For the fourth time, Jake Kruthers watched the DVD of Lt. Jerry Ranthom winning his second straight Foreign Legion Savate championship. It had been two weeks since the incident at the club. There were several reports on his desk-notes in the margins, highlights, dog-eared corners and an empty pizza box.
One on one I don’t stand a chance. He’s a trained killer, I’m not. How to even the odds? Hanna and Julie have potential. Master Himerous would not take kindly to that. I need to make sure he doesn’t find out. How to split them up? Life is an illusion and the entire world is a stage.
He violently shoved the reports about Jerry off his desk.
“This is all public stuff. Good to know but I need a weakness. What am I not seeing or finding?”
He picked up the phone and called.
“Rodger, dive deep on Jerry Ranthom, I want a weakness and reasons for what makes him who he is.”
The trainee came into the room, kneeled, and bowed his head. He wore only his gym shorts.
“Trainee, why are you five minutes late?”
“I had a call from a good friend’s uncle, who I didn’t know was in the city, Arbiter Hanna.”
“Trainee, why wasn’t dinner ready at 6:30 tonight?”
“Arbiter Julie, a meeting at work ran over by an hour and the bank president took us out for a drink. I excused myself as soon as I could. Please forgive my failure. Dinner was ready at seven.”
Julie’s crop lashed at the trainee’s shoulder, upper thigh, and lower back. Each caused no reaction in the trainee but left a small slightly red mark.
“This has nothing to do with when dinner was ready. It was because you didn’t call and let myself and Arbiter Hanna know it would be delayed and why. Rules can be subject to leniency, showing such disrespect and lack of faith in your Arbiters isn’t.”
“Trainee, it could easily be called insubordination,” said Arbiter Hanna. “You’ve been making progress; this is a few steps back. A late dinner and then late to your regular session, do you take us for granted? Did you think because we love you there would be no punishment?”
“My apologies to you as well Arbiter Hanna for my failures. Yes, it was extremely rude and presumptuous of me to forget to call. I might have thought that I don’t remember. I would never take your love for granted. My love for you both makes this hurt more than it does. I’m embarrassed because of my failure and I promise to improve.”
Arbiter Hanna hit the trainee twice with her crop.
“You’re embarrassed but not sorry?”
“I’m both, Arbiter Hanna.”
“How is that so, Trainee?”
“I’m embarrassed that my lack of respect for our rules which caused both my Arbiters to doubt my feelings for you and them. I’m wholeheartedly sorry that I brought this upon myself. I know I’m a better person than that and this has caused you disappointment about my learning and being able to join your lifestyle.”
“Why is it important to you that you join our lifestyle?”
“Arbiter Julie, because it’s important to you, it’s important to me, your needs to are preeminent mine.”
Julie started to move toward the trainee but Hanna put her arm across and shook her head. She leaned in close to Julie and whispered, “Play along.”
“Trainee, are you doing this because we want you to or because you want to?”
“Arbiters, that’s not what I meant. I do it because I feel you need it and I want it.”
“Standup and take your shorts off. Sit in the chair and masturbate for us,” said Arbiter Hanna.
“If what you say is true, you’ll do it,” said Arbiter Julie.
The trainee did as told but took his time. He stroked his flaccid penis and it only partially rose to the occasion. Maybe two minutes later, there’d been no appreciable change.
Arbiter Hanna chuckled, “To think that’s what pleasured me this morning; I don’t believe it. Trainee, did you use a banana instead of your semi-hard cock this morning?”
“No Arbiter Hanna”
“Do you know how to masturbate?”
“Yes, Arbiter Julie.”
“Well, you sure fooled me. If you can’t get it up, then go to your room for the rest of the night. Arbiter Julie and I will console each other and try not to laugh about what didn’t happen.”
They saw the trainee’s face become very red and he began crying. Despite his obvious desire, he was unable to do what his arbiters had demanded.
“You heard Arbiter Hanna; you didn’t get larger so go to your room, Trainee.”
He bowed to them, saying, “May your night be safe, sound, and happy; until I see my arbiters in the morning.”
He left, closing the door. Hanna threw herself into Julie’s arms, her tears flowing.
“I’m so sorry I did that but I had to find a punishment he’d respond to. I know I hurt him terribly.”
