How I Became A Homo

"Darius gets converted when he spends the weekend in the police cells…"

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I was never homophobic. I had a laidback attitude to life as a young man and had a ‘que sera, sera,’ attitude to life. After I turned sixteen, I did have a few sexual encounters with girls and had even indulged in a few wanking gatherings with other guys as we watched porn as naughty teenagers. During those tugging episodes, there was no physical contact between the guys, although I have to admit to checking out their cocks as we lustfully tugged on our dicks. Something about the communal masturbation sessions excited me abnormally.

As and when we did have sex with girls, bragging about that was commonplace. What turned me on most about these revelations, was the way the guys hornily groped their crotches and lustfully extended their tongues as they described the intimate details of their carnal encounters. Sometimes they would even whip out their dicks to brag about the scrapes they had received from an over-vigorous skull-fucking session. We were a bunch of horny teenagers… What else can I say?

One evening, an unfortunate circumstance would lead to a life-changing episode, when the buddy I attended a party with was tragically killed in a motor accident after we returned from a party. John, my buddy, lost control of the vehicle on a dicey gravel road and overturned his truck. Fortuitously, I survived unscathed.

As a result of the incident, I was subpoenaed to attend the inquest court hearing a few weeks later, after the post-mortem results were finalized. In my inimitable fashion, I got the date of my court appearance fucked-up, believing it was a week later, and a warrant for my arrest was issued because of my oversight.

That is when all hell broke loose on a Friday afternoon when the police arrested me at work and hauled me off to the police station. Because of the urgency with which this happened, I did not have my mobile phone with me.

At this point, I need to clarify the following bit of information. I lived in South Africa in a small town in the most south-western province of the country. As a blond, Afrikaans-speaking guy, the black policemen in the charge office had no sympathy for me. I was a criminal, simple as that, and would be locked up for the weekend. There was no way I would be released before Monday morning, once I had appeared before the judge. Although I did finally contact my family and inform them of my dilemma, all they could do was meet me at the court on Monday morning.

Once I got placed in the police cell with thirteen other men, mostly hardened criminals, I would be at their mercy for the duration of my stay. I also knew that the policeman would not come to my rescue, after he said, “Well, gentlemen, you’ve all complained about not having television, but now you can’t accuse us of not supplying you with entertainment.”

In the cell, I tried to make myself as inconspicuous as possible. An impossible task for a pretty blond boy. Unsurprisingly, it did not take too long before a bulky coloured man sat next to me.

“You are very pretty,” he lustfully uttered, as his icky hand rested on my knee.

“We will take good care of you, so don’t worry, lovey,” he said, as I looked at his mouth missing countless teeth.

I was very nervous and was left in no doubt about his intentions. When his sparsely occupied mouth and his rank breath neared my lips, I instantly pulled my head aside to avoid his ardency. His grubby hand then instantly grabbed hold of my chin in a domineering and controlling manner.

As this was happening, one of the wolf pack of onlookers that had now formed around us, pulled the most disgustingly dirty handkerchief out of his pocket, as a warning that this would be used to shut me up if needed. Needless to say, there was no way I wanted that ‘rag’ in my mouth, and in anticipation, I promised not to utter a word.

“Hey, lovey, I’m gonna enjoy fucking you,” then with a laugh he added, “We are all going to enjoy fucking you… Just relax and be a good boy, and we won’t harm you… But we are gonna fuck the living shit out of you.” His statement was met with consensual mumbles of enthusiasm.

Then, with a mischievous look on his face, Jonas, as I would later learn, added, “Just remember, although the police are in charge, in here, we are in control.”

Inexplicably, the dilemma facing me did not frighten me as much as I had believed it would. I was in shit, but there was nothing I could do about it. There was no way I could avoid the inevitable unless I was going to risk grievous bodily harm. Inexplicably, my dilemma was also starting to turn me on.

After Jonas had briefly kissed me, he arose and dropped his pants. Logic now thankfully took over, and I acknowledged that I needed to emerge from my encounter as unscathed as possible. As Jonas’s pungent uncut dick brush against my lips, I instinctively knew what I would have to do.

“Suck my cock, pretty boy,” he exclaimed, as the ripe intruder caressed my lips.

Obediently, my mouth complied as a multitude of lustful accomplices focussed on and encouraged, Jonas’s actions.

“Fuck, this is a fuckin’ hot mouth,” Jonas excitedly exclaimed as he commenced skull-fucking me.

The impatience of the onlookers quickly turned into action, and shortly many excited cocks were flashing about and getting tugged on. Although Jonas seemed to be the alpha, the consensus was soon reached that all the men needed to take their turn. A timetable now got decided upon, and the other several guys watching the action starting compiling a queueing list for their allotted five minutes of skull-fucking.

I got a smorgasbord of shapes and sizes that followed, and once more to my amazement, I was beginning to enjoy the ‘onslaught.’ Something about the grubbiness and horniness of these men, and the depravity of my dilemma was driving me wild with lust. I had only ever seen inaccessible white meat before, yet now, I was being introduced to available dark meat.

