Knoxville is a great city to raise a family, with conservative, religious values, and I was fortunate to have lived there all my life. My name is Jason, and my life was typical I suppose, having met Emily, the girl who would become my wife, when we were juniors in high school. We dated for the rest of high school and then through college at the University of Tennessee.
We got married right after graduation, and both worked, living in an apartment for four years while we saved for a down payment on a home. We had our first of two children after moving into our home, and we’ve been happy living on our cul-de-sac in a nice, established suburb of Knoxville.
There has been quite a bit of turnover in the people living near us, and by the time Emily and I were empty nesters, at the age of fifty-five, there were younger couples living next door on either side and across the street. Our best friends at that time were Bryan and Kelsey, a young couple who had moved in three years earlier. They had a baby, and we got along well, considering the differences in our ages. Bryan was thirty-two at the time the main events in this story began, and Kelsey was thirty.
Jeff and Marie live on the other side of us and are one year older than Bryan and Kelsey. We got along with everyone, but the younger couples became much closer friends, since they had more in common with young children, and I think our age and generational differences made then less attracted to us as friends.
Emily and I are almost sixty years old now and this story reflects my memories from when we were fifty-five, up to the present.
The Party that Got Things Started
There was a lot of interaction with our neighbors, and we were having a cul-de-sac party on the Fourth of July. There were six couples sitting around in a big circle, while the kids and dogs were playing in the yards. One of the neighbor’s wives, Olivia, made a comment to Kelsey about her eighteen-month-old son, Grant, who kept taking his diaper off and running around outside naked.
Olivia said, “Wow, Kelsey, it sure looks like Grant isn’t that fond of wearing clothes.”
Kelsey laughed, and said, “You should see him inside. He always likes to walk around naked.”
I was in a mischievous mood, and before I realized what I was doing, I laughed and blurted out, “Yeah, just like his daddy.”
Emily elbowed me for saying that, and I saw that Bryan’s face was turning red. He did make a quick comeback, though, saying, “I’m sure that everyone would like to hear how you know that, Jason. Are you a peeping Tom or something?”
That was my turn to be embarrassed, but I doubled down, saying, “Well, you can’t blame a guy for looking, since you’re such a handsome and fit man.”
Everyone laughed, but seemed a little uncomfortable, and I got the feeling that I had gone too far, especially since we weren’t as close with the younger couples as they were to each other. One of the other neighbors changed the subject, talking about a vacation they were planning for later in the summer, and I was glad to have the attention taken off me. But when I looked over at Bryan, he was looking intently at me, and had the strangest, fixated look on his face. At that point, I was afraid that I had pissed him off with my comments.
A Revealing Conversation with Bryan
July 4th was on a Friday that year, and I was out piddling in my garden shed on Saturday morning, when Bryan came over bringing a couple of beers with him. We sat drinking in the shade under a tree just outside the shed, and he asked, “What possessed you to make that comment yesterday, Jason? Seriously, man, have you been peeking in our windows or something?”
I answered, “Whoa, no, Bryan, I just had an impulse to make that stupid comment to get a laugh, and I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. But wait, is it true that you do walk around nude in the privacy of your home?”
He replied, “Yeah, well, I do sometimes when Grant’s napping or otherwise occupied, and I just thought you might have seen me somehow. Kelsey likes to see it all hanging out and swinging between my legs, even if she hasn’t been interested in sex in quite a while.”
I laughed, and said, “Sorry again, man, I didn’t know I was revealing any secrets.”
Then Bryan asked, “Were you serious when you made that comment about me being, as you said, ‘a handsome and fit man?’”
My comments on Friday were serendipitous, and I had no motive, but it seemed like Bryan had taken them seriously. So, I said, “Well, I wasn’t seriously trying to flatter you or anything, and just thought that made a good comeback to what you asked me about being a peeping tom. I’m not physically attracted to men, per se, but I actually do think you’re a good-looking man, and I’m a little jealous of the way you’re so fit, since you work out so much.”
Bryan said, “Okay, if you say so, Jason. I guess I was reading too much into your comments.”
That made me curious, and I asked, “You have to tell me now, Bryan, what were you reading into those things I said?”
He seemed nervous, as he responded, “No offense, man, but I’ve read where sometimes men in their fifties turn to having sex with other men, after their wives go through menopause and lose interest in sex. And a proportionately higher percentage of those men like taking a receiving role, if you know what I mean.”
I had led a conservative, family-focused life, and never even experimented with sex with boys as an older teenager. Emily and I didn’t even start having sex until our senior year in high school either. He was right, though, about my wife having lost interest in sex, and I’ll admit to being sexually frustrated. I wasn’t sure what Bryan meant about a man being a receiver, although I had some idea, and I wanted him to explain.
So, I said, “No, Bryan, I really don’t know what you mean by being a receiver.”
Bryan was uneasy then, since he saw that I didn’t have any experience with those things, and he had to feel like he was taking a risk to say anything more. But after a few seconds, he haltingly explained, “Well, uh, you see, no offense, Jason, but the uh, uh, a receiving man in a bisexual relationship with another man would be the one, you know, uh, sucking the other guy’s cock, or even, uh, being fucked in the ass.”
He had to have felt some relief, when I didn’t get upset, and instead, said, “Wow, Bryan, I’ve never heard anything about that kind of thing. Do you really think it’s that prevalent?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s prevalent,” he said, “since I read somewhere that only about two percent of men overall are bisexual. But it seems to me that the percentage would be higher in older men, because of their wives losing interest in sex and leaving them horny.”