“That’s okay, he …no, we needed that. And he really has made some progress but maybe for the wrong reason. Is he doing it for us or for him?” Julie said.
“Julie, I did it as much for you as for myself. Isn’t the result more important than the reason?”
“I don’t know, Hanna.”
About forty-five minutes later, Julie and Hanna went to make tea in the kitchen. They heard the distinct sound of Jerry angrily speaking French while hitting the workout bag in his room. They listened for a half hour and were crying when they left.
The next morning, Sunday, Jerry was responsible for brunch. Julie and Hanna woke to the smell of coffee and noise from the kitchen. It was about nine-thirty. Wearing their chemise, they went to investigate and saw Jerry dressed in a tuxedo.
He spoke with a French accent.
“Mademoiselle’s Julie and Hanna, please be seated, breakfast is served.”
They saw two place settings and two vases, each containing three roses, one each of red, white, and yellow.
“What about you?” Hanna asked.
“Your Monsieur has already eaten. Now it’s time for me to serve the two ladies I love. The call that made me late for our session last night, would like to meet me in Central Park for an hour or so this afternoon. Is it okay that I go?”
“Of course you can go, Jerry, though you and I do have plans for tonight. Now, why such a breakfast?” said Hanna.
“To show my respect and my devotion to both of you, and to our rules, I chose to do this. A friend of mine has a French bakery and I called him last night to have some of this delivered. You have traditional baguettes along with strawberry, peach, fig, and rhubarb jams, and salted butter. There is freshly squeezed and chilled orange and grapefruit juices, Espresso coffee, and cinnamon raisin sweet rolls.”
“What no eggs, bacon or pancakes?” asked Julie.
“This is a normal breakfast in France; I figured it would be enjoyable and different.”
“How long have you been up getting this ready?” asked Hanna.
“About two hours.”
“Jerry, are you mad at us for last night?” Julie asked.
“No… I hated it, don’t doubt that, but if I’d called and explained it wouldn’t have happened. I received nothing that I didn’t deserve.”
Jerry waited on them for about an hour. When breakfast was over, he cleaned up and they went back to their room with worried looks on their faces.
“Do you believe him, Hanna?”
“He’s never lied to us and I don’t think he could nor would. I think he understands. His failure was surprising and yet he did what he did for us and for him. So, yes I do believe him. Your thoughts?”
“Maybe last night was Jerry reaching bottom and understanding what it’s all about. Maybe he’s done playing games. We can ask him about the meeting when he gets back. Until then, there’s enough time for me to show my appreciation for what he did.”
“Want me to do so with you?” A mischievous smile appeared on Hanna’s face.
“You slut,” Julie said, chuckling.
“Tonight is your alone time with Jerry, do it then.”
She walked to Jerry’s room and knocked.
“Come in.”
Jerry, on his bed wearing shorts and a T-shirt, was looking at pictures. His eyes were red and he was still crying.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, getting onto the bed and hugging him from behind. Looking at military pictures, he shrugged his shoulders at her question.
“Are these your Legion friends? Who are they?”
“My Legion family.” He flipped through the pages, detailing who they were and the story of the mission. “This is the brother we rescued, Bertrand Tembo.” He pointed to a man on a stretcher.
“That’s the mission where you were wounded and captured.”
“Yes, I was their commander. I made sure they got away. I provided covering fire so the chopper could get away.”
Julie turned a page; it was blank, then another with more pictures.
“These look different.”
“This is of my rescue. That’s me and Sergeant Pierre Thomas. That call last night was from the French Embassy here in New York. Pierre died last night and our ambassador wants to talk with me and introduce me to a friend of his.”
Jerry fought to hold back tears.
That’s the call that made him late? He showed nothing of that last night yet, that’s why he couldn’t do what we told him to do. Oh my god, Jerry, why didn’t you tell us?
She softly kissed his neck and ears, eased him onto his back, then caressed his chest and teasingly flicked her tongue over his lips. With one hand, he toyed with her nipples and breasts and she stroked his manhood, enjoying how it reacted to her touch. Julie removed his t-shirt and briefs then straddled him while taking off her chemise. Placing his cock at her entrance, she lowered onto him, curling her feet inside his legs and gripping the sheets next to his pillow. Slowly and rhythmically she rocked against him, her clit against on his pelvis. Their kissing was deep and sensually romantic.
