Part 4
Angela looked stunned and didn’t say anything at first, so I continued talking.
‘That was quite an embrace you were both locked in darling,’ I said. ‘David looked quite handy with your bum and tits’ Angela stood there looking totally deflated, I could see in her face she had no idea I had seen them both.
‘I am so sorry Mark,’ she said softly.
‘Are you having an affair with him?’ I asked her.
‘I don’t know what it is, Mark,’ She replied, ‘I never meant to hurt you.’ She then had tears in her pretty eyes and began to cry. I moved towards her and took her in my arms.
‘Don’t cry darling, please’, I said. She flung her arms around me sobbing. ‘How long has this been going on?” I asked.
After a long pause, she said, ‘About three months.’
‘Since you have been seeing him for the lunches?’ I inquired.
‘Not at first no,’ she replied, ‘At first we were just friends’ After a time, she dried her eyes and said, ‘You must hate me.’
‘I could never hate you Angela, not for anything,’ I said.
‘I wanted to tell you, Mark, I was just too scared, but I never wanted you to find out like this.’
I had to ask the $64,000 question, ‘Have you had sex with him?’
After an awkward silence she said, ‘Yes, I have Mark.’
‘How many times?’ I asked, my heart pounding in my chest now.
‘Three times,’ she said.
‘Where? How? At his office?’ I exclaimed.
‘No no, at his apartment,’ she confessed. ‘Well the first time was at his office, but after that, we went to his apartment.’
‘But how? When?’ I said puzzled.
‘The first time was one evening after work, he seduced me in his office Mark and I couldn’t stop him,’ she said. She looked sheepishly at the floor and said, ‘The other two times were those nights I said I was out with the girls from work.’
‘Ah, I see,’ I said.
‘Mark I am truly sorry, l have lied to you and you have every right to be angry with me.’
‘I know I should do darling, I know, but I am not angry with you.’
She looked up at me with a blank expression and said, ‘Why not? I have completely destroyed our relationship and you should hate me,’ she added.
I said, ‘I know I should, but like I said I could never hate you, not for anything, and you have not destroyed anything.’
‘Are you in love with David?’ I asked.
She replied straight away and said, ‘No not at all, it’s just sex Mark, that’s all I promise.’
‘He is old enough to be your father you know,’ I added.
‘I know,’ she said, ‘That’s part of the attraction for me I think’ Knowing Angela’s thing for older men this did not surprise me.
‘Is it safe sex?’ I had to ask, despite me knowing Angela was on the pill at that time.
‘Oh Mark of course, Yes we always use condoms I promise.’
‘Is it good sex?’ Unsure I wanted to hear her answer.
She blushed a little and said ‘Yes, it’s very good.’
‘In what way?’ I asked.
Blushing still, she replied, ‘David is very dominant with me.’
‘I know you have always said you prefer that type of sex darling, so I understand what you mean,’ I said, feeling a little odd.
‘I do, I love it,’ she replied, blushing further.
‘Were you planning to see each other again soon?’ I asked.
She stammered, her eyes filled up a little more, then she said, ‘Well not now I suppose, now our secret is out, I’ll end it, Mark, I promise I will, please if you give me this chance to repair the damage I have done, I will make it up to you.’
I held up my hand as if to silence her for a moment. She looked at me puzzled, her eyes still full of tears. ‘Angela, ending it is the last thing I want you to do,’ I said. She looked up at me, a puzzled look in her eyes.
‘What? I don’t understand,’ she said.
‘Angela, I want you to be happy and want you to enjoy yourself.’ She made to interrupt me, but I stopped her and said, ‘Hear me out for a moment please my love.’ She stood silently as I said, ‘What I am about to say, may take you by complete surprise darling, but I mean every word, I always thought, and hoped this would happen one day,’ I continued.
She had a look of total surprise on her face and said, ‘What? I don’t understand Mark.’
‘I don’t want you to end it darling,’ Her eyes revealed her surprise at hearing this, and she asked,
‘What do you want me to do then?’
‘What if I said I don’t mind you seeing David?’ I said quickly. She looked more puzzled, then said,
‘What do you mean?’
‘What if I said I don’t just not mind you seeing him, but that I am more than happy for you to continue seeing him for sex whenever you like.’
‘Now I know you are not being serious Mark,’ she said.
‘I am perfectly serious darling, I mean it,’ I replied.
‘What about us?’ she asked urgently.
