How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 14

"In the series' finale, the step-duo make use of Dante's gift. Frankie's vacation ends."

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Melissa proved useful to Frankie once again as she helped her to locate and identify the two girls she had seen meeting Dante at the abandoned cabin. One attended Melissa’s college, while the other lived on her own with a young son. Upon meeting them, she discovered Dante’s highest rate offered was ten percent, so she lied and said hers was too – no need to brag that it was more. When she gave them a million apiece, they cried – although the single mother’s sobs soaked Frankie’s shoulder, and she kept repeating, “Oh my God, thank you.”

Frankie’s departure day had finally arrived, and she killed time with meaningless tasks such as scanning her room and re-checking her suitcase – all completed hours ago. Every instant she approached the door to leave and talk to Bill, she stopped and turned back. Then she would give herself a pep-talk, walk to the door, turn back, rinse and repeat. Breaking the infinite loop, Bill knocked twice, entered the room and leaned on the closed door with his hand still on the knob.

“Hey, kid.”

“Hey.” Frankie flicked hair behind one ear and smiled.

“Hell of a vacation, huh?”

Frankie giggled, rocked on her heels and said, “Yeah. It really was.”

“Haven’t had one like that… ever, now that I think of it.” Bill advanced, and she stopped rocking.

“I’m guessing you’d do it again?”

“You kidding me?” Bill raised his palms and did a ‘no way’ gesture. “Not on your life!”

Both snickered and stood within millimetres of each other. Warm breath rippled Bill’s shirt, and Frankie looked up, placed her hands on his chest, then wrapped them around his waist tight. Bill rubbed the top of her head and held her just as snug. No words were spoken, nor did they need to be. The beating of hearts, massaging of hands, and deep breathing spoke louder than all. Frankie sniffled within the embrace, opened her mouth to speak, but declined the opportunity.

“I’m going to miss you, kid. Never thought I’d say those words, ever. Especially after Amanda first told me you’d be spending some of your vacation here.”

“Wow.” Frankie released the embrace and dropped her hands into his. “I could only imagine. Kinda glad we didn’t give each other a chance until now.”


“Because, seeing you as a stepdad would’ve made things really weird. In fact, we probably wouldn’t have ended up where we did.”

“That’s possible. I think if we were closer from the get-go, I still would’ve helped you out with the Dante situation.”

“Yeah, that’s part of it too. But we definitely wouldn’t have… you know.”

“I get you. Look, let’s not think too much about that. What’s happened is just that; it happened, but…”


“We can’t let it continue past your visit here. When you leave, this thing between us has to end too.”

“I agree.”


“Can we do it one last time?”

“Don’t you think it’s best to stop cold turkey?”


“Why not?”

“Because I don’t wanna spend my life wondering what it would’ve been like having sex… making love for one last time with you. I’m already going to be stuck wondering what being toge–”

“You shouldn’t say that.”

“I think I shall. I’m going to wonder what it would’ve been like for us to be together for the rest of my life.”

“No, you won’t.”

“Says who?”

“Frankiiee.” Bill drew out the last syllable.

“What?” She raised a brow and turned away from him.

“God, you’re so young. Look, by next year, these feelings aren’t going to be here. Hell, by next month, they won’t be.”

“Wait, what? You think because I’m young, I can’t have strong feelings for you?”

“Not at all. But, Frankie, let’s face facts.” Bill jabbed his chest with his thumb. “I’m fifty-five, and you…” Bill pointed at her. “…are only twenty-one.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Frankie turned her entire body to him, feet, shoulder-width apart, arms crossed.

“Everything. By the time you’re forty, I’ll be seventy-four. Fifty, I’ll be eighty-four; Sixty I’ll be–”

“I get it; I get it.”

“Plus, your mother and I are happily married. Yes, I’ve cheated on her with you. But other than that girl Melissa, this is the only time I’ve stepped out on her for the five years we’ve been married. And I don’t intend to ever repeat that past today.”

“Of course, oh my God, you’re right.” Frankie grabbed her head, pulled her hair upwards and growled. “What is wrong with me? Thinking of being with my mother’s husband? In a long-term relationship? I’ve lost it. I’ve officially… lost it.

“Wait.” Frankie stepped in closer to Bill. “What do you mean, ‘past today’? Why didn’t you say, ‘ever again’?”

