How I Became A Cuckold Partner Part 10

"The continuing story of a cuckold partner"

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‘Erm… Ok… yes, of course, David, I understand, and will comply with both rules,’ I said, feeling strangely excited at hearing this unexpected twist from David.

‘Good lad,’ he replied. ‘I had a feeling you would agree to this. I may at some point apply the total ban on you anyway, as I have a sneaking feeling that a complete ban might enhance the cuckold experience even more for you, would I be correct?’

I stood silent for a moment, contemplating what he had just said; my heart was now pounding inside my chest. After a pause, I cleared my throat and said nervously.

‘Erm… I think it might do actually, David, yes.’ As I replied, I noticed Angela was smiling at me, and she nodded at me just a little.

‘Ah, I suspected that might be the case as well, Mark. You are perhaps more of a cuckold than I first thought, and we should take advantage of that fact to ensure you enjoy our new arrangement to the fullest.’

At that time I had no idea what the word ‘Cuckold’ meant, but as his relationship with Angela progressed, I soon realised its true meaning, and I soon learned to embrace fully the fact that I was a cuckold partner.

On hearing my words, David thought for a moment, then said, ‘This is now becoming very interesting, Mark. Hearing you admit that to me now about me banning you completely, has got me thinking perhaps you would prefer we start with a complete ban after all, rather than my first suggestion of limiting you?’

I stood, shaking with excitement, unable to understand why what David was proposing was suddenly turning me on so much.

‘What shall we do with you, Mark? Forget all about the once-a-month-with-condoms-rule, and simply impose a total ban on you now?’ he asked.

I stammered my reply: ‘I think I would be happy either way, David, but I will adhere to whatever you decide to do on this point.’

‘What would you prefer me to impose on you, Mark?’ he asked.

I stood there feeling slightly nervous but overcome with sexual feelings I did not understand, and I was unable to reply to him, so he said, ‘I can tell I have stirred something within you now, Mark. You seem nervous and unable to answer…’

As I was about to say something, he quickly said, ‘I think I know what you would like me to do, but let’s ask Angela, what she thinks would be best for you, shall we?’ He turned to Angela, and asked her, ‘Angela, once a month with condoms only, or a total ban for a given period for, Mark? You decide what you think he would like best.’

She looked at me smiling, and replied, ‘Now I know how much Mark has fantasised about our relationship, David. I think he would prefer a total ban instead of you limiting him.’

I nodded my head at her in agreement; It seemed my darling girl had read my mind. We smiled at each other, then we both mouthed the words, ‘I love you.’

‘I think Mark would find a ban for a while, a much bigger turn-on, David, to be honest,’ she added.

‘It would appear your fiancé knows you very well, Mark, that’s plain to see,’ said David.

‘When did the two of you last have sex?’ he asked.

Angela, replied ‘About two weeks ago, David.’

‘Apart from the blow job she gave me yesterday,’ I replied.

‘Yes, she told me all about that, Mark, and just how turned on you were about our new arrangement,’ said David.

He looked again at Angela, who nodded at him.

She then said, ‘It’s obvious Mark would prefer a total ban, David.’

‘It seems Angela, has made the decision for me,’ he said. ‘So there is only one way to go with this, I think.’

‘Shall I go with what your fiancé has said then, Mark?’

Shaking, I said, ‘I would be happy with that if you did, David,’ my heart now pounding in my chest at hearing his words, my hard cock straining inside my jeans. Angela nodded at me once more, and I smiled back at her.

Back then, I was young and inexperienced, and I could not believe I was willingly agreeing to this, nor understand why it excited me so much.

‘That’s good to hear. Let’s not beat around the bush with the once-a-month- condom idea then,’ he said. ‘And if we are going to ban you, I think it needs to be for longer than just a while.’

David looked at Angela. she smiled back at him, then he turned to me and said, ‘Ok a full ban it shall be then. From today, we will start with a total and complete ban for, say, the first six weeks, and after that time, I may allow you to fuck her, but, as I said, only once a month, and strict use of condoms always. How does that sound to you, Mark?’

‘That sounds good, David. I will do as you have instructed, I promise,’ I said. I was now shaking with nervous tension and sexual excitement the likes of which I had not experienced before ever.

