Hotel Visit

"Just some pleasant thoughts as I spent the night in a hotel bed"

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The soft click of the door lock awakens me. Without lifting my head from the softness of the pillow, I turn my face towards the hotel room door. A yellow shaft of brightness enters the room, grows then shrinks as the door opens and closes. The purity of the light broken by the shadow of the woman silently passing in with the light. I fein sleep with my eyes open in the almost total darkness of the room. In this blackness, I let my imagination give form to the barest sounds of movement.

In my mind I see her stand frozen before the door, letting her eyes adjust to the dark. Once she can make out the outlines, she reaches back and turns the door lock.


Yes, I got that right.

A soft rustle, she hasn’t moved but is undressing. More sounds…buttons? Oh that was a zipper.

I keep my face and body still even as I fight the urge to smile…and to touch myself. My urge dampened as I make out a footfall. Bare feet, like a cat padding on carpet, you can hear if they’re not careful, or in her case, in a hurry. Naked, the room’s coolness touches her and now she heads for the warmth of the bed…my warmth.

The tiniest of scrapes, followed by a sudden oomph as she launches and lands on the bed.

I’m trapped under the covers with her on top. Trapped by her weight and the giggles that accompany it. Arms and legs straddling and wrapping me up within the blankets.

Its cold, let me in.

I’m not stopping you.

No, she’s stopping herself with the kisses with which she’s covering my face. I can only turn my head but it’s enough. Our lips find each other and our kiss is sweet and hot. My mouth fresh from the recent brushing and her’s fragrant with mint and wine. I search her mouth for the wine and all else is forgotten.

Did you miss me?


Prove it.

I find the strength and I rise up and spin. Now she’s at the bottom, covered by the sheets and me. I kiss her. Her laughing mouth. Her nose. Chin. Eyelashes desperately trying to protect her eyes. I lick her face and make her giggle more. My tongue travels along her neck to where it meets her jaw. I blow in her ear, then tongue it before blowing in again. As she squeals, I send my soft pink muscle in search of her mouth only to find her nose. We both laugh then. Louder when she whispers, do that again.

We both kick at the covers now. The coolness of the room of no matter now, we’re heating it. It will be overheated soon.

Hands grab and limbs struggle to win our wrestling match. She cheats and bites the soft flesh of my underarm and I lose the battle and win the war. My breast suckled, I surrender.

My fingers in her hair. Her long lovely silky hair. I bring some up and inhale.

Her tongue circles my stiff nipple.

Did you fuck yourself while you waited?

In answer I press my fingers to her nose.

Oh you bitch, you did.

Fingers sucked now along with my tit.

I slide my right foot up and down her leg.

Bringing it up as high as I can, my heel presses over her ass and between her legs. She lifts her head and we kiss once more. My wet tit smashed against her’s. Her nipples just as hard as mine, maybe harder. I move my foot to grind my heel at her sex. Her ass and her cunt. Letting her know that I want both, all of her.

I roll her and whisper its my turn now. Kissing my way between her breasts. I tease and turn my head but only let my breath kiss the soft swell of her tit. My hot breath caresses her body as I move lower…and lower. Until I have her legs spread, her cunt open before me.

My lips ever so lightly brush over her Mons. They brush as I speak to her. Telling her how I shoved my fingers deep up my cunt, thinking of this moment now. Of when I was about to eat her. To lick her cunt. How my fingers got so slippery as I recalled the beauty of her body, the sweetness of her pussy, the hardness of her clit. That I used those wet finger to rub my clit, how I cried out for relieve as I made her tingle and buzz. How my fingers flew over that hard little nub even as my asshole demanded attention too. And how fingers on my other hand complied.

You did huh?

I send my left hand up and let her know the truth of that, in the dark bitter musk left behind.

She kisses my fingers and I don’t tease any more. My tongue licks her cunt and makes her back arch up. I lick up the nectar from deep within her petals. She says something but my focus is here, on the wetness that is spreading over my mouth and chin. Her words muffled by my fingers now in her mouth, her tongue sliding between and along them.

I lick like a cat and her ass lifts up off the bed as she attempts to follow my tongue. I push her back down and lick again…and again…and again. Flicking my tongue up and down over her clit, she starts to twist under me and I grab her hips. Holding her, my tongue circles her clit round and round. As soon as she starts to hump at my mouth I take her nub between my lips and suck HARD.

She wants my fingers but I shake my head no. She whimpers and pulls at her nipples instead. I lap at her cunt again to make her beg for my mouth again. Her clit extended and throbbing. I slide my tongue in deep and let my nose touch it, drawing a long gasp out of her.

My own cunt is grinding down at the bed. I need release almost as badly as she. But not yet.

I reach up and take her wrists. Pulling her fingers away from her nipples. I pull and push them behind her back, holding them in place as my teeth gently chew on her clit.

That sends her over and her feet kick and cross over my back. I could pull back, pause and let her suffer a little longer but its soon too late. I haven’t cum yet but this is all her’s. And I don’t mind…we have the rest of the night and I’ve already slept.

Published 11 years ago

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