I asked, “So, you thought because of my comments, that I might be interested in, what, sucking your cock or letting you fuck me?”
He smiled sheepishly, and responded, “I don’t know, well maybe, Jason, I just thought it wouldn’t hurt to bring it up.”
I asked, “Well how would a man know that he’s bisexual, or whatever, anyway, and why would you be interested in that with a beautiful young wife like Kelsey?”
Bryan answered, “From what I’ve read, psychologists argue about whether bisexuality is caused by nature or nurture, but I’m guessing it’s a combination of both. Maybe a man has that tendency but doesn’t act on it until the right opportunity arises. As far as how you’d know, I’m guessing that if your dick gets hard thinking about, talking about, or even seeing another man naked, then maybe you’re bisexual.
“And as far as Kelsey is concerned, she’s still breastfeeding Grant, and she hasn’t been interested in sex since he was born. I don’t know why the lack of interest, but it might be due to hormonal issues or something like that.”
I asked, “What does it mean to be bisexual, as opposed to being gay, anyway?”
He replied, “I’m no expert, but I think bisexual men are just attracted to other men’s genitals and the sexual acts, with no emotional attachments or effeminate affectations. You know, just sex for sex to either get off, or to enjoy getting other men off, or both. With gay men, I think they’re romantically attracted to other men, and get all huggy and kissy with them. So, I’d want it to be a bisexual man sucking my cock.”
I asked, “How do you think Kelsey would react if she knew you were trying to get your cock sucked by a man?”
Bryan replied, “You might find this hard to believe, but we’ve talked about it. Her lack of a sex drive for even sucking my cock has been a topic of dark humor and kidding between us, since she knows I have a high libido. One day I told her in a teasing way, ‘Well shit, honey, I might just have to go out and find someone to suck my cock. I’m tired of masturbating.’
“She laughed and said, ‘Well, you’d better not get another woman to do it for you, or I’ll cut that thing off. You can probably find some hungry, cock sucking man to take loads from you on a regular basis.’ Even though we didn’t talk about it any further, and I thought she might be kidding, I’m taking that as her approval to find at least a mouth to fuck.”
Something occurred to me, and I said, “You haven’t said anything about returning the favor. If you’re so eager about this bisexual thing, why wouldn’t you receive too? Don’t they call that a sixty-nine or something?”
He replied, “I’ve always been a macho, alpha male kind of guy, and I can’t envision myself being submissive to other men that way. But wait, I’ve you’re implying that you might be interested if I’d return the favor, then maybe I’ll have to…”
Bryan’s voice trailed off, almost like he was thinking about receiving too. I must admit that talking about it was a little arousing, but I had no intention of being his ‘receiver’. So, I said, “Look, Bryan, I’m not offended or anything, but I think you’ve chosen the wrong guy to approach. That’s my fault for the stupid comments I made, but we can forget about this and go on as neighbors.
Just the fact that I wasn’t offended might have emboldened him, since most men would have likely gotten pissed and walked away, and he said, “Okay, Jason, I can respect that, but you might want to give it a chance. Since our homes are close together, and your home office window is just opposite and a little higher than my bedroom window, maybe I’ll open the blinds at night with the lights on, and you can watch me parading around nude in my room. Who knows, buddy, it might raise a little interest and get your cock hard.”
For some reason I didn’t understand at the time, I didn’t want to totally shut him down. So, I laughed and said, “I can’t promise that I’ll go out of my way to look, but if you want to parade around nude for me, that’s your business. Although, if I happen to see the light on, then I might look out of curiosity, to see what Kelsey likes so much about what you have swinging between your legs.”
Bryan seemed happy that I at least remembered and commented on what he told me earlier, about Kelsey liking to see his junk swinging between his legs, and he said, “Okay, I guess that shows a little interest. But if you do go in there to check me out, flick your office light on and off a couple of times, so I know I have an audience.”
I remember being disturbed and excited, all at the same time, from my conversation with Bryan, and I found myself looking forward to seeing his cock that night, if he was going to be putting on a show for my benefit. It was getting dark out by the time Emily and I finished dinner, and when she turned on the television to watch a religious channel, I told her that I had some work to do in my office.”
Getting Excited Seeing Bryan’s Cock and Balls
I sat in the dark for about fifteen minutes, before I saw the light go on in Bryan’s bedroom, and I watched as he undressed. I got up to flick the lights as he wanted, and then settled down for the show.
Bryan is six feet and one inch tall and weighed what I guessed to be one hundred and eight-five of ninety pounds. He’s fit and has well-defined muscles, including impressive, six-pack abs, without being too bulky. He stood in front of the window, illuminated by the lamp on the bedside table, with his legs spread and swaying slowly side to side, making his genitals sway.
His soft, uncircumcised cock appeared to be over five inches long, very thick, meaty, and his foreskin covered the head. He also has lemon-sized, low-hanging, hairy balls, that hung down below the head of his cock. I could see why Kelsey enjoyed watching his genitals swing around, because even as a straight man, at least at that time, I thought he has an attractive package.
Bryan walked around a little, and then stood in front of the window again, as he gripped his cock and balls together in one hand, and kind of shook them at me. Then he squirted what looked like Astroglide lubricant on his cock, which I knew about from when Emily and I used it years before, and he stroked his cock as it quickly hardened.
I continued watching as his cock grew to what looked like about eight inches long and six inches in circumference. I realized then that I had been unconsciously rubbing my cock while watching him, and was surprised and concerned, thinking that I might have some bisexual tendencies.