‘What about us?’ I replied, ‘We stay as we are, in love, happy but with you exploring your fantasies with David’ I carried on, ‘I have read about couples who have ‘open relationships’ where one partner enjoys sex with others, but while still with each other.’
‘Wouldn’t you be eaten up with jealousy?’ she asked,
‘Far from it darling, in fact, I’ll confess to you now, I have fantasised about something like this for some time.’
‘You really mean that don’t you?’ she said.
‘Yes darling, I do, the idea turns me on a lot, and I’ll admit now, and I have dreamed about David fucking you many times,’ I continued, ‘Angela, I have tried to bury this fantasy as I didn’t think it would ever actually come true but I hoped it might happen after you began your friendship with David.’
Angela stood open-mouthed for a while, then said, ‘How long have you had this fantasy about me with David Mark?’
‘Quite a long while,’ I said, ‘Pretty much since you first began your friendship with him.’
‘But If I carry on with David, it will be more intimate and not a fantasy you can see and enjoy.’
‘You having a regular lover like David would enhance that fantasy for me two-fold,’ I added, ‘Trust me, I have thought about it many times and I honestly hoped this would happen one day.’ For a moment we were both silent, and I could see Angela was attempting to process what I had just said, so I added, ‘You could do this openly, without all the cloak and dagger stuff, you covering things up, cheating so to speak, and you can see David whenever you like Angela.’ She stood thinking some more and began to calm down a little.
‘You are serious about this, aren’t you?’ she asked.
‘Yes, I am,’ I replied, ‘Angela I have never been more serious,’ I added, ‘Ok, Answer me this, would you have wanted to carry on seeing David, if you had not been found out by me today?’
‘I can’t lie to you anymore Mark, so the truth is, yes I would,’ she replied.
‘Well, I am offering you the chance to do so, with no guilty feelings or having to hide anything,’ I said. She looked at me, her eyes still filled with tears, but I could tell she was thinking hard about what I had said.
After some time, she said, ‘You really do want this don’t you?’
‘I really do darling, very much so’ She was staring at me, a look of complete surprise still on her face as I spoke. ‘In fact, if you do this for me, you will be making a major dream come true for me Angela, I really mean that,’ I added.
‘You really want me to have a proper affair with David?’ she asked,
‘I would love that darling, yes, that would be a huge turn-on for me if you did so,’ I replied. ‘A proper affair would be amazing.’
After another pause, she said, ‘If it’s truly what you want, then I would love to have a proper affair with him Mark.’
‘It is truly what I would love darling, I really mean it,’ I replied.
‘Mark I had no idea you felt this way, and you have no idea how I have hated myself recently for cheating on you like this,’ she said.
‘I wanted to tell you ages ago darling, but I thought you would never understand,’ I replied.
Angela said, ‘I do understand, but I wish you had told me sooner.’
‘So do I now,’ I said. ‘But now you know maybe this might work, and we can both get what we want from this?’ She stood still for a moment, thinking, and after a pause said,
‘Ok, if we do this, I want it kept between you, me, and David please Mark, can we also please keep it a secret from our families?’ She added, ‘My parents would never forgive me Mark if they knew.’
‘Oh god yes babe,’ I said, laughing, ‘That goes without saying, no one need know what goes on in our relationship but the three of us, I agree completely on that point.’
‘Thank you, Mark, I love you so much,’ she said.
‘So, would you like to carry on seeing David now you know how much I want you to Angela?’ I asked her.
‘Yes, I would love to Mark, as long as you are really sure about it,’ she replied,
‘I am totally sure darling, I really am.’
Part 5
We hugged each other, and Angela asked me again if I was deadly serious and if I was truly sure this was what I wanted. ‘Yes darling, I am totally sure my love and I do want this very much,’ I replied. I added, ‘I want you to explore all your fantasies with David, and like you said, it is just sex.’ She kissed me and thanked me over and over and we talked a lot more about how this would work and so on.
I then asked her, ‘Well when were you planning on seeing David next?’
‘This coming Saturday night,’ she replied.
‘Oh, when you were going out with the girls again,’ I asked smiling.
She smiled back, blushing, and said, ‘Erm yes.’
‘What did David have planned for Saturday’s meeting then?’
‘We were going out for a meal then back to his place for sex,’ she replied.
‘Ok, well you can still go ahead with Saturday now we have things out in the open darling,’ I said.
‘Are you really sure?’ She asked.
‘Yes, yes definitely,’ I replied. ‘As I told you, I have dreamed about something like this for a long while and it turns me on so much.’
‘What were you planning to wear for him?’