“Julie, this is marvelous.”
‘Yes, it is. I’m hot and in love with the man I’m with.”
“I love you as well. About last night —“
Kisses stopped him speaking.
“Love,” said Julie,
“Last night was last night. This is now. Forget about last night… we have. Lie back and let me continue my lovemaking.”
Julie moved in small, tight, steady motions. Her kissing, tongue play, and caressing of Jerry’s body were sensual and romantic. Her fingers lingered over him like she was enjoying a perfect steak.
“God, I love your hard cock inside me. I’m so wet and horny right now. Your body is so tantalizing, I can feel you relaxing, unwinding, and enjoying this.”
“I am enjoying it,” he said. “You’re making me feel loved. But I’ll be coming soon.”
“You won’t be the only one. Ah, don’t thrust, flexing is okay; I’m controlling both of us.”
Staring romantically into his eyes, seeing his joy, pain, and love all at the same time, Julie rocked and slid up and down his shaft.
“Oh, yes, Jerry… oh my yes,” she gasped, a flood emotions coursing through her core. Her juices mingled with his multiple loads of cum as they shared a simultaneous orgasm.
Jerry enfolded her within his arms and kissed her neck and shoulders.
“Thank you, Julie, I needed and wanted that. How did you know?”
“As great as you look in a tux, that wasn’t you waiting on us at breakfast. Shush,” She put a finger to his lips. “Let me finish. It was unexpected, very romantic, enjoyable and indicative of the progress you’ve made on your journey. It’s also the first big step in showing your understanding of our lifestyle. You did it knowing the rules, yet choosing to go above and beyond them. Hanna and I both knew why you did it.”
“You did?”
“Yes, we’ve much more experience at this than you. You could’ve just made pancakes, bacon, and eggs but you chose not to.”
“I wanted to treat you both to something special, something different.”
“That’s the progress. You did it to pamper to our needs. We listened to your ‘workout’ with the punching bag, while you spoke in French. We thought it was because of what happened, what we did to you, in the session.”
“Yes, I’m sorry I disturbed you with that.”
“You didn’t,” said Julie. “We were getting some tea.”
“Well, I need to tell Hanna — but I don’t have enough time right now.”
“I’ll let her know that you’ll be talking to her tonight when you have your time together.”
Jerry and the French ambassador to the U.S. met at the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park. A smartly-dressed black man was with him and the ambassador spoke French.
“Lieutenant, thanks for meeting me here. My condolences on the passing of Pierre; I know you two were very close. Let’s walk.”
“Yes, we were close, and I’m glad that you gave me the news personally. May I call you Claude?”
“Of course, Pierre was my nephew and you spent a lot of time with our family while on leave. How are you doing?”
“Fine, Claude. There’s a void that needs to be filled. Time will do its regular healing job. C’est la vie.”
“Good, glad to hear that. Now, allow me to introduce Muygono Rhotan, the Senegal Ambassador to the United States. He has something to say and ask you.”
The ambassador shook Jerry’s hand.
“Lieutenant, my extreme condolences on the passing of your dear friend. Now, I can personally offer my governments thanks for your rescue of the nephew of our Minister of Transportation. I’m sorry for your injury but glad that you were also rescued.”
“Thank you, but I was only rescuing my brother.”
“We know. His uncle and your stepfather have been urging our President to provide you with a reward and the opportunity has arrived. With the knowledge of the French government, we’re asking if you’d be willing to be the new commander of The Red Guard of Senegal.”
Before he could reply, Jerry watched Claude press a finger to his ear.
“You’re sure? Trace the plates and ID the driver… Hmm, I’ll ask.” Claude looked at Jerry and asked,
“Do you know anyone at a Club Erotes?”
“A man named Samuel Norris followed you into the park and has been taking pictures. My security located a car registered to Club Erotes, Mr. Norris’s place of employment.”
Jerry explained his situation with Hanna, Julie, and Club Erotes.
“There’s a Jake Kruthers who might be behind this surveillance,” he said.
“Ambassador Rhotan, will this affect the offer?”
“What a man does in his time is his shadow. As long as it follows the sun and not him, there will be no problem. A man who loves and is loved by two women is both blessed and cursed.” Rhotan paused. “Here is a packet with information about the position and Senegal. Read it carefully, my number is there if you have any questions. You have three weeks to decide. Regardless of that, I want you at our consulate here no later than ten tomorrow morning. The address is in the packet. This position automatically confers Senegalese citizenship on you.”