I finally pulled my cock out of my pants and began stroking it too, and I luckily had the presence of mind to grab some tissues off the desk. Because as I watched, Bryan ejaculated in his hand, and I was amazed at how many big spurts of cum he produced. And just about the time he was ejaculating, my cock began to cum too, and I caught it in the tissue.
My cock is circumcised, and a decent-sized, six and a half inches long on hard, but not as thick as Bryan’s meat, and not as attractive, just barely hanging at all on soft. I was embarrassed for myself but also aroused, knowing that I had just jerked off while watching another man’s cock, but that was the best ejaculation I had had in years.
Bryan stood at the window, with cum still dripping out of his foreskin, as he wiped himself and his hand with some tissues. Then he gripped his cock and balls in one hand again, and shook them my way, as if offering them to me, before turning around. He bent over in front of the window, and I clearly saw his muscular ass, long, bulging perineum, and his legs spread, with his big balls hanging down and swinging between them. Then he turned around again and smiled, before going to turn off his bedroom light. I flicked my light again, to let him know that I had seen everything.
I flushed the tissues and went out to watch television with Emily, but I was feeling guilty and subdued after watching Bryan that way, and then ejaculating. I looked at my wife, remembering all the great sex we had in the past, and knew that I wasn’t gay. But I also couldn’t deny how arousing it was watching my neighbor, and the attraction I had to his cock and balls, as well as his perineum and ass.
Facing Bryan the Next Day
I went out to my shed after breakfast on Sunday, hoping that Bryan would see me and come over, because I felt funny about calling him, after watching him that way. Bryan must have been eager to talk it over too because he came right over, and we sat in the chairs inside my shed.
He was grinning as he said, “Thanks for flashing the lights again, to let me know you watched until my happy ending. I hope I didn’t offend you by taking it all the way, because I really got turned on knowing that you were watching me. You must have liked what you saw if you stayed the whole time. So, what did you think, Jason?”
I didn’t want to reveal too much about my feelings just yet, so I began, saying, “You certainly aren’t the bashful type, and I guess I was a little surprised that you would put on such and explicit show like that.”
Bryan seemed frustrated that I didn’t get to the point, and he asked more plainly, “Come on, you know what I meant; what did you think of my meat?”
I laughed and replied, “I can see now why Kelsey likes to watch you walking around nude. You have quite an impressive package, and I’m not one who has ever considered looking at another man that way and making a judgment on his genitals.”
He then asked, “Well, did it excite you enough watching me to consider, uh, you know, maybe being a receiver for me?”
I was mentally leaning in that direction, but I didn’t want to yield to him so easily. After all, I’m a family man who has been successful in life and is twenty-three years older than Bryan, which I thought gave me some seniority in the world, or at least in our neighborhood. The idea of so easily surrendering my self-respect by becoming subservient to a younger man was exciting in some ways but demeaning in others.
So, I answered, “I’ll admit that it was somewhat arousing watching you last night, Bryan, but it’s a big step to take another man’s cock into your mouth, especially with the amount of juice I saw you shooting last night. Damn, man, that was a flood of cum.”
He smiled at my comment, and said, “Yeah, I’ve always been an above-average cummer, even back in high school when we’d have circle jerk competitions. Kelsey has always complained about what a big mess I make in our bed, too. I talked to my doctor about it years ago, and he said that I might have a condition called hyperspermia. He measured my ejaculations a few times and said that I was consistently shooting over forty milliliters, while the average man shoots between three to five milliliters. But you’re avoiding answering me.”
I said, “Okay, okay, Bryan, it was more than a little arousing, and I have to admit that I whipped my cock out and stroked it, right along with you. So, I had a happy ending too. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit that to you.”
Bryan said, “Hey, neighbor, no need to be embarrassed. It’s starting to look like my instincts about you having an interest are true. Do you think you might be ready to meet my cock in the flesh?”
I responded, “Whoa, let’s slow this down just a little. Even if I did what to try it, which is a big fucking if, I’d be worried what you’d think of me afterwards. We’ve known each other for years on an equal basis, and if I submit myself to you like that, then I’m sure it will affect the way you see me, and I’d be diminished in your eyes.”
He was rubbing his cock lump in his athletic shorts, as he said, “I honestly don’t know how I’d feel, but I think we’d still be good friends, just with benefits. But look, maybe we can go slow and ease into it. You can reach over and rub my cock a little, just to get a feel of it, and we’ll see how that goes.”
Giving in to Sucking Cock for the First Time
I said, “I might be willing to try that, but I’m not so comfortable being the only one risking embarrassment and exposure to ridicule by touching you. I’d feel a lot better if you’d rub my cock too, so we’re both doing homo shit, and can’t as easily rat out the other guy.”
Bryan laughed, and said, “I have no intention of ratting anyone out, and if it helps you save face, I guess I can rub you too, to get this going.”
It was clear to me that he wanted to maintain a dominant role in our fledgling, sexual relationship, but he was willing to do anything to get me involved with his cock. I knew that he’d never be as enthusiastic as I might be in doing any ‘receiving’, but he was horny enough to at least try to make me think he would.
I hesitantly reached over to rub his crotch, and he didn’t move his hand as I was firmly gripping and rubbing his thick, soft cock. I had been rubbing his meat for what seemed like ten seconds, which is a long time in that kind of situation, and I said, “Come on, Bryan, you have to rub me too.”