Bill yanked her into him by the shoulders, dominating her lips with a feverish kiss. During the commotion, Frankie took one of his hands and shoved them into her track pants. His automatic response was to finger, twiddle and manipulate her pussy and clitoris for as long as his digits remained hidden. Frankie returned the favour after dropping his pants and boxer-briefs to the floor. Tops soon disappeared, and tongues flicked nipples. Soon after, Frankie’s tongue slithered down his body, but Bill hooked her armpits and stood her up.

“I have a better idea. Take your bottoms off.” Frankie complied with this request.

In one swoop, Bill picked Frankie up and spun her to a standing sixty-nine position. Frankie’s face whacked against Bill’s penis hard which made her cackle.

“First thing, Ow,” Bill said. “I’m glad you find that funny.”

“What’s the second thing?” Frankie asked while her hair swept along his thighs.

“Hold on tight.”

Almost immediately, Bill shoved his face into her cunt – treating it like a massive pair of breasts undergoing a motorboating session.  Lapping off her clit and tongue-fucking her sex made her shiver. Whenever she settled to show off her blowjob skills, the intensity of his cunnilingus interrupted her work. Euphoria spread through her head and body as the majority of her sense of touch exploded downstairs within Bill’s grasp. The floor zoomed in, then out, blurred and then re-focused. Throughout all of this, Bill held on so tight; she appeared motionless when in reality, she couldn’t stop trembling.

“Fuck, that’s the hardest I’ve ever cum.”

Bill planted her on her feet and said, “Get on the bed and bend over.”

“Okay.” Frankie folded her lips and smacked her own butt before going face down, ass up on the edge.

Bill walked up to her, lowered to his knees and tongue-fucked her again – her cheeks wobbling around his nose. Her jealous asshole winked for attention, so he pulled away and drooled onto the clenching orifice. Two fingers ran around the outer ring and slipped in, prompting an eye roll as if he were her puppet master. His tongue replaced them and wielded the strings to her arousal, tingling his taste buds with the scent of her freshly washed body – Not even a full thirty minutes since she came out of the shower. Frankie reached between her legs and strummed her clitoris, gaping her mouth open, allowing the wet spot by it to expand.

“I’m fucking cumming,” she hissed. Within seconds, she nearly ground his skin off by writhing, bucking and shuddering. When Bill stood, his features shined like a freshly crafted ornament. No breaks were given as his dick prodded her entrance in an effort to tease. It worked better than anticipated as she shoved backwards before he could push forward.

“Goddamn, Frankie.” Bill focused on the ceiling and grabbed her hips, allowing her to do all the work. Due to his earlier efforts, she was already soaked enough to slick his balls with every backward thrust.

“Yes, Bill. Fuck!” Frankie grimaced in his direction. This aggressive love-making continued for another minute until Bill held her still against his pelvis.

“On your back.” Bill switched his downward-facing palm up.

Frankie flipped, spread her legs and allowed Bill to re-enter her sweetness. Longing stares lead to light kisses which lead to heavier ones.

“Bill,” Frankie whispered into his ear. “I love you.”

Those words shot Bill closer to his climax than he could ever imagine. “Frankie, no.”

“I love you, Bill.” Their grinds continued, and smouldering tension grew within their genitals.

“Frankie, please don’t.”

“I love you, Bill.” Frankie hugged him tightly, his face cradled into her neck. “I love you. I fucking love you!”

“I love you too, Frankie! Oh God!” Bill released tidal waves of semen into Frankie’s orgasming cunt. Heavy breaths filled the room but were shortly replaced by chuckles. Bill rolled to the side and palmed his sweaty forehead, still chuckling.

“Don’t worry,” she said, “I took your advice. Went to my doc here, and I’ve been on the pill since we last did anything.”

“Really?” Bill’s body slackened, and he exhaled loudly, which made Frankie laugh.

“Yes, really.”

Frankie snuggled into Bill’s head and chest. They lay quiet for an hour and soaked in the moment for the little they had remaining. Unlike before when they promised to keep their respective distances, this was really it. This would be the final time laying with each other in such an intimate manner for as long as they lived.


Keeping the remaining money with Bill was the best decision given the circumstances. To travel with that much would have aroused too much suspicion, so figuring out how to send staggered amounts had to suffice. An hour after they finished making love, they dressed, packed her luggage into the jeep and drove to the airport. During that drive, Frankie said, “Sent you a video. Don’t watch it until I’m in the air and you’re alone.”

When they arrived, Amanda was seated on the benches close to the departure gate to her right. She stood with open arms, and Frankie scuttled forward and sunk into her mother’s embrace – rocking side to side.

