with her. You know I love to watch when you fuck little white girls, even if they are my own flesh and blood. Ima? You like my friend, Esmerelda? She’s my mistress.”

“What’s a mistress, Grampa?”

“She’s my best friend, whore and personal slave all rolled together! And I can tell she likes you!”

“Yes, grampa! She’s really sweet. And beautiful. And she’s got the biggest tongue of anybody in the world!”

“Yes, I know, Princess. Here, can your old grampa sit down beside you and watch ‘Elda play with your sweet pussy?”

“Grampa, you’re not that old. I think you’re as handsome as John Wayne!”

Esmerelda’s hands were gently opening my robe, and undoing my flannel shirt and unbuttoning her blouse. On the movie, two of the plantation owner’s sons had tied up a black girl in the barn and taken her clothes off. They were playing with her big black titties. Esmerelda opened her blouse, and she had big black titties, too. They were perfect, with puffy black nipples that came up to a point. I notice that my grampa, who I had loved with all my heart my whole life was unzipping his pants. I put my hand in his crotch and …

Oh! My! God! My grampa had a hardon! A spasm ran through my pussy!

“Grampa? I bet you got a really big dick, don’t you?”

“I sure do, Princess. And it’s all for you.”

And then Esmerelda was licking my bare titties with her tongue. God, it was so long and warm! It made my nipples stand up hard. And Oh! My! God! My nipples began squirting milk! I am not shitting you! If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’! Milk was just squirting out and dripping down my tits, and Esmerelda, and then Grampa started licking up my milk! I felt Grampa’s fingers join Esmerelda’s in between my pussy lips. I reached over with one hand and started stroking Grampa’s beautiful stiff cock, and with the other I cupped one of Esmerelda’s perfect dark chocolate boobs. On the television, one white boy was fucking the slave girl doggie style and the other was fucking her mouth, and she was pinching her own nipples and groaning something fierce and humping both white boys like there was no tomorrow.

And I had never been happier in my life. A warm fuzzy feeling was spreading from my pussy all up through my young body. My nipples felt like they were small hard dicks being sucked and shooting milk instead of cum. The warmth spread to my head and my face, and every muscle in my body relaxed. There was hands all over me. Warm loving hands that loved every square inch of my horny flesh. There was no rush, no hurry. I felt Grampa’s wonderful cock, so very rigid in my hand, just covered with big veins, and I knew he loved me. I spread my legs further apart to give them more room to my most intimate places. Grampa’s fingers were deep in my pussy, massaging me from inside, and Esmerelda had two fingers in my hungry butthole, which felt totally open and relaxed.

Grampa had gotten off the couch and was kneeling between my thighs. I felt his whiskers on my thighs and then on my pussy, and then I felt his tongue enter my vagina! Oh! My! God! My grandfather was eating out my pussy! While Esmerelda was finger fucking my ass, and her mouth was just all over my tits, drinking my milk and driving me crazy! Yes, I know it’s wrong to let strangers have sex with me, and my own kin to get their mouths all over my crotch, and lick my panty pudding out of me, but that just makes it all hotter and more wicked! What can I tell you? I’m just a simple little country girl with a wicked streak a mile wide. And being eaten out by my grandfather while his hot black whore was a’sucking my tits was about as wicked as I knew how to be.

And I was breathing hard and begging Grampa to lick me harder and faster, and I started moaning and humping his face! Yes, I was a shameless bitch in heat, wallowing in my own lascivious lusts, humping my grandfather’s face and begging for his tongue inside my pussy, begging for his cock in my mouth, begging to be bathed in his warm fragrant semen! My head was spinning around and I felt this tidal wave of an orgasm building up inside me! It got just bigger and bigger, and I was thinking that after it hit, I was gonna suck Grampa’s dick and swallow his cum, then I was gonna eat out Esmerelda’s black pussy and suck her big tits, and I didn’t care what Doctor Roberts said, I wanted my Grampa’s big cock inside me, fucking me hard and deep! I wanted my grandfather’s baby inside me!

And the tidal wave of lust and wickedness crashed down on me and my whole body shook like an earthquake and I couldn’t breathe, and just as my eyes scrunched closed, one of the white boys in the movie shot off huge ropes of his pearly white cum into the black slave girl’s face, and my orgasms hit me one after another after another, and this funny, I mean really different feeling came from my pussy and spread through my tummy. I felt wetness. Lots of wetness. And the pressure in my belly went down all of a sudden, and the baby was kicking, and my belly muscles felt strange and tingly, and I heard Grampa choking and gasping for breath.

And Esmerelda cried, “Oh! My! God! Don’t move, Dick, I’ll go phone for the doctor!”

And then it hit me! And I was like in total shock!


My water had broke! While my Grampa was eating out my pussy!

My water had broke right in Grampa’s face!!!

– – – – –

I was in the hospital. Doctor Roberts said it was one of the easiest births he had ever delivered. My labor only took two hours. The baby girl was five and a half pounds, and perfect in every way. I named her Desiree, cause it sounds like the word “desire”, you know?, and I want her to grow up with as much desire as I have. It felt soooo good when she suckled at my tits, and drank my milk right out of my body. In fact, it gave my poor sore pussy quite a tingle. I asked Doctor Roberts about this and he said it was normal. He said in a few days when I was more healed he would check out my pussy and make sure it was okay. I smiled back at him and said that would be fine.

Then I was back at home. My mother, who I rarely see except at breakfast and dinner, and when I’ve done something stupid, was suddenly everywhere, taking care of me, changing the baby, doing all kinds of nice stuff for me. You know, folks ought to appreciate their mothers more, you know what I mean? After all, it was inside her vagina that my daddy spewed his baby-making seed and started me. And I entered this world through her tightly stretched pussy lips. Just like Desiree had entered this world through my pussy lips. That’s a lot to be thankful for. And Lord knows I don’t want to upset any of the nice folks reading my story, but y’all should appreciate your mothers a lot more. I know I will.

So, I was spending a lot of time in my own bedroom, playing with Desiree and healing up, and taking visitors. Daddy came in often. While Desiree was nursing at one breast, daddy would nurse at the other. Then we would put the baby to sleep. And he would sit on the edge of the bed and kiss me and touch my face, and say the nicest things to me, like how proud he was of me, and how much he was looking forward to me having his baby — all the while, I was slowly stroking his hard cock and jacking him off.

Grampa came in to visit a lot, and he always brought Esmerelda with him, or ‘Elda as I called her now. Next to my mother, it was ‘Elda who took the most care of me. Often in the middle of the nights when I couldn’t sleep, it was ‘Elda who talked to me and rubbed my back and my legs. Often at those times, she was just wearing a nighty or thin pajamas and white panties, and I would see the lovely curves of her body through the material. ‘Elda wasn’t a girl my own age. She was a full grown up adult woman, and seeing her body like that, and remembering what her tongue had done to my mouth, and to my soul, just plagued me.

She was so graceful. She moved like a dancer. And an athlete. There were strong muscles under her beautiful skin. But it was her face that I fell in love with. Her eyes could look straight through me. Her face was flawless, a rich dark chocolate color with a hint of cinammon. Her jaw was narrow, but her lips were as full as any black woman’s I had…

Published 15 years ago

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