David then added, ‘Angela told me today about you wanting me to own her body from now on, so that perhaps explains why you will find a ban such a turn-on, I think.’

Trembling with excitement, I said, ‘I think so as well, David.’

You have to understand we were both very young, Angela only twenty years old, and me just twenty-two. David was more than twice my age, and perhaps due to his career, he had a commanding air about him that I found slightly intimidating, but in a very exciting and erotic way. I felt powerless to object to his instructions, regarding banning me from having sex with my fiancé, but had to admit to myself I wanted what he was imposing on me more than anything. The way he spoke and delivered his instructions was also very formal and somewhat controlling, and his professional law background came over strongly which made me feel I had to comply with this ban he was imposing on me, regardless of how much the idea turned me on.

David continued with his instructions and said, ‘And I do mean a full six weeks, Mark, yes? Nothing at all, not even touching sexually or her sucking you, please. No more blow jobs like yesterday. Agreed?’

‘I understand, David, and will comply with your rules for the full six weeks, I promise,’ I replied.

‘You may of course kiss your fiancé, but nothing more than that,’ he added.

‘I understand, and will do as you ask, David,’ I said.

‘Excellent. I have a feeling you were expecting me to do this, am I right?’

‘I hadn’t thought about it before now, to be honest, but I understand why you have, and I am happy about the idea, and I will comply with the ban, David,’ I said.

‘I can see it in your eyes. You seem quite excited about this.’

‘It does excite me, I have to admit,’ I replied.

‘Perhaps you wanted me to impose this long ban on you, am I right?’ he added.

‘I… I, think you might be right, David,’ I said nervously. ‘Yes, I think I would like that.’

’Starting with a total ban, I mean, rather than allowing you to enjoy your fiancé once a month as I initially mentioned?’ he said.

‘Yes, David, a total ban from now on does excite me a lot more, thinking about it,’ I admitted to him.

‘If you are honest with yourself, Mark, you wouldn’t want it any other way, am I right?’

I replied, ‘Yes, you are right, I admit it. I would prefer a total ban please.’

David continued, ‘Good lad, you know this will only serve to heighten what you wanted when you told Angela about her body belonging to me yesterday.’

‘You will always own her heart, Mark, but from now on her body belongs to me. Agreed?

‘Yes, agreed, David, you are right, and I am sure your ban will heighten things for me this way,’ I replied.

‘You are now a fully confirmed cuckold, Mark, and I very much hoped you would embrace this side of yourself,’ he said, ‘It’s wonderful to witness, and this is now much better than I initially wanted.’

Angela said, ‘I knew you would want this, Mark, my love. I know you well enough by now.’

I smiled at her, and said, ‘Yes, you do, my love.’

Listening to David, and thinking of this long ban he insisted on, I had never felt more excited in my life. My heart was racing and my cock rising ever harder in my jeans, a fact that David noticed as well.

He looked down at the bulge in the front of my jeans, then said, ‘Oh, Mark, I can clearly see how this thought has excited you. I am now thinking that perhaps a six-week ban might be too short for you, would I be correct?’

I noticed Angela was nodding again, and she smiled at David and nodded to him as well.

‘I think Angela agrees with me on that, Mark,’ he said. ‘So shall I increase the ban for longer than six weeks for you?’

‘I will be happy if you feel six weeks is too short, David,’ I said quietly.

‘Shall we increase it to three months instead, Mark? Would that be more to your liking?’ he asked.

Still shaking with unfamiliar feelings of excitement, I tried to reply but my voice croaked and I simply let out a sigh.

‘Oh, Mark, that sigh has told me something, and I believe I can see in your expression now, that maybe even a three-month ban might also be too short for you? he said.

I looked at Angela, and she mouthed the words, ‘Say yes,’ to me.

Sheepishly I looked at David, sighed again, and said, ‘Yes, David, I think you may be right.’

‘Right about what exactly, Mark?’ he asked.

It was clear to me at this point, that he wanted me to now ask him for this.

‘Three months is also too short,’ I stammered, hiding my embarrassment, and struggling to cope with how this was affecting me.

‘Perhaps it needs to be doubled to a full six months for you then, Mark. What do you think, Angela?’ he asked her.

Angela smiled at me, then said, ‘I think six months would be more to Mark’s liking, David.’