He just laid his open hand on my crotch, and held it still, as I continued rubbing and stroking his cock over the slick, polyester material of his athletic shorts. I loved the feeling of his thick cock in my hand, and I felt his bulging veins and foreskin sliding back and forth, even over his shorts.
Bryan was starting to breathe hard, as my cock got hard under the heat of his motionless hand, and before I realized what he was doing, he lifted slightly and pushed his shorts down with his other hand. My hand was then flesh to flesh on his thick cock, since he wasn’t wearing any underwear. I looked down and saw his big balls hanging partially over the seat of the chair, and his cock was already oozing precum.
He started, almost imperceptibly at first, shifting his hips and fucking his cock into my hand, as he said, almost in a whisper, “Yeah, that’s it, Jason, stroke my big fucking cock for me. You’ve got a nice touch, and I knew you’d like it if I could get you to let yourself go. Aah, that’s nice, and I can tell that you’re a natural at this, since you didn’t even resist when I pushed down my shorts. You can reach over with the other hand and rub my balls for me too.”
Bryan was sitting on my right side, and I was stroking his cock with my right hand, so when I turned in my chair, and reached over a little to fondle his balls with my left hand, I was leaning down about halfway to his cock. He started pushing my head down closer to his cock, and that’s when I pulled back, and showed resistance, saying, “Slow down, buddy, you haven’t even touched my cock skin to skin yet, and you expect me to suck your cock?”
He seemed frustrated, and said, “Okay if I must. Push your shorts down for me.”
I removed my shorts and resumed stroking his cock and fondling his balls, as he laid his hand on my then hard cock, but still not stroking it. Then he pushed my head down again, and I was getting cold feet. His big, precum-oozing cock was only inches from my face, and I said, “I don’t know about this, Bryan, and don’t think I can go through with sucking you off.”
He wanted badly to get off, and said, “Okay, if you don’t think you’re ready, at least take my cock into your mouth for a few seconds to get it wet, so you can finish jacking me off.”
I really did want to taste his cock at that point, and I leaned down, as he pushed me down with his hand, and opened wide to take in his big cock head. I liked the taste of his precum and cock flesh and struggled to get more of his thick fuck meat into my mouth. I could hardly believe that I had taken his cock into my mouth, but I realized that I not only liked the taste and texture of his meat, but I also liked that strange new feeling of submitting myself to him.
Bryan held my head tightly on his cock and began thrusting into my mouth, as he said, “Sorry, buddy, it won’t take me long to cum now, and I’ve just got to shoot my load into your warm, wet mouth.”
He mentioned on Saturday that he considered himself to be an alpha male, and he was asserting his dominance by what he thought was forcing me to suck him off. He didn’t know that I enjoyed that new feeling of being used like that, and his forcefulness would give me an excuse to save face after it was over.
I began sucking his cock as he fucked my face, and it didn’t take him long to cum. I felt his cock stiffen further and get a little thicker, as it began to flex and throb, and his cock erupted with squirt after squirt of cum. He held my head more tightly so I couldn’t pull away, as I struggled to swallow his big load.
That was my first experience sucking a cock and swallowing cum, and I realized that I loved those thick, pulsing streams of his cock cream, and the feeling of being flooded by his cock juices.
I continued sucking his softening cock to get the remnants of his ejaculation, even after he released my head, and he said, “Oh fuck, that was amazing, and you sucked me so well, especially for your first time. Sorry again, Jason, but I just had to get you to suck me off, even if it took a little trickery and force. But you can stop sucking now, since I think you’ve totally drained my balls, and my meat is getting a little sensitive.”
He pushed me off his cock, and I was feeling so submissive, subdued, and embarrassed, as I faced him. I wanted to play to his dominant nature, while at the same time excusing my willingness to suck him off, and said, “Damn, Bryan, what made you decide to force me to suck you off? And shit, your cum just kept flowing and squirting like it’d never stop.”
Bryan smiled, and replied, “For the third time, I’m sorry that I tricked and forced you to suck me off, but I’m not sorry for how good it felt to ejaculate into your cunt mouth. And I guess I’m learning a little about myself too. I liked the feeling of forcing you to suck my cock, but you must admit that you liked it too. You were sucking my cock like a pro, and didn’t even struggle as you swallowed my load, and kept sucking for more. Come on, Jason, admit that you loved servicing me.”
I wanted to appear to be more reluctant about the whole thing than I really was, so I lied about not liking to be forced, which would make him like it even more. I said, “Okay, Bryan, I enjoyed that more than I could have imagined, but it is embarrassing for me. How can I trust you now, after you had your way with me so forcefully?”
He continued his dominating posture, saying, “This is the first time for me being sucked by a man, so I don’t have experience with it. But I think I’ve read you right from the beginning, about your previously unrealized bisexual tendencies. And from the way you so enthusiastically sucked my meat and swallowed my plentiful cream, I’m quite sure that you’ll be back for more.”
Whatever was left of my ego wouldn’t let me totally yield to him, without setting some conditions, and I said, “Yeah, but no matter how much I may have liked sucking you off, I’ll never do it again, unless you at least try sucking my cock too.”
Then I reached over and gripped his soft cock, before continuing, “So, if you want this big cock in my mouth again, then you’ll need to return the favor.”
I knew that he would promise anything and then do the minimum to satisfy me when the time came, but I felt better pushing back. So, I wasn’t surprised when he said, “Okay, Jason, maybe we can try it in a couple of days. Kelsey’s taking the baby over to visit her mother across town on Tuesday night, and with a half-hour commute each way, and her usual two-hour visits, we’ll have plenty of time at my home then. I’ll have another big load for you by then.”