Why am I enjoying this so much?’ I began intoning to myself. ‘Have I always been queer?

As my excitement and enthusiasm grew, I heard one of the men utter, “This is a horny little slut, the bitch is enjoying this.”

The self-perpetuating scenario was now well underway, and the primal combination of ripe smells, horny banter, the skanky location, and the feverish face-fucking was transporting me into a carnal pleasure dome of domination that I would forevermore be addicted to. No other sexual experience I had ever indulged in, was remotely as exciting as this. The animalistic actions of these men were mind-blowing.

Some of the men were gentler, but most used my head with the disrespect an old basketball would receive. I was soon on my way to a high protein diet as load after load sprayed into my mouth. To ensure that I did not waste any ‘nourishment,’ grubby fingers with scooped up residue from my head, also got administered to my mouth. For my trouble, icky hands frequently cleansed themselves in my hair, and as a final thanks, slaps got tapped on my cheeks.

After eight cocks had unloaded in my mouth, I was given a reprieve. By now, all I could taste, and smell, was jizz. I also noticed that the five other guys who hadn’t participated in the large cell remained seated. Of the five, two looked disgusted and would never participate, the other three, however, eventually did go-with-the-flow the following day.

After supper, if you could call it that, which consisted of a cup of soup and a thick slice of bread, we all sat around waiting for lights-out at eight p.m. Thereafter, the policemen never bothered to check up on the prisoners. Although the lights in the cell were switched off, the cell was well-illuminated from the security lights outside that streamed through the barred windows. Each prisoner had a blanket, and on the slatted wooden seating on three sides of the cell, at least ten guys could comfortably lie down, head to toe.

I got told that Jonas and his two buddies, Archie, Dougie, and I, would place three of our blankets on the cement floor as a mattress, and lying side by side, could use the fourth blanket to cover us, which we never bothered with. Everyone was happy with the arrangement, especially me. During my earlier oral extravaganza, these were the three men who had appealed to me the most.

As things grew quiet and most guys drifted off to sleep, Jonas and Archie who were on either side of me began to kiss me in a sensual three-way snogging fest. Dougie, the cutest of the bunch with a short stocky frame, moved between my legs and pulled my underpants off me. Most of the men were still wearing their clothes when they bedded down for the night, but the four of us had stripped to our underpants and placed our folded clothing under the wooden benches.

With Dougie’s bobbing up and down on my cock, three sets of hands began caressing my body as two mouths licked my head, neck, shoulders, and nipples. The ardency of what I was now experiencing was sublime. Much as I had enjoyed the frenetic skull-fucking earlier, the baseness of the homosexual activity from the other inmates was now getting replaced by a holistic form of gratification. The heady odours emanating from Archie and Jonas’s bodies and their pungent breaths had strangely become exhilarating.

Oh fuck, I’m not only a homo but a skank slut as well,’ I ruminated to myself.

When Dougie’s body moved upward and my legs got lifted onto his shoulders, a third mouth commenced mingling in the unctuous mess my head was turning into. It was fan-fuckin’-fantastic.

From my earlier recollection, Dougie had the fattest cock of all the men, and as his dick began prodding my virgin arse, I was apprehensive about the cherry busting that was to follow. It did hurt, but I was beyond caring as a gasped into Jonas’s mouth.

“Keep quiet, baby,” Jonas whispered as Dougie began to spear into me.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh,” Dougie intoned as his hips got lively. “Jesus, this hole is so fuckin’ tight,” Dougie quietly gushed.

Dougie soon became so overexcited that his body began to shudder in ecstasy.

After Dougie pulled his dick out of me, Archie said, “You went first earlier, Jonas, so I’m next.”

In a flash, Archie got on top and inserted his dick into me, after he and Dougie swapped positions.

Archie had a far more leisurely approach and soon got into a comfortable rhythm. If I had ever doubted my newfound sexual orientation for a second since my sexual reassignment had commenced, now I was entirely convinced that my arse had found its new purpose in this world.

After Archie’s endless pleasure, Jonas then followed and gave my well-primed backside the hardest plowing of all.

After all the action, we settled down for the night, or so I thought. Having been the last to finish, Jonas took up station next to Dougie, and I remained in the middle of Archie and Dougie.

Dougie was the most affectionate of the three, and I fell asleep with his frame closely clamping my body.

I am not sure how much time passed before I awoke with Dougie rubbing himself against me, and kissing me. Dougie soon moved downward after telling me that he wanted me to cum in his mouth. I had been enjoying myself so much that hadn’t registered that I had not yet unloaded. Dougie was now determined to correct that situation. Dougie, as I would come to know, was the most versatile of the three buddies. Not only did I now get a knob worshipping session of note, but I also got a masterclass in the art of felching, as three loads got vacuumed out of my arse.

Once we got done, Dougie turned me onto my stomach and again commenced butt-fucking me.