David then leaned down and kissed her, then stood up and said, ‘Mark, again I agree with your fiancé. I think that’s settled. We will start with a total and complete ban for a full six months, starting this evening, but I may choose to extend that further if I suspect you would want me to once the six months is up.’

Nervously, I said, ‘Oh, David, yes please, I understand.’

‘Would that appeal to you, Mark, if I extended the ban again after the first six months?’ he asked.

‘I have to admit, David, I think it would, yes,’ I replied, ‘I would like that very much.’

‘Perfect, I had a feeling you would say that. You are way more cuckold than I ever imagined which is excellent.’ He added, ‘I think you have wanted to be a cuckold to Angela for some time, am I right?’

‘I think so too, David, yes,’ I said, my voice barely a whisper now, and I was still shaking with excitement that was totally new to me.

‘It’s nothing to be ashamed about, your feelings and desires about this fantasy, are perfectly natural, and it is good to see you embracing them.’

‘Thank you, David,’ I said.

‘No need to thank me, Mark, you have waited long enough for this, so your six-month ban, and me owning Angela’s body for you, will make your cuckold dreams come true, I think,’ he said.

‘I think so too,’ I replied.

Angela added, ‘Now I know how much you want this, I think a six-month ban will be perfect for you.’

‘Thank you, darling,’ I said. ‘And I do want this very much.’

‘I can now see the once-a-month rule would have been wasted on you and had little effect, so a long ban should be far more of a turn-on for you, Mark.’

‘Once the six months is up I will consider extending it for another six months in that case, rather than permitting you to have sex with, Angela, once a month,’ added David.

He continued, ‘It is obvious this is the right way to go for you with such a long ban, and it is very clear to me you wanted me to do this anyway, Angela, as well as myself, can see it in your face as well as your hardening cock.’

I stood trying not to let him see me shaking with excitement.

I could see, David was again looking at my bulging jeans with a smile on his face.

‘Think about it, a total and complete ban for you, Mark, for a full six months, sound good?’ he asked.

I sighed again, and said softly, ‘God yes, that sounds so good, David.’

‘That’s settled, Mark, and we have agreed on the perfect length for your first ban.’

Knowing that I was now banned from having any type of sexual contact with my darling fiancé by David, a man old enough to be my own father, as well as knowing only he would be fucking her from now on, excited me in ways I never thought possible.

Looking back, as I write this account, I still to this day do not understand why this all excited me so much, but it did.

‘I wonder what other dark cuckold fantasies are lurking inside your mind, Mark? Perhaps in time I will think of other ways we can provide those fantasies for you.’

Slightly embarrassed now, I said nothing.

‘Will you leave it to me then to extend the ban for another six months when the time comes?’

‘I will, David, and that decision is yours of course,’ I replied.

‘I think you know in your heart, Mark what you will want me to do in six months’ time,’ he added, ‘Am I right?’

Angela nodded at me upon hearing David’s words, and I nodded back. I saw her mouth the words, ‘Say yes,’ to me, as he spoke.

‘Yes, David, you are right,’ I said, my voice barely a croak now, and my cock rock hard in my jeans.

‘I am right, and I think that would be best for you, Mark, and the only way you would want me to decide,’ said David.

‘I agree, David, and I would like it if you did that, thank you,’ I replied.

He said, ‘Tell me what you would like me to do exactly, after the first six months of your ban, Mark?’

I stammered a reply nervously, ‘I would like you to extend the ban after six months is up please, David.’

’So your ban extends to at least a whole year, Mark yes? Is that what you would like?’ he asked.

Feeling more excited than I cared to remember, I shakily said my reply, ‘Yes please, David, I would like that very much if you extended it to a whole year.’

‘I would be happy to do that for you, Mark, when the six months is up you can expect me to extend it further for at least another six months, maybe even longer seeing as you appear to want this so much now,’ he said.

‘Thank you, David, and I really would like that,’ I replied.

‘We are agreed then, Mark, it will be my pleasure to do this for you, knowing now how much you would enjoy that.’

He added, ‘Depending on how much you enjoy your ban being extended, Mark, in time I may decide to make it permanent, during the coming years I will be fucking Angela. Would you like that if in time I made your ban a permanent one?’

Published 3 years ago

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