Sucking Again and Kelsey’s Surprise
It was hard to think of much else for the next two days, other than sucking his cock again, and after having mulled over what I did for Bryan, I realized that I not only loved sucking his cock and eating his cum, I also like the feeling of being submissive to him. I made an excuse to Emily that I was helping Bryan with a project when I went over there at 7:00 pm on Tuesday.
Kelsey had already been gone for about twenty minutes, and he led me down to their spare bedroom in the basement. We both got undressed and laid on the bed, as he said, “Let’s lie on our sides facing each other, after you turn around with your head towards the bottom of the bed, and I’ll try to do you too, since you’re insisting. But I will be rolling at least partially on top of you.”
It was one thing to have our pants down in my shed, but another to be fully naked on a bed with another man. It felt a little gayer, but also exciting to have our bodies so close, and I was close enough to smell the aroma of his crotch. I took his hardening cock in my hand and began stroking it, as he just barely touched mine. Then I leaned in and took his cock into my mouth, and reached around to hold onto his bare, muscular ass, to hold him in place as I sucked him.
I loved sucking his big cock again, and I hugged his ass more tightly as I got into a rhythm pulling it into my mouth. He was still only touching my cock with his hand, as he rolled partially over on me, and his big balls were draped across my face and head as he began fucking my mouth. He had never mentioned sucking his balls, but they were so attractive and aromatic, that I wanted to try sucking them.
On his outstroke, I pulled his cock out of my mouth and shifted my position slightly, as I began sucking his scrotum, and taking his hairy balls into my mouth one at a time. He loved that, and said, “Oh fuck, that feels so good. Nobody has ever sucked my balls before.”
He pulled his top leg forward to give me full access to his crotch, and when he shifted his position again, I was sucking his long, bulging perineum, which put my face in his aromatic ass. He got so excited that he rolled completely on top of me and pulled his other leg forward, until he was squatting over my face. As I continued sucking and licking his perineum and balls, he slowly sat up, fully sitting on my face.
I don’t know what had come over me, but I loved that feeling of being smothered by him, and was so turned on that I held him in place by his thighs, as he spread his ass cheeks with his hands, which forced my face all the way into his ass cleavage. I kept sucking and licking down there, and barely heard him say, “Holy shit, you really are a nasty fucker. That’s it, Jason, eat my fucking ass.”
Bryan must have been clean down there or I never could have allowed myself to suck his ass, and as I probed his hole with my tongue, it seemed, in a perverted way, almost like when Emily sat on my face earlier in our marriage. He had long since stopped touching my cock, and never even tried to take it in his mouth, but I was so enthralled by what I was doing that I didn’t care anymore.
He sat on my face for what seemed like ten minutes, and then he pulled back before laying on me with his full weight and shoved his cock into my mouth. He was fucking my mouth like a pussy and his big balls were slapping noisily against my head as I took his cock into my throat. I was enjoying the feeling of being used and dominated by him, holding his ass with my fingers in his crack as he pounded me, just as he enjoyed fucking my like a cunt, after I had sucked his balls and ass.
I was surprised how long he lasted, and it seemed like after fucking my mouth for over five minutes, I felt his cock begin to throb, as he moaned, “Oh fuck, get ready to swallow, you ass eating cock sucker, and swallow fast.”
His cock began throbbing and flexing as my mouth was flooded with his cum, and I swallowed as I kept sucking for more of his tasty, nourishing cream. He kept fucking me with his deflating cock, and finally started to roll off me.
That’s when I heard a female voice say, “Holy shit, honey, I thought you knew I was kidding about finding a cock sucker to take care of you. That was kind of hot to watch, and I had no idea that Jason would be so kinky for an older man. He took your big load like it was nothing and was sucking for more. I wonder what Emily would think if she knew her husband is your cock-sucking bitch?”
I tried to cover myself and looked back, as Bryan said, “Oh fuck, Kelsey, I thought you were going to be at your mother’s. How long have you been home and watching us?”
Kelsey replied, “It’s kind of funny catching you two gays doing this shit. Mom called when I was little over halfway there to let me know that Dad was getting sick, and that we shouldn’t come. I got back and it seemed strange that you weren’t home, and then I heard talking down here. Imagine my surprise when I saw you two lying in a sixty-nine in the bed. I saw everything and can only guess how you convinced Jason to do that nasty stuff. I was happy that you weren’t returning the favor and knowing that my husband’s not a cock sucker too.”
I sat up next to Bryan on the bed, and couldn’t adequately defend myself, saying, “Damn, Kelsey, this is so embarrassing. This is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this. Well, the second time if we count Sunday morning, and it’s all been a blur since Bryan started talking about it on Saturday.”
She said, “Hey, don’t worry, Jason, your secret is safe with me, and if Bryan had to go looking for a friendly mouth, then it might as well be yours. You can suck anything you want on my husband all you want, at least until I’m feeling like sex again. I just don’t want him thinking that I’ll want to suck his balls and ass. Hell, you can even come over here to take care of Bryan, so Emily will be less likely to find out, and I’ll want to watch when I can.”
Emily was getting a little suspicious when I went over to Bryan’s an average of three times a week for the next six weeks, and he even came over to feed me in my shed a few times. He was more and more into foreplay and wanted me to suck his balls and ass for as long as possible before he finally ejaculated into my mouth. I couldn’t get enough of his cock and cum and was disappointed when he had to cut back.