‘I thought I would wear that silky black ‘Cire’ ruched dress you bought for me with stockings, suspenders and my black patent heels,’ she replied.
‘That would be perfect babe, you will look stunning,’ I said.
‘I can’t believe we are actually doing this Mark,’ she said. ‘And that you want me to do this.’
‘I want you to be happy Angela and fulfilled sexually,’ I replied. ‘It sounds like David does that for you?’
‘Oh, he does,’ she said, ‘Very much so, ten times over.’
We both smiled at each other, then I said, ‘That’s settled then, Saturday you can meet up with David and have a clear conscience, knowing I want you to enjoy him fucking you.’ We both laughed together, Angela hugging me once more.
I then said, ‘Do you and David like using condoms, Angela?’
She then took on a serious expression and replied, ‘Well you know how I feel about, them, I hate them, why do you ask?’
‘I know my love’ I said, ‘I hate them as well.’
‘And David?’
‘Oh, he hates them too,’ she said.
‘Well, why use them? You are on the pill now, so you have no need to use them with David surely?’
‘Are you saying what I think you are saying Mark?’ she asked.
‘Yes, I am.’ She stared at me open-mouthed, then said, ‘Oh my god Mark, I don’t know what to say.’
‘Come on, be honest wouldn’t you rather he fucked you bareback as it should be, then came inside you?’
She looked at me and said, ‘If you want an honest answer, Yes I would.’
‘But Mark…’ she made to say.
I interrupted her, holding up my hand, and said, ‘So why use them?’
‘I am more than happy for David to fuck you bareback and cum inside you Angela, I mean that before you ask.’
She said, ‘Are you really sure you don’t mind another man cumming inside me Mark?’
‘I want David to enjoy fucking you properly and cumming inside you Angela,’ I continued, ‘I want your sex with him to be spontaneous and free from the annoyances of condoms and for you to fully enjoy it the way it should be Angela’
She kissed me again and said, ‘You are so amazing, and I love you more than I can say, thank you, Mark.’
I added, ‘Angela the thought of David cumming inside you is a huge turn-on for me, I honestly mean that, him fucking you without condoms, and cumming inside you would make my fantasy perfect.’
‘If I’d known that at the start of this, we would never have used condoms Mark,’ she said.
‘I would have loved that Angela,’ I replied. ‘I really mean that, I want David to cum inside you I truly do.’
‘I want him to as well,’ she said, ‘Especially now I know how you feel about it.’
Angela agreed to tell David on Saturday all about our conversation and me being happy for them to carry on their affair and especially the point about not needing condoms anymore. I could see she was excited and turned on about this and we spoke at length about her future meetings with David. ‘So, we are agreed then? No more condoms with David, yes?’
‘No more condoms, Mark, yes as long as you really are sure?’ she replied.
‘I am 100% sure darling, no need to ask me again.’
I then asked, ‘What have the two of you enjoyed sexually so far then?’ Just vanilla or more adventurous sex?’
She blushed again and replied, ‘We have done everything Mark.’
‘Wow, really?’ I exclaimed.
‘Yes, oral, lots of different positions, ’69’, bondage, hard spanking, belts and a cane and anal too.’
‘Sounds fantastic,’ I replied. ‘But always with condoms I assume?’
‘Yes,’ she replied.
‘So where does David cum if you don’t mind me asking?’
‘No of course I don’t mind, He has cum either inside the condom or in my mouth.’
‘That’s a shame, but I assume you have always swallowed when he cums in your mouth?’
‘Yes always, David insists I swallow anyway so I do,’ she said.
Knowing how much Angela always loved swallowing spunk, I asked her, ‘Have you enjoyed swallowing Davids’s spunk?’
‘Oh god yes, and he cums so heavily too’ she replied, ‘The most I’ve ever experienced from a man before.’
I said, ‘That’s so erotic darling, and such a major fucking turn on hearing you say that.’
‘I honestly never realised it would turn you on so much Mark, especially as we both know David as well.’
‘I think that’s the main reason I find it such a turn-on darling,’ I said, ‘That and David’s age of course.’
She said, ‘Same for me too, and you know I’ve always had the hots for older men.’
‘Does he like it that you are only twenty?’ I asked.
‘Yes,’ she replied. ‘He loves that fact and told me the other day he wished he had met me when I was younger still.’
‘I can imagine,’ I replied.
‘Do you enjoy him spanking and caning you then?’
‘Yes, I love it,’ she replied.
I asked, ‘Has David ever mentioned what he would like to do if he could enjoy you bareback Angela?’