“I’ve my job, Mr. Ambassador.”
“No, you don’t, Jerry,” Claude said. “I spoke to your bank president last night; you’re on vacation for the next three weeks. It won’t cost you any vacation if you refuse the job. I’ll emphasize, read the packet and ask questions. I’ll contact the U.S. State Department to investigate this Mr. Kruthers about his surveillance of two foreign dignitaries.”
Jerry spent an hour walking in Central Park. He was agonized by the recent events. He pondered the death of Pierre, the man who led the team that rescued him, and considered the offer from the President of Senegal and how his decision would affect him, Julie and Hanna.
The NYPD detained Mr. Norris and impounded his car. In turn, he called Jake Kruthers and explained the situation. After six hours, Norris was released but the police kept his photographs, camera, and phone. Fortunately he’d sent a few to him.
Who the hell was Jerry talking with that has such pull? Irrelevant, I need to act far sooner than I thought.
His assistant and legal consular, Georgiana entered his study.
“I’ve recently learned,” she said, “that Jerry is on paid leave from the bank for three weeks, by order of the bank president.”
“Unknown. But that means he’s home alone tomorrow.”
“It also means that whoever he was talking to, called the bank president. Good work, Georgiana. Have Jerry’s apartment watched and be ready to give him a lift if he goes for a walk. Now, I need some stress relief. You slave bitch as a kajira so assume the nadu.”
Georgiana quickly removed her clothes, except for panties and bra, saying, “How would master wish me to please him?”
Jake admired her beautiful body. Perfectly tanned, unblemished by white lines, her brunet shoulder length hair accentuated her hazel eyes. His cock was getting hard and he rubbed the slave whip hanging on the side of his desk.
“Tell me, what do get you from pleasuring me?”
“The satisfaction that I did my job by meeting your expectations, Master.”
“Come here, slave bitch, and sit on my desk.”
Georgiana sauntered over, enjoying how Jake’s eyes followed her every move. She was even getting moist in anticipation.
“Master,” she said, “please remember that our uncle left me forty percent of the company. I’m Gorean and, if you ever hit, slap or in any other way do more than think BDSM with me, remember I do know your enemies and secrets… Maybe I’ll let a few secrets slip or see what happens if I offer to sell some of my shares. So, get your damn hands off that whip. I pleasure you because we both enjoy it. Not for you to have a power trip.”
She would do that. She holds a grudge very well. Angry that I didn’t give her the position I reserved for Hanna.
She sat on the desk and rubbed her feet over his cock before placing them on his chair. She pulled his face to hers and seductively kissed him. She removed his tie, letting it fall into his lap, and unbuttoned his shirt while kissing his throat, cheeks, and lips.
She whispered in his ear,
“Master, your kajira asks — no, she begs — that you finger her pussy, give her pleasure,”
A finger entered her moist labia, her eyes closed and her head bobbed.
“Yes Master, that feels good. Please, go deeper, make me squeal with pleasure. Make me squirt my pleasure, Master.”
A second finger joined the probing, slowly locating her hot spot, and Jake lustfully kissed Georgiana.
“Yes, my slave bitch, you always treat Master so well. Your devotion and love are always returned.”
He pulled her hair back, exposing her throat, which he kissed.
“Careful Master, your kajira almost thought you would hurt her.”
“Never would I do such. Never would I blemish such beauty as you have.”
“That’s pleasing for your kajira to hear, Master. Let’s change places: you sit on the desk and I’ll continue to please you from the chair.”
Jake’s pants and briefs were soon at his ankles. His cock was lavished by her bronze lips and maroon fingernails teased his balls. Four times she brought him to the edge and stopped. She kissed his lips for several minutes. She knew Jake enjoyed this sensation and that he enjoyed the light taste of his own cum.
The control I have — or is it power? He doesn’t need to know who those two men are… not yet. Now it’s time to release him.
“You are the best at this, kajira.”
“Such praise from a Master is rewarding. The reward of giving pleasure is so enjoyable to me as well. Now, lean back and I’ll finish removing any stress you have.”