We were talking in my shed one Saturday after just sucking him off, and he said, “I know that you’re really into this now, buddy, and hungry for my cum, but we’re going to have to cut back a little. Emily has gotten so aroused watching us over the past weeks, that she’s getting her libido back. Sorry, man, but her pussy has to come first, and I should still be able to feed you at least once a week.”
Setting Me Up with Jeff and then Others
I tried to act like it was no big deal, but I was lamenting the loss of my frequent feedings from Bryan. Luckily, as much as he loved dominating an older man like me, he also had some sense of fairness, since he started the whole thing.
You’ll remember that Jeff and Marie are my neighbors on the other side, and on Sunday morning I heard through the fence, Jeff and Bryan talking. He has a shed like mine on the back of his property, and they were talking in there. I stepped quietly to the fence and made myself comfortable to eavesdrop on them.
I came in at almost the beginning of the conversation, and Bryan was just asking, “I don’t mean to be nosy, Jeff, but is Marie still as stingy with her pussy as you told me a couple of months ago?”
He laughed and replied, “Yeah, I don’t get it. Sometimes she wants to fuck every night, and then she’ll go for a couple of months not wanting it. That really gives me the blue balls.”
Bryan said, “I’ve had that problem with Kelsey too, but we’re going through a good time now. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do to take care of business when she’s on a cold cycle?”
Jeff sighed, and answered, “Oh, I guess just about the same thing most guys do. I’m having an intimate relationship with lady five fingers. What about you?”
Bryan replied, “I’ve gotten to know lady five fingers very well too, at least until we broke up a month and a half ago. You won’t believe what happened, and it all started after our Fourth of July cul-de-sac party. Do you remember when Kelsey made a comment about the baby liking to run around naked, and Jason made a wisecrack and her being just like her daddy? I had a feeling that there might be something behind it, even if subconsciously, and I talked with him about it the next day.”
“Well shit,” Jeff said, “You’ve got to tell me more.”
Bryan said, “I don’t want to bore you with the whole conversation, but I was basically implying to Jason that he might have some latent, bisexual tendencies, and if he did, then I’d want some relief from him. I knew I had him when he agreed to watch me in my bedroom nude that night, and he admitted the next day that he jerked off when he saw me prancing around and jerking myself off.”
Jeff said, “Oh fuck, you’ve got to be shitting me. I’ve known Jason casually for a few years now and would never have guessed that he would have an attraction to cock. How did you take it further?”
Bryan responded, “I went over to see him in his shed the next day, and that‘s when he admitted that he liked watching me, and even shot his own load watching me. One thing led to another, and I got him to stroke my cock and then put it in his mouth. I kind of forced him to suck me off, but I think he liked that. He tried to get me to do things to him too, and I led him along by barely touching his cock. By the time he sucked me off and swallowed my huge load, I knew I had him, even though he said that I would have to try to suck him too.”
Jeff was laughing and asked, “Oh my fucking goodness, Jason really sucked you off and swallowed your cum? Has he done it since that first time?”
Bryan replied, “Fuck yeah. I had him over to my house the following Tuesday, under the guise that he was going to suck me again, and I was supposed to try sucking his cock too. By then he must have been thinking about and getting turned on by sucking me off on Sunday, and I barely touched his cock, as he serviced me completely. I never even asked him to, but he sucked my balls and rimmed my ass before I got on top of him and fucked his mouth like a cunt.
“I mean, shit,” Bryan continued, “I couldn’t believe how hungry Jason is for doing this stuff, and he’s been sucking my cock, balls, and ass at least three times a week for the past six weeks. But now Kelsey is up for having sex again, so I have to cut back on fucking his mouth. That’s why I’m telling you about him. He’s going to be hungry for some more man-meat, balls, cum, and ass, and there’s no telling what else he might do. I thought if you’re still getting the blue balls, you could use his cunt mouth like I did.”
Then, almost as an afterthought, Bryan said, “Oh, and Jason really seems to like being dominated by me and taking a submissive role. He comfortable with my cock in his mouth or sitting on his face, and if you decide to take advantage, don’t be afraid to be demanding and nasty with him.”
Jeff asked, “How do you suggest I go about this? Should you go over with me and kind of break the ice, or do I go over by myself, and try to think of a way to let him know I’m interested in being sucked?”
There were a few moments of silence, until Bryan answered, “It might be best if he doesn’t know I told you about him, at least not at first, until you get your cock in his mouth. He likes to work in his shed on Saturday mornings, so just take a couple of beers over and start talking with him. Or maybe more than a couple of beers, to help loosen things up a little.”
“You can find some way to bring the conversation around to sex, and if he’s as horny as I think he’ll be for some cock, it should be easy. He might be reluctant to bring sex up first, for fear of exposing his hunger, but he should loosen up when he knows that you are willing to talk about it. It didn’t take me much effort at all, and I was his first man-to-man experience ever.”
“It’s hard to believe how a formerly straight guy can so quickly become submissive to other men like that. The nicer the package you have, and not necessarily big, the more he’ll like it. He liked watching my soft cock and big balls swinging between my legs, and even told me I have an attractive package.”
Jeff laughed, and said, “Damn, Bryan, it sounds like that would look good to me too, if I was wired like a gay guy that way.”
Jeff Makes His Move
That week was a good one, since Bryan was able to feed me two times, but I couldn’t help looking forward to Saturday, when I’d know if Jeff was going to approach me, and if so, wondering how he’d do it.”