Our melee soon brought Archie out of his sleep, and spurred on by the action next to him, Archie soon mounted Dougie and began fucking him. The sensuality of this new dynamic, and the feeling of Dougie’s knob getting driven into me with Archie’s momentum, was awe-inspiring. After Dougie unloaded and pulled out of me, Archie took over and ‘finished the job.’ Or so I thought.

During our session, we had awoken two of the other skull-fuckers from that afternoon. Needless to say, one after the other, they now also had a go at my backside. They had been two of the most unremarkable ‘suiters’ that afternoon and again came very quickly.

When I finally thought that the session was over, Jonas had awoken and decided that another fuck was in order. In his vigorous manner, Jonas made sure that things ended on a high note.

Thankfully, no more action followed, because I was exhausted.

The following morning things were very quiet, and no action took place till later that afternoon.

Around noon, things got rather busy when five of the guys got summoned to leave the cell. They were getting transferred to another police station. The group of five consisted of the two unremarkable suitors, the smelliest skull-fucker from the previous day, and the two disapproving onlookers from the previous day. Needless to say, I was overjoyed by their departure.

As on the previous day, I got another skull-fucking parade that afternoon, and the three who had not joined in before also did so.

When Mbulelo, a Xhosa guy stepped up, my eyes almost popped out. The Xhosa men are always circumcised, following their traditions. As he exposed his cock, it was the size of a generous Sunday beef roast. It was the most spectacular and beautiful dick I had ever seen. The thick dark shaft was topped by a glans several shades lighter and had a dusky pink hue. Below the fillet, a low-hanging velvet-looking pouch contained two substantial orbs. Luxurious afro fuzz arched over the magnificent phallus, framing its splendour.

Before my incarceration, I would not have looked at Mbulelo twice, because he was very average looking. Now, however, he had become the thing that dreams were made of.

Luckily, I was able to take my time with Mbulelo, because his big reveal was impressing the wolf pack as much as me. The unison of tributes that resounded unanimously heralded the respect that horse-hung men get accorded. After I looked up into his arrogant brown eyes, my face moved toward the uncovered treasure.

As the roast nestled in my right palm, and my left hand fondled the velvet pouch, my nose sniffed the rich frizzy fluff. After I commenced licking his knob, my twitching arse began begging to get plundered. If there was one thing I desired more than all at this moment, it was to get fucked by this Nubian god.

After the briefest blowjob where I was only able to accommodate the dusky pink head, I looked up at Mbulelo and begged him to fuck me.

With a self-satisfied look on his face, Mbulelo calmly took control. After I knelt in the doggy position on the slatted bench, Mbulelo orchestrated the scene by inviting one of the onlookers to seed my arse, before a second guy was instructed to unload on his dick.

Shortly, the well-basted roast got lodged on my manhole. The arduous entry into my warming drawer was uncomfortably adrenaline-charged. As I began to yelp, to my horror the dirty handkerchief from the previous day got stuffed into my mouth.

Oblivious to the gag, I, however, manfully suffered in ecstasy.

Oh Jesus, this is the greatest pleasure I have ever felt,’ I mumbled to myself,

The searing roast plowed me relentlessly for the next ten minutes before the gravy got poured on.

When Mbulelo was done, greedy Dougie’s mouth made sure he would be the food critic of our encounter. Afterward, although a few minute-steaks followed and unloaded into me, all I could think of was Mbulelo’s dick.

That night, the remaining nine men left in the cell all decided that we would be sleeping on the floor after lights-out. With our nine blankets serving as a large mattress, an orgy of musical ‘chairs’ took place. I was pleased that Dougie was on hand to assist as a cum-dump for the evening.

I made sure that when we settled down to sleep, much later, I was next to Mbulelo. As we listened to snoring all around us, I discovered that Mbulelo was not only physically gifted but had a monumental libido. Before morning, he fucked me another three times.

The following morning, when the policemen arrived to deliver our breakfast, they looked at us with disgust, before announcing that we smelled like animals. Thereafter, we were all taken in groups to shower. There was no warm water, but thankfully it was summer, and soap got supplied.

After lunch on Sunday, the fuck-fest again got underway. By that evening when lights-out arrived, my mouth and arse were raw. This of course did not prevent me from having my arse plowed a few more times.

Early on Monday morning, my grand finale consisted of a prolonged arse plowing from Mbulelo, as I got face-fucked by several guys.

After my court appearance on Monday, where I got let off with a warning and given a new court date, I accompanied my parents to their vehicle. As we drove my folks looked at me with grave concern.

“Are you okay, Darius?” They asked, inquiring about my dishevelled appearance.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Did anyone abuse you?” My mother apprehensively inquired.

I was beyond caring and was overcome by an incredible bravado. In the calmest voice, I answered, “For the past two days and three nights I have been fucked silly.”

“Oh, my god… Should we file a complaint?” My father gushed.

“No, I loved it,” I coolly answered, before adding, “I must tell you, however, that I have now become a proper moffie (the Afrikaans word for queer).

Published 4 years ago

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