“Oh, Frankie.” Amanda held her at arm’s length. “Oh, baby, I feel like you just got here.” She pulled her in for another hug. “Oooh.”

“I know, Mom. Can’t believe I’ve gotta leave already.” Frankie rubbed her cheek into her mother’s shoulder. “Got something for you.”

Amanda released her hug and asked, “What?”

“Well, I’m not going to be here when your birthday comes around and–”

“Birthday? My goodness, that isn’t for another two months.”

“Exactly, and I want you to have enough time to prepare.” Frankie pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to her.

“I don’t understand.” Amanda turned it back to front. “A pamphlet on Mediterranean cruises.” She shrugged.

“Mooomm,” she dragged, “Open it.”

Amanda opened the pamphlet, and two rectangular-shaped pieces of stiff paper lay in between like a bookmark. She turned them horizontal, covered her mouth and gave a brief shriek.

“You deserve it, Mom.”

Mother and daughter hugged again, then Amanda looked at Bill and held up the two pieces of paper with bolded print on them. “Mediterranean cruise? Were you in on this, Bill?”

“Of course.” Bill rocked back with his hands stuck in his pockets.

“Get your ass over here.” Amanda waved him in and started a group hug. “These are usually so expensive. How did you even afford this, you guys?”

“You don’t worry about that now,” Bill said and kissed her on her forehead. “It’s gonna be great.”

“Will you be able to take vacation again so soon, though?” Amanda asked.

“I’ve got enough untaken vacation for my entire floor. Getting approved for this will be a piece of cake.”

“Alright, guys.” Frankie broke away from the huddle and looked at them while holding her suitcase handle. “I’ll call you when I get in, and I’m all settled.”

Amanda nodded and smiled as Frankie strolled through the departure gate. Strong as she presented when Frankie was in view, she relieved herself of that duty by hugging Bill and moistening his shirt with tears.


Their home returned to its former two-person glory, and Bill entered Frankie’s chat to view the video while Amanda prepared dinner downstairs. Her wearing the same overall look as today indicated to Bill when the recording took place.

“Hey, Bill. So um, this is way different than the last video I sent you, huh?” She gave a weak smile, then continued. “When I first arrived, I almost immediately wanted to turn away when you opened the door. I hated… well disliked you – hate is such a strong word – and couldn’t believe I decided to come here for my vacation. Although a big reason was to get the money to repay ‘you know who’ I still thought it was going to be mainly me hanging out with old friends and falling into old habits again. The truth is, I’m glad it ended up the way it did. Bill, I saw things in you that I never saw before, or never cared to observe you enough to see. The way you’d be so protective of me, even though I was such an ass to you before. And not just when I first arrived, but when you and Mom first started dating. I didn’t care about giving you a chance, ‘cause I figured there was no sense in getting attached to you because you’d go just like dad did. Stupid right?

“Well, jeez this is hard. I’m not really good with, ya know, feelings and that kinda stuff. But look, all I’m trying to say is this: Thank you for being good to me, even when you didn’t have to. Thank you for protecting me, believing in me. Thank you for letting me know it’s possible to love so strongly. And yes, that’s right. I love you, Bill. Maybe I end up telling you this in person before I leave, but who cares if it’s repetitive? Iloveyou-Iloveyou-Iloveyou. So there.” She giggled.

“If I do end up telling you in person, you’ll probably say, ‘Come on, Frankie, you don’t mean that,’ or something else so logical and Bill-like. I know we can’t be together, but I just wanna say, I’ll never forget you, Bill. And yes, we’ll see each other again because we’re family or whatever. But I mean, I’ll never forget this. This summer. This version of you that I didn’t get to see before now. I hope someday, I’ll meet someone half as thoughtful and protective as you. Need them to be more loyal, though.” Frankie cackled, and Bill chuckled while watching.

“Goodbye, Bill.” Frankie kissed the palm-side of her fingers, then touched the screen. The recording then stopped at that very moment.

“Goodbye, Frankie.” Bill continued smiling, and tears brimmed at his eyelids. He allowed them to fall and sat forward, reminiscing on his adventures with her. As twisted as the entire scenario was, he would do it all over again.  After, he rubbed his tears away, nodded, and left the bedroom to wash his face in the adjoined bathroom.

“Can’t have Amanda asking what I was crying about.”

Amanda grated cheese as her husband jogged down the stairs. When she peered up to his smiling visage, she couldn’t help but return one of her own. He eased into the kitchen, picked up a knife and chopped vegetables, which made her pause, observe and then continue in blissful silence.


Published 3 years ago

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