Sure enough, Jeff came over on Saturday morning when I was piddling around in the shed, bringing with him a six-pack of beer. He said, “Good morning, neighbor, I just thought I’d stop by to see how you’re doing. I don’t think we’ve talked since the Fourth of July party.”
I said, “Hi, Jeff, come on in, and thanks for bringing the beer.”
We sat and talked about mundane things like the weather, our jobs, and families, until starting on our second beers, when Jeff said, “That party on the Fourth was a lot of fun, and we’ve got the Labor Day party coming up soon. I always like watching the pretty, young mothers, especially if they’re breastfeeding, and seeing those big boobs jiggling and swaying. It’s enough to make a guy hungry.”
His approach was interesting, and I wanted to let him know that I liked talking about sex. I said, “I’m a little surprised that you let your eyes wander, Jeff, given how hot Marie is. But I must admit, even as an older guy, those young ladies turn me on too, especially when wearing those tight yoga pants and leggings, which display tasty looking camel toes, and I love those big tits too. I get boners every time watching them.”
Jeff was starting to set the stage for zeroing in on me, when he said, “You shouldn’t be surprised that us younger guys’ eyes wander, because even though our wives are hot, that doesn’t mean they’re always receptive to sex. Let’s just say that, um, I’m very well equipped, and have a high sex drive, so it’s frustrating when I get cut off.”
I taunted him, trying to bring things to a head, so to speak, saying, “Hey, no offense, Jeff, but in my experience, men who brag about their junk are just overcompensating for their, uh, you know, their shortcomings. And if you’re really that well equipped, I don’t think Marie could resist spreading her legs for you.”
Jeff had to have been surprised that I was falling so easily into his supposed trap, and he said, “No offense taken, Jason, but I’m uninhibited enough after these two beers to be willing to prove what I’m saying about my equipment. Just say the word, and I’ll show you.”
I tried to appear casual about it, and said, “Sure, okay, Jeff, if you really think you have something to look at, go ahead and prove it.”
He stood up in front of me, and started pushing down his athletic shorts, as he said, “Okay, Jason, but if I’m going to expose myself to you, then you at least have to touch it for me.”
I laughed and said, “Okay, but it needs to at least be a handful.”
Jeff wasn’t wearing any underwear, and as he pushed down his shorts, a thick, soft, veiny, circumcised cock with a huge cock head came into view, and it was about five inches long. He also has plum-sized, low-hanging balls, and the whole package is attractive.
I gripped his cock, and looked up at Jeff, who was smiling down at me, and said, “Okay, Jeff, I give. You do have a nice package on soft, but I can’t help wondering how big it gets on hard.”
He said, “I haven’t gotten off in over a month, and if you stroke it a little, you’ll find out.”
I wanted to start sucking his cock on soft, and feel it grow in my mouth, so I said, “I think I can do better than stroking it.”
His hands went to the back of my head, and my hand reached around to grip his hairy, bare ass, as I took his cock into my mouth. That was a slightly different experience sucking a cut cock, and I loved the taste and feeling of it in my mouth. The crown of his cock head also felt different, and I began sucking him, as he pulled me farther onto his meat.
I felt his ass clenching as he thrust into my mouth, and his voice was throaty as he said, “Suck it, cock sucker, suck my big cock. It was as easy as Bryan said it would be, getting my cock into your cunt mouth, old man. But before I get off, I want to use you in other ways like he does. When I pull out, I want you to sit on the floor with your back to the chair and lay your head back on the seat.”
After getting into position, he straddled my torso and backed up like he was going to sit in the chair, and squatted over me, bringing his big balls to my mouth. His crotch was musky and aromatic, in a pleasant way to me, and I began sucking his testicles and scrotum. He sat down more heavily on my face, while I brought my hands back to his ass cheeks to help support his weight.
I had been sucking his balls and perineum for what seemed like ten minutes, when he began sliding forward. I knew what he wanted, since Bryan had told him everything, and I spread his cheeks with my hands and began rimming his asshole. The aroma was headier down there, but I loved being pinned under him that way, and I probed his sphincter with my tongue and sucked it, as he squirmed above me.
He pulled off me after what seemed like another ten minutes, and said, “Holy shit, you nasty fucker, that was amazing. I’ve never had my ass eaten before, and you sure seemed hungry for it. Not it’s time to feed you the juices that Bryan said you love so much.”
Jeff stood in front of me as before, and I gripped his bare ass again, as I began sucking what I learned is a thick, seven-and-a-half-inch cock. He began fucking my mouth and throat again, and said, “Suck it, Jason, suck it. It’s going to be so nice having you next door, and so close so you can take care of my cock when Marie is on the rag or otherwise unwilling to fuck.”
It was surprising that he lasted so long, after everything I had done for him, and in about five minutes his cock stiffened further, began to throb, and I felt squirt after squirt of his cum shooting into my mouth for me to swallow. His load wasn’t as big as Bryan’s loads, and was a little disappointing, but it was still plentiful and tasty.
I kept holding on to him and sucking his cock as it softened, and after several minutes, he said, “You’d better pull off now, cock sucker. I always like to piss and clean the pipe after cumming, and with those beers, I really have to piss.”
It’s hard to explain what was going through my mind, but I was tempting him to further denigrate me by pissing in my mouth. I had read somewhere that piss is basically sterile when taken directly from a healthy person, and I wanted to see what it felt and tasted like.