Georgiana licked his leaking hole and gradually slid her mouth down his hard shaft. She took his cock to the back of her mouth — and beyond, deep throating him until Jake’s balls let loose with five spurts of cum. She held him there for a few minutes, cleaning and sucking his wilting penis.
“Master, I’m so happy that I was able to help with your stress,” she said and walked to her pile of clothes.
“Jake,” she said, having dressed, “we’re running a copy of the two men in the picture with Jerry. It’s logical to assume they were the reason for law enforcement’s involvement. Don’t do anything until we know who they are. Understand? I mean it, do nothing.”
“He who waits is lost,” said Jake. “I will consider your advice. That’ll be all.”
“Don’t be an idiot about Jerry because of Hanna.”
Jerry got home about four-thirty that afternoon but didn’t say anything to Julie or Hanna as he walked past them to his room. He tossed the packet on his desk then washed in the bathroom.
I need to talk to them. Explain the bad news and the interesting news.
Julie and Hanna looked at each other.
“He explained to me this morning,” said Julie. “Now got to him and he’ll explain to you. He needs you right now.”
“I know, but I’m the cause of his pain and embarrassment.”
“Are you so sure of that? Did our breakfast look like it was from a man who was mad at us?”
Hanna looked into Julie’s loving eyes.
“No, you’re right. I’m assuming, just like he did about calling us about dinner being late.”
Hanna was sitting on his bed when Jerry returned.
“I’m sorry about not saying anything when I got home,” he said.
“I found this on the floor.” Hanna had his picture book in her lap.
“Jerry, we need to talk.”
“No, dear, I need to talk; you need to listen”
“Last night, after I was sent to my room, I lay in bed thinking about what had happened. I was late for our session because of a phone call. It was an acquaintance giving me some bad news.”
Jerry sat next to Hanna and showed her the pictures that Julie had seen. He explained about each person, the mission he’d led, his capture, and the mission that rescued him.
“Pierre, who led the mission to rescue me, has died in France. The French ambassador called me personally to tell me. My workout on the punch bag was due to Pierre dying, not what happened at the session.”
“Oh, Jerry.” Hanna threw her arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry about your friend’s death. You should’ve told us about it last night. It makes everything so clear now. We’re family, so why didn’t you tell us?” She started into his watery eyes. “We don’t need to have our time tonight.”
“Yes we do. Pierre would rise from his grave and kick my ass, if I let a beautiful lady, who he knew I loved, use his death to not be with her. Pierre knew that you and Julie are my family, just like he and I were legion family. Family supports each other. Yes, I should’ve told you both last night but I wanted to support our family.” He took a deep breath. “Now, the three of us need to talk about my meeting at the park.”
Back on the living room, Jerry explained about the meeting and the job offer.
“It would mean moving to Senegal. Dakar is the capital and where my mom and stepfather live. He’s a government minister. I have a packet of information to read and three weeks to make a decision. Meanwhile, I’m on paid leave and I have an appointment at the Senegal Consulate in the morning. If you want me to turn the job down, I will. If I accept, I’d like you to come with me.”
Jerry looked at the two women, then resumed before they could speak.
“Now for news that makes me sick. A man named Sam Morris was detained by the NYPD for taking pictures of me and the ambassadors at our meeting. He works for Club Erotes. Do you know him?”
“Yes,” said Julie.
“He was a doorman at the club but is one of Jake’s slaves now. The club’s policy is that no subs or slaves of members can be security. It avoids favoritism.”
Jerry nodded.
“I gave them Jake’s name as someone who might have a beef with me. So, tomorrow after work, go to the savate club. I’m increasing your lessons. You’ve both done very well but I want you to have more skill to defend yourselves.”
They both nodded.
“Jerry, we love you and we would never ask you to turn down a job,” said Hanna.
“In this, we’re not or ever will be your arbiters. I never told Hanna were to work or what kind of job to have. That’s not the kind of Dom I am. You will have a job but where and what is your choice. The offer is yours to accept or refuse. If you want us to go with you, that would be our choice and a separate discursion. We’ll give you any advice you want but we’d never make such a decision for you,” said Julie.
Pausing to let their words sink in, Hanna then smiled at him and said,
“Now, you take a shower and get ready. I’m taking my handsome and loving boyfriend out for dinner. I’m also taking a sick day off work on Monday. Julie will be going to work, so we’ll be alone.”