So, I continued holding him and sucking his cock, and he said, “Okay, you nasty fucking cock sucker, it seems like you might have a taste for piss too. My bladder’s full and about to burst, so here it comes. Swallow fast, cock sucker.”
His cock flexed, and a strong stream of beer piss sprayed into my mouth. It had a bland taste, probably since it was diluted from the beers, and I loved the feeling of it shooting into my mouth. It almost felt like the first few seconds of Bryan’s copious ejaculations, and Jeff’s strong stream of piss was a kind of surrogate for it.
I swallowed his piss for what seemed like over a minute, and I kept sucking his cock after it stopped, until it began to harden again. Then Jeff pushed me back and said, “It probably won’t be ready to shoot again for another twenty minutes or so, and in the meantime, you can suck on my balls and ass some more.”
Jeff scooted down as he sat in the chair and I got on my knees between his legs. Then he put his legs over my shoulders and tilted his hips up farther, as I began sucking his balls. He reached down and held my head in place, in a further act to show his dominance, as he said, “Damn, Jason, I don’t understand how a man can do all the nasty shit you do, but I’m happy that Bryan told me about your hunger. You seem to crave this, and I’ll be happy to help feed your desires and mouth as often as you want it.”
I sucked his balls until he tilted up farther, and I sucked his ass. He was ready for another blowjob after that, and he sat in the chair as I sucked out another load from his thick, tasty cock.
After getting Jeff as another feeder for me, Bryan still had me over to his home at least once a week to service him. I also started spending more time in my shed on weekdays after work and on weekends, so Jeff could come over when he felt the need for relief.
Being Fed by Two Other Husbands in Our Cul-De-Sac
Labor Day fell on Monday that year, and we had another cul-de-sac party with the six families on the preceding Saturday, since some of the families had other plans for Sunday and Monday.
It was a fun day and things seemed normal to the unaware, but I couldn’t help noticing that Bryan and Jeff , sometimes together and sometimes individually, were talking in hushed tones with the other three husbands. I was careful not to let them see me watching them, and they occasionally pointed and looked my way. It was obvious that they were learning about me, the cul-de-sac cock sucker.
I had long since gotten over being embarrassed facing Bryan and Jeff when I sucked them, but it was distressing seeing that it was becoming common knowledge among the other husbands. I wasn’t sure how they would react, and just hoped they wouldn’t expose me to the wives.
It didn’t take long to find out, because toward the end of the afternoon, Daniel, a thirty-five-year-old man from across the cul-de-sac, came up to me, with a shit-eating grin on his face, and said, “Hi, Jason, I’ve gotten to know you a little at these parties, but I’d like to get to know you better. Would it be alright if come over tomorrow morning to visit you in your shed? I’ll bring the beer, and we can have nice, uh, a nice chat.”
He wasn’t even trying to be that subtle about it, and I answered, “Sure, Daniel, that will be fine. You might want to wear athletic shorts or something else comfortable, since it can get hot out there.”
Then a little later, Kevin, a twenty-eight-year-old husband, came up to me, and with no subtlety, said, “Hey, Jason, a little birdie told me that you’ve developed some, uh, hungers and a willingness to satisfy other men. Would it be okay if I come over on Monday morning, so we can see if we’re compatible? I’ll bring the beer.”
We were standing apart from the others, and no one could see, when I decided to be as blunt as he was. He was slightly taken aback when I reached down and rubbed his crotch, as I replied, “That will be fine, Kevin, and we’ll be compatible so long as you have something thick and juicy to feed me.”
The remaining husband, Paul, who is in his early forties, never came over to speak with me, so I assumed that he had no needs for my mouth at that time.
Daniel came over on Sunday morning, and we were on our second beer before he came out with it saying, “Look, Jason, Bryan and Jeff told me that you’ve developed a taste for cum, piss, and ass, and I’d sure like to experience that with you. My wife has been on the rag, either literally or figuratively for months, and I need to use your mouth.”
I did everything for him that I had done for Bryan and Jeff, and he seemed especially excited about emptying his bladder into my mouth and me rimming his ass. He stayed with me for almost two hours, and I sucked his off three times, before he had enough. His cock is thick, but only six inches long on hard, and I enjoyed sucking his more reasonably sized meat.
Kevin came over on Monday morning, and he wasn’t only the youngest of the men I was sucking, but the cockiest. He immediately stood in front of me and whipped out his cock, and I was a little stunned. His soft, circumcised cock is eight inches long and at least six inches in circumference, and his lemon-sized balls were hanging halfway to his knees.
He watched me gawking at his meat, and said, “Tell me, cock sucker, do you think this is thick enough for your cunt mouth?”
It was difficult to suck such a long and thick cock, but I did the best I could to take it into my mouth and throat, as it hardened to ten inches long. He was with me for almost three hours, and took sadistic pleasure sitting on my face and making me suck his balls and rim his ass. He also loved pissing in my mouth, and since he wasn’t drinking beer with me, his piss was stronger and tangier than the others, and he ejaculated three times before he left.
I’ve been servicing those four men for the past five years, sometimes sucking cocks as many as five or ten times a week, with some of them visiting me in the shed together. At other times I’m sucking only three or four times a week. It all depends on how things are going with their wives at the time, and I continue to be their willing cum dump.
It’s amazing how horny and needy those young husbands can get, when they’re accustomed to getting a steady diet of pussy at home, and then are cut off. I’m here to happily fill that void, and plan to keep doing it for as long as they desire.